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Zadnor is a Field operation Field operation introduced in patch 5.55 of Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers as part of the Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr storyline. It sees players work to reclaim and push through the zone by engaging in various activities.


The IVth Legion has retreated to the barren plateaus of Zadnor, their imperial flagship looming ominously on the horizon. What they hope to gain from their newfound base of operations remains to be seen, but the Resistance refuses to stand idle. As both sides are pushed to their limit, who will emerge the victor as the battle for Bozja reaches its bloody climax?

Duty description

Zadnor was once a gentle rolling plain until the Fourth Umbral Calamity some thousands of years ago caused a surge of earth-aspected aether that transformed the land into various plateaus. Miners and prospectors came to Zadnor for the earth crystals, eventually turning the area into a wasteland from centuries of industry.

Fifteen years ago, the influx of aether spread across Bozja from the Bozja Incident caused floating rock formations in Zadnor and exposed ruins from the Allagan Empire.



  • Camp Vrdelnis
  • Zuprtik Point
  • Ljeaban Point
  • Hrmovir Point


  • The Southern Plateau
  • The Western Plateau
  • The Northern Plateau
    • Castellum Zadnori
    • The Dalriada


  • Camp Vrdelnis - Formerly a mining town, now the Resistance's base camp in the region.


Zadnor's climate may exhibit any of the following weather conditions:

Weather Frequency
Fair Skies Fair Skies 60%
Rain Rain 10%
Wind Wind 10%
Thunder Thunder 10%
Snow Snow 10%


The duty-specific rules and features of Zadnor are the same as those found on The Bozjan Southern Front The Bozjan Southern Front. The rules for the assault on the Dalriada are the same as the Battle of Castrum Lacus Litore.

After reaching Rank 25 and completing "The Dalriada" critical engagement for the first time, the Resistance Councilor will give the player 3 Proof of Honors for 20 million mettle, which can be used to obtain Suns of Fortitude, Valor, and Succor, which will increase the player's HP, damage dealt, and healing potency respectively. Each of them are permament buffs can go up to 10 stacks, and can carry over to the Bozjan Southern Front and the normal and savage versions of Delubrum Reginae. The amount of Proof of Honors needed to increase the stack of one buff will increase every 2 stacks of that buff. Obtaining 10 stacks of all 3 buffs will reward players the "Suns of Bozja" achievement.


Name Rank Location Time limit Objective
Spawn conditions (if any)
Bozja Boss FATE. Of Beasts and Braggadocio 15 The Southern Plateau (x24 y35) 20 minutes Defeat Pagaga and the 4th Legion beasts.
The beastmaster Pagaga, whose puissance on the battlefield is surpassed only by her overweening pride, has been dispatched to the front lines. Take up arms alongside the Resistance, that you might cut her and her contingent of savage monstrosities down to size.
Bozja Item FATE. Parts and Parcel 15 The Southern Plateau (x22 y34) 20 minutes Deliver magitek parts to the Resistance Appropriator.
The IVth Legion has deployed a new type of magitek weapon. Seeking to obtain its components for intelligence purposes, the Resistance has launched an attack with the aid of its shinobi allies.

Spawn conditions:

