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This article is about a location. For The Lion Guard, see Tree of Life.

The Tree of Life is a 145-foot (44 m) artificial tree that has served as the icon of Disney's Animal Kingdom at Walt Disney World Resort since the park first opened on April 22, 1998.[1]

Inspired by Rafiki's Ancient Tree, the Tree of Life features approximately 325 carvings of existing and extinct animal species carved on its trunk and surrounding roots.

Engineered from a refitted oil platform and based on the natural forms of baobab trees, the Tree of Life is located on Discovery Island, roughly in the center of the park. Its leaves are made out of kynar.[2] At the structure's interior base is a 400-seat arena that hosts It's Tough to Be a Bug!, a 3-D film attraction based on A Bug's Life.


When the park opened, the Imagineers wrote this fairy tale to explain the tree's origins:

One day, our vegetation would grow on Discovery Island. There were trees, shrubs, flowers, and birds. It was a barren piece of land. Then, one day, a tiny ant planted a seed and made a wish. He asked for a tree to grow ― a tree large enough to provide shelter for all the animals.

Magically, the ant's wish came true and a tree began to grow ― and it kept growing until there was room beneath its limbs for all the animal alphabet from A is for (ant) to Z is for (zebra). And as the tree continued to reach for the heavens, the images of all the animal alphabet that took shelter beneath its shade appeared on its trunk, roots, and branches.

This original ant can be spotted through a knothole hidden along the paths around the tree.

Tree of Life Awakens[]

The Tree of Life Awakens is a series of projection mapping shows that debuted on May 27, 2016, as part of the park's new nighttime operating hours.[3] A media preview of the show was presented on April 19, 2016.[4] Four presentations are featured throughout the evening, which has been named on a soundtrack release:

In addition to the four shows, the tree's animals will also occasionally combine.

In 2019 to promote the photo-realistic remake of The Lion King, a new Lion King show was added to the lineup. This was followed by a series of holiday segments and a special New Year's Eve countdown presentation hosted by the shamans from the original version of Rivers of Light.

List of Animals carved into the Tree of Life[]

  • 5 African Elephants
  • Alligator
  • Allosaurus
  • Ankylosaurus
  • 2 Ants
  • Asian Elephant
  • Bighorn sheep
  • 2 Bison
  • Seahorse
  • Bengal Tiger
  • African Lion
  • African Leopard
  • 2 Hippopotamuses
  • 2 Giraffes
  • 2 White Rhinoceroses
  • Indian Rhinoceros
  • 2 Deer (1 male, 1 female)
  • Moose
  • Komodo dragon
  • 2 Giant anteaters (1 adult, 1 baby)
  • Sloth
  • 3 Kangaroos (1 adult male, 1 adult female, 1 joey)
  • Koala
  • Baboon
  • Raccoon
  • 2 Squirrels
  • Flying Squirrel
  • Porcupine
  • 2 Rabbits
  • Fox
  • Prairie dog
  • 2 Bats
  • Chameleon
  • 2 Nile Crocodiles
  • 2 Sea otters
  • Hermit crab
  • Macaw
  • 7 Yaks
  • Cockatoo
  • Beetles
  • Ladybugs
  • 4 Stag Beetles
  • 3 Butterflies
  • Moths
  • Bees
  • Wasps
  • Dragonfly
  • 2 Grasshoppers
  • Spider
  • Tarantula
  • 3 Scorpions
  • Centipede/Millipede
  • Laughing Kookaburra
  • Great Horned Owl
  • Killer Whale
  • Walrus
  • 2 Manatees
  • Goldfish
  • Sharks
  • Hammerhead Shark
  • Marlin
  • Gulper Eel
  • Jellyfish
  • Turtles
  • Box turtle
  • Snapping turtle
  • Tortoises
  • 2 Iguanas
  • Frilled Lizard
  • Gecko
  • Gila Monster
  • Rattlesnake
  • Python
  • 3 Frogs
  • Greater Roadrunner
  • Songbird
  • Egret
  • Heron
  • Great Blue Heron
  • Hammerkop
  • 3 Salmon
  • 2 Bass
  • Catfish
  • 2 Chimpanzees (including Greybeard)
  • Gibbon
  • Spider Monkey
  • Hedgehog
  • Pangolin
  • 2 Cougars
  • Wildcat/Bobcat/Lynx
  • 3 Pelicans (2 adults, 1 chick)
  • Vultures
  • Hawks
  • 2 Golden Eagles
  • Bald Eagle
  • Peacock
  • Ostrich
  • 2 Horses
  • Tapir
  • 5 Wildebeests
  • 2 Sable Antelope
  • 2 Impalas
  • 2 Crabs
  • Lobster
  • Shrimp
  • 3 Octopuses
  • Squid
  • Prehistoric Squid
  • Trilobite
  • Duck
  • Goat
  • 10 Zebras


