Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-zi-oThis article is about a Rider in Kamen Rider Zi-O.

In 2006, Arata Kagami (加賀美 新, Kagami Arata) was Kamen Rider Gatack (仮面ライダーガタック, Kamen Raidā Gatakku, Masked Rider Gatack).

In 2019, the Kabuto Zecter comes to Arata's aid and allows him to briefly become Kamen Rider Kabuto (仮面ライダーカブト, Kamen Raidā Kabuto, Masked Rider Kabuto) before Kabuto's powers are used to create the Kabuto Ridewatch.


Kamen Rider Zi-O[]

2006: Next Level Kabuto[]

Gatack and Zi-O II together

Kamen Rider Gatack and Kamen Rider Zi-O II team up

In 2019, Arata Kagami is still working as a member of ZECT. He's on the mission to defeat a Worm who has copied the appearance of Shun Kageyama. He encounters Sougo Tokiwa in battle with a swarm of Worms and assists him as Kamen Rider Gatack. Then, Shun appears and they fight in Clock Up mode. After Shun is knocked out by Zi-O II, Another Kabuto, who is also revealed to be So Yaguruma, intervenes and the two escapes the scene. Kagami explains about ZECT and his mission to Sougo and Woz, then leaves in confusion because the supposedly destroyed Shibuya district is thriving. Some time later, Kagami is lured out by Shun for Yaguruma. He battles PunchHopper as WozGingaFinaly battles Another Kabuto. He is subsequently captured by the mimicked Kageyama.

2019: The Chosen Kabuto[]

Somewhere, Kagami is being held hostage. The mimicked Kageyama only agrees to release him if the Riders give him the Ginga and Fourze Ridewatches, as he wants the meteorite carrying his Worm comrades to crash into Earth without fail. However, Sougo and Woz manage to free Kagami and prepare to fight. Kagami transforms into Gatack and charges at Kageyama, only to be stopped by Yaguruma as Another Kabuto. Being outnumbered 2 to 1, Gatack is soundly defeated by Another Kabuto and PunchHopper. PunchHopper would go on to take the Fourze and Ginga Ridewatches as he flees with Another Kabuto.

Back at Sougo's place, Kagami blames himself for the loss of the two Ridewatches, but Sougo says it's not anyone's fault. Kagami later admits to Sougo that he has never been the Kabuto Zecter's chosen one, and that he has never been able to defeat Kabuto. Sougo assures him that he is a strong warrior, and that if he becomes a King, he would like to have Kagami to fight alongside him and protect everyone. Kagami is amused, saying that even Tendo does not mention something like that.

On the rooftop of a building, Geiz and Woz are fighting Another Kabuto and PunchHopper. Four combatants use their respective finishing attacks and force one another out of their transformations. Kagami, Sougo and Tsukuyomi (who has just retrieved the stolen Ridewatches), arrive at the scene to help. As Sougo and Woz go into space to deal with the meteorite, Geiz and Kagami stay to fight PunchHopper and KickHopper.

KickHopper is defeated by Gatack in a clash of Rider Kicks. However, when he changes into Another Kabuto, he swiftly turn the table and knocks Gatack out of his transformation by his own Rider Kick. Kagami stands up, refusing to give in, reaffirms his resolve as a warrior. Suddenly, the Kabuto Zecter appears from the sky and Kagami is able to catch it. Seeing that the Zecter has finally accepted him as its user, he transforms into Kamen Rider Kabuto to fight Another Kabuto. Both fighters turn on ClockUp, but Kabuto quickly gains the upper hand. As GeizRevive Shippuu has just finished off PunchHopper, Kabuto defeats Another Kabuto with a Rider Kick, destroying the Kabuto Anotherwatch as a result.

After the battle, the Kabuto Zecter in Kagami's hand turns into the Kabuto Ridewatch. He gives it to Sougo, saying that Sougo is going to need it in order to become a King.