  • Speak with the Resistance fighter.
Bozja Boss FATE. Deadly Divination 15 The Southern Plateau (x24 y31) 20 minutes Defeat Yamatsumi and the 4th legion familiars.
Mysterious Far Easterners sworn to the IVth Imperial Legion have appeared on the front. The Resistance will require aid if they are to overcome these interlopers and their strange magicks.
Bozja Battle FATE. A Wrench in the Reconnaissance Effort 15 The Southern Plateau (x29 y35) 20 minutes Defeat IVth legion warmachina.
A detachment of warmachina has descended on the area, seemingly for the purpose of gathering vital intelligence which the Garleans may employ against their Resistance foes. See that the imperials learn nothing─or at least do not return alive to report it.
Bozja Battle FATE. Breaking the Ice 15 The Southern Plateau (x24 y31) 20 minutes Defeat the Icebreaker Golem.
The IVth Legion's mage detachment has unleashed a hulking ice golem. The creature must be eliminated before it can wreak untold havoc.
Bozja Battle FATE. Meet the Puppetmaster 15 The Southern Plateau (x24 y37) 20 minutes Defeat Gilbrisbert's Archaeodemons.
Wielding verboten arts that are fed by the lifeblood of sacrifices, a centurion by the name of Gilbrisbert has brought an army of living puppets to bear upon the realm. He must be driven back, lest more fall under his wicked spell.
Bozja Boss FATE. An Immoral Dilemma 15 The Southern Plateau (x22 y34) 20 minutes Defeat Fabineau and his retinue.
Llofii's former superior officer, an unprincipled mage by the name of Fabineau, has been spotted on the fields of Zadnor. Considering his reputation for atrocities, it would be a mistake to let him operate freely in the region.

Spawn conditions:

  • Defeat IVth Legion Gunships in the Southern Plateau
  • Cooldown window of 1 hr after spawn
  • Cannot be spawned while Critical Engagements, or other Skirmishes related to them, are active.
Bozja Boss FATE. Another Pilot Episode 15 The Southern Plateau (x28 y29) 20 minutes Defeat Gabriel Plus.
Enhanced beyond normal limits by experimental Garlean technology, both Dabog and his fearsome warmachina represent a threat that cannot be ignored. While Bajsaljen might prefer to capture the Bozjan pilot alive, Dabog's unrestrained hostility may not afford you that option.

Spawn conditions:

  • Defeat IVth Legion Hexadrones in the Southern Plateau
  • Cooldown window of 1 hr after spawn
  • Cannot be spawned while Critical Engagements, or other Skirmishes related to them, are active.
Bozja Boss FATE. Challenge Accepted 18 The Western Plateau (x7 y28) 20 minutes Defeat Pagaga and the 4th legion beasts.
Ever imperious, the beastmaster Pagaga has returned to challenge Resistance soldiers to do battle with her fearsome pets. A lesson in humility is clearly in order.
Bozja Boss FATE. Th'uban the Terrible 18 The Western Plateau (x8 y34) 20 minutes Defeat Th'uban.
An eldritch horror from a time long past has been set loose by the IVth Legion to do as it pleases on the battlefield. Show the monstrous Th'uban that he does not belong in this world.
Bozja Boss FATE. A Just Pursuit 18 The Western Plateau (x11 y27) 20 minutes Defeat Yamatsumi and the 4th legion familiars.
It has been revealed that the criminals who fled Doma with one of its treasures in tow were none other than the onmyoji, and they have designs to hand it over to the imperials. They must answer for their crimes and the treasure returned to its rightful home.
Bozja Boss FATE. Supersoldier Rising 18 The Western Plateau (x8 y24) 20 minutes Defeat the Gabriel Delta Type 3.
Resistance soldiers have tracked down their comrade Dabog, who has returned with an enhanced flying armor. If they are to have a chance of saving their comrade, they must first destroy the weapon.
Bozja Boss FATE. Demented Mentor 18 The Western Plateau (x7 y28) 20 minutes Defeat Lovro.
Meryall, a member of the new Gunnhildr's Blades, is confronted with a challenge no student should ever have to face─overcoming her tempered mentor. Aid the younger red mage in subduing the now-fanatical Lovro.
Bozja Boss FATE. Sever the Strings 18 The Western Plateau (x11 y27) 20 minutes Defeat Gilbrisbert.
Gilbrisbert of the IVth Legion Zealots has obtained a sacred relic, twisting its powers to his demented will and sowing chaos across Zadnor. Bring an end to the puppetmaster's reign of terror here and now before it engulfs the whole realm.
Bozja Item FATE. Tanking Up 18 The Western Plateau (x8 y24) 20 minutes Deliver ceruleum tanks to the Resistance Appropriator.
The IVth Legion's magitek unit has been discovered replenishing supplies in the field. Seeking to relieve them of their ceruleum, the Bozjan Resistance has launched a raid.