  • The Tree of Life is topped with more than 103,000 translucent, five-shades-of-green leaves that were individually placed and actually blow in the wind.
  • The carving of David Greybeard, the famous chimp studied by Jane Goodall, was added late in construction by her request, as she had asked if a Chimpanzee was featured on the Tree. Placed at the entrance to the It's Tough to Be a Bug! theater, a plaque accompanying the sculpture tells the chimp's story.
  • A show was originally meant to be hosted up in the tree's canopy, before being replaced with It's Tough to Be a Bug underneath its roots.
  • As both trees were designed as massive baobabs, the Tree of Life name was adopted for use as a name of Rafiki's Ancient Tree in some of the menus for the 2003 Platinum DVD release of The Lion King.
    • Another Tree of Life is featured in the 3rd season of The Lion Guard. In this series, animals from all over the world come there for protection, and sick and injured ones go there to be healed. After Kion was badly scarred by Ushari and Ono damages his eyes while saving Bunga from falling into the volcano in "Battle for the Pride Lands", the Lion Guard's mission was to journey there and help heal them. Kion and Rani would become king and queen of this Tree of Life.
  • There is a Hidden Mickey on this tree.
  • Though guests know the story of the ant who made a wish for a tree to grow to provide shelter for all animals, they speculated if it was Flik from A Bug's Life since they thought it takes place within both Pixar and Disney, or a regular common ant.


Animals carved on the Tree of Life[]


  1. Wright, Alex (2007). The Imagineering Field Guide to Disney's Animal Kingdom at Walt Disney World. New York: Disney Editions, page 35–39. ISBN 978-14231-0320-2. 
  2. Malmberg, Melody (1998). The Making of Disney's Animal Kingdom Theme Park. New York: Hyperion Books, page 38–40. ISBN 0-7868-6402-8. 
  3. "Disney previews 'Rivers of Light,' announces 'Jungle Book' show", Orlando Sentinel (April 20, 2016). Retrieved on April 23, 2016. 
  4. "This Summer Magical New Experiences Will Debut Across All Four Walt Disney World Theme Parks" (Press release), PR Newswire (Lake Buena Vista, Florida), Walt Disney World Resort (April 20, 2016). Retrieved on April 23, 2016. 
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Disney's Animal Kingdom logo
The Oasis
The Oasis Exhibits
Discovery Island
Tree of LifeIt's Tough to Be a Bug!Discovery Island TrailsWinged Encounters - The Kingdom Takes FlightZootopia: Better Zoogether! (Opening in Winter 2025)
Kilimanjaro SafarisPangani Forest Exploration TrailsWild Africa TrekFestival of the Lion King
Rafiki's Planet Watch
Wildlife Express TrainConservation StationThe Animation Experience at Conservation StationHabitat Habit!Affection Section
Feathered Friends in Flight!Expedition EverestKali River RapidsMaharajah Jungle Trek
DinoLand U.S.A.
DinosaurThe Boneyard PlaygroundFinding Nemo: The Big Blue... and Beyond!
Pandora: The World of Avatar
Avatar: Flight of PassageNa'vi River Journey
Tropical America (Opening in Fall 2027)
Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Feathered SerpentEncantoEsperanza Character Carousel
Current Entertainment
DiVineMerry Menagerie (seasonal)
Former Attractions and Entertainment
Discovery River BoatsCamp Minnie-Mickey (Pocahontas and her Forest Friends) • Dinosaur JubileeDisney KiteTailsJourney into the Jungle BookTarzan Rocks!UP! A Great Bird AdventureChester and Hester's Dino-Rama (Primeval WhirlFossil Fun GamesTriceraTop Spin) • The Jungle Book: Alive with MagicRivers of Light: We Are OneFlights of Wonder
Disney's Animal Kingdom LodgeDisney's Animal Kingdom VillasDisney's Coronado Springs ResortDisney's All-Star Movies ResortDisney's All-Star Music ResortDisney's All-Star Sports Resort

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Pocahontas logo
Films: Pocahontas (soundtrack/video) • Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World (soundtrack/video)

Video Games: PocahontasDisney Emoji Blitz
Music: The Legacy Collection
Books: Pocahontas: Six New AdventuresMarvel ComicsDisney Princess Beginnings

Disney Parks
Castle of Magical DreamsDisney Animation BuildingIt's a Small WorldPocahontas Indian VillageSorcerers of the Magic Kingdom

Entertainment: Disney's BelieveDreams Take FlightFantasmic!Feel the MagicFestival of Family & FriendsFollow Your DreamsHakuna Matata Time Dance PartyMickey and the Magical MapPocahontas and her Forest FriendsPocahontas SpectacularRivers of Light: We Are OneThe Forest of Enchantment: A Disney Musical AdventureThe Golden MickeysThe Spirit of Pocahontas
Parades: Disney's Magical Moment s ParadeDisney Adventure Friends CavalcadeDisney Harmony in Color! ParadeJubilation!Main Street Electrical ParadeMickey & Friends Street Celebration
Fireworks: Disney EnchantmentCelebrate! Tokyo DisneylandIlluminate! A Nighttime CelebrationMomentousTree of Life AwakensWorld of ColorWondrous Journeys
Summer: Stitch and Friends Summer Surprise
Halloween: Are You Brave Enough?Frightfully Fun ParadeThe Disney Villains Halloween Showtime
Christmas: A Christmas Fantasy Parade

