Bumpety Bomb

Affiliation Forces of Nature
Appearances Kid Icarus: Uprising (Chapter 12)
Attack(s) Blows up
Weakpoints Backside
Set timer that results in self-destruction

Bumpety Bombs (コロコロ爆弾 Korokoro Bakudan) are self-destructive troops from the Forces of Nature introduced in Kid Icarus: Uprising.

Physical appearance[]

The Bumpety Bomb is effectively a bomb on wheels, with stone armor on its front and back. Its wheels are actually mushrooms, and it has a singular yellow eye on its front, a staple of members of the Forces Of Nature. Its body appears to be made of metal or rock, and it has a fuse made of rope.


Kid Icarus: Uprising[]

Bumpety Bombs first appear in the Land Battle segment of Chapter 12. After that, they appear in the Land Battles of Chapters 13, 14, 21 and 24.

If Pit hits a Bumpety Bomb, the fuse on its head lights up as the Bumpety Bomb dashes towards Pit, trying to catch him in the impending explosion. Bumpety Bombs can also generate a large explosion if not defeated soon enough, so keeping them away with a strong melee attack is ideal, for they take a large amount of knockback from attacks.

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS[]

Bumpety Bomb SSB3DS

A Bumpety Bomb in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS

Bumpety Bombs are enemies in the Smash Run mode of Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS. The front of a Bumpety Bomb's body is armored, making it resistant to attacks, and a Bumpety Bomb attempts to rush at nearby fighters before exploding, like in Kid Icarus: Uprising. Bumpety Bombs are vulnerable from behind, and they can be grabbed by fighters. Some Bumpety Bombs explode quicker than others, which is signaled by a different animation, and if a fighter defeats a Bumpety Bomb before it manages to explode, the Bumpety Bomb leaves behind stat boosts.

Like all other enemies in Smash Run, Bumpety Bombs have their own trophy.

Idol Description[]

Have you ever planted a bomb, only to have monsters run away from it? It's the worst! That's why Viridi created this running time bomb. Its armor makes it hard to destroy from afar and dangerous up close, so you might just want to run!

Trophy Description[]


This pesky bomb has wheels, which means the time-tested strategy of running away doesn't work as well as you'd hope. Be ready for a big blast if this bomb hits zero. Oh, and sometimes the fuse is a little shorter than normal. You'll have to attack from behind to defuse this dangerous foe.


  • Despite being planted, the Bumpety Bomb is rock-like in appearance.
  • Bumpety Bombs are somewhat reminiscent of Bob-ombs from the Mario franchise in that they self-destruct to attack.
Enemies in the Kid Icarus series
Kid Icarus EelEyeCommylooseDaphneEggplant WizardErinusGanewmedeGirinHewdrawHolerKeepahKeronKobilKomaytoMcgooMedusaMickMinosMoilaMonoeyeMonolithNettlerOctosPandoraPlutonPluton FlyReaperReapetteRokmanShemumShulmSnowmanSpecknoseSyrenTamamboTanatosTotemTrosTwinbellowsUranosZuree
Of Myths and Monsters BatBig ToeBusy BeeCyclops HopperCyclops SkullEggplant WizardFire SerpentFireballFuzz BallGlobeGruffGubbleKing KrabKomaytoLunusMercMinotaurMonolithOctusOrcosPuttPythagorasReaperShadow MaskSkull WingSlimeSnakeSpitball BlobSpunkySticky TalonStone GolemTotemWormser
Uprising Underworld Army

MonoeyeWave AnglerMedusaOctosKeronGyrazerShemumNettlerSkuttlerMikGanewmedeCrawlerTwinbellowsSyrenShripPorcuspineBelunkaHandoraCoralBoogitySkuttler CannoneerMonolithSplinSpecknoseCommylooseZurretShulmFire WyrmShildeenDark Lord GaolParamushThree-Headed HewdrawKomaytoDaphneStackjawMonomiknoseMinosMerenguyHewdraw HeadMega MusselGloomerangHewdraw RebornReaperReapetteShelboZureeOrneTortolunkSkuttler MageEggplant WizardClubberskullGreat ReaperMagmooBlusterFort OinkGirinLeoxArminPandoraPetribomberSnongVakloomSinistewBrawny ClawsSnowmanFrozumPlutonZik & ZakBumbledropThanatosRemoblam & RemoblamlingCollinPhilTrailtailShootflyUnderworld GatekeeperIgniotSuit of SkuttlerTempura WizardErinusGuttlerSoul-Eating MonsterAmazon PandoraCellular HandoraCellular BlusterCellular MonoeyeCellular KomaytoCellular IgniotCellular SinistewCellular SnongCellular SkuttlerCellular GyrazerCellular ShildeenHades's HeartHades

Space Pirates

Space PirateSpace Pirate SniperSpace Pirate Commando

Forces of Nature

Reset BombNutskiTrynamiteZertBladerDibble DopParashooterLurchthornPew PewPipUrgleHugwormToxiecapLethiniumJitterthugBoom StomperMahvaCragalancheBadootBumpety BombMudroneCacawSkreetleCaptain FlareMeebaMegontaForces of Nature GuardReset Bomb PodFlageClobblerArlonPhosphora


TribyteBlitQuoilJyokClaxisDohzPlixoKolmaTaklaxXonemeSioZaurumBagloRezdaZrinkAurum CoreRozNukleenBiotaAurum MonoeyeAurum MikAurum PipAurum Fire WyrmAurum SpecknoseAurum SkuttlerAurum UrgleAurum ShemumAurum GeneratorAurum BrainAurum Pyrrhon

Palutena's Army

CenturionCenturion KnightCenturion StrongarmJuggernautPit's BodyPalutena


Chaos KinShadow Pit


TreasurefishRare TreasurefishSoufleeMimicutieDark PitKrakenPhoenixChariot Master • • MagnusPseudo-PalutenaGreat Sacred Treasure
