The Mushussu (ムシュフシュ, Mushufushu?), also known as the Serpion, is a recurring creature in the Final Fantasy series, first appearing in Final Fantasy IX. While its appearance has varied, it most frequently appears as a type of poisonous dragon.
Final Fantasy IX[]
The Serpion appears as an enemy encountered in the Lachenta Wetlands, King Ed Plains, Togull Beach, and Edgecry Coast on the Mist Continent. It fights using the Poison-inducing Poison Counter in addition to using spells such as Cure, Shell, and Blizzard. It is the first available enemy that Quina can learn Mighty Guard from.
Final Fantasy X[]
The Mushussu appears as an enemy encountered in Bikanel. It possesses high Defense unless attack with weapons with Piercing. It attacks with a powerful physical attack as well as the damaging Fire Breath.
Final Fantasy XI[]
The Mushussu appears as a scorpion enemy encountered in the Labyrinth of Onzozo and Crawlers' Nest.
Final Fantasy XIII[]
The Mushussu appears as an enemy encountered in Taejin's Tower. It also during the Cie'th Stone mission "A Potent Sting." It is a Feral Beast that resists all elements.
Final Fantasy XV[]
The Mushussu appears as an enemy encountered in the Vesperpool and Myrlwood, as well as during the "Hunter HQ Line of Defense" hunt. It has high HP and moderate strength, and is capable of inflicting Poison.
Final Fantasy Type-0[]
The Mushussu appears as an enemy encountered in Mount Jubanla.
Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia[]
The Mushussu appears as a boss, combining aspects of its Final Fantasy X and XV appearances.
Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]
The Mushussu from Final Fantasy X appears as an enemy.
Final Fantasy All the Bravest[]
The Mushussu from Final Fantasy X appears as an enemy.
Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]
The Mushussu from Final Fantasy Type-0 appears as an Earth-elemental Monster card.
mušḫuššu is a creature depicted on the reconstructed Ishtar Gate of the city of Babylon, dating to the 6th century B.C. As depicted, it is a mythological hybrid, a scaly dragon with hind legs like an eagle's talons, feline forelegs, a long neck and tail, a horned head, a snakelike tongue, and a crest.