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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For other uses, see Iron Man (disambiguation)
For other uses, see Tony Stark (disambiguation)
For alternate versions of Iron Man, see Iron Man's Character Hub
Multiverse Discovered
"He discovered that there were universes stacked on top of his own..."
The subject of this article comes from an alternate universe connecting to the main timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This universe is designated by the Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki as the "Sakaarian Iron Man Universe".

"Look, I get it. I lived in my dad's shadow for a long time. I did stuff I'm not proud of. People died because of who I was and what I built. My point is, people can change, and for the better. But I'm not my father. You're not your father. I made a choice for the better, and I became Iron Man."
―Iron Man to Gamora[src]

Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark is a billionaire industrialist, a founding member of the Avengers, and the former CEO of Stark Industries, regarded as a genius with exceptional technical knowledge. He used armored suits to combat against enemies on Earth, becoming the publicly-known superhero Iron Man. With the world being threatened, Stark joined the Avengers and helped defeat the Chitauri and Loki. However, in the end of the Battle of New York, Iron Man was lost in space and got stranded on Sakaar, where he challenged its dictator, the Grandmaster, while being hunted by the assassin Gamora. After causing the Grandmaster's defeat, Stark teamed up with Gamora to kill Thanos and begin working to put a suit of armor around the galaxy to protect it.


Marvel Database Logo
This is an in-depth biography of Iron Man/Sakaarian Iron Man. For an abridged overview, see Marvel Database's article on the same character.

Chitauri Invasion[]

Battle of New York[]

Iron Man and Wormhole

Iron Man is trapped in space after the battle

"Victory? Glory? People died. I lost a friend. Do you know what it's like to see your home world destroyed? Almost brought to its knees by a madman? Huh? Did you know about Daddy's plan? Did you watch as those things tried to break us?"
―Iron Man to Gamora[src]

When Loki attacked New York City, the Avengers fought against his army. The battle was won when Iron Man directed a nuke through the wormhole in the sky through which the Chitauri had arrived on Earth, releasing it towards the Chitauri Command Center and destroying it. However, as Iron Man fell through space, the wormhole closed before he could return to Earth, leaving him trapped in space.[2]

Stay on Sakaar[]

Landing on Sakaar[]

Tony Stark meets Grandmaster

Iron Man meets the Grandmaster on Sakaar

"Oh, tsk, tsk, my new friend, this is the planet of Sakaar."
"I'm sorry. 'Planet'? As in, 'I'm lost in space'?"
―Grandmaster and Iron Man[src]

Iron Man ended up crash landing on the planet Sakaar, where he was greeted by Grandmaster. When his armor caught on fire, Iron Man was doused in foam which he became trapped in. Grandmaster explained to Iron Man where he was and revealed that he knew who Iron Man was, having learned about the Battle of New York. Seeing a news report, Iron Man was relieved to learn they had won the battle and that Pepper Potts was safe.

Tony Stark and Grandmaster

Stark watches the Sakaar Grand Prix

Being released from the foam, Iron Man asked Grandmaster to help him return to Earth. However, Grandmaster told Iron Man that he had to stay and celebrate his birthday. Iron Man went to leave, but seeing Topaz use the Melt Stick, he decided to stay. Stark was in attendance with the Grandmaster for the Sakaar Grand Prix, but was horrified by the brutality of the event. Stark summoned his armor and attempted to escape, only to crash onto the track alongside Korg.[2]

Meeting Gamora[]

Gamora v Iron Man

Stark being suddenly attacked by Gamora

"Then, for no greater reason than to piss you off and prove you wrong, I'm gonna save this planet, too. And then I'm going after your dad."
―Iron Man to Gamora[src]

Stark and Korg were nearly killed by Snuffy, but he was blown up by Gamora, who then opened fire on Stark. Taking cover, Stark attempted to fight back, but his armor was too damaged. Gamora snuck up behind Stark and held her sword up to him, but she was captured by Topaz. Stark was also captured, and Grandmaster ordered him and Gamora to be locked up.

Gamora & Tony Stark

Stark and Gamora are locked up together

Stark and Gamora were escorted to a room that had a romantic decor, much to their shock, particularly with Korg present. Gamora attacked Stark, who hid behind Korg. Using his Arc Reactor, Stark was able to disable the Obedience Disk on his neck and he asked who Gamora was, learning that she was the daughter of Thanos. Stark was able to open the door to their room, and he and Korg escaped, but Stark kept Gamora locked inside.

Stark on Sakaar

Stark tells Gamora that he will save Sakaar

Korg told Stark more about Grandmaster as they went to find a ship. However, after defeating the guards, they were found by Gamora, who escaped the room and shot at them, destroying a wall in the process. Stark was able to activate the disk on Gamora's neck, defeating her. With the alarm raised, Stark listened as Gamora talked about Thanos getting his revenge on Stark for destroying his army. Stark decided to spare Gamora and instead prove to her that he was a hero by saving Sakaar from Grandmaster.[2]

Recruiting Valkyrie[]

Demon in a Bottle

Stark recruits Valkyrie to help in his mission

"My guess, and I'm in no way speaking from personal experience, you want the thrill. To feel alive, if only for a moment, you know? So you can forget whatever mistake has you chasing that demon in a bottle."
―Tony Stark to Valkyrie[src]

As Stark and Korg flew away, Stark noted that they needed a driver. Seeing her during the Sakaar Grand Prix, Stark tracked down Valkyrie to a bar for her help. Stark made his proposal for her to help him take down the Grandmaster, sensing that she, like him in the past, was simply chasing a demon in a bottle.