Spawn Conditions

  • Defeat IVth Legion Armored Weapons in the Western Plateau.
  • Speak with the Resistance fighter.
  • Cooldown window of 1 hr after spawn
  • Cannot be spawned while Critical Engagements, or other Skirmishes related to them, are active.
Bozja Boss FATE. An End to Atrocities 18 The Western Plateau (x4 y25) 20 minutes Defeat Fabineau.
The fiendish mage Fabineau has been allowed to carry out his cruel, sadistic experiments for far too long. Join Llofii the Forthright to see that her former superior officer is served a fate befitting his heinous crimes.

Spawn Condition

  • Defeat IVth Legion Death Machines in the Western Plateau.
  • Cooldown window of 1 hr after spawn
  • Cannot be spawned while Critical Engagements, or other Skirmishes related to them, are active.
Bozja Boss FATE. Still Only Counts as One 22 The Northern Plateau (x14 y10) 20 minutes Defeat Clarricie and Lubu.
Clarricie, the beastmaster centurion, has returned with a new pet of truly mammoth proportions. Topple the prehistoric pachyderm before it tramples the Resistance into dust.
Bozja Boss FATE. Seeq and You Will Find 22 The Northern Plateau (x20 y16) 20 minutes Defeat Daguza.
War Beasts captain Daguza has returned with yet another flock of red chocobos, but it appears he no longer has recruitment on his mind─only a good fight.
Bozja Boss FATE. Mean-spirited 22 The Northern Plateau (x25 y14) 20 minutes Defeat Yamatsumi.
Oboro and Tsubame have tracked down Yamatsumi─a notorious onmyoji who has joined forces with the imperial army. Assist the shinobi with apprehending this dangerous individual, lest they be overwhelmed by his shikigami minions.
Bozja Boss FATE. A Relic Unleashed 22 The Northern Plateau (x25 y14) 20 minutes Defeat 4th-make Famfrit.
The imperial army has the power of a relic at its disposal, and has not scrupled to deploy it in battle. Defeat Gilbrisbert the Puppetmaster and the 4th-make Famfrit to bring an end to their inexorable assault.

Spawn conditions:

Bozja Battle FATE. When Mages Rage 22 The Northern Plateau (x20 y16) 20 minutes Defeat 4th legion mages.
A detachment of particularly puissant mages from the IVth Legion are wreaking havoc on the front lines with an array of destructive magicks. Take up arms alongside the Resistance and snuff them out before too much damage can be done.
Bozja Boss FATE. The Student Becalms the Master 22 The Northern Plateau (x14 y10) 20 minutes Defeat Lovro.
Foiled in her first attempt, Meryall has a second chance to save her enthralled teacher. Weather the scarlet storm, and help capture the uncontrollable Lovro.
Bozja Battle FATE. Attack of the Machines 22 The Northern Plateau (x12 y13) 20 minutes Defeat the magitek weapons.
Sicinius has developed a new weapon, which he has produced in great numbers and sent to the battlefield. They are unmanned, so be free of guilt as you render every last one to scrap.
Bozja Boss FATE. The Beasts Are Back 22 The Northern Plateau (x25 y14) 20 minutes Defeat Pagaga.
Never one to shy from the front lines, Pagaga and her fiendish menagerie once more rear their ugly heads before the Resistance forces. It falls to you to teach the blustery beastmaster a lesson in the virtue of knowing when to quit.