Original: PocahontasJohn SmithGovernor RatcliffeThomasMeekoFlitPercyWigginsGrandmother WillowChief PowhatanNakomaKocoumKekataBen and LonRatcliffe's SettlersPowhatan's Tribe

Sequel: John RolfeKing JamesQueen AnneMrs. JenkinsUttamatomakkinJesters
Deleted: Redfeather
Miscellaneous: Sprig

Original: The Virginia CompanySteady as the Beating DrumJust Around the RiverbendListen With Your HeartMine, Mine, MineColors of the WindSavagesIf I Never Knew You

Sequel: Where Do I Go from Here?What a Day in LondonWait 'Till He Sees YouThings Are Not What They AppearBetween Two Worlds
Deleted: Different DrummerFirst To DanceIn the Middle of the RiverDancing to the Wedding Drum

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Bambi Logo
Films: Bambi (soundtrack/video) • Bambi II (video) • CGI film

Television: Raw ToonageHouse of Mouse
Video Games: Kingdom Hearts
Books: Thumper's Little Sisters

Disney Parks
Disney Animation BuildingEsperanza Character CarouselGarden of the Twelve FriendsIt's a Small World

Entertainment: Rivers of Light: We Are One
Fireworks: MomentousTree of Life AwakensWondrous Journeys
Spring: Disney's Easter WonderlandHippity Hoppity SpringtimeUsatama on the Run!
Halloween: Mickey's Halloween CelebrationRe-Villains! Halloween Parade
Christmas: Disney's White Holiday Parade

Bambi: BambiThumperFlowerFalineGeno and GurriFriend OwlThe Great Prince of the ForestBambi's MotherAunt EnaMrs. HareThumper's SistersMr. HareMiss BunnyMiss SkunkManHunter DogsRonnoMrs. QuailYoung BucksPossumsForest Animals

Bambi II: PorcupineMenaRonno's mother
Deleted: Grasshopper

Love Is a SongLittle April ShowerLet's Sing a Gay Little Spring SongLooking for Romance (I Bring You a Song)There is LifeFirst Sign of SpringThrough Your Eyes

Deleted: RaindropsTwitterpatedThumpity-Thump (Thumper song) Sing the Day

See Also
The Walt Disney Christmas ShowPerri

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Dinosaur Logo
Dinosaur (soundtrack/video) • Disney's DinosaurDinosaur Activity CenterDinosaur Song Factory
Disney Parks

Fireworks: Tree of Life AwakensWonderful World of AnimationWondrous Journeys

AladarAladar's MotherBayleneBrutonEemaKronNeeraPlioSuriUrlYarZiniAlbertosaurusAnkylosaurusBaby ParasaurolophusBrachiosaurusCarnotaurusIchthyornisIguanodonOviraptorPachyrhinosaurusParasaurolophusPteranodonSpinosaurusStyracosaurusVelociraptor

Deleted: Tyrannosaurus rexTriceratopsCorythosaurusOrnithomimusTylosaurus

Nesting GroundsLemur IslandList of locations used in Disney's Dinosaur

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Tarzan logo
Films: Tarzan (soundtrack/video) • Tarzan & JaneTarzan II (video)

Television: The Legend of TarzanHouse of MouseTarzan in Concert with Phil Collins
Video Games: Disney's TarzanTarzan: UntamedReturn to the JungleKingdom HeartsDisney's Extreme Skate Adventure

Disney Parks
Disney Animation BuildingTarzan's Treehouse

Entertainment: Disney Adventure Friends CavalcadeFantasmic!Festival of Family & FriendsHakuna Matata Time Dance PartyOne Man's Dream II: The Magic Lives On!Rivers of Light: We Are OneTarzan Rocks!Tarzan: The EncounterThe Forest of Enchantment: A Disney Musical AdventureThe Golden Mickeys
Shops: Professor Porter's Trading Post
Parades: Parade of the StarsFlights of Fantasy ParadeMickey's Soundsational Parade
Fireworks: Believe... There's Magic in the StarsCelebrate the MagicHappily Ever AfterMomentousRemember... Dreams Come TrueTree of Life AwakensIlluminate! A Nighttime CelebrationWondrous Journeys
Christmas: A Christmas Fantasy Parade

Original: TarzanTerkTantorKalaKerchakKerchak and Kala's BabyFlynt and MungoSaborTarzan's ParentsManuJane PorterArchimedes Q. PorterClayton and his menBaboonsJungle Animals

