
Affiliation Underworld
Appearances Kid Icarus, Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters
Attack(s) Damage upon physical contact, fires projectiles
Weak point(s) Not specified

Totems are green pillars animated by the vile power of Medusa. They are found in the Palace in the Sky. They fall from above, like Rokman, but in a column formation.


Kid Icarus[]

"A pillar in the Palace in the Sky turned into a monster by Medusa. They fall down from the ceiling and pile up on each other."

Totems, falling in groups of four, will only stack if they land on the red-brick platforms.

Hit Points Damage Hearts Score (Experience)
3 2 5 300

Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters[]

"Animated blocks which suddenly fall from the ceiling and pile up."

Totems often stack in columns of five; more will appear to replenish the stack if individuals are killed. Totems can fire a projectile straight ahead, but only one projectile may be fired at once, no matter how many Totems are there, and usually only the bottom three Totems will shoot. No longer restricted to just the Palace in the Sky, they're now often found guarding Hot Springs. Though Totems can be used as a platform, Pit will suffer damage by stepping on one.

Hit Points Damage Hearts Score (Experience)
3   0  


  • The Totem likely served as inspiration for an enemy called Stackjaw in Kid Icarus: Uprising. Itā€™s also possible that Stackjaw is also an upgraded version of the Totem.
  • Despite being blue in the Kid Icarus manual, Totems appear green in the game itself.

Enemies in the Kid Icarus series
Kid Icarus EelEye ā€¢ Commyloose ā€¢ Daphne ā€¢ Eggplant Wizard ā€¢ Erinus ā€¢ Ganewmede ā€¢ Girin ā€¢ Hewdraw ā€¢ Holer ā€¢ Keepah ā€¢ Keron ā€¢ Kobil ā€¢ Komayto ā€¢ Mcgoo ā€¢ Medusa ā€¢ Mick ā€¢ Minos ā€¢ Moila ā€¢ Monoeye ā€¢ Monolith ā€¢ Nettler ā€¢ Octos ā€¢ Pandora ā€¢ Pluton ā€¢ Pluton Fly ā€¢ Reaper ā€¢ Reapette ā€¢ Rokman ā€¢ Shemum ā€¢ Shulm ā€¢ Snowman ā€¢ Specknose ā€¢ Syren ā€¢ Tamambo ā€¢ Tanatos ā€¢ Totem ā€¢ Tros ā€¢ Twinbellows ā€¢ Uranos ā€¢ Zuree
Of Myths and Monsters Bat ā€¢ Big Toe ā€¢ Busy Bee ā€¢ Cyclops Hopper ā€¢ Cyclops Skull ā€¢ Eggplant Wizard ā€¢ Fire Serpent ā€¢ Fireball ā€¢ Fuzz Ball ā€¢ Globe ā€¢ Gruff ā€¢ Gubble ā€¢ King Krab ā€¢ Komayto ā€¢ Lunus ā€¢ Merc ā€¢ Minotaur ā€¢ Monolith ā€¢ Octus ā€¢ Orcos ā€¢ Putt ā€¢ Pythagoras ā€¢ Reaper ā€¢ Shadow Mask ā€¢ Skull Wing ā€¢ Slime ā€¢ Snake ā€¢ Spitball Blob ā€¢ Spunky ā€¢ Sticky Talon ā€¢ Stone Golem ā€¢ Totem ā€¢ Wormser
Uprising Underworld Army

