The prototype version of Tellius (Est is located in right).
Est is an unused location and an island in Tellius in the prototype version of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. It is located where Asmin would be.
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Playable | Ike - Titania - Boyd - Oscar - Rhys - Shinon - Gatrie - Soren - Mia - Ilyana - Mist - Rolf - Marcia - Lethe - Mordecai - Volke - Kieran - Brom - Nephenee - Zihark - Sothe - Jill - Astrid - Makalov - Stefan - Tormod - Muarim - Devdan - Tanith - Reyson - Janaff - Ulki - Calill - Tauroneo - Ranulf - Haar - Bastian - Lucia - Geoffrey - Largo - Elincia - Ena - Nasir - Naesala - Tibarn - Giffca | |
Trial Map | Oliver - Shiharam - Petrine - Bryce - Ashnard | |
Non-playable | Black Knight - Caineghis - Dheginsea - Gareth - Greil - Izuka - Kurthnaga - Leanne - Lorazieh - Nealuchi - Sanaki - Sigrun - Lotz - Zawana - Ikanau - Havetti - Maijin - Dakova - Emil - Balmer - Kamura - Nedata - Kotaff - Danomill - Mackoya - Seeker - Norris - Gashilama - Kimaarsi - Kayachey - Homasa - Kasatai - Schaeffer - Tomenami - Lillia - Rikard - Gromell - Bertram - Hafedd - Heddwyn - Ramon - Lekain - Hetzel - Rajaion |
Begnion - Crimea - Daein - Gallia - Goldoa - Kilvas - Nevassa - Phoenicis - Serenes Forest - Tellius - Gritnea Tower - Talrega - Grann Desert - Sienne - Marhaut Mountain Range - Ohma - Caldea - Castle Crimea - Castle Nados - Port Toha - Mainal Cathedral - Palmeni Temple - Fort Pinell
P: Mercenaries - C1: The Battle Begins - C2: Rescue - C3: Pirates Aground - C4: Roadside Battle - C5: Flight! - C6: A Brief Diversion - C7: Shades of Evil - C8: Despair and Hope - C9: Gallia - C10: Prisoner Release - C11: Blood Runs Red - C12: A Strange Land - C13: A Guiding Wind - C14: Training - C15: The Feral Frontier - C16: The Atonement - C17: Day Breaks - C18: Crimea Marches - C19: Entrusted - C20: Defending Talrega - C21: Without a King - C22: Solo - C23: The Great Bridge - C24: Battle Reunion - C25: Strange Lands - C26: Clash! - C27: Moment of Fate - C28: Twisted Tower - E: Repatriation
Trial Maps
Alondite - Begnion Senate - Beorc - Biorhythm - Bonus Experience - Branded - Crimean Anti-Laguz Vigilantes - Crimean Liberation Army - Feral One - Greil Mercenaries - Gurgurant - Laguz - Lehran's Medallion - Ragnell - Regal Sword - Serenes Massacre - The Great Flood - Skills - Staff of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - Translations
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