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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
"Every time the city's been struck with a catastrophe, it's always come down to two people."
―Evita Fusilier[src]

The Divine Pairing is a concept from New Orleans Voodoo, referring to the numerous catastrophes over the history of the city, with two people being able to stop the problem, usually resulting in the death and sacrifice of one of the two. A characteristic of the Divine Pairing was that one would be marked on their arm. Chantelle and Evita Fusilier were knowledgeable about this concept and relayed the information to Tyrone Johnson and Tandy Bowen.


First Incarnation[]

Around 1650, a boy and a girl of the Choctaw people ended a period of famine and infertility when the girl sacrificed her life to bring prosperity to her people.[1]

Second Incarnation[]

In 1793, Ewin Wilson and Leland Wilson were a pair of brothers who were in love with the same woman. While tensions rose, a storm also became worse and worse in the area. Eventually, the brothers decided to have a showdown to decide who would get to be with the woman; however, Leland chose to sacrifice himself by unloading his gun before any shooting began. His sacrifice ended the feud and caused the storm to subside.[1]

Third Incarnation[]

In 1815, in the midst of the War of 1812, a soldier was sent to deliver a peace treaty to end the war. Belinda, a passerby, saw him incapacitated while en-route and understood how important the message was. She was forced to leave him to die, but delivered the message and ended the war.[1]

Fourth Incarnation[]

In 1918, thousands of people were dying from an outbreak of the Spanish Flu. When Bobo Smith was afflicted with the illness, his lover, Jack Rogers, performed a blood transfusion, using his blood to save Smith and 11 other known patients. This led to ending the plague.[1]

Fifth Incarnation[]

In 2017, after damage caused by a past oil rig explosion, a combination of Darkforce and Lightforce energy started affecting people, transforming them into aggressive and unstable Terrors. Tyrone Johnson and Tandy Bowen subdued the Terrors and helped to dissipate the energy. In an unusual turn of events compared to previous instances, both were willing to sacrifice themselves to save the people in the area, both had injuries on their arms, and both survived.[1] They later saved the people of New Orleans from D'Spayre, a Loa who was trying to drain the hopes out of all of its inhabitants.[2] They would also aid the Runaways in rescuing Alex Wilder from Morgan le Fay and AWOL in the Dark Dimension.[3] Both survived all of these events, as they had with their first mission.[4]


In chronological order:

Behind the Scenes[]

  • Speaking about the creation of the Divine Pairing mythology, showrunner Joe Pokaski said: "As for the pairings, the more we learned about Vodun, we learned there is a duality two it. Auntie Chantelle talks about hopes and fear being the same things and sides of the same coin. If you look at some of the Loa in Voodoo, there are some pairings like Baron Samedi is a legend to be married to Maman Brigitte. There are all these pairings you find within. At every point it was fascinating to learn and it seemed like it was destined to become part of the Cloak & Dagger mythology."[5]

