This is a list of characters from the Digimon anime series Digimon Adventure:.
Quick Answers
Who are the members of the Army of Light in Digimon Adventure?
What is the DNA digivolved form of WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon?
How does Omegamon Alter-S access the form of Omnimon?

Omnimon is the DNA digivolved form of WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon, though Omegamon Alter-S can also access it via Mode Change.
In the past, WarGreymon, MetalGarurumon, Phoenixmon, HerculesKabuterimon, Rosemon, and Vikemon were members of the Army of Light and served under Seraphimon and Ophanimon. The Celestial Digimon After Phoenixmon, Rosemon, Vikemon and HerculesKabuterimon were destroyed, Seraphimon and Ophanimon made WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon DNA Digivolve into Omnimon empowered with the souls of the fallen warriors so he could defeat ZeedMillenniummon, the ultimate weapon of the Dark Digimon. With a single strike of his sword, Omnimon was able to destroy ZeedMillenniummon. The Crest of Courage
After Greymon and Garurumon are beaten in a battle against the Mega Argomon, the feathers of the Celestial Digimon that appear in the hands of T.K. Takaishi and Kari Kamiya in the real world, and they give Tai Kamiya's and Matt Ishida's Digivices power to warp DNA digivolve Greymon and Garurumon into Omnimon. Omnimon strikes the Mega Argomon down, and redirects the missile into space. War Game And to the Digital World
During Valdurmon's story about the ancient war, an image of Omnimon briefly appears as Valdurmon narrates that the darkness was defeated at a great cost. Tai notices Omnimon's appearance, but he disappears and Valdurmon continues on with his story. As Valdurmon talks about digivolution continuing into infinite boundaries, Tai remembers Omnimon from the fight with Argomon, but Agumon is shown to have no memory of his time as Omnimon and is confused by Tai's mention of him. The Celestial Digimon
During the DigiDestined's battle against Nidhoggmon, new feathers of the Celestial Digimon appeared in the hands of T.K. and Kari in the real world, allowing Greymon and Garurumon to warp DNA digivolve into Omnimon once again. Omnimon blocks all of Nidhoggmon's attacks and even freezes Nidhoggmon. Nidhoggmon, however, releases itself and attempts to use all of its stored energy against Omnimon. Omnimon blocks this attack too and slices Nidhoggmon in half and destroys the fake Tokyo created from Tokyo's stolen data. After everyone is sent back to the real world by Negamon, Omnimon reverts back into Agumon and Gabumon who retain their memories this time. Countdown to Tokyo's Annihilation
Tai is shown a vision by Valkyrimon, which reveals Seraphimon's and Ophanimon's role in Omnimon's first DNA digivolution and victory against ZeedMillenniummon in the past war. According to Valkyrimon, Omnimon is the great power whose existence surpasses countless space-time and could stop even the Great Catastrophe. But Omnimon only holds shape in any world it appears to as long as Tai, Agumon, Matt, and Gabumon would maintain their determination, resoluteness and courage to save the worlds, and multitude hearts of humans, Digimon, or any other living creatures would keep praying and wishing for salvation. Valkyrimon assured Tai, that if those multitude of hearts would keep praying, it could unlock Omnimon's power again to stop the Great Catastrophe. The Crest of Courage
As WarGreymon, MetalGarurumon, Seraphimon and Ophimon continue fighting Abbadomon, people from all across the world send their hope into the void which is converted into powerful data that bypasses the Newtwork, restoring the DigiDestined. The Digimon digivolve back into their Mega forms, gather the energy and send it WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon, allowing them to DNA digivolve into Omnimon. Omnimon breaks into Abbadomon's orb and flies into the heart of it, ready to end the Great Catastrophe once and for all. The Last Miracle, The Last Power The refusal of the DigiDestined to give up causes Omnimon to Mode Change into Omegamon Alter-S. After Alter-S destroys Abbadomon and Abbadomon Core, he Mode Changes back into Omnimon who destroys Abbadomon's area in the Network. Omnimon then dedigivolves back into Agumon and Gabumon. The End of the Adventure
In the Digivice: Virtual Pet, WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon can DNA digivolve to Omnimon.
Omegamon Alter-S[]