Midquel: ZugorMama GundaUto and Kago
TV Series: Robert CanlerNigel TaylorTublatHistaZuthoGozan and HungoIan McTeagueThaddeus HuntJake & SamMabayaGobuFungiCount Nikolas RokoffLady WalthamQueen LaLeopard MenMuviroKajDr. DoyleEleanorGreenlyHazelIanLieutenant Colonel StaquaitRenard DumontJohannes NielsSamuel T. PhilanderTheodore RooseveltHugo and HooftNura and SheetaEdgar Rice BurroughsManganiJabariDaniaGerman PoacherBasuliNaohChief KeewaziFemale Tyrannosaurus RexVelociraptorsTriceratopsWaziri TribeStanley ObrowskiAbby Markham

Season One: "Race Against Time" • "Trading Post" • "Lost Cub" • "Lost City of Opar" • "Fugitives" • "Rogue Elephant" • "Poisoned River" • "Enemy Within" • "Fountain" • "Hidden World" • "Rift" • "Giant Beetles" • "Jungle Madness" • "Protege" • "Leopard Men Rebellion" • "Rough Rider" • "Seeds of Destruction" • "Silver Ape" • "Challenger" • "Outbreak" • "Silver Screen" • "Beast from Below" • "All-Seeing Elephant" • "New Wave" • "Lost Treasure" • "Return of La" • "One Punch Mulligan" • "Missing Link" • "Prison Break" • "Eagle's Feather" • "Face from the Past" • "Caged Fury" • "Gauntlet of Vengeance" • "Mysterious Visitor" • "Tublat's Revenge"

Season Two: "British Invasion" • "Volcanic Diamond Mine" • "Flying Ace"

Film: Two WorldsYou'll Be in My HeartSon of ManTrashin' the CampStrangers Like MeSinging to the Song of LifeWho Am I?

Musical: Who Better than MeNo Other WayI Need to KnowSure as Sun Turns to MoonWaiting for this MomentDifferentLike No Man I've Ever SeenFor the First TimeEverything that I Am

AfricaJunglePellucidarSkull Cave
See Also
The Disney AfternoonDisney RenaissanceMusical/SoundtrackQueen La's Staff

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Finding Nemo - Logo
Films: Finding Nemo (video/soundtrack) • Finding Dory (video/soundtrack)
Shorts: Exploring the ReefMarine Life Interviews
Shows: Pixar Popcorn (Dory Finding) • LEGO Pixar: Bricktoons
Video Games: Finding NemoFinding Nemo: The Continuing AdventuresFinding Nemo: Escape to the Big Blue Disney UniverseNemo's ReefCrush's Coaster: The GameDory's ReefFinding Dory: Just Keep SwimmingDisney Crossy RoadKinect Rush: A Disney/Pixar AdventureDisney Infinity: 3.0 EditionLEGO The IncrediblesDisney Emoji BlitzDisney Heroes: Battle Mode

Music: Finding Nemo: Ocean Favorites
Books: The Art of Finding NemoThe Art of Finding Dory

Disney Parks
Disney's Art of Animation ResortDisney's Explorers LodgeCrush's CoasterDisney Animation BuildingEsperanza Character CarouselFinding Nemo Submarine VoyageIt's a Small WorldNemo & Friends SeaRiderPixar Pal-A-RoundThe Seas with Nemo & FriendsTurtle Talk with CrushMr. Ray's Pop QuizBruce's Shark ChallengeFinding Dory's Friends

Entertainment: Disney KiteTailsFantasmic!Finding Nemo: The MusicalPixar Playtime PalsRivers of Light: We Are OneTOGETHER: a Pixar Musical Adventure
Parades: Disney Stars on ParadeHappiness is Here ParadeMickey's Storybook ExpressPaint The Night ParadePixar Play ParadeTokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade: DreamLights
Fireworks: Disneyland ForeverHappily Ever AfterIgnite the Dream: A Nighttime Spectacular of Magic and LightMomentousTogether Forever: A Pixar Nighttime SpectacularIlluminate! A Nighttime CelebrationTree of Life AwakensWonderful World of AnimationWorld of Color
Summer: Mickey's WaterWorksPixar Water Play Street Party!Summer Blast

Finding Nemo: NemoMarlinCoralDoryPearlTadSheldonMr. RayBruceAnchorChumGillNigelCrushSquirtTank GangDr. Philip ShermanDarlaAnglerfishSeagullsMoonfishWhaleJellyfish ForestGeraldBlenny

Finding Dory: JennyCharlieBaileyDestinyHankFluke and RudderGeraldBeckyOttersGiant SquidStanBillStingrays
Other: SeaRider