Kagami was chosen by Gatack Zecter and became Kamen Rider Gatack. In 2019, he was chosen by the Kabuto Zecter and briefly became Kamen Rider Kabuto.

Masked Form

Masked Form

―Transformation announcement[src]

Rider Statistics

  • Rider Height: 190 cm.[1]
  • Rider Weight: 134 kg.[1]

Rider Senses:

  • Eyesight: 2 km.[1]
  • Hearing: 5 km.[1]

Ability Parameters:

  • Punching Power: 8 t.[1]
  • Lifting Power: 25 t.[1]
  • Kicking Power: 9 t.[1]
  • Maximum Jump Height: 19 m.[1]
  • Maximum Running Speed: 100 m. per 8.9 sec.[1]

Masked Form (マスクドフォーム, Masukudo Fōmu) is a heavily armored form resembling a pupa. This is Gatack's default form, armed with the Gatack Vulcan (ガタックバルカン, Gatakku Barukan) to mow down any Worm unfortunate to stray in Gatack's line of sight in a hail of bullets specialized to kill Worms, until he opens up the horns on the Gatack Zecter, like a switch, to initiate the Cast Off (キャストオフ, Kyasuto Ofu) command.

Appearances: Zi-O Episode 37-38

Rider Form

Rider Form

"Cast Off! Change Stag Beetle!"
―Transformation announcement[src]

Rider Statistics

  • Rider Height: 194 cm.[1]
  • Rider Weight: 97 kg.[1]

Rider Senses:

  • Eyesight: 2 km.[2]
  • Hearing: 5 km.[1]

Ability Parameters:

  • Punching Power: 3 t.[1]
  • Kicking Power: 7 t.[1]
  • Maximum Jump Height: 36 m.[1]
  • Maximum Running Speed: 100 m. per 5.8 sec.[1]

Special Attacks:

  • Rider Kick: 19 t.[1]

Rider Form (ライダーフォーム, Raidā Fōmu) is the sleeker, faster, and more offensive form that closely resembles the stag beetle motif. In this form, Gatack has access to the Clock Up (クロックアップ, Kurokku Appu) command which allows Gatack to travel at near-light speeds to match the speeds of the Worms. By pressing a button three times on the belt in succession, Gatack can perform his tachyon-powered Rider Kick (ライダーキック, Raidā Kikku), a jumping roundhouse kick. Gatack also has a Rider Cutting (ライダーカッティング, Raidā Kattingu) attack, where he takes the Gatack Double Calibur (ガタックダブルカリバー, Gatakku Daburu Karibā) and uses them to perform a scissor-like cutting attack.

Appearances: Zi-O Episodes 37-38

Masked Form

Masked Form

―Transformation announcement[src]

Rider Statistics

  • Rider Height: 190 cm.[3]
  • Rider Weight: 132 kg.[3]

Rider Senses:

  • Eyesight: 2 km.[3]
  • Hearing: 5 km.[3]

Ability Parameters:

  • Punching Power: 8 t.[3]
  • Lifting Power: 25 t.[3]
  • Kicking Power: 10 t.[3]
  • Maximum Jump Height: 20 m.[3]
  • Maximum Running Speed: 100 m. per 8.9 sec.[3]

Kabuto's Masked Form (マスクドフォーム, Masukudo Fōmu) is a heavily armored form resembling a pupa. Due to the heavy armor, Masked Form offers strong defensive but low offensive capabilities. This is Kabuto's default form, until he flips the "horn" on the Kabuto Zecter (カブトゼクター, Kabuto Zekutā), like a switch, to initiate the Cast Off (キャストオフ, Kyasuto Ofu) command. This primes the armor to "Cast Off," which when fully activated, sends the armor flying off his body, destroying all lower Worms that get hit with the ejected armor parts and revealing the sleeker Rider Form. It is shown to be possible for Masked Form to be bypassed altogether, as seen in the Hyper Battle Video and by the alternate version of Kamen Rider Dark Kabuto in Kamen Rider Decade, by flipping the horn immediately after placing the Kabuto Zecter on the belt before the armor materializes. When Kabuto switches the horn on the Kabuto Zecter back to its original position, it will initiate Put On (プットオン, Putto On) sequence, where all of the extra armor reattaches to him, restoring Masked Form either partially or completely.