Omegamon Alter-S is the DNA digivolved form of BlitzGreymon and CresGarurumon, although Omnimon can also access it via Mode Change.
During the final battle between the DigiDestined and Abbadomon, the DigiDestined's refusal to give up causes their Crests to trigger Omnimon to Mode Change into Omegamon Alter-S. Before fully transforming, Omnimon is briefly able to transform his right arm into Alter-S' sword in order to attack Abbadomon Core with both his Grey Sword and Alter-S' sword before performing the same transformation with his cannons. After a brief battle with Abbadomon Core, Alter-S slashes Abbadomon Core in half, but the top half turns into a giant purple cloud with a fanged mouth that attempts to consume Alter-S. This last attack fails to finish off Alter-S who blows up Abbadomon Core from the inside, destroying it and Abbadomon. Omegamon Alter-S then Mode Changes back into Omnimon as Abbadomon reformats into a Digi-Egg. The End of the Adventure
In the Digivice: Virtual Pet BlitzGreymon and CresGarurumon can DNA digivolve to Omegamon Alter-S.
Other Characters[]
Army of Light[]
The Army of Light are the army, who, in the past, fought the Army of Darkness. It was lead by Cherubimon and Valdurmon, with its other members including Phoenixmon, MetalGarurumon, HerculesKabuterimon, WarGreymon, Rosemon, Vikemon, Rasielmon, SlashAngemon, ClavisAngemon, a large amount of Piddomon, as well as the Celestial Digimon Seraphimon and Ophanimon.
Celestial Digimon[]
The Celestial Digimon[1] (聖なるデジモン Seinaru Dejimon?, lit. "Holy Digimon") refers to Seraphimon and Ophanimon, the two Digimon that were key to defeating Milleniummon. A New Darkness, Millenniummon The DigiDestined are sent by Valdurmon to find them.
- Japanese: Chinami Nishimura
- English: Veronica Taylor
Lopmon is the reincarnation of Cherubimon. As Cherubimon, it was one of the leaders of the Army of Light alongside Valdurmon. It is also one of the Three Great Angels.[citation needed]
After the previous war against the Dark Digimon and Millenniummon, Cherubimon was reincarnated as Lopmon and taken care of by Woodmon and Budmon who lived in the forest located in the Eternal Continent. Escape the Burning Jungle A New Darkness, Millenniummon But Lopmon had no memories of its previous life until it witnessed Agumon's digivolution to WarGreymon, who was of the six warriors fighting alongside the Celestial Digimon back in the war. The Mega Digimon, WarGreymon A New Darkness, Millenniummon Lopmon told its history to Tai Kamiya and Sora Takenouchi and also warned them about Millenniummon's upcoming resurrection. It then revived several Komondomon, who long ago used to protected weak Digimon from the conflicts. Lopmon and most of the Komondomon then went with the Woodmon and the Budmon to find a safe place for them, while the leading Komondomon went on to serve as a transportation for the DigiDestined. A New Darkness, Millenniummon During their journey, Lopmon meditated and contacted Patamon, a fellow Celestial Digimon who was was weak from his earlier battle against SkullKnightmon. Soaring Hope
Lopmon later found its way to ElDradimon and met with Leomon, Spadamon and Falcomon, telling them about Millenniummon and helping them to gather other allies of the DigiDestined from different parts of the Eternal Continent. Lopmon and Leomon later contacted the DigiDestined when the latter had reached FAGA's location in the Sealed Grounds. The Attack of Machinedramon They later witnessed the dark miasma of the Cloud Continent being used in Millenniummon's resurrection, and how Millenniummon's resurrection brought stormy clouds and volcanic eruptions around the Digital World. The God of Evil Descends, Millenniummon The End, the Ultimate Celestial Battle But then, several small lights of hope started rise from the ground, with Lopmon realizing the living ground of the Digital World and all of the Digimon wanted to send their own lights of hope give the DigiDestined enough power to destroy ZeedMillenniummon once and for all with WarGreymon's empowered Terra Force. The End, the Ultimate Celestial Battle
After ZeedMillenniummon's destruction, Lopmon left with Spadamon, Falcomon, Xiaomon, two Peckmon, two Frimon and Puroromon on one of the Komondomon to search for a new home for every Digimon who lost their home to Millenniummon. A Place to Return To Lopmon's group is later amongst the many Digimon watching as Ghoulmon darkens the skies of the Digital World and the Soundbirdmon send their soundwaves to prepare for Negamon's arrival. The Angels' Determination As the Great Catastrophe starts, Lopmon contacts the DigiDestined through the holographic screens that their Digivices display informing them of the effects of the Catastrophe and expressing confidence that they can pull off a greater miracle than the destruction of Millenniummon. The Great Catastrophe, Negamon
After the destruction of Abbadomon by Omegamon Alter-S, Lopmon, standing on a Cherrymon, addresses a crowd of Woodmon, Budmon and other younger Digimon and tells them about the human world that the DigiDestined came from. The End of the Adventure
- Lopmon
- Tiny Twister (Petit Twister): Generates a tiny tornado by spinning its ears like a propeller.