AustraliaGreat Barrier ReefSydney HarbourSharks' LairAbyssopelagic ZonePhilip Sherman's Dentist OfficeEast Australian CurrentAngel's CoveCaliforniaMorro BayMidnight ZoneMarine Life Institute
AquaScum 2003Pixar BallA113Pizza Planet Truck
Finding Nemo: Beyond the Sea

Finding Dory: Unforgettable
Musical/Theme Parks: In The Big Blue WorldDory's DittyFish Are Friends, Not FoodWhere's My Dad?We Swim TogetherGo With the Flow

See Also
The Science Behind PixarPixar in a BoxLet's Name the SpeciesJust Keep SwimmingO, We're Going HomeFinding Nemo 2

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The Jungle Book Logo
Films: The Jungle Book (soundtrack/video) • The Jungle Book 2 (video) • Rudyard Kipling'sMowgli's Story2016 Live-action Film (soundtrack/video) • Sequel Film

Shows: Jungle Cubs
Video Games: The Jungle BookThe Jungle Book Groove PartyThe Jungle Book: Mowgli's Wild AdventureThe Jungle Book: Mowgli's RunDisney Classic Games CollectionDisney Speedstorm
Books: More Jungle Book... Further Adventures of Baloo and Mowgli

Disney Parks
Animated film: Country Bear Musical JamboreeDisney's Explorers LodgeDisney Animation BuildingEsperanza Character CarouselGarden of the Twelve FriendsIt's a Small WorldRhythm of the Jungle

Live action: Disney Movie MagicThe Jungle Book: Alive with Magic
Entertainment: AnimagiqueDisney's BelieveDisney's WishesDisney Classics: The Music & The MagicFantasmic!Festival of Family & FriendsHakuna Matata Time Dance PartyIt's Party Time... with Mickey and FriendsJourney into the Jungle BookMickey's Gift of DreamsMickey's Magical Music WorldMickey and the Magical MapMickey and the Wondrous BookMickey presents: “Happy Anniversary Disneyland Paris”One Man's Dream II: The Magic Lives On!Rivers of Light: We Are OneSuper Duper Jumpin' TimeThe Forest of Enchantment: A Disney Musical Adventure
Restaurants: Colonel Hathi's Pizza Outpost
Shops: Adventureland Bazaar
Parade: Disney's Dreams On Parade: Moving OnDisney's Magical Moments ParadeDisney's Party ExpressDisney Adventure Friends CavalcadeDisney Magic on ParadeDisney Stars on ParadeFlights of Fantasy ParadeJubilation!Move It! Shake It! MousekeDance It! Street PartyMickey's Soundsational ParadeThe Wonderful World of Disney Parade
Firework: Celebrate the MagicCelebrate! Tokyo DisneylandDisney Dreams!Disneyland ForeverHappily Ever AfterMickey's Mix MagicMomentousTree of Life Awakens
Summer: Adventure is Out There!The Jungle Book Jive
Halloween: Happy Hallowishes

Original: MowgliBalooBagheeraKing LouieShere KhanKaaColonel HathiWinifredHathi, Jr.Buzzie, Flaps, Ziggy, and DizzyAkelaRamaShantiRakshaWolf PupsSeeonee PackJungle PatrolFlunkeyBandar-log

Deleted characters: Rocky the RhinoBuldeoTabaqui
Sequel: RanjanRanjan's FatherMessuaShanti's MotherLucky
Rudyard Kipling's: MowgliBalooBagheeraShere KhanKing LouieKaaGrey BrotherNathooKitty BrydonColonel Geoffrey BrydonSergeant ClaiborneDr. Julius PlumfordWilliam BooneSergeant HarleyBuldeoTabaquiLt. John WilkinsIndian BanditsAlice, Rose, and Margaret
Jungle Cubs: Arthur and CecilThe CrocMahraNed, Jed & FredMungoLeahCainDholesWinifred's UncleMcCoyDictator TurtleWhitehood
Mowgli's Story: BagheeraShere KhanLi'l RakshaChilBiranyiTarzan Chimp
2016 film: MowgliBalooBagheeraShere KhanKaaKing LouieIkkiMr. PangolinGiant SquirrelFred the Pygmy HogMowgli's Father
House of Mouse: King Larry

JungleAncient RuinsMan VillageIndiaAsia
Season One: "A Night in the Wasteland" • "How the Panther Lost His Roar/The Humans Must Be Crazy" • "Hathi Meets His Match/Buffaloed" • "Mondo Mungo/Bare Necessities" • "Who Wants to Be a Baboon?" • "Red Dogs" • "The Great Kaadini" • "Hulla Baloo/Shere Bliss" • "Treasure of the Middle Jungle" • "Feather Brains/Benny & Clyde" • "Splendor in the Mud" • "Trouble in the Jungle/Fool Me Once..." • "The Coming of the Wolves"

