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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"The Clandestines are not like the Djinn you've heard about in stories or in religious texts. I mean, if Thor landed in the Himalayan mountains, he too would have been called a Djinn."
―Waleed to Kamala Khan[src]

The Himalayas are a mountain range in Asia, separating the plains of the Indian subcontinent from the Tibetan Plateau.


Mountain Climbing[]

Before World War II, Edwin Jarvis had an unusual experience in mountain climbing. Jarvis had a descent in the Himalayas, being strapped to Spaniard woman.[1]

Assassination of Wendell and Heather Rand[]


Wendell Rand's body is found by Chodak and Tashi

"We were in our jet. Flying over the Himalayas. Then things started to to go bad."
―Danny Rand to Joy Meachum[src]

En route to Anzhou, Rand Enterprises Private Jet crashed in the Himalayas. Wendell Rand eventually died, but Danny Rand survived and attempted to find his mother's body but was unable to do so and stayed next to his father's corpse. As he lay in the snow, Chodak and Tashi, members of the Order of the Crane Mother found Rand and took him to the mystical city of K'un-Lun through the extra-dimensional gate in the Himalayas.[2]

Iron Fist Guardian

Iron Fist guarding the gate of K'un-Lun

Having finally become the Iron Fist, Rand spent his time watching and guarding over the pass to K'un-Lun in the Himalayas alongside Davos in case of an attack by the Hand. One day while he guarded the gate, Rand then spotted a hawk flying away and realized that the passage to K'un-Lun was open once again. Taking this hawk as the sign had shown him a path and wanting to desperately return home to New York City and get the answers to his questions, Rand made the choice to leave K'un-Lun behind.[3]


Danny Rand and Colleen Wing searching for the gate

Later, Rand with Colleen Wing had reached the Himalayas in order to return to K'un-Lun. While together they had carefully made their way through the deadly trek they reached the passage and discovered that the mountain walls were now stained with blood. Rand found several corpses of Hand and K'un-Lun warriors. Rand and Wing went further and they found that the portal to K'un-Lun had disappeared.[4]


Appearances for Himalayas

In chronological order:


External Links[]