- Japanese: Ai Maeda (shared with Youto Kazama), Youto Kazama (shared with Ai Maeda)
Valdurmon was one of the leaders of the Army of Light alongside Cherubimon.
Despite perishing in the previous war between light and darkness, one of Valdurmon's feathers remained in the ruins of the fortress of the Rainbow Mountain. When Tai Kamiya, Agumon, Sora Takenouchi and Biyomon arrive at the ruins, an image of Valdurmon appears from the feather, explaining the past war and how the DigiDestined were chosen to form partnership with the reincarnations of the six warrior Digimon who helped the Celestial Digimon to win the previous war to win against the new darkness. The image of Valdurmon started to disappear when a swarm of Dokugumon brainwashed by the Soundbirdmon attack the ruins, but not before telling the DigiDestined to find two Celestial Digimon who once fought alongside warriors as the "light and hope" and how one of them is in the Cloud Continent. After the Dokugumon were defeated, Valdurmon's last feather finally dissipated. The Celestial Digimon
When Lopmon mentions a new darkness rising, Tai and Sora recall their encounter with Valdurmon's spirit and what it had told them about the ancient war between the Dark and Celestial Digimon as well as the fact that a new darkness was coming that only the DigiDestined and their partner Digimon could stop. Lopmon confirms this, commenting that they had already received Valdurmon's guidance. Lopmon explains that he's the reincarnation of Cherubimon who had led the Celestial Digimon alongside Valdurmon. Lopmon is able to fill in the rest of the story about the ancient war and ZeedMillenniummon that Valdurmon had been unable to before the Dokugumon attack. A New Darkness, Millenniummon
When Lopmon telepathically contacts Patamon, an image of Valdurmon appears amongst Cherubimon and the other Celestial Digimon with Lopmon stating that they are those of the past and are "an empty existence with no power but to speak now," encouraging Patamon to become "the light of hope to brighten the world." Soaring Hope
Following the destruction of Abbadomon by Omegamon Alter-S, Valdurmon's spirit reappears in the ruins of the fortress on the Rainbow Mountain and expresses his thanks to the DigiDestined. The End of the Adventure
Yuuko Kamiya[]

Yuuko (center) holding Kari's hand.
- Japanese: Mie Sonozaki
Yuuko Kamiya (八神 裕子 Yagami Yuuko?) is Tai and Kari's mother.
In August 2020, she is taking Kari to a lesson. They transfer trains in Shibuya through the Tokyo Loop Line. Yuuko and Kari are trapped in the train when Argomon causes the Loop Line's controls to malfunction. Tokyo Digital Crisis She is successfully able to disembark after the train stops. War Game

