- "The fifth one was here in Poland, near the Baltic."
- âCaptain America[src]
Poland, officially the Republic of Poland, is a country in Central Europe.
Walkie-Talkie Wristwatch[]
In 1936, Poland was the first country to manufacture the Walkie-Talkie Wristwatch. Only twenty watches of this model were manufactured, and over time they become a collector's piece.[1]
World War II[]
- "The Gestapo demanded everything we had. Including that painting. My father fought them and they shot him in front of us. Do you know what it's like to see your father take his last breath on the floor in front of you? As they marched my family across Poland to the ghetto, my mother went hungry to feed us."
- âEsther Falb to Wilson Fisk[src]
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The German victory parade through Warsaw
At the beginning of World War II, Poland was occupied by Nazi Germany.
Captain America and the Howling Commandos traveled to Poland where HYDRA built a factory near the coast of the Baltic Sea. In Poland, Rogers was able to thwart an ambush in a forest, killing a soldier hid amongst the trees.[2]
107th Infantry Mission[]
Infiltration into Soviet Territory[]
- "I'm thinking we fly the team over there, we land on the Polish side of the Russian border, we meet the tac team there, okay? Then..."
"The 107th will meet us at the Polish side of the Russian border." - âJack Thompson and Peggy Carter[src]
An Strategic Scientific Reserve assault team composed of Agents Jack Thompson, Peggy Carter, Mike Li and Rick Ramirez traveled to Poland in order to investigate a set of coordinates in Belarus that were presumed to be the location of a deal between Howard Stark and Leviathan for the prototype of a Havoc Reactor.
Inside the plane, Thompson was nervous for the jump and Carter, noticing his hands were trembling, tried to calm him explaining that it would be just as he remembered it. Thompson asked if she was a mind reader or it was just her woman's intuition speaking, so Carter guessed that it was Thompson's first jump.
Thompson pointed it was actually the ninth, as he had eight training jumps before, but Carter explained that given he had infiltrated hostile territory before, he would be fine, the only thing he should do is to follow their lead. Thompson coldly told Carter that he already had a mother, and what he needed were soldiers.
Thompson explained they would be dropped at 10 kilometers from their rendezvous point with the tactical team, and Carter assured them that they would be there. Thompson was the first to jump from the plane, and the rest of the team followed him. Upon landing, they hid their parachutes and Thompson took lead to travel to the rendezvous point.
As the team arrived to the point, a group of men hidden in the forest pointed them with their guns, and started to discuss about animals, saying the words "Emu" and "Ostrich". Carter lowered her team's weapons, realizing that Dum Dum Dugan forgot the password as usual, so she reminded him that the password was eagle.
Dugan and the rest of the 107th regiment, the tactical team appointed for the mission, came out of the forest. Li recognized Dugan, and Carter introduced her teammates to the rest of the regiment, Junior Juniper, Pinky Pinkerton and Happy Sam Sawyer, as they already knew who Dugan was.
Ramirez was excited to meet the Howling Commandos, and as Sawyer said that he hated that name, Juniper complained, given that he was the one who created the name. Ramirez remarked Dugan that he fought together with Captain America during World War II, but Dugan acknowledged that not as long as Carter did.
Thompson introduced himself and explained his plan to head east until reaching the Russian border. Dugan told him that they would encounter many Russian soldiers before reaching the border, so their safer route was to travel to Lithuania and cross the border in Ashmyany. Thompson asked if they planned to walk to Lithuania, but Dugan revealed the trucks they were going to use.
Carter and Dugan boarded the back of a truck, and Dugan asked if she brought what he asked for. Carter revealed a bottle of bourbon from her own private stash, and Dugan, while complimenting German beer, said that nobody made a bourbon like the one from the United States. Dugan served two sips, and they both drank the bourbon.
Dugan asked the whole story behind their mission, and Carter explained that the Strategic Scientific Reserve was convinced that Howard Stark was trying to sell technology to enemies of the United States, and Leviathan was a potential buyer. Dugan realized that Carter disagreed, ash she believed that Stark was not selling weapons to anybody, as despite all of his defects, he was not a traitor.