Spawn conditions:

  • Defeat IVth Legion Roaders in the Northern Plateau.
  • Cooldown window of 1 hr after spawn
  • Cannot be spawned while Critical Engagements, or other Skirmishes related to them, are active.
Bozja Boss FATE. Hypertuned Havoc 22 The Northern Plateau (x16 y16) 20 minutes Defeat Gabriel Delta Kai.
The IVth Legion's magitek-powered soldier Dabog has returned to the battlefield, this time in a glorious golden magitek armor as beautiful as the circumstances surrounding its pilot are terrifying. Bring down Delta Gabriel Kai before it can rain destruction from the heavens.

Spawn conditions:

  • Defeat IVth Legion Rearguards in the Northern Plateau.
  • Cooldown window of 1 hr after spawn
  • Cannot be spawned while Critical Engagements, or other Skirmishes related to them, are active.
Bozja Battle FATE. Attack of the Supersoldiers 22 The Northern Plateau (x16 y16) 20 minutes Defeat the Gabriel machines.
Bajsaljen and his company have found themselves facing off against a squadron of advanced flying armor piloted by enhanced soldiers. If they are to prevail, they will need all the help they can get.

Spawn conditions:

Critical Engagements[]

Name Rank Location Time limit Player limit Objective
Spawn conditions (if any)
Critical Engagement Boss. With Diremite and Main 15 The Southern Plateau (x17 y32) 20 minutes 48 Defeat Hedetet.
The IVth Legions beastmasters have a penchant for collecting the most fearsome creatures known to the realm. And now they have unleashed their prized catch from the Burn to turn back the Resistance.

Spawn conditions:

  • Defeat IVth Legion Nimrods in the Southern Plateau.
Critical Engagement Boss. From Beyond the Grave 15 The Southern Plateau (x20 y37) 20 minutes 48 Defeat 4th-make Shemhazai.
For the IVth Legion Zealots, death is a small price to pay to bring ruin to their enemies. A price they paid quite willingly to summon forth the dread spirit Shemhazai.

Spawn conditions:

  • Defeat IVth Legion Infantry in the Southern Plateau.
Critical Engagement Battle. On Serpents' Wings 15 The Southern Plateau (x31 y37) 20 minutes 48 Defeat 4th-legion mages and their familiars.
A cadre of mages has summoned a knot of winged serpents to bar the Resistances path. You must see their plans unraveled if you mean to overcome the IVth Legion.

Spawn conditions:

Critical Engagement Boss. A Familiar Face 15 The Southern Plateau (x28 y29) 20 minutes 48 Defeat 4th-make Hashmal.
Auracite taken from the High Seraph Ultima is said to grant it's wielder their heart's desire - for a price. A price the IVth Legion Zealots paid gladly, confident this unspeakable horror will put an end to the Resistance.

Spawn conditions:

Critical Engagement Duel. The Broken Blade 15 The Southern Plateau (x26 y35) 20 minutes 1 Defeat Hypertuned Dabog.
Dabog has been reforged into a foul new weapon, a creature malformed beyond recognition. This thinking, unfeeling biological weapon has but a singular purpose...

Spawn conditions:

  • Complete A Familiar Face A Familiar Face. At least one player must have completed the engagement without taking any avoidable damage. Only players who have accomplished this will be given the opportunity to participate.
Critical Engagement Boss. There Would Be Blood 18 The Western Plateau (x13 y26) 20 minutes 48 Defeat Hanbi.
An imperial mage detachment has called down Hanbi, bringer of ruin, to expunge the Resistance from the plateaus of Zadnor. This otherworldly being demands a tribute of blood, and its thirst is insatiable.

Spawn conditions:

  • Defeat IVth Legion Satellites in the Western Plateau.
Critical Engagement Boss. Time to Burn 18 The Western Plateau (x10 y21) 20 minutes 48 Defeat 4th-make Belias.
A creature of flame, thought to exist outside the boundaries of time, this 4th-make Belias is bound to the IVth Legions mages, and it is compelled now to reduce the Resistance to ashes.