Miko (ミーコ Mīko?) is the Kamiya family's cat.
In August 2020, Miko is sleeping on one of the living room's couches. Tokyo Digital Crisis

Whamon is a friend of Izzy Izumi and Tentomon's. It is a laid-back Digimon that swims slowly within the Network.
During Izzy and Tentomon's journey through the Network to the Digital World, they are swallowed by Whamon. Birdramon Soars However, although they end up in Whamon's stomach, Izzy chooses to continue working on solving Tokyo's power outage problem, especially after Tentomon reveals that Whamon is harmless. Their journey is interrupted by Soundbirdmon-controlled Tylomon and Tentomon tickles Whamon to make it shoot them out of its spout. With the Tylomon focusing on them, Izzy and Tentomon draw them away from Whamon to protect it, giving Whamon the chance to run which is observed by a Soundbirdmon. Following the defeat of the Tylomon and their controlling Soundbirdmon, Izzy and Kabuterimon leave Whamon behind to continue their journey to the Digital World. The Celestial Digimon
Whamon is later captured by Datamon who uses it as a hostage in order to force Izzy to take part in its cruel games. Aware that Izzy and Whamon are friends, Datamon threatens to have GranKuwagamon eat Whamon if Izzy can't win. Izzy eventually realizes that Datamon is actually hiding inside of Whamon and tricks Datamon into believing that he and HerculesKabuterimon are setting Whamon on fire in order to draw him out. Following the defeat of Datamon and GranKuwagamon, Whamon is freed by Izzy, Tentomon, Tai and Agumon. Having been held prisoner inside of Whamon, Tai and Agumon discover that Datamon was actually under the control of the Soundbirdmon which is presumably how Datamon knew of Izzy and Whamon's friendship, the Soundbirdmon having previously seen Izzy and Tentomon's actions to protect Whamon against the Tylomon. Bolt, HerculesKabuterimon
Whamon is later seen to have moved to the surface of the Net Ocean, along with MarineAngemon's underwater city. Whamon and MarineAngemon's subjects are amongst many other Digimon watching as Ghoulmon darkens the skies of the Digital World and the Soundbirdmon send their soundwaves to prepare for Negamon's arrival. The Angels' Determination Following the destruction of Abbadomon by Omegamon Alter-S, Whamon is still swimming close to MarineAngemon's underwater city as ElDradimon swims overhead. The End of the Adventure
In the Digivice: virtual pet, Whamon is friends with the DigiDestined's Partner Digimon and fights alongside them.
- Japanese: Momoko Soyama, Ayaka Atsuchi, Sakura Kawaguchi
- English: Brittany Lauda
Tanemon are residents of a village that came to be later known as Mimi's Kingdom.
At some point they met Mimi Tachikawa who was summoned to the Digital World as one of the DigiDestined. Mimi declared herself as their queen and Palmon as her butler to protect the kingdom from the Tuskmon who kept stealing their fruits. When Tai Kamiya, Agumon, Sora Takenouchi and Biyomon arrived into Mimi's Kingdom, and when Izzy Izumi contacted them through the Digivice:, Mimi and the Tanemon became aware of the power failures Tokyo was suffering from. After the DigiDestined saved the kingdom from the attack of Ogremon and the Coredramon who had used a Soundbirdmon to brainwash the Tuskmon and Drimogemon to help them, Mimi and Palmon agreed to join the other DigiDestined and left the Tanemon behind. The Targeted Kingdom
After Dandevimon's and ZeedMillenniummon's deaths, the Tanemon had established their own school into their kingdom, with Babamon as their principal. Thanks to Babamon's teachings, some of the Tanemon had learned to digivolve into Lalamon. But the kingdom was now suffering from attacks of BanchoMamemon, a former student of Babamon, until Rosemon stopped him. The Digimon School Under Attack Later, the Tanemon and the Lalamon wanted to see the outside of the Cloud Continent, so they accompanied Mimi, Palmon and BanchoMamemon on a Blimpmon to travel the world. During their journey, they found Joe Kido and Gomamon who were fighting against Olegmon's pirates. Vikemon Ventures the Glaciers The Tanemon and the Lalamon are later amongst the many Digimon watching as Ghoulmon darkens the skies of the Digital World and the Soundbirdmon send their soundwaves to prepare for Negamon's arrival. The Angels' Determination
Following the destruction of Abbadomon by Omegamon Alter-S, one of the Lalamon had managed digivolve all the way into Lilamon. She, just like most of the Lalamon and the Tanemon, was present during BanchoMamemon's graduation ceremony. Meanwhile, some of the other Lalamon were living with Golemon, Blimpmon and the Gotsumon and they celebrate around a statue of Mimi. The End of the Adventure

