A Midnight Summer's Dream

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A Midnight Summer's Dream
Writer(s) Unknown
Based On N/A
Notable Characters Suck (Called Sock in this production)
Premiere Date Unknown (After 2007)
Premiere Location Mann Theatre
Genre(s) Comedy
Setting(s) Unknown Forest
Mann Theatre Productions
Last Production
The Shadow of the Opera
Next Production
A Hero's Journey

A Midnight Summer's Dream is a comedy production created by an unknown author and preformed by actors at the Mann Theatre. It's story focuses on ten Raposa getting lost in a forest and being toyed with by a fairy named Suck, called Sock in this production.

Book Icon.png Story[edit]

Nothing about the story of this show is known other than that ten Raposa get trapped in a forest and are toyed with by Suck.

JoweeThumbSmall.png Characters and Casting[edit]

  • Suck/Sock: Suck (called Sock in this production) is a mischievous fairy who inhabits the woods the 10 Raposa get lost in. Not much is known about his abilities.
  • 10 Unknown Characters: 10 Raposa are considered main characters for this production, but nothing is known about them.
    • Primary Actors: Unknown

Gears.png Legacy[edit]

The production was well received by the Raposa of Rapocity, helping rejuvenate Mann Theatre after Wilfre's first attack. Heather attended a showing of the production, so when Wilfre used her as a vessel, he gained her memory of the play, inspiring him to adopt the persona of Sock while travelling with Jowee during his second attack.


  • A Midnight Summer's Dream was inspired by the real world play, A Midsummer Night's Dream.
    • It is unknown if this production follows the same plot as A Midsummer Night's Dream or not, but it can be assumed that it loosely follows it.
  • Puck was seen wearing Sock's sock and leggings when Eeny first found him in Rapocity.
  • According to Puck, Suck's name was changed to "Sock" for the Mann Theatre Production of this show, as the character's name sounded too similar to Puck's.

PaintingIcon.png Media[edit]