Valkyrie, Stark Korg

Stark, Valkyrie, and Korg work together

Despite doubting their chances, Valkyrie decided to help Stark, and they shared a drink. Stark, Korg, and Valkyrie all worked together to build a new armor for Stark that would also function as a vehicle to use in the Sakaar Grand Prix. As they worked, Valkyrie asked Stark about being hunted by Thanos, only to warn him that he should be running away. However, Stark was determined to stay, believing that he should leave Sakaar better than he found it.[2]

Saving Sakaar[]

Stark challenges Grandmaster

Iron Man publicly challenges Grandmaster

"Now, I can take down this planet, but let's be real. The people-creatures-beings of Sakaar have seen enough insanity. Here's my offer. Me, you, one race. Winner takes the planet."
―Iron Man to Grandmaster[src]

With his new armor built, Stark hacked into the system and publicly challenged Grandmaster to a race, with the winner taking the planet. Grandmaster accepted, under the condition that he got Stark's suit if he won.

Stark and Gamora pre race

Iron Man speaks to Gamora before the race

Iron Man, Valkyrie, and Korg headed to the Grand Arena, where they watched as Grandmaster arrived. Grandmaster was accompanied by several of his own chariots to participate in the race, one of which was being driven by Gamora against her will. Iron Man spoke to Gamora, who still wanted to kill him, and he put a communication device in her vehicle so they could talk during the race.

Iron Man (Sakaaran Armor)

Iron Man races in the Sakaar Grand Prix

The race commenced, and Iron Man had Valkyrie and Korg help him by eliminating some of the other drivers who were working for Grandmaster. While driving, Iron Man spoke to Gamora, telling her about his own issues with his father, and that Gamora could choose who she wanted to be. However, Gamora still targeted Iron Man, who was saved by Valkyrie. When Topaz destroyed Iron Man's vehicle, he used his armor to transform into a new car.

Stark racing

Iron Man convinces Gamora to change

Iron Man knocked Topaz out of the race before continuing to talk to Gamora, explaining that he used to follow in his father's shadow, which led to him doing some bad things. Iron Man reiterated that people can choose who they want to be and change for the better. Iron Man's words worked on Gamora, who saved him from the Snuffys, although she crashed and was out of the race, along with Valkyrie and Korg, leaving just Iron Man and Grandmaster.

Sakaaran Iron Man Armor

Iron Man beats Grandmaster in the race

With Grandmaster in the lead and the finish line nearing, Iron Man used his Arc Reactor to power up his car, boosting him past his opponent and winning the race. However, Grandmaster declared that the race was a tie, and therefore he was the winner. When Valkyrie crashed into Topaz's car, Grandmaster was hit with the Melt Stick, which melted him. Seeing the crowd cheer for her, Iron Man told Valkyrie that she was now King of Sakaar, and after sharing a celebratory drink, he decided to return to Earth.[2]

Working with Gamora[]

Defeating Thanos[]

Gamora and Tony Stark

Stark and Gamora prepare to kill Thanos

"Let's do this, G."
―Tony Stark to Gamora[src]

Boarding a ship, Stark was found by Gamora, who stated that she could not return to Thanos without him. Having changed for the better, Gamora decided to work with Stark to kill Thanos. The two arrived at Sanctuary, pretending Stark had been captured by Gamora, and Thanos told Stark he expected more from him. Stark passed Gamora the Melt Stick, and she used it to kill her father.[2]

Destroying the Infinity Gauntlet[]

The Watcher selects chosen Ones (Gamora)4

Iron Man and Gamora meet Watcher

"Gamora, survivor of Sakaar and destroyer of Thanos..."
"And one who's about to kick your moon-shaped, ugly mug."
"Not you, Stark. You, Gamora, have been chosen."
―Watcher and Iron Man[src]

Iron Man joined Gamora on Nidavellir when Eitri melted the Infinity Gauntlet. During the process, Stark mentioned to Gamora that while he had left the weapon manufacturing business, he wondered how they could put a giant suit of armor around the world to protect it, musing if they could cover the whole galaxy as he didn't believe there would be no more "lurking-in-the-shadows" monsters. As Stark said this, Gamora saw Watcher, who stated that he had only come to recruit Gamora, leaving Stark with Eitri. Later, Stark reunited with Gamora after she returned from her Multiverse-spanning battle.[3]


"Always leave a place better than you found it."
―Iron Man[src]
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To be added

Powers and Abilities[]


This section requires expansion
  • Iron Man Armor Capabilities: To be added
    • Superhuman Strength: To be added
    • Superhuman Durability: To be added
    • Superhuman Speed: To be added
    • Superhuman Agility: To be added
    • Superhuman Stamina: To be added
    • Superhuman Reflexes: To be added
    • Flight: To be added
    • Power Suit: To be added


"Stark is a genius on his world."
This section requires expansion
  • Genius-Level Intellect: To be added
  • Master Engineer: To be added
  • Master Scientist: To be added
  • Master Hacker: To be added


Iron Man Armors[]

This section needs a rewrite
  • Mark VII Armor: When Stark first arrived on Sakaar, he was still using the Mark VII armor from the Battle of New York.
  • Sakaarian Armor: After Mark VII ran out of power during his attempted escape from Sakaar, Stark built the Sakaarian Armor using scraps and components found in the planet's junkyard. The new armor had the same functions as his previous armors, added with the ability to transform into a racecar, which enabled Stark to win a battle race he wages with the Grandmaster.







Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Iron Man/Sakaarian Iron Man.

External Links[]