- Japanese: Masami Kikuchi
Neemon is a leader of a group of Digimon who were first seeking refuge from the attacks of evil Digimon and later building a new home.
Neemon was leading Bearmon, two Labramon and a group of Kyaromon across SkullScorpionmon's desert territory to seek Leomon's resistance group, hoping they could protect them from the Digimon infested with dark miasma, of which SkullScorpionmon was also one. Neemon met with Matt Ishida, Gabumon, Sora Takenouchi, Biyomon, Joe Kido and Gomamon who were seeking the Celestial Digimon. Matt wanted keep on searching for the Celestial Digimon to save his brother T.K. Takaishi who was still in the real world. But Sora and Joe remained to fight SkullScorpiomon who was assisted by the SandYanmamon. Matt and Gabumon, however, later changed their minds and Garurumon digivolved to WereGarurumon to destroy SkullScorpionmon, allowing Neemon's group to finally cross the desert safely. The Wolf Standing Atop the Desert
After Nidhoggmon's death, Tai Kamiya, Agumon, Matt and Gabumon met with Leomon, Spadamon and Falcomon, who informed them that Neemon's group had managed to reach their camp. Fist of the Beast King Even longer time after that, when ZeedMillenniummon had been destroyed, Neemon had asked Junkmon, the Pomumon and the FanBeemon to help them build a village and plant and grow vegetables in the desert which was long ago protected by a benevolent Shakkoumon. Soon after Sora, Biyomon, Tai and Agumon arrived to help them, they accidentally awakened Shakkoumon. But much to everyone's surprise, Shakkoumon attacked, causing Neemon to question Shakkoumon's benevolence. But Sora and Biyomon became aware of Shakkoumon's true past and Phoenixmon managed to heal Shakkoumon from its physical and mental wounds. Neemon and his villagers then built an altar for Shakkoumon into their village, accepting it as their protector. The Tears of Shakkoumon Neemon and his villagers are later amongst the many Digimon watching as Ghoulmon darkens the skies of the Digital World and the Soundbirdmon sending their soundwaves to prepare for Negamon's arrival. The Angels' Determination
After the destruction of Abbadomon by Omegamon Alter-S, Neemon and his villagers resumed their work in the crop fields in the village. The End of the Adventure