The Armor of Masked Form consists of the following parts:

  • Kabuto Receiver (カブトレシーバー, Kabuto Reshībā) is the V-shaped horn on the forehead, usually has more than four times the hearing ability of a person, listens to sounds in the range of 16 Hz to 120 thousand Hz, and can even hear a needle falling 5 km ahead.
  • Manipulator Arm (マニピュレーターアーム, Manipyurētā Āmu) is the silver armor supported and reinforced by HP Pod (HPポッド, HP Poddo), it is possible to continue to lift with heavy load even with heavy objects of 25 tons for a long time.
  • Lung Slit (ラングスリット, Rangu Suritto) is the black shoulder tip that take in air. Gas is separated, converted into high-compression oxygen, and the oxygen concentration in the body is made up, and make Oxygen Value (オキシジェンバルプ, Okishijen Barubu) spreads throughout the body. Only activated by qualified person can make him to be able to use the Masked Rider System freely.
  • Kabuto Exclusive Zect Mark (カブト専用ゼクトマーク, Kabuto Sen'yō Zekuto Māku)
  • Enhanced Chest (強化チェスト, Kyōka Chesuto) hidden inside the Masked Armor, stores high compressed oxygen which can be operated freely for more than 10 hours even above 5000 m above sea level. In Masked Form, Kabuto Horn is stored and isolated in chest.
  • Masked Armor (マスクドアーマー, Masukudo Āmā) is molecularly coupled by electric force called van der Waals force. Also, by Cast Off, Masked Armor can blow off at the initial speed of 2000 m/s and can give damage to enemies nearby.
Appearances: Zi-O Episode 38

Rider Form

Rider Form

"Cast Off! Change Beetle!"
―Transformation announcement[src]

Rider Statistics

  • Rider Height: 195 cm.[3]
  • Rider Weight: 95 kg.[3]

Rider Senses:

  • Hearing: 5 km.[3]

Ability Parameters:

  • Punching Power: 3 t.[3]
  • Kicking Power: 7 t.[3]
  • Maximum Jump Height: 37 m.[3]
  • Maximum Running Speed: 100 m. per 5.8 sec.[3]

Special Attacks:

  • Rider Kick: 19 t.[3]

Kabuto's Rider Form (ライダーフォーム, Raidā Fōmu) is the sleeker and more offensive-based form. This form resembles more of a Japanese rhinoceros beetle, which Kabuto is named and themed after. In this form, Kabuto has access to the Clock Up (クロックアップ, Kurokku Appu) command, enabling him to move freely through the flow of time to match the Worms. By pressing the three buttons on the belt in succession, Kabuto can perform his tachyon-powered Rider Kick (ライダーキック, Raidā Kikku). Kabuto Rider Form has three known variations of Rider Kick: a normal 180 degree roundhouse kick, a counter kick (360 degree roundhouse kick, which is used to surprise opponents who attempt to attack him from behind), and a flying side kick.

Rider Form consists of the following parts:

  • Kabuto Horn (カブトホーン, Kabuto Hōn)
  • O Signal (Oシグナル, O Shigunaru)
  • Bonchermette (ボーンシェルメット, Bōnsherumetto)
  • Compound Eye (コンパウンドアイ, Konpaundo Ai) has a field of view to instantaneously identify targets 2 km away covering the wide angle of 130 degrees in all directions. Moreover, enemies can be identified by fluoroscopy with X-rays, neutron rays, and infrared rays even in hidden objects and darkness.
  • Kabuto Breast (カブトブレスト, Kabuto Buresuto)
  • Sign Suit (サインスーツ, Sain Sūtsu)
  • Rider Armor (ライダーアーマー, Raidā Āmā)
  • Rider Barm (ライダーバーム, Raidā Bāmu)
  • Full Throttle (フルスロットル, Furu Surottoru)
  • Rider Stomper (ライダーストンパー, Raidā Sutonpā)
This form is exclusive to Zi-O Episode 38