Dugan then guessed the deal was a trap, as everything was always a trap, so Carter acknowledged that was the reason they brought the guns, though wondering what is Leviathan true motivations to lure them with the promise of capturing Stark.
Dugan picked a cigar, saying that maybe they just wanted the pleasure of Carter's company, and Carter took Dugan's cigar and threw it outside the truck, saying that he already smelt bad enough. Dugan told Carter that she used to be fun, and Carter acknowledged that maybe once upon a time. Dugan realized what she meant, telling her that he missed Captain America too.[3]
Returning Home[]
Peggy Carter, Jack Thompson and Rick Ramirez returned to an airfield in Poland escorted by the Howling Commandos in order to return to New York City. Thompson and Ramirez said goodbye to the Commandos, with Ramirez assuring he was honored of having served with them.
Dum Dum Dugan asked Carter if she was sure she wanted to return, as the Commandos could always use another good fighter, and the only thing she needed was a nickname. Carter thought it was time to finish her days on the front lines, as someone needed to stay in the United States, and besides, she had to convince the Strategic Scientific Reserve of Howard Stark's innocence.
Dugan and Carter embraced and said they would miss each other, this quote gave Dugan an idea for Carter's nickname: "Miss Union Jack". Carter, embarrassed by the nickname, told Dugan to never speak again.
Dugan went to ask Doctor Ivchenko if he needed them to take him home, but he said that he did not have a home anymore. Carter offered Ivchenko to take him to New York City, as he could help the Strategic Scientific Reserve in their fight against Leviathan. Ivchenko agreed, saying he would help in any way he could.
Dugan handed Ivchenko his bottle of bourbon, and he asked if they had vodka instead. He gave a sip, and was not pleased by its taste, but he asked Dugan to have the rest. Before Dugan could refuse, Carter told Ivchenko he could have it, and he shook hands with Dugan, who said goodbye to the bourbon as Carter and Ivchenko boarded the plane.[3]
Undercover Mission[]
- "I posed as a Russian attaché at the Embassy in Warsaw."
- âGrant Ward to Skye[src]
Five years after finishing his studies at the S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy, Grant Ward was assigned to an undercover mission, having to pose as a Russian attaché at the embassy in Warsaw. He spent sixteen months in a deep undercover situation, that ended up being his longest undercover mission.[4]
Political Unrest[]
Two days following the alleged death of Frank Castle, The New York Examiner reported a political skirmish in Poland.[5]
Steel Serpent's Sales[]
ZamoĆÄ and BiaĆa Podlaska were the hometowns of some of the Hand's clients that bought their Steel Serpent using the Rand Enterprises' resources.[6]
Flag Smashers' Political Ultimatum[]
In 2024, following the Blip, a Global Repatriation Council refugee camp had been set up in Warsaw. The Flag Smashers targeted the camp on their campaign.[7]
Alternate Universes[]
Attack on HYDRA Facilities[]
Steve Rogers led the Howling Commandos in an attack on the HYDRA base in Poland. Bucky Barnes defeated the guard at the front gate while the rest of the team entered. Rogers and Barnes smiled at each other and the team took the base.[8]
- Captain America: The First Avenger
- Agent Carter
- Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
- Season One
- 0-8-4 (mentioned)
- Season One
- Daredevil
- Season Two
- A Cold Day in Hell's Kitchen (newspaper)
- Season Two
- Iron Fist
- Season One
- Felling Tree with Roots (mentioned)
- Season One
- Daredevil
- Season Three
- Reunion (mentioned)
- Season Three
- The Falcon and The Winter Soldier
- Season One
- Truth (screen)
- Season One
- Secret Invasion
- â Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.02: 0-8-4
- â Captain America: The First Avenger
- â 3.0 3.1 Agent Carter: 1.05: The Iron Ceiling
- â Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1.20: Nothing Personal
- â Content inside 'The New York Examiner' newspaper shown in episode A Cold Day in Hell's Kitchen
- â Iron Fist: 1.07: Felling Tree with Roots
- â The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: 1.05: Truth
- â Captain America: The First Avenger