Lara is a gazelle from the 1995-99 Disney television series Timon & Pumbaa who makes her only appearance in "Beauty and the Wildebeest".
Physical Description[]
Lara is a beautiful gazelle who wears a pink bow. After Mel runs away from Herman, Lara puts her head in the water and reveals that she is very unattractive.
Lara appears to be kind-hearted. Although Herman is ugly, she still has romantic feelings for the wildebeest.
Role in the series[]
"Beauty and the Wildebeest"[]
Lara first appears drinking water with her friends. When her friends make fun of Herman for his appearance, the gazelle tries to make them leave him alone. She then asks Herman if he will attend to her birthday party and the wildebeest accepts the invitation. Lara's friends still make fun of Herman's ugliness and Herman sadly walks away, with Lara feeling sorry for him.
When the jungle celebrates Lara's birthday, she sees Mel, who wants her love. Lara, however, shows no romantic interests in him and then sees Herman with his new handsome appearance, making Mel jealous and want to fight with the wildebeest. After Herman shows Mel his ugly appearance and the male gazelle runs away, Lara is impressed at the wildebeest being himself and then she reveals that she is ugly as well, much to his surprise and delight. The two fall in love and then kiss.
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