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Critical hit

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
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Lon'qu inflicts a critical hit upon an enemy Knight. Myrmidons like Lon'qu frequently deal critical hits due to their high skill.

A critical hit (Japanese: 必殺の一撃 critical hit), often abbreviated as critical or crit, is an uncommon and powerful type of attack inflicted at random, which deals more damage to a foe than usual. The ability to and chance of inflicting a critical hit is dictated by both a unit's stats and those of the weapons they wield, and in turn a unit's luck stat helps lower their risk of falling victim to critical hits themselves.


The concept of critical hits is widespread in role-playing games in general, both computer and tabletop, and is generally intended to simulate the random chance of a warrior's attack hitting a vital weak point on their enemy such as an organ. The Fire Emblem series use of critical hits is very much in line with this practice. Each unit has a critical rate which is calculated based on both their own skill stat and the crit value on the weapon they presently wield, in addition to other game-dependent factors such as skills or support bonuses. In battles, this is subtracted from the opposing unit's dodge calculation, based on their luck, in order to generate a percentage chance of successfully activating and dealing a critical hit.

Most games in the series feature a collection of classes and items which are intrinsically possessed of far higher critical hit chances than usual. Some classes, most prominently the Myrmidon class family, possess an in-built class bonus which awards a set increase to their critical hit rate at all times. While the crit stat on weapons is typically relatively low, some weapons feature a distinctly high crit stat and are specifically touted as giving their wielder a significant critical rate increase; the most prominent of these is the recurring "killer weapons" line, including the Killing Edge, Killer Lance, Killer Axe and Killer Bow, all of which typically offer a high crit stat ranging between 20 and 30. Conversely, the player is occasionally offered ways to protect units from critical hits without relying on luck stats. Certain items and skills, such as the Hoplon Guard and Fortune, completely block opposing units from ever executing critical hits.

From Genealogy of the Holy War onward, critical hits are typically associated with distinct animations, actions and flourishes performed by each class to clearly demonstrate that the hit they are about to inflict is a critical hit; this effect previously existed solely for Marth and Alm in Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light and Gaiden. For units wielding physical weapons these typically involve spinning one's weapon (or, for bow users, their arrows) around at high speed, while magical units typically wave their hands more than usual or summon additional magical runes surrounding them as they cast the spell. Additionally, in Radiant Dawn and, from New Mystery of the Emblem onwards, impending critical hits will be announced with a bright flash and distinct noise. Depending on the game or class, there can be multiple animations for critical hits depending on whether they are lethal or when they are performed relative to other attacks.


Damage inflicted

Critical rate

Main article: Critical rate

These calculations are for the raw pre-battle critical rate of units, as typically expressed on a unit's status profile. In battle, the foe's dodge calculation is subtracted from the raw critical rate to produce their actual practical critical rate percentage. If an attack misses it cannot be a critical hit; this is because the game will not determine whether or not an attack is a critical hit unless it has already determined that the attack will hit.

