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Forces of Nature


Slashes at opponents


Kid Icarus: Uprising (Chapter 13)

The Flage (フラージ Furāji) is a Forces of Nature enemy that debuted in Kid Icarus: Uprising.

Physical appearance[]

The Flage is a long, gelatinous green mass with dark spots scattered across its body. It possesses The Forces of Nature's signature cycloptic yellow eye, as well as two blade-like arms.


Kid Icarus: Uprising[]

The Flage will blend into its surroundings and reveal itself at random, slashing at its opponent once within range. Though its invisibility is more impressive than the Zuree, its camouflage is flawed by the presence of its shadow, a slight green fog, and the noises it emits.

Min Health (Air) Max Health (Air) Min Health (Land) Max Health (Land)
44 158 45 210

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS[]

Flage SSB4 3DS

A Flage in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS

Flages appear as enemies in Smash Run of Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS. Like in Kid Icarus: Uprising, Flages move around while invisible, during which they cannot be attacked, and a Flage's presence is only indicated from its shadow. Before attacking, a Flage reveals itself, then swipes the blades on their hands multiple times. The player's fighter can attack a Flage only while it is visible.

Idol Description[]


This single-celled organism uses its ability to blend with its surroundings to be an effective assassin. Although invisible, the Flage makes noise and casts a shadow. But it will appear when it strikes, making this the best time to take it out.

Trophy Description[]



These gelatinous assassins from the Forces of Nature in Kid Icarus: Uprising can disguise themselves so well, it's like they've disappeared. They furiously slash using their long, bladelike arms and then top off their attack with a powerful finishing blow.



  • Its Japanese and English names are derived from the word "camouflage."
Enemies in the Kid Icarus series
Kid Icarus EelEyeCommylooseDaphneEggplant WizardErinusGanewmedeGirinHewdrawHolerKeepahKeronKobilKomaytoMcgooMedusaMickMinosMoilaMonoeyeMonolithNettlerOctosPandoraPlutonPluton FlyReaperReapetteRokmanShemumShulmSnowmanSpecknoseSyrenTamamboTanatosTotemTrosTwinbellowsUranosZuree
Of Myths and Monsters BatBig ToeBusy BeeCyclops HopperCyclops SkullEggplant WizardFire SerpentFireballFuzz BallGlobeGruffGubbleKing KrabKomaytoLunusMercMinotaurMonolithOctusOrcosPuttPythagorasReaperShadow MaskSkull WingSlimeSnakeSpitball BlobSpunkySticky TalonStone GolemTotemWormser
Uprising Underworld Army

MonoeyeWave AnglerMedusaOctosKeronGyrazerShemumNettlerSkuttlerMikGanewmedeCrawlerTwinbellowsSyrenShripPorcuspineBelunkaHandoraCoralBoogitySkuttler CannoneerMonolithSplinSpecknoseCommylooseZurretShulmFire WyrmShildeenDark Lord GaolParamushThree-Headed HewdrawKomaytoDaphneStackjawMonomiknoseMinosMerenguyHewdraw HeadMega MusselGloomerangHewdraw RebornReaperReapetteShelboZureeOrneTortolunkSkuttler MageEggplant WizardClubberskullGreat ReaperMagmooBlusterFort OinkGirinLeoxArminPandoraPetribomberSnongVakloomSinistewBrawny ClawsSnowmanFrozumPlutonZik & ZakBumbledropThanatosRemoblam & RemoblamlingCollinPhilTrailtailShootflyUnderworld GatekeeperIgniotSuit of SkuttlerTempura WizardErinusGuttlerSoul-Eating MonsterAmazon PandoraCellular HandoraCellular BlusterCellular MonoeyeCellular KomaytoCellular IgniotCellular SinistewCellular SnongCellular SkuttlerCellular GyrazerCellular ShildeenHades's HeartHades

Space Pirates

Space PirateSpace Pirate SniperSpace Pirate Commando

Forces of Nature

Reset BombNutskiTrynamiteZertBladerDibble DopParashooterLurchthornPew PewPipUrgleHugwormToxiecapLethiniumJitterthugBoom StomperMahvaCragalancheBadootBumpety BombMudroneCacawSkreetleCaptain FlareMeebaMegontaForces of Nature GuardReset Bomb PodFlageClobblerArlonPhosphora


TribyteBlitQuoilJyokClaxisDohzPlixoKolmaTaklaxXonemeSioZaurumBagloRezdaZrinkAurum CoreRozNukleenBiotaAurum MonoeyeAurum MikAurum PipAurum Fire WyrmAurum SpecknoseAurum SkuttlerAurum UrgleAurum ShemumAurum GeneratorAurum BrainAurum Pyrrhon

Palutena's Army

CenturionCenturion KnightCenturion StrongarmJuggernautPit's BodyPalutena


Chaos KinShadow Pit


TreasurefishRare TreasurefishSoufleeMimicutieDark PitKrakenPhoenixChariot Master • • MagnusPseudo-PalutenaGreat Sacred Treasure
