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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"Brad I'm telling you right now, if you're wasting our time, you're going right back in the Gizmo. Would you like getting scrunched up in the cube?"
―Mobius M. Mobius to Brad Wolfe[src]

The Gizmo is a Time Variance Authority torturing device that encases and shrinks prisoners in a Time Cube.


Torturing X-05[]

In order to locate Sylvie Laufeydottir, Loki and Mobius M. Mobius resorted into utilizing the Gizmo as a way to interrogate Hunter X-05. Mobius then pretended to be locked out from the interrogation cell to make X-05 believe thay Loki was acting on his own accord. Loki began to press buttons that caused the Gizmo to encase and shrink X-05's chair in a Time Cube before he slowly repeated the same actions on X-05 himself. The nervous and terrified X-05 eventually revealed Sylvie's location, which prompted Loki to deactivate the Gizmo.[1]

Killing Dox's Loyalists[]

Miss Minutes and Ravonna Renslayer brought the Gizmo to the interrogation cell that was holding Dox and her loyalists. When Renslayer offered them the choice to return order to the Time Variance Authority and regain their lives in the Sacred Timeline, Hunter X-05 was the only one to join her side, and this caused Miss Minutes to use the Gizmo to slowly kill Dox and her loyalists with a Time Cube.[2]


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Gizmo.