Game Formula Notes
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light [(Skill + Luck) / 4] + (Weapon Crit / 2) --
Gaiden [(Skill + Luck) / 4] + (Weapon Crit / 2) All enemy units, excluding Gargoyles and the Mercenary line, will always have 0% critical rate.
Units using Nosferatu will always have 0% critical rate, except against Gargoyles and the Mercenary line or when holding the Luna.[1]
A unit with a Prayer Ring has their critical rate set to 100% when their HP ≤ 50%.
Mystery of the Emblem and Archanea Saga (Skill) + (Weapon Crit) + (Support bonus) If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
Genealogy of the Holy War Without Critical skill: (Combination bonus)
With Critical skill: (Skill) + min(Weapon's kills − 50, 0) + (Combination bonus)
If a unit or their weapon lacks the Critical skill, they are incapable of performing critical hits outside of combination bonuses or Wrath.
+20% critical hit rate when the combination bonus is in effect.
If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
A unit with Wrath has their critical rate set to 100% when their HP ≤ 50%.
Thracia 776 (Skill) + (Weapon Crit) + (Support bonus) In battle, a unit's critical rate on follow-up attacks is affected by their follow-up critical multiplier.
Furthermore, the critical rate on the first attack is capped at 25. This does not affect the calculations for the critical rate of the follow-up attack.
Additional hits from Brave Weapons or Adept inherit their properties from the previous hit.
If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
A unit with Wrath has their critical rate set to 100% when the foe attacks first.
The Binding Blade (Skill / 2) + (Weapon Crit) + (Support bonus) + (Class bonus) The class bonus is +30 if the unit is a Swordmaster or Berserker.
If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
When using a Light Brand at indirect range, the critical rate is locked at 0.
The Blazing Blade (Skill / 2) + (Weapon Crit) + (Support bonus) + (Class bonus) + (S-Level bonus) The class bonus is +15 if the unit is a Swordmaster or Berserker.
The S-Level bonus is +5 if the unit has an S level in their currently equipped weapon.
If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
When using a Light Brand or Wind Sword at indirect range or a Runesword, the critical rate is locked at 0.
The Sacred Stones (Skill / 2) + (Weapon Crit) + (Support bonus) + (Class bonus) + (S-Level bonus) The class bonus is +15 if the unit is a Swordmaster, Berserker, Journeyman (3) or Recruit (3).
The S-Level bonus is +5 if the unit has an S level in their currently equipped weapon.
If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
When using a Light Brand or Wind Sword at indirect range or a Runesword, the critical rate is locked at 0.
Path of Radiance (Skill / 2) + (Weapon Crit) + (Support bonus) + (Class bonus) + (Any bonuses from skills) The class bonus is +15 if the unit is a Swordmaster, Sniper, or Berserker. However, the class bonus does not exist in the Japanese version.
If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
Radiant Dawn (Skill / 2) + (Weapon Crit) + (Bond support bonus) + (Any bonuses from skills) If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
Shadow Dragon (Skill / 2) + (Weapon Crit) + (Support bonus) + (Class bonus) The class bonus is +5 if the unit is a Sniper, +10 if a Berserker.
If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
New Mystery of the Emblem If unit's skill < 20: (Skill / 2) + (Weapon Crit) + (Support bonus) + (Class bonus)
If unit's skill ≥ 20: (Skill − 10) + (Weapon Crit) + (Support bonus) + (Class bonus)
The class bonus is +5 if the unit is a Sniper, +10 if a Berserker.
If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
Awakening (Skill / 2) + (Weapon Crit) + (Dual and Pair Up bonus) + (Skill bonus) If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
Fates (Weapon Crit) + [(Skill − 4) / 2] + (Dual and Pair Up bonus) + (Skill bonus) + (Class bonus) The class bonus is +5 if the unit is a Master Ninja, Nine-Tails, Lodestar, or Pegasus Knight; +10 if a Sniper, Sorcerer, Spear Master, Swordmaster, or Witch; and +20 if a Berserker.
If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
Shadows of Valentia (Weapon Crit) + [(Skill + Luck) / 2] + (Support bonus) If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
Three Houses (Weapon Crit) + [(Dexterity + Luck) / 2] + (Ability bonus) + (Equipment bonus) + (Battalion bonus) If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
Engage (Weapon Crit) + (Dexterity / 2) + (Skill bonus) If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.

