

Underworld Army


Kid Icarus: Uprising (Chapter 6)


Slams his hand down on foes
Drags foes into his pot


Vulnerable to melee attacks

Sinistews (ボワン Bowan) are Underworld enemies that debuted in Kid Icarus: Uprising.

Physical Appearance[]

The Sinistew appears to be a gray, phantom-like silhouette made of steam. He has large hands, pointed features on his head and cheeks, and a single eye. Underneath him is boiling, yellow liquid inside of a purple and pink pot, with green flames beneath it.


Kid Icarus: Uprising[]

The Sinistew resides inside his pot until he senses a nearby foe, to which his ghost-like form appears.

He may peek his hand out from the pot and swipe it in front of him, hoping to catch his prey in the massive radius of his attack. Should this attack connect, he will drag his opponent into his pot, pummel them, then release them.

Alternatively, if his foe is close by, a purple aura may appear in front of the pot as a precursor before he suddenly slams his hand down onto his opponent.

The Sinistew is invincible at a distance, and can only be defeated with melee attacks dealt to his pot.

Idol Description[]


A murky Underworld genie who resides in a pot. But this genie doesn't grant wishes—he just tries to drag passersby into his lair! The pot contains a one-dimensional universe—those pulled into it are rarely seen again.



  • His name is a combination of the words "sinister" and "stew."

Enemies in the Kid Icarus series
Kid Icarus EelEyeCommylooseDaphneEggplant WizardErinusGanewmedeGirinHewdrawHolerKeepahKeronKobilKomaytoMcgooMedusaMickMinosMoilaMonoeyeMonolithNettlerOctosPandoraPlutonPluton FlyReaperReapetteRokmanShemumShulmSnowmanSpecknoseSyrenTamamboTanatosTotemTrosTwinbellowsUranosZuree
Of Myths and Monsters BatBig ToeBusy BeeCyclops HopperCyclops SkullEggplant WizardFire SerpentFireballFuzz BallGlobeGruffGubbleKing KrabKomaytoLunusMercMinotaurMonolithOctusOrcosPuttPythagorasReaperShadow MaskSkull WingSlimeSnakeSpitball BlobSpunkySticky TalonStone GolemTotemWormser
Uprising Underworld Army

MonoeyeWave AnglerMedusaOctosKeronGyrazerShemumNettlerSkuttlerMikGanewmedeCrawlerTwinbellowsSyrenShripPorcuspineBelunkaHandoraCoralBoogitySkuttler CannoneerMonolithSplinSpecknoseCommylooseZurretShulmFire WyrmShildeenDark Lord GaolParamushThree-Headed HewdrawKomaytoDaphneStackjawMonomiknoseMinosMerenguyHewdraw HeadMega MusselGloomerangHewdraw RebornReaperReapetteShelboZureeOrneTortolunkSkuttler MageEggplant WizardClubberskullGreat ReaperMagmooBlusterFort OinkGirinLeoxArminPandoraPetribomberSnongVakloomSinistewBrawny ClawsSnowmanFrozumPlutonZik & ZakBumbledropThanatosRemoblam & RemoblamlingCollinPhilTrailtailShootflyUnderworld GatekeeperIgniotSuit of SkuttlerTempura WizardErinusGuttlerSoul-Eating MonsterAmazon PandoraCellular HandoraCellular BlusterCellular MonoeyeCellular KomaytoCellular IgniotCellular SinistewCellular SnongCellular SkuttlerCellular GyrazerCellular ShildeenHades's HeartHades

Space Pirates

Space PirateSpace Pirate SniperSpace Pirate Commando

Forces of Nature

Reset BombNutskiTrynamiteZertBladerDibble DopParashooterLurchthornPew PewPipUrgleHugwormToxiecapLethiniumJitterthugBoom StomperMahvaCragalancheBadootBumpety BombMudroneCacawSkreetleCaptain FlareMeebaMegontaForces of Nature GuardReset Bomb PodFlageClobblerArlonPhosphora


TribyteBlitQuoilJyokClaxisDohzPlixoKolmaTaklaxXonemeSioZaurumBagloRezdaZrinkAurum CoreRozNukleenBiotaAurum MonoeyeAurum MikAurum PipAurum Fire WyrmAurum SpecknoseAurum SkuttlerAurum UrgleAurum ShemumAurum GeneratorAurum BrainAurum Pyrrhon

Palutena's Army

CenturionCenturion KnightCenturion StrongarmJuggernautPit's BodyPalutena


Chaos KinShadow Pit


TreasurefishRare TreasurefishSoufleeMimicutieDark PitKrakenPhoenixChariot Master • • MagnusPseudo-PalutenaGreat Sacred Treasure