Season Two: "The Ape Who Would Be King" • "Trunks for the Memories/Kasaba Ball" • "Hathi's Makeover/Curse of the Magnificent Melon" • "The Five Bananas/Birthday Snake" • "Old Green Teeth/The Elephant Who Couldn't Say No" • "Hair Ball/A Tale of Two Tails" • "Waiting for Baloo/Tree for Two" • "Nice Tiger/Sleepless in the Jungle"

Original: "Colonel Hathi's March" • "The Bare Necessities" • "I Wan'na Be Like You" • "Trust in Me" • "That's What Friends are For" • "My Own Home"

More Jungle Book: "Baloo's Blues" • "Jungle Fever" • "If You Wanna See Some Strange Behavior (Take a Look at Man)" • "It's a Kick"
Jungle Cubs: "Take Your Sweet, Sweet Time" • "Jungle Cub Love" • "Everything's Gonna Be Right with the World"
The Jungle Book: Mowgli's Story: "The Monkey Time"
The Jungle Book Groove Party: "The Jungle's No Place for a Boy" • "Join the Ranks" • "Go Bananas in the Coconut Tree" • "A Mood for Food" • "We Are the Vultures" • "Run" • "A Brand New Day"
Sequel: "The Jungle Rhythm" • "W-I-L-D" • "Right Where I Belong"
Deleted: "Brothers All" • "The Song of the Seeonee" • "Monkey See, Monkey Do" • "I Knew I Belonged to Her" • "In A Day's Work" • "The Mighty Hunters" • "I've Got You Beat" • "Braver"

See Also
Disney Sing Along Songs: The Bare NecessitiesTaleSpinDisney's Jungle BoogieMowgli and Baloo's Jungle Jams

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The Lion King - Logo
Films: The Lion King (video) • The Lion King II: Simba's Pride (video) • The Lion King 1½ (video) • The Lion Guard: Return of the RoarThe Lion King (2019) (video) • Mufasa: The Lion King (video)

Television: Find Out WhyTimon & Pumbaa (videography) • Timon and Pumbaa's Wild About SafetyThe Lion Guard (videography) • It's UnBungalievable!
Soundtracks: The Lion KingRhythm of the Pride LandsThe Legacy CollectionThe Lion King CollectionReturn to Pride Rock: Songs Inspired by Disney's The Lion King II: Simba's PrideBest of the Lion KingThe Lion King 1½: Songs from Timon and Pumbaa's Hilarious AdventureOriginal Broadway Cast RecordingFestival of the Lion KingThe Legend of the Lion KingThe Lion GuardThe Lion King (2019 film)The Lion King & Jungle Festival: Rhythms of the Pride LandsMufasa: The Lion King
Video games: The Lion KingTimon and Pumbaa's Jungle GamesThe Lion King: Simba's Mighty AdventureKingdom Hearts IIAnimated Storybook: The Lion KingDisney UniverseDisney Infinity: 2.0 EditionAdventures in Typing with Timon and PumbaaActivity CenterThe Lion King 2: Simba's Pride: Active PlayThe Lion King 2: Simba's Pride GameBreakThe Lion King 1½Disney Crossy RoadDisney Emoji BlitzDisney Heroes: Battle ModeKingdom Hearts IIIDisney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion KingDisney Classic Games CollectionThe Lion King: Operation PridelandsDisney Dreamlight Valley
Books: The Art and Making of The Lion KingThe Lion King: The Full Film Script
Cancelled projects: King of the JungleThe Lion Guard: Hear Me Roar!The Lion King Family Tree

Disney Parks
Rafiki's Planet WatchDisney's Art of Animation ResortDisney's Explorers LodgeThe AnnexCircle of Life: An Environmental FableDisney Animation BuildingEsperanza Character CarouselIt's a Small WorldMickey's PhilharMagicRhythm of the JungleSorcerers of the Magic KingdomThe Enchanted Tiki Room (Under New Management)The Lion Guard AdventureThe Lion King: Pride Land (Un Land Dédié au Roi Lion)

Entertainment: AnimagiqueDisney's BelieveDisney's WishesDisney Dreams: An Enchanted ClassicDisney Junior Dance Party!Disney Junior Play and Dance!Disney Junior Dream FactoryDisney KiteTailsDreams Take FlightFantasmic!Feel the MagicFestival of Family & FriendsFestival of the Lion KingHakuna Matata Time Dance PartyIt's Party Time... with Mickey and FriendsMickey and the MagicianMickey and the Wondrous BookMickey's Gift of DreamsMickey's Magical Music WorldMinnie's Musical MomentOnce Upon a MouseRivers of Light: We Are OneThe Adventure of RhythmThe Golden MickeysThe Legend of the Lion KingVillains Tonight!
Restaurants: Restaurant Hakuna Matata
Parades: A Million Splashes of ColourDisney's Magical Moments ParadeDisney's Party ExpressDisney Adventure Friends CavalcadeDisney Cinema ParadeDisney Magic on ParadeDisney Stars on ParadeFlights of Fantasy ParadeJubilation!Mickey & Friends Street CelebrationMickey's Soundsational ParadeMickey's Storybook ExpressThe Lion King CelebrationThe Wonderful World of Disney ParadeWalt Disney's Parade of Dreams
Fireworks: Celebrate the MagicCelebrate! Tokyo DisneylandDisney Dreams!Disneyland ForeverDisney Tales of MagicHappily Ever AfterHarmoniousIgnite the Dream: A Nighttime Spectacular of Magic and LightIlluminate! A Nighttime CelebrationThe Magic, the Memories and YouMomentousOnce Upon a TimeTree of Life AwakensWonderful World of AnimationWorld of ColorWondrous Journeys
Summer: Stitch and Friends Summer Surprise
Halloween: Happy HallowishesVillains Grove