Items and skills affecting critical hit

Weapons, items and skills awarding critical hit bonuses or penalties
Item Effect Games
Is snes02 critical.png Critical (skill) Allows the user to perform critical hit when equipped. Genealogy of the Holy War
Is snes02 nihil.png Nihil Negates the foe's ability to inflict critical hits against the user when equipped. Genealogy of the Holy War
Is snes02 wrath.png Wrath If HP ≤ (Max HP/2)+1, user always inflicts critical hits. Genealogy of the Holy War
If foe initiates combat, user always inflicts critical hits. Thracia 776
+50 critical rate if HP ≤ 50%, HP ≤ 30% or HP ≤ 50% and foe initiates combat. Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, Three Houses
+20 critical rate if HP ≤ 50%. Awakening
+1 critical rate for each point of HP lost with a max of 30. Engage
Is gba light brand.png Light Brand Prevent the user from inflicting critical hit when attacking from 2 range. The Binding Blade, The Blazing Blade, The Sacred Stones
Is gba runesword.png Runesword Prevent the user from inflicting critical hit. The Blazing Blade, The Sacred Stones
Is wii critical +15.png Critical +15 Grants a 15% bonus to the user Critical rate when equipped. The Blazing Blade, The Sacred Stones, Radiant Dawn
Is gba wind sword.png Wind Sword Prevent the user from inflicting critical hit when attacking at 2 range. The Blazing Blade, The Sacred Stones
Is gba iron rune.png Iron Rune Negates the foe's ability to inflict critical hits against the user when equipped. The Blazing Blade
Is gba hoplon guard.png Hoplon Guard Negates the foe's ability to inflict critical hits against the user when equipped. The Sacred Stones
Is gcn trainer.png Trainer Prevent the user from inflicting critical hit. Path of Radiance
Is gcn practice axe.png Practice Axe Prevent the user from inflicting critical hit. Path of Radiance
Is wii daunt.png Daunt -5 critical rate and avoid to all enemy units within a 3-tile radius of the user when equipped. Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn
Is 3ds02 gamble.png Gamble Doubles critical hit rate and halves hit rate for the user for one round of attack on command*/+10 critical hit rate, -5 hit rate*/+10 critical hit rate, -10 hit rate* when equipped. Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, Awakening, Fates
All Bronze-weapons Prevent the user from inflicting critical hit. Radiant Dawn, Fates
Is wii critical +5.png Critical +5 Grants a 5% bonus to the user's Critical rate when equipped. Radiant Dawn
Is wii critical +10.png Critical +10 Grants a 10% bonus to the user's Critical rate when equipped. Radiant Dawn
Is wii critical +20.png Critical +20 Grants a 20% bonus to the user's Critical rate when equipped. Radiant Dawn
Is wii critical +25.png Critical +25 Grants a 25% bonus to the user's Critical rate when equipped. Radiant Dawn
Is wii fortune.png Fortune Negates the foe's ability to inflict critical hits against the user when equipped. Radiant Dawn
Is 3ds01 zeal.png Zeal Increases the unit's critical rate by 5 when equipped. Awakening
Is 3ds01 solidarity.png Solidarity Increases the critical rate by 10 to all adjacent allies when equipped. Awakening
All Brass-weapons, Kodachi, Javelin, Xander's Lance, Hand Axe, Throwing Club, Nosferatu Prevent the user from inflicting critical hit. Fates
Killing Edge, Killer Lance, Killer Axe, Great Club, Killer Bow, Mjölnir, Barb Shuriken, Odin's Grimoire Critical hits deal ×4 damage instead of ×3. Fates
All Magical-weapons other than Dragonstone, Felicia's Plate and Leo's Iceblade Prevent the user from inflicting critical hit. Fates
Is 3ds02 bushido.png Bushido +10 critical rate when user is the lead unit and has an equal to or higher level than the support unit. Fates, Engage
Is 3ds02 competitive.png Competitive +10 critical rate when user is the lead unit and has an equal to or lower level than the support unit. Fates
Is 3ds02 bibliophile.png Bibliophile +10 critical rate when user has 3 or more tomes/scrolls in inventory. Fates