Monoeye ā€¢ Wave Angler ā€¢ Medusa ā€¢ Octos ā€¢ Keron ā€¢ Gyrazer ā€¢ Shemum ā€¢ Nettler ā€¢ Skuttler ā€¢ Mik ā€¢ Ganewmede ā€¢ Crawler ā€¢ Twinbellows ā€¢ Syren ā€¢ Shrip ā€¢ Porcuspine ā€¢ Belunka ā€¢ Handora ā€¢ Coral ā€¢ Boogity ā€¢ Skuttler Cannoneer ā€¢ Monolith ā€¢ Splin ā€¢ Specknose ā€¢ Commyloose ā€¢ Zurret ā€¢ Shulm ā€¢ Fire Wyrm ā€¢ Shildeen ā€¢ Dark Lord Gaol ā€¢ Paramush ā€¢ Three-Headed Hewdraw ā€¢ Komayto ā€¢ Daphne ā€¢ Stackjaw ā€¢ Monomiknose ā€¢ Minos ā€¢ Merenguy ā€¢ Hewdraw Head ā€¢ Mega Mussel ā€¢ Gloomerang ā€¢ Hewdraw Reborn ā€¢ Reaper ā€¢ Reapette ā€¢ Shelbo ā€¢ Zuree ā€¢ Orne ā€¢ Tortolunk ā€¢ Skuttler Mage ā€¢ Eggplant Wizard ā€¢ Clubberskull ā€¢ Great Reaper ā€¢ Magmoo ā€¢ Bluster ā€¢ Fort Oink ā€¢ Girin ā€¢ Leox ā€¢ Armin ā€¢ Pandora ā€¢ Petribomber ā€¢ Snong ā€¢ Vakloom ā€¢ Sinistew ā€¢ Brawny Claws ā€¢ Snowman ā€¢ Frozum ā€¢ Pluton ā€¢ Zik & Zak ā€¢ Bumbledrop ā€¢ Thanatos ā€¢ Remoblam & Remoblamling ā€¢ Collin ā€¢ Phil ā€¢ Trailtail ā€¢ Shootfly ā€¢ Underworld Gatekeeper ā€¢ Igniot ā€¢ Suit of Skuttler ā€¢ Tempura Wizard ā€¢ Erinus ā€¢ Guttler ā€¢ Soul-Eating Monster ā€¢ Amazon Pandora ā€¢ Cellular Handora ā€¢ Cellular Bluster ā€¢ Cellular Monoeye ā€¢ Cellular Komayto ā€¢ Cellular Igniot ā€¢ Cellular Sinistew ā€¢ Cellular Snong ā€¢ Cellular Skuttler ā€¢ Cellular Gyrazer ā€¢ Cellular Shildeen ā€¢ Hades's Heart ā€¢ Hades

Space Pirates

Space Pirate ā€¢ Space Pirate Sniper ā€¢ Space Pirate Commando

Forces of Nature

Reset Bomb ā€¢ Nutski ā€¢ Trynamite ā€¢ Zert ā€¢ Blader ā€¢ Dibble Dop ā€¢ Parashooter ā€¢ Lurchthorn ā€¢ Pew Pew ā€¢ Pip ā€¢ Urgle ā€¢ Hugworm ā€¢ Toxiecap ā€¢ Lethinium ā€¢ Jitterthug ā€¢ Boom Stomper ā€¢ Mahva ā€¢ Cragalanche ā€¢ Badoot ā€¢ Bumpety Bomb ā€¢ Mudrone ā€¢ Cacaw ā€¢ Skreetle ā€¢ Captain Flare ā€¢ Meeba ā€¢ Megonta ā€¢ Forces of Nature Guard ā€¢ Reset Bomb Pod ā€¢ Flage ā€¢ Clobbler ā€¢ Arlon ā€¢ Phosphora


Tribyte ā€¢ Blit ā€¢ Quoil ā€¢ Jyok ā€¢ Claxis ā€¢ Dohz ā€¢ Plixo ā€¢ Kolma ā€¢ Taklax ā€¢ Xoneme ā€¢ Sio ā€¢ Zaurum ā€¢ Baglo ā€¢ Rezda ā€¢ Zrink ā€¢ Aurum Core ā€¢ Roz ā€¢ Nukleen ā€¢ Biota ā€¢ Aurum Monoeye ā€¢ Aurum Mik ā€¢ Aurum Pip ā€¢ Aurum Fire Wyrm ā€¢ Aurum Specknose ā€¢ Aurum Skuttler ā€¢ Aurum Urgle ā€¢ Aurum Shemum ā€¢ Aurum Generator ā€¢ Aurum Brain ā€¢ Aurum Pyrrhon

Palutena's Army

Centurion ā€¢ Centurion Knight ā€¢ Centurion Strongarm ā€¢ Juggernaut ā€¢ Pit's Body ā€¢ Palutena


Chaos Kin ā€¢ Shadow Pit


Treasurefish ā€¢ Rare Treasurefish ā€¢ Souflee ā€¢ Mimicutie ā€¢ Dark Pit ā€¢ Kraken ā€¢ Phoenix ā€¢ Chariot Master ā€¢ ā€¢ Magnus ā€¢ Pseudo-Palutena ā€¢ Great Sacred Treasure