- Japanese: Rie Kugimiya, Eriko Kadokura, Ayaka Atsuchi
The FanBeemon are residents of a jungle in the Cloud Continent, but later join Neemon and his villagers.
When Sora Takenouchi, Matt Ishida, Gabumon, Joe Kido and Gomamon flying over a jungle with Birdramon, the FanBeemon were attacked by the Waspmon who were infested with the dark miasma. Each of them was captured and taken inside CannonBeemon so they could be infested with the miasma as well. One FanBeemon managed to avoid such fate by hiding in bushes. It explained the situation to Sora. Sora couldn't just leave the FanBeemon behind, so she agrees to save them as well as Joe and Gomamon, who end up captured too. Gabumon and Biyomon force the Waspmon to drop the captured FanBeemon before saving Joe and Gomamon and destroying CannonBeemon and the Waspmon. Garudamon of the Crimson Wings
After ZeedMillenniummon's destruction, the FanBeemon join Neemon's group along with the the Pomumon and start planting, growing and harvesting crops on fields of their new village under Junkmon's guidance. The Tears of Shakkoumon One of the FanBeemon is later amongst the many Digimon watching as Ghoulmon darkens the skies of the Digital World and the Soundbirdmon send their soundwaves to prepare for Negamon's arrival. The Angels' Determination
After the destruction of Abbadomon by Omegamon Alter-S, the FanBeemon resumed their work in the crop fields in the village. The End of the Adventure

- Japanese: Hiroaki Hirata
- English: Aaron LaPlante


- Japanese: Asami Sanada
- English: Brittany Lauda


Nanimon lived near the hot springs on the Eternal Continent. When Joe Kido and Gomamon got rid of their friends, they ended up in hot springs where they would meet one Nanimon who was also bathing in hot springs. The Children's Fight for Survival
And when Blossomon also arrived at the hot springs, Blossomon and the Nanimon force did not allow Joe and Gomamon to leave. Soaring Hope The Kari of Dawn
And after Joe and Gomamon got to leave the hot springs, ShogunGekomon dried the hot springs in his own bath, leaving Nanimon and Blossomon without the heat of the hot springs. But when Joe returned to the hot springs with T.K. Takaishi, Kari Kamiya, and their Digimon partners, they met Nanimon and Blossomon again, and after the arrival of Tai Kamiya, Agumon, and Junkmon, they joined forces with them to rescue Gomamon and restore the hot springs. When they lured ShogunGekomon and his servants into a hot spring intended for bait, Nanimon rescued Gomamon, and when Gomamon confronted ShogunGekomon, he defeated him and Kabukimon as Zudomon, and then the hot springs were returned, and Nanimon group and Blossomon got away with their friends again. The Geko Hot Springs' Revolt
But when the hot springs mysteriously dried up again, Joe led the Nanimon group and his other Digimon friends to a new warm place, and as they cornered through the ice-cold wilderness, they were exhausted and would not have been able to continue their journey unless Mimi Tachikawa and Palmon arrived on Blimpmon and took them with them. And when Joe and Mimi traveled on a Blimpmon ride to that same place, Olegmon and his pirate crew attacked them, and during the attack, Joe, Gomamon, and ShogunGekomon were captured by Olegmon. But Joe and Gomamon got out of the dungeon of Olegmon's ship and challenged Olegmon to battle. And when Gomamon evolved into Vikemon and defeated Olegmon, Joe also decided to take Olegmon and his crew to the same place, and eventually they all got there, and the Nanimon group settled there with their friends. Vikemon Ventures the Glaciers
Nanimon and their friends are later amongst the many Digimon watching as Ghoulmon darkens the skies of the Digital World and the Soundbirdmon send their soundwaves to prepare for Negamon's arrival. The Angels' Determination Following the destruction of Abbadomon by Omegamon Alter-S, two Nanimon, Blossomon and Gekomon celebrate together with Kabukimon, Dondokomon, Gwappamon and Divermon. The End of the Adventure