Spawn conditions:

  • Defeat IVth Legion Colossi in the Western Plateau.
Critical Engagement Battle. Here Comes the Cavalry 18 The Western Plateau (x6 y37) 20 minutes 48 Defeat Clibanarius and the magitek horsemen.
The IVth Legions reinforcements have arrived in the form of unmanned magitek horsemen. They must be stopped if the Resistance is to advance.

Spawn conditions:

Critical Engagement Boss. Never Cry Wolf 18 The Western Plateau (x4 y25) 20 minutes 48 Defeat Hrodvitnir.
The mighty Hrodvitnir descends upon the battlefield, a beast of legend known to leave naught but icy ruin in it's wake. Can the Resistance escape the grip of its gelid jaws?

Spawn conditions:

Critical Engagement Duel. Head of the Snake 18 The Western Plateau (x4 y31) 20 minutes 1 Defeat Menenius sas Lanatus.
You at last stand face-to-face with Menenius sas Lanatus, commanding officer of the IVth Legions forces in Bozja. Defeat him, and you may deal the heaviest of blows to the imperials morale.

Spawn conditions:

  • Complete Never Cry Wolf Never Cry Wolf. At least one player must have completed the engagement without taking any avoidable damage. Only players who have accomplished this will be given the opportunity to participate.
Critical Engagement Battle. Lean, Mean, Magitek Machines 22 The Northern Plateau (x15 y13) 20 minutes 48 Defeat the magitek machines.
Sicinius has a near-limitless supply of mechanical horrors to assail the Resistance, and it is clear he spared no effort in building this latest entourage of magitek weapons to bar their path.

Spawn conditions:

  • Defeat IVth Legion Helldivers in the Northern Plateau.
Critical Engagement Boss. Looks to Die For 22 The Northern Plateau (x17 y9) 20 minutes 48 Defeat Ayidas.
Ayidas scales are said to be so resplendent, so beautiful, that a man could die of bliss from the mere sight of them. Her victims, were they still alive, would assure you it was her bone-crushing strength and venomous bite that did them in.

Spawn conditions:

  • Defeat IVth Legion Cavalry in the Northern Plateau.
Critical Engagement Boss. Worn to a Shadow 22 The Northern Plateau (x11 y7) 20 minutes 48 Defeat the Alkonost.
The IVth Legion has grown woefully desperate to unleash this beast upon the Resistance. It is said the alkonost casts no shadow until it has killed a man and claims theirs as its own. Thankfully for the alkonost, it now has plenty to choose from.

Spawn conditions:

Critical Engagement Boss. Feeling the Burn 22 The Northern Plateau (x16 y16) 20 minutes 48 Defeat the Blackburn.
Heavily inspired by the technological marvel of the helldivers, the imperials have launched their latest prototype, the blackburn, in a desperate attempt to extinguish the Resistance's hopes of victory.

Spawn conditions:

Critical Engagement Duel. Taking the Lyon's Share 22 The Northern Plateau (x25 y13) 20 minutes 1 Defeat Lyon rem Helsos.
Lyon has grown restless waiting in the wings, and would see the Resistance brought low by his own hands. Has anyone the strength to tame this feral beast once and for all?

Spawn conditions:

  • Complete Feeling the Burn Feeling the Burn. At least one player must have completed the engagement without taking any avoidable damage. Only players who have accomplished this will be given the opportunity to participate.
Critical Engagement Castrum. The Dalriada 25 The Dalriada (x26 y4) 20 minutes, +10 minutes upon defeating each boss. 48 See the dalriada.
The Dalriada's engines have failed, forcing it to the ground. The Resistance would seize this opportunity to storm the warship, and at last put an end to the imperials' presence in Bozja.

Spawn conditions:

  • Requires a minimum of 8 players with access to the instance.
  • Appears 1 hour after a fresh instance is created, and subsequently every 90 minutes after, provided the prior condition is met.
  • Spawn timer can be decreased by the completion of skirmishes and other critical engaements.