Brogan was a member of the Skrull Resistance who worked under Gravik and stole the likeness and memories of Martin Wallace.
Simming Martin Wallace[]
Becoming an AAR Member[]

Brogan replacing Martin Wallace
Brogan was a loyal member of the Skrull Resistance which aimed to develop New Skrullos on Earth. The leader, Gravik, decided to use Americans Against Russia as a front for the resistance. Brogan was brought into a room full of Fracking Pods where he was met by Pagon and G'iah. Pagon asked him what the mission was, to which Brogan replied that it was to have a home.
Brogan was then faced towards AAR member Martin Wallace. Brogan replicated Wallace's likeness, much to Wallace's freight. Pagon then hoisted Wallace up and put him into a fracking pod. Brogan then put his fingers to Wallace's temple, stealing his memories in order to infiltrate the AAR.[2]
Bombing of Vossoyedineniye Square[]
- "I'm an American!"
- âBrogan to Russian Soldier[src]
Brogan was handed a bag by G'iah to use as a decoy bomb while Gravik set off the real bombs at a Unity Day festival. Talos chased after him and took the bag, discovering it was empty as Brogan fled and Gravik activated the bombs.[2] Brogan was arrested and slammed against a police car, prompting him to repeatedly shout that he was American as he was brought in by the authorities. Brogan was identified as Martin Wallace, the human whose form he had taken.[1]
Interrogated by Sonya Falsworth[]

Brogan reveals information to Sonya Falsworth
- "I can't, please. Gravik will kill me."
"I'm terribly sorry, but if I don't get a name, Gravik won't get the chance to kill you." - âBrogan and Sonya Falsworth[src]
Brogan was brought to an FSB black site and tortured, although he refused to give any information. However, Sonya Falsworth arrived and quickly had the room cleared, leaving her alone with Brogan. Brogan threatened Falsworth, who responded by cutting off his finger, causing it to turn green and confirm Brogan's species. Brogan insisted that he would not talk, but Falsworth revealed that she intended to raise his body temperature to 160 degrees Celsius. She injected him with a biochemical agent to heat him up, causing him pain. Brogan struggled against the heat as Falsworth asked for Gravik's location. Brogan revealed that Gravik was building a machine to make them stronger. Brogan hesitantly revealed that the two Skrulls leading the science were impersonating Rosa and Victor Dalton.[1]
Rescued and Killed[]
Brogan and Sonya Falsworth were interrupted by the sound of shooting from outside, prompting Falsworth to kick Brogan over and leave through the escape hatch. Pagon then burst in and helped Brogan to his feet, carrying him out into the kitchen of the butcher shop black site. Gravik stopped them and asked what Brogan revealed, so Brogan claimed to have only lied. Gravik then told Pagon to bring Brogan to the car, so the two left together.
As the Skrulls attempted to go to their safe house, they found it getting investigated by the authorities, so they kept driving. G'iah drove them to a secluded area in the woods, where Brogan was brought out of the car and told that they had almost returned to New Skrullos. However, Pagon instead brought Brogan out into the woods and killed him, as they believed him to be the one who revealed the location of the safe house.[1]
Reputation Besmirched[]
G'iah, the person who actually revealed the location of the safe house, framed Brogan and continued to do so even as Gravik questioned her about his loyalty. However, Gravik figured out that G'iah was the mole, shooting her and leaving her for dead.[3]
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- "I'm gonna break these chains. And then, I'm gonna break every bone in your body."
- âBrogan to Sonya Falsworth[src]
To be added
Powers and Abilities[]
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- Skrull Physiology: To be added
- Superhuman Strength: To be added
- Longevity: To be added
- Shapeshifting: To be added
- Vocal Replication: To be added
- Memory Replication: To be added
- Radiation Immunity: To be added
- Expert Combatant: To be added
Behind the Scenes[]
- Lawrence Hansen was a stunt double for Ben Peel in the role of Brogan.