

Underworld Army



Damages upon contact
Fires projectiles at foes
Lashes upwards with its mandibles
Emits shockwaves

Girins (ギリン Girin) are Underworld enemies that debuted in the original Kid Icarus.

Physical Appearance[]

In the original Kid Icarus, the Girin is a large, pink insect with green mandibles and eyes, and a yellow underside.

In Uprising, the Girin is now teal in color, with matching mandibles and red eyes. In addition, its bulbous abdomen is yellow, and it possesses orange and purple accents across its body.


Kid Icarus[]

A giant ant that lives deep in the ground and lies in wait for Pit. Once it catches things in its big jaws, it never lets them get away.

— Its Game Manual Description

Found in the Overworld, Girins launch projectiles at Pit before quickly retreating underground.

Despite its description in the game manual, it does not possess the ability to capture Pit.

Hit Points Damage Hearts Score (Experience)
1 1 5 300

Kid Icarus: Uprising[]

Similar to the original Kid Icarus, the Girin lies in wait underground, with only the tips of its mandibles poking through the surface. However, it no longer fires projectiles, resorting to slamming into the ground and emitting shockwaves instead.

Should its prey be close enough, it will lunge out and strike using its large mandibles.

Idol Description[]


Rather than waiting for prey to fall into its trap, this hyperevolved ant lion jumps out at enemies, attempting to crush them in its pincers. However, Girin leaves itself open to attack after this lunge and will retreat in surprise if hit.



  • The Girin is based on the larval state of an antlion.

Enemies in the Kid Icarus series
Kid Icarus EelEyeCommylooseDaphneEggplant WizardErinusGanewmedeGirinHewdrawHolerKeepahKeronKobilKomaytoMcgooMedusaMickMinosMoilaMonoeyeMonolithNettlerOctosPandoraPlutonPluton FlyReaperReapetteRokmanShemumShulmSnowmanSpecknoseSyrenTamamboTanatosTotemTrosTwinbellowsUranosZuree
Of Myths and Monsters BatBig ToeBusy BeeCyclops HopperCyclops SkullEggplant WizardFire SerpentFireballFuzz BallGlobeGruffGubbleKing KrabKomaytoLunusMercMinotaurMonolithOctusOrcosPuttPythagorasReaperShadow MaskSkull WingSlimeSnakeSpitball BlobSpunkySticky TalonStone GolemTotemWormser
Uprising Underworld Army

MonoeyeWave AnglerMedusaOctosKeronGyrazerShemumNettlerSkuttlerMikGanewmedeCrawlerTwinbellowsSyrenShripPorcuspineBelunkaHandoraCoralBoogitySkuttler CannoneerMonolithSplinSpecknoseCommylooseZurretShulmFire WyrmShildeenDark Lord GaolParamushThree-Headed HewdrawKomaytoDaphneStackjawMonomiknoseMinosMerenguyHewdraw HeadMega MusselGloomerangHewdraw RebornReaperReapetteShelboZureeOrneTortolunkSkuttler MageEggplant WizardClubberskullGreat ReaperMagmooBlusterFort OinkGirinLeoxArminPandoraPetribomberSnongVakloomSinistewBrawny ClawsSnowmanFrozumPlutonZik & ZakBumbledropThanatosRemoblam & RemoblamlingCollinPhilTrailtailShootflyUnderworld GatekeeperIgniotSuit of SkuttlerTempura WizardErinusGuttlerSoul-Eating MonsterAmazon PandoraCellular HandoraCellular BlusterCellular MonoeyeCellular KomaytoCellular IgniotCellular SinistewCellular SnongCellular SkuttlerCellular GyrazerCellular ShildeenHades's HeartHades

Space Pirates

Space PirateSpace Pirate SniperSpace Pirate Commando

Forces of Nature

Reset BombNutskiTrynamiteZertBladerDibble DopParashooterLurchthornPew PewPipUrgleHugwormToxiecapLethiniumJitterthugBoom StomperMahvaCragalancheBadootBumpety BombMudroneCacawSkreetleCaptain FlareMeebaMegontaForces of Nature GuardReset Bomb PodFlageClobblerArlonPhosphora


TribyteBlitQuoilJyokClaxisDohzPlixoKolmaTaklaxXonemeSioZaurumBagloRezdaZrinkAurum CoreRozNukleenBiotaAurum MonoeyeAurum MikAurum PipAurum Fire WyrmAurum SpecknoseAurum SkuttlerAurum UrgleAurum ShemumAurum GeneratorAurum BrainAurum Pyrrhon

Palutena's Army

CenturionCenturion KnightCenturion StrongarmJuggernautPit's BodyPalutena


Chaos KinShadow Pit


TreasurefishRare TreasurefishSoufleeMimicutieDark PitKrakenPhoenixChariot Master • • MagnusPseudo-PalutenaGreat Sacred Treasure
