Project Overhaul

From Drawn to Life Wiki

Project Overhaul is an attempt by GuyThatExists, along with various writers and artists, to give each of the Generic Raposa Characters an updated name, appearance, and personality, so that it is easier to write for them in his works. The main form of overhaul done to each character is their personality, although each Raposa, save for seven, have updated appearances. Using the quotes from Generic Raposa Characters/Quotes, as well as information from their named relative or other characters that interact with them, a more in depth personality will be layed out for each character. This project was first be utilized in The Lavasteam Chronicles Part One, as Galileo's Wife and Daughter are characters, and has been continuously used since.

Project Overhaul was completed on December 16th, 2021 with the additions of Sugar and Charles. However, it was started again on March 30th, 2024 to include three unidentified characters from Watersong - Yvonne's Double, a Generic Elder Female, and a Generic Elder Male. On June 27th, 2024, Cobalt was added to Project Overhaul in-universe in Blank Slates 3 as a currently unknown Raposa.

The only Generic Raposa to be excluded from this project are Mya and Cindi, as they already have in-depth personalities. The new Raposa characters from Drawn to Life: Two Realms - Amy, Kyren, Nima, Pouches, and Oma - will be used in this process as end results for certain characters. Banny, Dylan, Elijah, and Tilly will all be using the Generic Raposa appearance but will still gain new personalities.

JoweeThumbSmall.png Characters[edit]

ChildMaleIcon.png Young Male[edit]

Farmer Brown's son --> Banny
Cricket's Jr. deputy --> Milque
Crazy Barks's crew member --> Silas
Indee's son --> Mutt
Unattributed Raposa (Rescued with Mike) --> Pouches

ChildFemaleIcon.png Young Female[edit]

Isaac's daughter --> Cindi
Zsasha's adopted daughter --> Amy
Galileo's daughter --> Ocean
Crazy Barks's crew member --> Kyren
Unattributed Raposa (Rescued with Mike) --> Nima

AdultMaleIcon.png Adult Male[edit]

Cookie's Assistant --> Chip
Cricket's deputy --> Dylan
Pirate Beard's Pirate --> Pirate Stache
Pirate Beard's Pirate --> Pirate Burns
Unagi's Assistant --> Nemo
Dr. Cure's husband --> C.J.
--> Cobalt

AdultFemaleIcon.png Adult Female[edit]

Isaac's wife --> Mya
Cookie's Assistant --> Sugar
NavyJ's Groupie --> Elizabeth
NavyJ's Groupie --> Ellie Bean
Unagi's Assistant --> Harlow
Yvonne's Double -->

ElderMaleIcon.png Elder Male[edit]

Tubba's father --> Hubba
Unattributed Raposa (Rescued with Zsasha) --> Elijah
Bubba's caregiver --> Ben
Indee's father --> Zed Diggory
Dr. Cure's Assistant --> Charles
Watersong Elder Male -->

ElderFemaleIcon.png Elder Female[edit]

Farmer Brown's wife --> Tilly
Tubba's mother --> Rima
Galileo's wife --> Oma
Bubba's caregiver --> May
Watersong Elder Female -->