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Super Smash Bros. Brawl

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
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SmashWiki features a more in-depth article.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Ba america ssbb.jpg
North American (NTSC) box art.


HAL Laboratory
Game Arts
Monolith Soft
Intelligent Systems




Masahiro Sakurai

Release date(s)

JP January 31, 2008
US March 9, 2008
AUS June 26, 2008[1]
EU June 27, 2008[2]
KOR April 29, 2010


PEGI: 12
USK: 12




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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Japanese: 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズX Great Melee Smash Brothers X) is a fighting video game released in 2008 for the Wii console. It is the third game in the Super Smash Bros. series, a series of crossover fighting games uniting characters and elements from Nintendo's myriad video game series. As with its predecessor, Super Smash Bros. Melee, characters and other content from the Fire Emblem series are featured.


Two Fire Emblem series characters are playable in Brawl: Marth makes his second appearance in the series, while Ike makes his debut. Roy is no longer playable, though he retains some representation as a sticker.

Playable cast

Characters making their Super Smash Bros. debut in Brawl are listed in bold. Characters who need to be unlocked are marked with a ‡.


SSB.png This article or section is a short summary of Marth in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
SmashWiki features a more in-depth article.
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Marth, the protagonist of Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light and Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem returns from Super Smash Bros. Melee and can be unlocked three ways: completing ten matches in VS. mode, clearing Classic Mode for the first time on any difficulty, or by clearing his debut stage in the Subspace Emissary story mode. Marth is mostly unchanged from his Melee incarnation, with some of his moves receiving minor buffs, and like every other playable character he now wields a Final Smash attack, Critical Hit, where he rushes forward to deliver an immensely powerful slash that deals a devastating amount of knockback.

In The Subspace Emissary, Marth is first encountered at the Battlefield Fortress, which he fights to defend from a siege by the Subspace Army. While he holds them off at first by himself, he soon encounters and joins forces with Meta Knight to take on the army. While chasing the Ancient Minister, the two meet Ike, who joins them in pursuing the Subspace Army through the desert. During their desert exploration, they fight and defeat Galleom, who they send tumbling into the ruins below. Marth later joins with the rest of the characters and accompanies them in an attack on Subspace itself. Their first attempt meets with Tabuu transforming everyone into a trophy with his Off Waves attack, but Ness, Luigi, Kirby, and King Dedede were not present at the time of attack and free everyone from their trophy form. Marth can be chosen to challenge Tabuu in the final battle if his trophy is collected.


SSBB Ike.png
SSB.png This article or section is a short summary of Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
SmashWiki features a more in-depth article.
You'll get no sympathy from me.
— Ike doing one of his victory poses

Ike makes his Super Smash Bros. debut in Brawl as a starter character. While slow and weighty, he has a great amount of strength, due to the power of the sword Ragnell, which he uses as his weapon. His recovery is very poor due to not granting much horizontal distance. Ike's jab is a good combo starter in low percent. His aerials are safe due to the range of the move and are very powerful. His Final Smash is Great Aether, where he jumps high in the air and slashes opponents that were hit by the initial move.

In The Subspace Emissary, Ike is first seen performing an Aether on Ancient Minister when he joins Marth and Meta Knight in their journey throughout the desert. During their desert exploration, they fight and defeat Galleom, whom they send tumbling into the ruins below. Ike later joins with the rest of the characters in an attack on Subspace itself. The attempt ends with everyone turning into a trophy by Tabuu, but Ness, Luigi, Kirby, and King Dedede were not present at the time. They free everyone else from trophy form, and if the player revives Ike he can be chosen in the final battle against Tabuu.


Castle Siege

The Castle Siege stage in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
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SmashWiki features a more in-depth article.

Castle Siege (Japanese: 攻城戦 Siege) is the only Fire Emblem-themed stage in Brawl and was the first Fire Emblem stage in the entire Super Smash Bros. series. It is not based on any particular location or scene from the series, and is instead a generic castle setting drawing inspiration from the series as a whole. The stage is divided into three different segments, which automatically switch from one to the next after a set period of time:

  • The first part is set atop the battlements of the castle, while ballistae fling fireballs at its walls in the background. This segment is relatively narrow, and is topped by two smaller platforms.
  • The second part is set in the castle's interior halls, fighting atop a series of platforms held up by a pair of statues. Although they are not obstacles themselves, these statues can be destroyed by the players' fighting, which removes the platforms until the next time the stage shifts to this part.
  • The third part is set in a lava cavern beneath the castle, atop a stone slab balancing on a thin pillar. The slab tips back and forth as the players battle across it. After this part, the stage will switch back to the first part.


Assist Trophies

Assist Trophies are non-playable characters who can be summoned temporarily into a battle using the Assist Trophy item, in order to aid their summoner. One Fire Emblem character is available as an Assist Trophy.



