
From Drawn to Life Wiki
Species Raposa
Gender Female
Age Adult
Fur Color
Home Watersong
Role Exile (Formerly)
Last Known Status Alive


Hey bud, we’re some of the most ruthless killers in the world. Why don’t you come down here and fight us, Rapo to Shadow?


Anne-Lise is a Raposa created by GuyThatExists that appears in the short stories The Lavasteam Chronicles Part Two and The Lavasteam Chronicles Part Three as a supporting character. She was arrested for Celia's murder by Zéphirine and was sentenced to life on Ex-Isle. She was one of the many Raposa enthralled by Allight, and after being freed, she fought against Allight in Lavasteam.

TowerIcon.png Appearance[edit]

Nothing is currently known about Anne-Lise's appearance.

Book Icon.png Story[edit]

The Lavasteam Chronicles Part Two[edit]

When Wilfre and his Ameba attacked the island, she joined forces with other killers, some of the Royal Guards, and Galileo to fight him, although she ultimately failed in defeating him. After losing her color and being restored, she was one of the Raposa who tried to take over the island, but was dissuaded by Colepere. She was later one of the many Raposa enthralled by Allight.

The Lavasteam Chronicles Part Three[edit]

After a year of being Allight's thrall, Anne-Lise was one of the many Raposa to be forced into the fight against Jowee, Mari, Eeny, and the Hero. After the Mannequite shards froze her in place, Anne-Lise was freed from Allight's influence and teleported to Lavasteam with Meeny and some other former thralls. After a breif encounter with Terra, Anne-Lise established her dominance in the fight by working with both Bruce and Grosrenard. After Allight is defeated, Anne-Lise, along with other exiles who contributed in the fight, are pardoned of their crimes by Rose and Meeny, although Anne-Lise and Bruce are placed under house arrest.

Quote Icon.png Quotes[edit]

Hey bud, we’re some of the most ruthless killers in the world. Why don’t you come down here and fight us, Rapo to Shadow?


Well, Regina ran off the second you turned your back, Brûlées ran into one of those buildings to hide, and since Pugg lives here, he just went home. Honestly, you two are lucky the rest of us stayed.


Woah! Someone’s a bit feisty today. The fight’s over man, no more need to be so violent.


JoweeThumbSmall.png Relationships[edit]




  • Anne-Lise is one of the many Raposa on Ex-Isle who participate in weekly yoga sessions.

PaintingIcon.png Media[edit]