Katol was a Marquis of Crimea who was assumed killed during The Mad King's War. He is never seen, but is mentioned by Lucia when she is finally reunited with Elincia. According to her, his death orphaned a surviving son, Silok, who has remained a loyal Crimean retainer along with Lucia, Bastian, and Geoffrey in Princess Elincia's absence.
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Playable | Ike - Titania - Boyd - Oscar - Rhys - Shinon - Gatrie - Soren - Mia - Ilyana - Mist - Rolf - Marcia - Lethe - Mordecai - Volke - Kieran - Brom - Nephenee - Zihark - Sothe - Jill - Astrid - Makalov - Stefan - Tormod - Muarim - Devdan - Tanith - Reyson - Janaff - Ulki - Calill - Tauroneo - Ranulf - Haar - Bastian - Lucia - Geoffrey - Largo - Elincia - Ena - Nasir - Naesala - Tibarn - Giffca | |
Trial Map | Oliver - Shiharam - Petrine - Bryce - Ashnard | |
Non-playable | Black Knight - Caineghis - Dheginsea - Gareth - Greil - Izuka - Kurthnaga - Leanne - Lorazieh - Nealuchi - Sanaki - Sigrun - Lotz - Zawana - Ikanau - Havetti - Maijin - Dakova - Emil - Balmer - Kamura - Nedata - Kotaff - Danomill - Mackoya - Seeker - Norris - Gashilama - Kimaarsi - Kayachey - Homasa - Kasatai - Schaeffer - Tomenami - Lillia - Rikard - Gromell - Bertram - Hafedd - Heddwyn - Ramon - Lekain - Hetzel - Rajaion |
Begnion - Crimea - Daein - Gallia - Goldoa - Kilvas - Nevassa - Phoenicis - Serenes Forest - Tellius - Gritnea Tower - Talrega - Grann Desert - Sienne - Marhaut Mountain Range - Ohma - Caldea - Castle Crimea - Castle Nados - Port Toha - Mainal Cathedral - Palmeni Temple - Fort Pinell
P: Mercenaries - C1: The Battle Begins - C2: Rescue - C3: Pirates Aground - C4: Roadside Battle - C5: Flight! - C6: A Brief Diversion - C7: Shades of Evil - C8: Despair and Hope - C9: Gallia - C10: Prisoner Release - C11: Blood Runs Red - C12: A Strange Land - C13: A Guiding Wind - C14: Training - C15: The Feral Frontier - C16: The Atonement - C17: Day Breaks - C18: Crimea Marches - C19: Entrusted - C20: Defending Talrega - C21: Without a King - C22: Solo - C23: The Great Bridge - C24: Battle Reunion - C25: Strange Lands - C26: Clash! - C27: Moment of Fate - C28: Twisted Tower - E: Repatriation
Trial Maps
Alondite - Begnion Senate - Beorc - Biorhythm - Bonus Experience - Branded - Crimean Anti-Laguz Vigilantes - Crimean Liberation Army - Feral One - Greil Mercenaries - Gurgurant - Laguz - Lehran's Medallion - Ragnell - Regal Sword - Serenes Massacre - The Great Flood - Skills - Staff of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - Translations
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