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Blue Tome Valor

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
(Redirected from B Tome Valor 2)
Blue Tome Valor

Is feh b tome valor 1.png
Icon of the B Tome Valor 1 skill in Heroes.


Passive (Type C)

First game


Blue Tome Valor (Japanese: 青魔の技量 Blue Magic Ability) is a three-tiered passive type C skill which debuted in Fire Emblem Heroes; the individual tiers of the skill are B Tome Valor 1, B Tome Valor 2, and B Tome Valor 3 in order from lowest to highest. B Tome Valor boosts the SP gained by wielders of blue tome weapons; tier 1 affects only the skill's user, tier 2 affects the whole team, and tier 3 provides a greater boost.


Game Icon Type Effect SP cost Prerequisites Usable by Inheritable Other effects and notes
(B Tome Valor 1)
Is feh b tome valor 1.png C While user is alive, user gains +50% SP. 30 -- Blue tomes Does not stack with additional instances of B Tome Valor
(B Tome Valor 2)
Is feh b tome valor 2.png C While user is alive, all blue tome units on team gain +50% SP. 60 B Tome Valor 1 Blue tomes Does not stack with additional instances of B Tome Valor
(B Tome Valor 3)
Is feh b tome valor 3.png C While user is alive, all blue tome units on team gain +100% SP. 120 B Tome Valor 2 Blue tomes Does not stack with additional instances of B Tome Valor



Method Data
B Tome Valor 1 B Tome Valor 2 B Tome Valor 3
Unit (★★★★★) Shigure: Dark Sky Singer Shigure: Dark Sky Singer Shigure: Dark Sky Singer

Flavor text

Game Text
(B Tome Valor 1)
While unit lives and uses a blue tome, unit gets
1.5x SP. (Only highest value applied. Does not
(B Tome Valor 2)
While unit lives, all blue tome allies on team get
1.5x SP. (Only highest value applied. Does not
(B Tome Valor 3)
While unit lives, all blue tome allies on team get
2x SP. (Only highest value applied. Does not

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Blue Tome Valor

Abbreviated as B Tome Valor.



Blue Magic Ability


Grimorio heroico Azul

Heroic blue grimoire; abbreviated as Gr. heroico A.


Technique tome (Bleu)

Tome technique (Blue); abbreviated as Tech. tome (B).


Blaues Buch Mut

Blue Book Bravery; abbreviated as Bl. Buch Mut.


Eroismo tomo Blu

Blue tome heroism; abbreviated as Erois. tomo B.


