Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Name Cooldown Description SP Required
Dual Ice Mirrors 2 When Special triggers, if foe is 2 spaces from unit, reduces damage from foe's attacks by 40%.

After Special triggers, unit's next attack deals damage = total damage reduced (by any source, including other skills; resets at end of combat; min 40% of unit's Res) and neutralizes foe's "reduces damage by X%" effects from foe's non-Special skills for that attack (resets at end of combat).

Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range during combat.
500 Sacred Cowl
This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.

* Unused restrictions: Cannot use: Red bowRed DaggerRed TomeBlue bowBlue DaggerBlue TomeGreen bowGreen DaggerGreen TomeColorless bowColorless DaggerColorless TomeStaff

Effects[ | ]

Combat effects
Damage Reduction Reduces damage by 40%
from Foe Foe's attack
Unit UnitSpecial triggers &
Foe Foe is 2 spaces
from Unit Unit
Damage Boost Boosts damage by X (min:
40% of Unit Unit's Res)
X = total damage reduced
for Unit Unit's next attack
(including other sources)
After Special triggers
Neutralize Damage Reduction Neutralizes "Reduces damage by X%"
on Unit Unit's next attack
Distant Counter Counter regardless of range

Notes[ | ]

List of owners[ | ]

UnitSkill chain
Fjorm Gleaming Ice Pair Face FC
Holy Vestments
Sacred Cowl
Dual Ice Mirrors

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
Japanese ???
German ???
Spanish (Europe) ???
Spanish (Latin America) ???
French ???
Italian ???
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) ???
Portuguese ???

See also[ | ]