The Lion King: SimbaNalaMufasaScarRafikiTimonPumbaaZazuShenzi, Banzai, and EdSarabiSarafinaThe PridelandersPride AnimalsHyena ClanWildebeestsMoleVulturesGrubs

The Lion King II: Simba's Pride: KiaraKovuZiraVitaniNukaOutsidersCrocodiles
The Lion King 1½: MaUncle MaxMeerkat Colony
Timon & Pumbaa: The Native ChiefThe Three NativesMother GorillaFronk FegnugenMontiBaampuNobiFredQuintThe WoodpeckerBruceStinkyRalph and EddieTedsSavage LionBartholomewThe TarsierToucan DanVulture PoliceNedNefuRabbitUncle BoarisUncle ErnieBoss BeaverBoy BeaverLester the WhaleThe TigressJackalThe CobraSpeedy the SnailSmolder the BearLittle JimmyIrwinEl ToroCount DownMr. PigWolverineJumbo Jumbo the ElephantCheetato and CheetataMartin PartinRita BookChef ClaudeCaptain BloodbeardCisco PigCisco Pig's GangDr. CagliostroTorgoThe Meerkat AngelWonderful Rhino of LawsPumbaa Jr.Dr. HappyLeslie LambeauMr. ButtonsSharlaWarthog SounderHermanLaraMelClaudiusBahukaTutan PharaohGenieMadame CredenzaDuke MeerkatTatianaMother EagleBaby EarlKing LeopoldPrincess ClaudiaSigmund and LloydHeimlich and SchnitzelMad Dog McGraw, Billy the Goat, and Three-fingered JackelopeDr. ExeterSal ManderJungle InspectorBigfootPimon and Tumbaa
The Lion Guard: KionBungaFuliBeshteOnoTiifuZuriJanjaCheeziChunguJanja's ClanMzingoMzingo's ParliamentMwogaMakuuMakuu's FloatPuaBasiBasi's PodUshariJasiriMadoaTunu and WemaJasiri's ClanThurstonMbeyaPorcupine BrothersMa TemboZitoAminifuReireiGoigoiDogoDogo's BrothersKijanaReirei's PackTwigaJuhudiShingoMuhanga and MuhangusTamaaNala's FatherSwalaMuhimuHamuAjabuMakuchaMakucha's LeapMakucha's ArmyFahariJionaMjombaOgpoaHayaLainiBadiliMbuniMapiganoMtotoGumbaKambuniKwatoShaukuNneTanoVuruga VurugaYoung RhinoLionessMajinuni and HafifuKing SokweHadithiBig BaboonBupuBobokaChuraKifaruMwenziUrohoMwiziKulindaOnaMpishiMakiniShupavuWazaNjanoKiburiTamkaNduliKiburi's FloatChamaKengeDhahabuHodariStareheRahaNyuniSumuKongweKinyongaKuchimbaShujaaAngaStrange LionStrange CobraThe FastestThe StrongestThe BravestThe Keenest of SightYukiHitashiKimyo and NabasuDomogDughiBoginoChuluunPãgalaKrud'dhaLumba-LumbaOld CivetOraKomodo DragonFikiriKitendoTuppAzaadFlamingo GirlsFlamingo Girls' FlamboyanceTenukTompokSeisouBambunMouse DeerMama BinturongSmunYun MibuNirmalaRaniBaliyoSurakJannaUlluSãhasíÃnandaBingaTangaagimPinguinoCek and RamaTsah and SasemAstutoVaryaFeliks, Pasha, and PolinaHeng HengKelyKely's TroopAskariShabahaKasiImaraTazama
Printed Media: UruAhadiKopaBomaZuzuJokaLulu
Deleted: DikuBaashoIggyHerr RhinoKwashiBhatiMheetuBanagiDaabiDwalaNaanda
Remake: SimbaNalaMufasaScarRafikiTimonPumbaaZazuShenzi, Kamari, and AziziSarabiSarafinaKiaraDembe
Mufasa: The Lion King: KirosOutsidersEsheObasiMasegoAfiaJuniaAmaraAkuaAjarryChigaruMosiInakiAziboMoboShajuObasi's PrideZala
Miscellaneous: ZawadiKiumeKibibiNakawa

