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"Your best friend's an open target, she needs protection."
"Trish needs me, I can talk my mom down."
"I can't take that chance, I'm calling SWAT."
―Ruth Sunday and Jessica Jones[src]

The Attack on Riverbank Medical Center was an attempt by Alisa Jones to kill Trish Walker which caused Jessica Jones and the New York City Police Department to get involved.


"Did you tell Trish where he was? Did she know?"
"No, of course not."
"It has to be Trish. She wanted me to give him up. Me! The little moron!"
"It's not Trish."
"With her pseudo-noble bullshit!"
―Alisa Jones and Jessica Jones[src]

To be added


"She took everything from me! She did this! You did this... You!"
"That's just a story that you've made up inside your head, just like one of your nightmares."
"But you can wake up!"
―Alisa Jones and Jessica Jones[src]

To be added


"It's over. Just get out of the way, let us do our job."
"If they find her, they'll shoot to kill, won't they?"
"You're damn right they will. She took out one of our own."
―Eddy Costa and Jessica Jones[src]

To be added