Is 3ds02 death blow.png Death Blow +20 critical rate if the user initiates the attack when equipped. Fates, Engage
Is 3ds02 dragonskin.png Dragonskin Reduces all critical hits dealt to the user by 50% when equipped. Fates
Is ns01 skill self buff.png Hunter's Boon +20 critical rate if foe's HP ≤ 50%. Three Houses
Is ns01 axe crit +10.png Axe Critical +10 +10 critical rate if user has an axe equipped. Three Houses
Is ns01 black magic crit +10.png Black Magic Critical +10 +10 critical rate if user has black magic equipped. Three Houses
Is ns01 bow crit +10.png Bow Critical +10 +10 critical rate if user has a bow equipped. Three Houses
Is ns01 brawl crit +10.png Brawl Critical +10 +10 critical rate if user has a brawling weapon equipped. Three Houses
Is ns01 lance crit +10.png Lance Critical +10 +10 critical rate if user has a lance equipped. Three Houses
Is ns01 sword crit +10.png Sword Critical +10 +10 critical rate if user has a sword equipped. Three Houses
Is ns01 defiant crit.png Defiant Critical +50 critical rate if user's HP ≤ 25%. Three Houses
Is ns01 battalion wrath.png Battalion Wrath +50 critical rate if a battalion is equipped, its endurance ≤ 33%, and foe initiates combat. Three Houses
Is ns01 barrier ability.png Vital Defense Negates the foe's ability to inflict critical hits against the user. Three Houses
Is ns02 alabaster duty.png Alabaster Duty +5 critical rate for user and Alear, if user is adjacent to Alear. Engage
Is ns02 trained to kill.png Trained to Kill +15 critical rate if unit is standing on a tile that grants an avoid bonus. Engage
Is ns02 share spoils.png Share Spoils +10 hit and avoid rate and -10 to critical rate if user is adjacent to an ally. Engage
Is ns02 charmer.png Charmer −10 critical rate on foe if foe was also the users most recent opponent. Engage
Is ns02 party animal.png Party Animal +3 × the number of allies and foes within 2 spaces to crit and avoid to unit. Engage
Is ns02 racket of solm.png Racket of Solm −5 critical rate for enemies within 3 spaces Engage
Is ns02 blood fury.png Blood Fury +10 critical rate when user is not at full heatlh. Engage
Is ns02 weapon insight.png Weapon Insight +20 critical rate if user's weapon level is lower than the opponents weapon level. Engage
Is ns02 protective.png Protective +10 critical rate if foe initiated battle against Nil this turn. Engage
Is ns02 rivalry.png Rivalry, Wounded Pride +10 critical rate to user if ally within 2 spaces defeats a foe. Engage
Is ns02 sword agility 1.png Sword Agility −10 critical rate and + agility depending on the skill level if user wields a sword. Engage
Is ns02 lance agility 1.png Lance Agility −10 critical rate and + agility depending on the skill level if user wields a lance. Engage
Is ns02 bow agility 1.png Bow Agility −10 critical rate and + agility depending on the skill level if user wields a bow. Engage
Is ns02 no distractions.png No Distractions +10 critical rate if foe can't counter. Engage
Is ns02 adaptable.png Adaptable Unit counters with best weapon. +10 critical rate when active (Backup units only). Engage
Is ns02 storm's eye.png Storm's Eye User is immune to break, guarantees the user a follow-up attack, and prevents foes from making follow-up attacks against the user for one turn.
Prevents critical hits against unit (Dragon units only).
Critical rate +20 (Backup units only)
Is ns02 boon of elyos.png Boon of Elyos Critical rate + 2× number of allies who have already acted this turn, if user initiates combat. Engage
Is ns02 deadly blade.png Deadly Blade +10 critical rate if user initiates combat with a sword. Engage
Is ns02 battlewise.png Battlewise +1 critical rate for each enemy user defeats in combat, with a maximum of +10. Engage
Is ns02 lightsphere.png Lightsphere Critical rate/2 on foe if user initiates combat. Engage
Is ns02 brute force.png Brute Force Critical hits deal ×4 damage instead of ×3. Engage
Is ns02 cornered beast.png Cornered Beast +30 critical rate if user's HP ≤ 50%. Engage
Is ns02 sigil protection.png Sigil Protection −50 critical rate on foe. Engage