Behind the scenes[]


Arata Kagami is portrayed by Yuuki Sato (佐藤 祐基, Satō Yūki). As Kamen Riders Gatack and Kabuto, his suit actor was Yuji Nakata (中田 裕士, Nakata Yūji).


  • Kagami is the second Kamen Rider after Ryotaro Nogami to have defeated his Another Rider counterpart on his own.
  • Kagami is the second Legacy Kamen Rider to transform into a different Rider, after Kyosuke Kiriya transformed into Kamen Rider Hibiki earlier in the series.



See Also[]

Icon-kabuto Kamen Rider Kabuto
Masked Rider System Users
Soji Tendo (alternate) - Arata Kagami - Daisuke Kazama - Tsurugi Kamishiro - So Yaguruma - Shun Kageyama - Masato Mishima - Soji Tendo (Mimic)
Kabutick Riders (Movie-exclusive): Issei Kurosaki - Hidenari Oda - Tetsuki Yamato
Stageshow-exclusive Riders: Shadow - Native - Syuichi Tadokoro - Kouka Tendoin - Native Worm
Transformation Devices
Rider Belt - Rider Brace - Drake Glip - Sasword Yaiver - ZECT Buckle
The Zecters
Kabuto Zecter - Gatack Zecter - TheBee Zecter - Drake Zecter - Sasword Zecter - Hopper Zecter - Dark Kabuto Zecter - Hyper Zecter
Kabutick Zecters
Hercus Zecter - Ketaros Zecter - Caucasus Zecter
Kabuto: Kabuto Kunaigun - Zectmizer - Perfect Zecter
Gatack: Gatack Vulcan - Gatack Double Calibur
TheBee: TheBee Needle
Drake: Drake Glip - Zectmizer
Sasword: Sasword Yaiver - Sasword Antenna - Blood Vessels
ZECT Members/ZECTroopers: ZECT Gun - Machinegun Blade - Anti Mimic Bomb
Kabuto Extender - Gatack Extender - Machine Zectron - ZECT Command Car
Bistro La Salle: Yumiko Takemiya - Hiyori Kusakabe - Renge Takatori
Others: Mika Kamishiro - Gon - Jiiya - Uemura - Junko Takayama - Syuichi Tadokoro's Younger Brother - Jiiya's Twin Brother - Oda - Yamato
Native/Worm's Mimick Targets: Souichi Kusakabe - Satomi Kusakabe - Hiyori Kusakabe - Detective A - Ryo Kagami - Tsurugi Kamishiro - Soji Tendo - Yuki Tamai - Shogo Azuma - Mikio Soeno - Yukari - Tatsuhiro Wakabayashi - Yuzuki Misaki - Arata Kagami - Daisuke Kazama - Aota - Keiko Kobayashi
Leader: Riku Kagami - Masato Mishima - Negishi - Hidenari Oda
Squad Leaders: Syuichi Tadokoro - Shogo Azuma
Agents: Arata Kagami - Yuzuki Misaki - Mikio Soeno
Others: Owner of PuRe-PuRe - Renge Takatori - Shura Hokuto - Koji Iguchi
Grunts: ZECTroopers - Brightroopers - Shadow - Neotroopers
Executive Worms: Uca Worm - Black Dress Woman - Cassis Worm - Scorpio Worm