Nine collectible trophies depicting Fire Emblem content are available in Brawl, four of which do not depict a playable character or Assist Trophy. The majority of Fire Emblem trophies are based on characters from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. Trophies are merely aesthetic rewards, giving short biographies of the characters or items they depict.


Twenty-four collectible stickers depicting Fire Emblem characters are available in Brawl. Stickers can be permanently applied to characters in the Subspace Emissary adventure mode to boost their attributes.

  • Ninian ([Arm, Leg] - Attack +6, Usable by Marth and Ike only)
  • Lyn (Food Effect +7)
  • Hector ([Slash] - Attack +27)
  • Guy ([Slash] - Attack +11)
  • Eliwood ([Flame] - Resistance +33, Usable by Marth and Ike only)
  • Shiida ([Specials: Direct] - Attack +7, Usable by Marth and Ike only)
  • Nabaaru (Trophy Stand Drops +22)
  • Marth ([Weapon] - Attack +19, Usable by Marth and Ike only)
  • The Black Knight (Launch Power +40)
  • Mist ([Slash] - Attack +8, Usable by Marth and Ike only)
  • Ike (Path of Radiance) ([Weapon] - Attack +23, Usable by Marth and Ike only)
  • Greil ([Throwing] - Attack +14, Usable by Marth and Ike only)
  • Ashnard ([Slash] - Resistance +34, Usable by Marth and Ike only)
  • Sothe (Flinch Resistance +105)
  • Micaiah ([Weapon] - Attack +21, Usable by Marth and Ike only)
  • Ike (Radiant Dawn) ([Slash] - Attack +27, Usable by Marth and Ike only)
  • Rutoga ([Slash] - Resistance +12, Usable by Marth and Ike only)
  • Roy ([Slash] - Attack +24)
  • Lilina ([Leg] - Attack +5, Usable by Marth and Ike only)
  • Deke ([Slash] - Attack +9, Usable by Marth and Ike only)
  • Myrrh ([Magic] - Attack +15, Usable by Peach and Zelda only)
  • Joshua ([Slash] - Attack +9)
  • Ephraim ([Slash] - Attack +23)
  • Eirika ([Slash] - Attack +16, Usable by Marth and Ike only)


The Japanese version of Brawl has Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem playable as a Masterpiece, a free time-limited trial of the game, available from the beginning. The demo allows three minutes (180 seconds) of gameplay in Book 1 Chapter 1 of the game, giving players a small taste of Marth's origins.

As Mystery of the Emblem was never released outside of Japan, it was not included in international releases of Brawl; it and EarthBound are the only Masterpieces cut from non-Japanese versions of the game.


  • Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 are the only Fire Emblem games which existed at the time to not be referenced at all in Brawl. Every other then-available game in the series has at least some recognition in Brawl, no matter how minor.
  • Data found within Brawl shows that Roy may have originally been intended to return: both an unused graphics effect file (ef_roy.pac) and an unused fanfare appear to be linked to him, but he was likely cut due to time constraints.
  • The stickers representing characters from The Binding Blade are referred to as appearing in Fuuin no Tsurugi in the PAL version of Brawl.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Super Smash Bros. Brawl




Great Melee Smash Brothers X


Super Smash Bros. Brawl



Super Smash Bros. Brawl



Super Smash Bros. Brawl



Super Smash Bros. Brawl



댄난투 스매시브라더스 X

Great Melee Smash Brothers X



External links

Fire Emblem series
Main series Shadow Dragon & the Blade of LightGaidenMystery of the EmblemGenealogy of the Holy WarThracia 776The Binding BladeThe Blazing BladeThe Sacred StonesPath of RadianceRadiant DawnShadow DragonNew Mystery of the EmblemAwakeningFatesEchoes: Shadows of ValentiaThree HousesEngage
Spin-offs Archanea SagaTokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FEHeroesWarriorsWarriors: Three Hopes
Crossover games Super Smash Bros. (MeleeBrawlfor Nintendo 3DS and Wii UUltimate) • Club Nintendo Picross+Code Name: S.T.E.A.M.Project X Zone 2WarioWareDragalia Lost
Unreleased games and prototypes Fire Emblem 64The Blazing Blade pre-release build 0206The Blazing Blade pre-release build 0219The Sacred Stones prototypeFire Emblem Wii
TearRing Saga series Yutona Heroes War ChroniclesBerwick Saga
Vestaria Saga series War of the ScionsThe Sacred Sword of SilvanisterLucca GaidenChronicles of the Norden Civil War
Related titles Mario Kart: Double Dash!! bonus discLINENintendo Badge Arcade
Versions and releases List of version differencesLocalization of the Fire Emblem seriesVirtual Console
Other References in other mediaReferences to other media