Other appearances

Super Smash Bros. series

Marth performing Critical Hit in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.
SSB.png This article or section is a short summary of Critical hit.
SmashWiki features a more in-depth article.

The Super Smash Bros. series uses the critical hit concept to form the move Critical Hit, Marth's Final Smash from Super Smash Bros. Brawl onward, as well as Roy's and Lucina's in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U, activated through use of a Smash Ball. Marth and Lucina share the same basic version of the move, while Roy's is radically different:

  • After thrusting their Falchion skyward, Marth/Lucina darts forward at high speed and, if they encounter any opponents, deals a powerful blow to them accompanied with a Fire Emblem-style HP box rapidly depleting. In Brawl, Critical Hit is considered to possess more raw power than any other Final Smash, as its attack deals significant damage and immense knockback and is under most circumstances guaranteed to knock out the opponent should it connect, but conversely is predictable and relatively easy to dodge. The animation loosely imitates Marth's critical hit animation in his debut appearance in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light.
  • Roy moves the Binding Blade in a circle, then sharply whips it down behind him and unleashes a single, powerful overhead swing which deals immense damage to the foe if it hits, accompanied by a rapidly depleting Fire Emblem-style HP bar. Roy's variant directly imitates his critical hit animation when using the Binding Blade in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade.

As with all Final Smashes, Critical Hit is depicted on trophies in Brawl and for Wii U, awarded for completing All-Star Mode with the respective character.

The HP bar in Brawl is based on that of Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem, and the one in 3DS/Wii U and Ultimate is based on that of Awakening.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl trophy

Critical Hit
SSBB Trophy Critical Hit.png Marth's Final Smash. He thrusts his sword skyward, then rushes to meet his targeted enemy with furious speed. The blow he strikes is so powerful that his foe is instantly launched off the screen. As in Fire Emblem, a window appears that shows the character's hit points dropping rapidly to zero—but this is just for effect. Smash Bros. does not use a hit-point system.

SSBWU console icon Wii.png Super Smash Bros. Brawl

All-Star Mode

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U trophies

Critical Hit (Marth)
SSBWU Trophy Critical Hit (Marth).png NA: Marth raises his Exalted Falchion to the sky and then rushes forward to deal an incredibly powerful blow, almost certainly KO'ing anyone and everyone who gets hit! When it's used in the air, he'll fly forward a certain distance. On the ground, however, he'll only dash to the edge of the platform he's standing on.
PAL: Marth raises his Exalted Falchion to the sky, then rushes forwards to deal an incredibly powerful blow, almost certainly KOing anyone and everyone who gets hit! When used in the air, he'll fly forwards a set distance, but on the ground, he'll only dash up to the edge of the platform he's standing on.
All-Star Mode (Wii U)
Critical Hit (Lucina)
SSBWU Trophy Critical Hit (Lucina).png NA: In Lucina's Final Smash, she raises her sword high before dashing swiftly forward to deliver a deadly blow to whomever she makes contact with first. Even if their damage is low, this strike is powerful enough to take out foes in a single hit. Just make sure you don't dash off the stage when you use it in midair!
PAL: In Lucina's Final Smash, she raises her sword high, then dashes swiftly forwards to deliver a deadly blow to whoever stands in her way. Even if their damage is low, this strike is powerful enough to take them out in a single hit. Just be careful not to dash off the stage if you use it in mid-air!
All-Star Mode (Wii U)
Critical Hit (Roy)
SSBWU Trophy Critical Hit (Roy).png For Roy's Final Smash, he traps enemies in a circular swing of the blade, brings it up behind him, and then, in a blast of fire, brings the blade down for a powerful finisher! The downward attack is powerful on its own but doesn't have much range, so make sure you're close enough to hit your enemies with the full combo and really seal their fate! All-Star Mode (Wii U)


