"Even miracles take a little time."
Thank you and have a magical day! |
Superfudge is an upcoming animated film produced by Disney Television Animation and AGBO for Disney+. Based on the book of the same name by Judy Blume, the film will be written by Amos Vernon and Nunio Randazzo, with Anthony Russo and Joe Russo producing.[1]
12-year-old Peter Hatcher has struggles with the presence of his 3-year-old brother Farley (aka "Fudge"). But when Fudge gets lost in the streets of New York, he and his family embark on a journey that brings the two closer while a new problem arrives.[1]
- This is the first Disney Television Animation film to not to be neither based on a preexisting Disney property or serve as a pilot for a series.
- Superfudge marks the first time the Russo brothers worked on an animated film.
- This is the second Disney TVA production to have a Marvel Cinematic Universe alumnus involved in a creative capacity, following Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur.[1]