Tomo azul épico

Epic blue tome

Traditional Chinese


Blue magic skill

See also

Type C passive skills in Heroes
Debuffing skills Atk PloyAtk/Spd PloyAtk SmokeAtk/Def ReinAtk/Res CruxAtk/Res PloyAtk/Res ReinAtk/Spd ReinA/S Rein SnapChaos NamedDef PloyDef SmokeDef/Res PloyDef/Res ReinGlarePanic PloyRes PloyRes SmokeSpd PloySpd SmokeSpd/Def CruxSpd/Def ReinS/D Rein SnapSpd/Res CruxSpd/Res PloySpd/Res Rein
Experience-related skills Axe ExperienceAxe ValorBeast Exp.Beast ValorB Tome Exp.B Tome ValorBow Exp.Bow ValorDagger Exp.Dagger ValorDragon Exp.Dragon ValorG Tome Exp.G Tome ValorLance Exp.Lance ValorR Tome Exp.R Tome ValorStaff Exp.Staff ValorSword Exp.Sword Valor
Healing skills Breath of LifeEven RecoveryOdd RecoverySparkling Boost
Mobility skills Active LookoutAir OrdersArmor MarchArmored StrideAssault RushAssault TroopA/D Briar F SaveA/D Far SaveA/D Near SaveA/D Twin F SaveA/D Twin N SaveA/R Far SaveA/R Near SaveA/R Twin F SaveA/R Twin N SaveA/S Far SaveA/S Near SaveCanto ControlD/R Far SaveD/R Near SaveD/R Twin N SaveEndless TempestEven TempestFanged TiesFetters of DromiFirm Canto CurbFlier GuidanceGround OrdersGuidanceLookoutLookout ForceOdd TempestOpening RetainerShadow ShiftShadow SmiteSoaring GuidanceSolitary Dream
Proximity skills Alarm Atk/DefAlarm Atk/SpdAlarm Def/ResAlarm Spd/DefArmor MarchArmored StrideAtk TacticA/D Far SaveAtk/Def GapAtk/Def HoldAtk/Def MenaceA/D Near SaveAtk/Def OathAtk/Def ReinA/D Twin F SaveA/D Twin N SaveA/R Far SaveAtk/Res GapAtk/Res HoldAtk/Res MenaceA/R Near SaveA/R Twin F SaveA/R Twin N SaveAtk/Res OathAtk/Res ReinAtk SmokeA/R Twin F SaveA/S Far SaveAtk/Spd GapAtk/Spd HoldA/S Incite HoneAtk/Spd MenaceA/S Near SaveAtk/Spd OathAtk/Spd PledgeAtk/Spd ReinA/S Rein SnapBarricadeBeast ThreatenBern's New WayBreath of LifeChaos NamedClose GuardCross Spur AtkCross Spur SpdCross Spur ResDarkling DragonDarkling GuardianDeadly MiasmaDef TacticD/R Far SaveDef/Res GapDef/Res HoldDef/Res MenaceD/R Near SaveDef/Res OathDef/Res PledgeDef/Res ReinDef SmokeD/R Twin N SaveDistant GuardDivine DeceitDivine FangDomain of FlameDomain of IceDragon MonarchDream DelivererDrive AtkDrive DefDrive ResDrive SpdEven RecoveryEverliving DomainFaith in HumanityFatal SmokeFortify ArmorFortify BeastsFortify CavalryFortify DefFortify DragonsFortify FliersFortify ResGlareGlittering AnimaGoad ArmorGoad BeastsGoad CavalryGoad DragonsGoad FliersGoddess BearerHeart of CrimeaHeir to LightHigher GroundHoly GroundHone ArmorHone AtkHone BeastsHone CavalryHone DragonsHone FliersHone SpdHuman VirtueIncite Atk/ResIncite Atk/SpdIncite Spd/DefInevitable DeathInfantry BreathInfantry FlashInf. HexbladeInf. Null FollowInfantry PulseInfantry RushInf. Spd TacticJoint Close GuardJoint Dist. GuardJoint Drive AtkJoint Drive DefJoint Drive ResJoint Drive SpdJoint Hone AtkJoint Hone DefJoint Hone ResJoint Hone SpdLower GroundOdd RecoveryOpened DomainOrder's RestraintOstia's PulsePanic SmokePulse SmogPulse SmokeRallying CryRes SmokeRes TacticRouse Atk/DefRouse Atk/ResRouse Atk/SpdRouse Def/ResRouse Spd/DefRouse Spd/ResSavage BlowSeveranceSolitary DreamSpd/Def GapSpd/Def HoldSpd/Def MenaceSpd/Def OathSpd/Def ReinS/D Rein SnapSpd/Res GapSpd/Res HoldSpd/Res MenaceSpd/Res OathSpd/Res ReinSpd SmokeSpd TacticSpur AtkSpur Atk/DefSpur Atk/ResSpur Atk/SpdSpur DefSpur Def/ResSpur ResSpur SpdSpur Spd/DefSpur Spd/ResStall PloySurtr's MenaceSurtr's PortentThreaten AtkThreat. Atk/DefThreat. Atk/ResThreat. Atk/SpdThreaten DefThreat. Def/ResThreaten ResThreaten SpdThreat. Spd/DefThreat. Spd/ResWard ArmorWard BeastsWard CavalryWard DragonsWard FliersWith Everyone!
Stat-boosting skills All Together!Atk OpeningDef OpeningInborn IdealismRes OpeningSpd OpeningVision of ArcadiaWings of Light
Turn-related skills A/D Far SaveA/D Near SaveA/D Twin F SaveA/D Twin N SaveA/R Far SaveA/R Near SaveA/R Twin F SaveA/S Far SaveA/S Near SaveBreath of LifeBrutal TempestD/R Far SaveD/R Near SaveD/R Twin N SaveEven Atk WaveEven Atk Wave NEven Def WaveEven RecoveryEven Res WaveEven Res Wave DEven Spd WaveEven TempestFatal SmokeFuture-FocusedFuture-SightedOdd Atk WaveOdd Def WaveOdd RecoveryOdd Res WaveOdd Spd WaveOdd TempestSavage BlowTip the Scales!
Miscellaneous skills Absolute ClosureBlue FeudCreation PulseC FeudConnected WorldCorrupted DragonDivine FangDivine NectarDivine TalonFell MajestyFell ProtectionFell SuccessorForever YoursGreen FeudImpenetrable DarkImpenetrable VoidMending HeartNectar's MagicParanoiaPulse Up: BladesPulse Up: PloyQuiet StrengthRed FeudTime Pulse EdgeTime's PulseTwinkling AnimaUpheavalWorldbreaker