Timon & PumbaaThe Lion Guard
The Lion King Trilogy: AfricaMount KilimanjaroPride RockThe Pride LandsThe Water HoleThe Elephant GraveyardThe GorgeJungleRafiki's Ancient TreeThe Outlands

Timon & Pumbaa: Zazu's TreeMadame Credenza's PlaceSavage RockBoss Beaver's Log LandThe Tree of TruthDismal Swamp
The Lion Guard: Lair of the Lion GuardJanja's DenTree of Life
Live-action movies: Milele

The Lion King: Circle of LifeThe Morning ReportI Just Can't Wait to Be KingBe PreparedHakuna MatataCan You Feel the Love TonightHawaiian War Chant

Instrumental Scores: This LandHyenas...To Die ForUnder the StarsKing of Pride RockDidn't Your Mother Tell You Not to Play with Your FoodWe are All ConnectedHyenas in the Pride LandsElephant GraveyardI Was Just Trying to Be BraveStampedeMufasa DiesIf You Ever Come Back We'll Kill YouBowling for BuzzardsWe Gotta Bone to Pick With YouKings of the PastNala, Is It Really You?Remember Who You AreThis Is My HomeThe Rightful King
Rhythm of the Pride Lands: The Lion Sleeps TonightKubeLea HalalelaIt's TimeLalaBusaNoyana
The Lion King II: Simba's Pride: He Lives in YouWe Are OneMy LullabyUpendiOne of UsLove Will Find a Way
The Lion King 1½: Digga TunnahThat's All I NeedSunrise, SunsetGrazing in the Grass
Musical: Lioness HuntRafiki MournsOne by OneGrasslands ChantChow DownThe Madness of King ScarShadowlandEndless NightSimba Confronts Scar
Timon & Pumbaa: The Lion Sleeps TonightAlone TogetherStand by MeYummy Yummy Yummy
The Lion Guard: Call of the GuardA Beautiful Day (Ni Siku Nzuri)Zuka ZamaTonight We StrikeKion's LamentIt is TimeHere Comes the Lion GuardWe're the Same (Sisi Ni Sawa)Don't Make a StinkBunga the WiseDuties of the KingOutta the WayJackal StyleOur Kupatana CommunityMy Own WayUtamuAll Hail The VulturesHero InsideBird of a Thousand VoicesPanic and RunTrail to HopeLife in the Pride LandsWe'll Make You a MealFind Your RoarChungu's LamentBaboonsBeware of the ZimwiLions Over AllStand Up, Stand OutKuishi Ni KuchekaRunning with the KingHadithi the HeroMakin' Hippo LanesTickbirds and RhinosTeke Ruka TelezaEveryone is WelcomeThe Traveling Baboon ShowA Real MealFujoThe Path of HonorBring Back a LegendToday is my DayI Have A PlanGotta Look on the Bright SideThe Worst Hyena We KnowMay There Be PeaceBig Bad KengeChristmas in the Pride LandsThe Twelve Ways of ChristmasI Do Have a Great Deal to SayFabulous DhahabuGive a Little Guy a ChanceWe're the SmartestGood King SimbaThe Faster I GoI'm Gonna Run This DumpNow You See Me, Now You Don'tWisdom on the WallsHe's The Zebra MastermindKwetu Ni KwetuNothin' to Fear Down HereShujaa PondaPride Landers Unite!Prance With MeTujiinueHeight and SightWe Will DefendA New Way to GoOn the Last NightWhen I Led the GuardThe Tree of LifeHome of a Snow Monkey's DreamsGhost of the MountainAnythingThat's the Dolphin WayAs You Move ForwardFlamingo Dance PartyYou Best Not Mess With MamaFriends to the EndKion's ReckoningWelcome to the Tree of LifeWho is Better Than WhoPoa the DestroyerLong Live the QueenRemember What Makes You YouThe Power of the RoarOf the Same PrideAs You Move On
Remake: Life's Not FairRafiki's FirefliesScar Takes the ThroneSimba is Alive!Reflections of MufasaSpiritBattle for Pride RockRememberNever Too LateMbube
Mufasa: The Lion King: NgomsoMileleI Always Wanted a BrotherBye ByeWe Go TogetherTell Me It's YouBrother Betrayed
Deleted: To Be KingWarthog RhapsodyThe Lion of the MoonOld Fearless BuzzThe Madness of King ScarThanks to MeWhere Do I Belong
Miscellaneous: Safety Smart

See Also
Rafiki's Bakora StaffGreat Lions of the PastMusicalLion GuardRoar of the EldersNight PrideMark of the GuardMark of the Night PrideMoja Kwa Moja StoneTulizaThe Disney AfternoonFind Out WhyHouse of MouseOne by OneTimon & Pumbaa's Vacation SafariAs Told by Emoji