Minor Worms: Aracnea Worms (Aracnea Rubor - Aracnea Nigritia - Aracnea Flavus) - Lanpyris Worm - Bellcricetus Worm - Epilachna Worm - Pulex Worm - Verber Worms (Verber - Verber Rota) - Coleoptera Worms (Coleoptera Croceus - Coleoptera Argentum - Coleoptera Aeneus) - Musca Worm - Sectio Worms (Sectio - Sectio Acuere) - Formicaalubus Worms (Formicaalubus - Formicaalubus Maxilla - Formicaalubus Oculus) - Viella Worm - Sepultura Worm - Brachypelma Worms (Brachypelma Viridis - Brachypelma Aurantium) - Tarantes Worm Purpura - Geophilid Worms - Genomyas Worm - Acarina Worms (Acarina - Acarina Amber) - Culex Worm - Foliatus Worm - Cammarus Worm - Cochlea Worm - Leptophyes Worm - Subst Worm - Camponotus Worms (Camponotus Maxilla - Camponotus Oculus)
Chrysalis: Worm (Chrysalis) - Worm (Chrysalis White)
Notable Chrysalis Entities: Mikio Soeno (Mimic) - Gokon Members (Mimic) - Yuzuki Misaki (Mimic) - Chorus Club Members (Mimic) - Aota (Mimic) - Keiko Kobayashi (Mimic)
The Natives: Souichi Kusakabe (Mimic) - Satomi Kusakabe (Mimic) - Hiyori Kusakabe - Soji Tendo (Mimic) - Daigo Tachikawa - Syuichi Tadokoro - Negishi - Masato Mishima
Icon-zi-o Kamen Rider Zi-O
Kamen Riders
Sougo Tokiwa (Over Quartzer) - Geiz Myokoin (Over Quartzer) - Woz (Black, Over Quartzer, White, Red) - Tsukuyomi (Over Quartzer)
Other Sougo Tokiwa variations
Ohma Zi-O - Sougo of 3 days later - Mirror World - B - C - D - E - F - Robot Sougo - True Sougo
Future Kamen Riders
2022 (Rentaro Kagura) - 2040 (Mondo Douan) - 2121 (Rento Makina) - Kamen Rider Ginga
Rider Time Ryuki Riders
Ishibashi - Tozuka - Kimura - Ishida - Abyss - Odin
Another World Riders
G4 - Fuma - Dark Ghost - Rey - Katsumi Daido - White Woz - Yuuki
Other Riders
G3 Team - Shun Kageyama (Worm)
Movie-exclusive Riders
SOUGO Tokiwa - Kagen - Jogen - Soreo Hiden
Stageshow-exclusive Riders
Hiryu Kakogawa - Red Woz
Transformation Devices
Ziku-Driver - Ohma Zi-O Driver - Beyondriver - Miraidriver (Shinobi, Hattari, Quiz, Kikai, Ginga) - NeoDecadriver - NeoDiendriver - K-Touch21
Ridewatches - Miridewatches- Ridewatch Holder - Ridewatch Daizer - Faizphone X - Taka Watchroid - Kodama Suika Arms
Zikan Girade - Zikan Zax - Ride HeiSaber - Zikan Despear - Saikyo Girade - Zikan Jaclaw - Barlckxs' Sword
Ride Striker - Time Mazine - Dai Mazine
Rider Armors - Ohma Advent Calendar - Future Note - Time Finishers
9 5 DO: Geiz Myokoin - Tsukuyomi - Junichiro Tokiwa
Futaros - Ataru Hisanaga - Shingo Hisanaga - Iroha Kagura - Master Gamano - Sara - Miss Sailor - Oda Nobunaga - Clara Steinbelt - Gyuzo - Pietro - Resistance Captain
Legend Riders
Kamen Rider: Takeshi Hongo
Kuuga: Yusuke Godai
Agito: Shoichi Tsugami - Takahiro Omuro
Ryuki: Shinji Kido - Shinji Kido (Mirror World) - Ren Akiyama - Takeshi Asakura - Miyuki Tezuka - Jun Shibaura - Goro Yura
555: Takumi Inui - Masato Kusaka