  • In the Family Computer Fire Emblem titles, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light and Fire Emblem Gaiden, the critical hit animation can play and miss. This does not occur in other games in the series, and is somewhat hard to notice in the Famicom titles, as only Marth and Alm actually have critical hit animations.
  • In Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, critical hits on bosses that retreat rather than dying when defeated will play the non-lethal critical hit animation instead of the lethal animation when defeated by a critical hit.
  • According to the director of Path of Radiance, Masayuki Horikawa, the class critical rate bonus was not included in the Japanese version of Path of Radiance because the classes which had such a bonus in previous games were already easy to use and strong.[2]

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Critical hit




Literally "deadly hit", though whenever English text appears in the Japanese games referring to critical hits, rate, etc. it is "Critical" or an abbreviation of such. Note that the Killing Edge is referred to as a 必殺の剣 deadly sword in dialogue, connecting the names of the Killer high critical rate weapons with critical hits.


Golpe crítico

Critical hit


Coup critique

Critical hit


Kritischer Treffer

Critical hit


Colpo triplo

Triple hit


GBA titles

Other appearances


  1. @wakobunonazo, 【FC】ファイアーエムブレム外伝 小ネタ&バグ技集, YouTube, Published: May 14, 2022, Retrieved: September 9, 2024
  2. "これらの兵種は、使いやすかったり強かったりしていたので、今作は、必殺率上昇といった特典をなしにしています。" — Masayuki Horikawa, 蒼炎の軌跡Q&A/質問と回答のページ 10, Path of Radiance official website, Retrieved: November 6, 2020
Game mechanics
Out-of-battle management Base (BarracksBase CampBase conversationEveryone's ConditionsExpeditionGarreg Mach Monastery (Abyss) • My CastleSomniel) • Bonus experienceCalendarDungeonsGameplay modes (DifficultyCreature CampaignNew Game +) • GoldLessonsMila ShrinesPeddlerPreparationsRenownShopping (ArmoryBargainsForgeItem shopMerchantOnline shopSecret shop) • Supply convoyWorld map
Battles and chapters ArenaBattle saveBossCastleChapter (Alternate routeParalogueSide quest) • ChestCombat forecastEvent tilesHidden treasureObjectivesReinforcementSkirmishTerrain (Hazards) • Turn (Turn rewind) • Weather (Fog of war) • Village
Stats Units ActionAffinityAuthorityBiorhythmCharmClass (Class masteryClass relative powerUnit type) • Constitution (Aid) • DefenseExperienceFollow-up critical multiplierGrowth rateHit pointHoly BloodInventoryLevelLuckMagicMoraleMovementProficiencyResistanceSkillSpeedStrengthWeapon levelWeight
Weapons Brave weaponCritical rateDurabilityHitKill bonusMightPersonal weaponsRangeWeapon experienceWeapon levelWeightWorth
Unit mechanics and commands AdjutantAttack (Counterattack) • Auto-BattleBattalion (Gambit) • CantoChain attackChain GuardClass change (Reclass) • Combat artCrestsDance (GaldrarPlaySing) • Death (Decoy) • DismountDragon VeinEmblem RingsFatigueInventoryLaguz transformationLove (JealousyInheritance) • Pair UpRallyRecruitmentRescue (Capture) • Skills (Offensive skill) • SmashStaggering BlowStatus effectsSupportTalkTradeUnit (AvatarBond unitsBonus unitEinherjarLoan unitPrisonerReplacement unit) • Visit
Calculations AttackAttack speedAvoidBonus damageCritical hit (Combination bonusDodgeTriangle Attack) • Hit rate (True hit) • Random number generatorWeapon triangle (Trinity of magic)
Connectivity amiiboData transferDouble DuelDownloadable contentLink ArenaMultiplayer battleOnline shopSpotPassStreetPass
Other BarrierBirthdayClass rollGlitchesMovieMultiple endingsRankingsSound RoomTactician bonus