Showmen approved acts is a paper note in Fallout 76, introduced in the Expeditions: Atlantic City update part one, Boardwalk Paradise.
The note can be found in the Neapolitan Casino in Atlantic City, on a desk next to Concerta Lombardi's terminal in room 105.
- Joey Bellos - Comedian (blacklisted)
- Kit Ryder - Lounge Singer (blacklisted)
- Poppy Siedel, the Extraordinary Human Bagel
- The Three Mustard Eaters
- 'The Crab Orchestra' featuring Captain Judy's Whalebone Xylophone
- 'Is it Blood, or Just Ketchup?' Comedy Extraordinaire
- Peacock Pam's Yodeling Hour
- 'They Ate How Many Pancakes???' Gameshow.