Blade: Kazuma Kenzaki - Hajime Aikawa
Hibiki: Hitoshi Hidaka - Tomizo Todayama - Kyosuke Kiriya
Kabuto: Soji Tendo - Arata Kagami - So Yaguruma
THE FIRST/THE NEXT: Takeshi Hongo - Hayato Ichimonji - Shiro Kazami
Den-O: Ryotaro Nogami - Yuto Sakurai
Kiva: Wataru Kurenai - Jiro
Decade: Tsukasa Kadoya - Daiki Kaito - Yusuke Onodera - Natsumi Hikari
G: Goro
W: Philip & Shotaro Hidari - Ryu Terui
OOO: Eiji Hino - Michal Minato - Akira Date - Shintaro Goto
Fourze: Gentaro Kisaragi
Wizard: Haruto Soma - Kosuke Nito
Gaim: Kouta Kazuraba - Kaito Kumon - Takatora Kureshima
Drive: Shinnosuke Tomari - Go Shijima - Chase - Brain
Ghost: Takeru Tenkuji - Makoto Fukami
Kuuga (manga): Yusuke Godai
Amazons: Haruka Mizusawa - Jin Takayama
Ex-Aid: Emu Hojo - Hiiro Kagami - Kiriya Kujo - Kuroto Dan - Poppy Pipopapo - Masamune Dan
Kamen Sentai Gorider: Aka-Rider - Ao-Rider - Ki-Rider - Momo-Rider - Mido-Rider
Build: Sento Kiryu - Ryuga Banjo - Kazumi Sawatari - Gentoku Himuro - Evolto
Zero-One: Aruto Hiden - Is - Isamu Fuwa - Yua Yaiba - Jin - Horobi
Saber: Touma Kamiyama - Rintaro Shindo - Kento Fukamiya - Ryo Ogami - Ren Akamichi - Tetsuo Daishinji - Yuri - Reika Shindai - Ryoga Shindai
Revice: Sakura Igarashi - Hana Natsuki
Chuta Ohsugi - Daita Kondou - Chikao Nezu - Hina Izumi - Shibuya Hachioji - Narita Kisarazu - Misora Isurugi - Fumen Master - Owner - Momotaros - Urataros - Kintaros - Ryutaros - Eri Ogawa - Daisuke Okubo - Amane Kurihara - Mana Kazaya - Riki - Ramon - Deneb - Krim Steinbelt - Takeshi Kinashi - Shesta - Jun Fukuzoe - Sanzo Yamashita - Narutaki - Akiko Narumi - Sawa Takigawa - Kanon Fukami - Lovekov
Time Jackers
Swartz - Heure - Ora
Movie Exclusive
Tid - Finis
Kamen Riders: SOUGO Tokiwa - Kagen - Jogen - Woz
Another Riders
Another Build - Another Ex-Aid - Another Fourze - Another Faiz - Another Wizard - Another OOO - Another Gaim - Another Ghost - Another Double - Another Den-O - Another Kuuga - Another Shinobi - Another Quiz - Another Ryuga - Another Kikai - Another Zi-O (II) - Another Ryuki - Another Blade - Another Agito (troops) - Another Hibiki - Another Kiva - Another Kabuto - Another Drive - Another Decade
Movie-exclusive Another Riders
Another Zero-One - Another 1 - Another Diend
Stageshow-exclusive Another Riders
Another Rider - No Rider - Another Ohma Zi-O
Novel-exclusive Another Riders
Another Ohma Zi-O Trinity - Another Tsukuyomi - Another Geiz - Another Woz
Other Villains
Kasshine - Genin - Humanoise - Worms - Elementary Inves - Trilobite Magia - Battle Magia
Black Satan
Mitsuko Fujimoto - Yuriko Kuroe - Devil Hana
Footsoldiers: Black Satan Soldiers