Blossomon lived near the hot springs on the Eternal Continent. When Joe Kido and Gomamon got rid of their friends, they ended up in hot springs where they would meet Blossomon and the Nanimon who would not let them go no matter how they tried to leave. Soaring Hope The Kari of Dawn
But then when Joe and Gomamon left, ShogunGekomon dried the hot springs away, leaving Blossomon and Nanimon without heat. And when Joe returned to the hot springs with T.K. Takaishi and Kari Kamiya and met Blossomon and Nanimon, they collaborated in an attempt to save Gomamon from ShogunGekomon and restore the hot springs. And thanks to the cooperation of all of them, Gomamon was saved, ShogunGekomon was defeated and the hot springs were restored. The Geko Hot Springs' Revolt
But as the hot springs dried up for an unknown reason, Joe and Gomamon set out to take Blossomon, Nanimon, and their other friends to a new place where it would be warm. During the trip, they were all exhausted as they walked through the cold land, but when Mimi Tachikawa and Palmon arrived on the Blimpmon ride, they gave them a ride to the place they were on their way to. During the trip, Olegmon and his pirate crew attacked them, but when Joe and Gomamon challenged Olegmon to battle, Olegmon had superiority over them. But as Gomamon evolved into Vikemon, he defeated Olegmon, and after that, Joe also decided to take Olegmon and his crew to the same place as well. And finally they all arrived at their destination. Vikemon Ventures the Glaciers
Blossomon and its friends are later amongst the many Digimon watching as Ghoulmon darkens the skies of the Digital World and the Soundbirdmon send their soundwaves to prepare for Negamon's arrival. The Angels' Determination Following the destruction of Abbadomon by Omegamon Alter-S, Blossomon, two Nanimon and Gekomon celebrate together with Kabukimon, Dondokomon, Divermon and Gwappamon. The End of the Adventure
- Japanese: Volcano Ota
Several Woodmon live with the Budmon in the forests of Eternal Continent hiding from violent Digimon who were hunting weaker Digimon for food. They also raised Lopmon.
Tai Kamiya and Agumon met the Woodmon, Budmon and Lopmon soon after SkullKnightmon had kidnapped Tai's younger sister Kari Kamiya. They were hiding from several Megadramon and Allomon who were hunting them along with Tankdramon. Tai and MetalGreymon Alterous Mode destroyed Tankdramon with help of Sora Takenouchi and Garudamon. But the Megadramon and Allomon were then joined by a Parrotmon. Escape the Burning Jungle After Parrotmon's digivolved form, Eaglemon, was destroyed by WarGreymon the Woodmon heard Lopmon speak for the first time, having regained its memories from its past life as Cherubimon. The Mega Digimon, WarGreymon A New Darkness, Millenniummon While the DigiDestined saved the Woodmon from being attacked by a group of Bakemon and MetalPhantomon led by Reapermon, the Woodmon were led to safety from the forest by several Komondomon resurrected by Lopmon. A New Darkness, Millenniummon
While the DigiDestined were reaching FAGA to prevent Millenniummon's resurrection, the Woodmon were later revealed to have evacuated into ElDradimon's back. The Attack of Machinedramon
After the destruction of Abbadomon by Omegamon Alter-S, the Woodmon are present when Lopmon tells the story of the DigiDestined to a gathered crowd of Digimon. One has managed to digivolve into Cherrymon and it is used by Lopmon to stand upon as he talks. The End of the Adventure

Several Budmon live with the Woodmon in the forests of Eternal Continent hiding from violent Digimon who were hunting weaker Digimon for food.
Tai Kamiya and Agumon met the Budmon, Woodmon and Lopmon soon after SkullKnightmon had kidnapped Tai's younger sister Kari Kamiya. They were hiding from several Megadramon and Allomon who were hunting them along with Tankdramon. The Allomon managed to kill few Budmon in the process. But the rest of them saved when Tai and MetalGreymon Alterous Mode destroyed Tankdramon with help of Sora Takenouchi and Garudamon. But the Megadramon and Allomon were then joined by a Parrotmon. Escape the Burning Jungle After Parrotmon's digivolved form, Eaglemon, was destroyed by WarGreymon the Budmon heard a fellow fostered Digimon Lopmon speak for the first time, having regained its memories from its past life as Cherubimon. The Mega Digimon, WarGreymon A New Darkness, Millenniummon While the DigiDestined saved the Budmon from being attacked by a group of Bakemon and MetalPhantomon led by Reapermon, the Budmon were led to safety from the forest by several Komondomon resurrected by Lopmon. A New Darkness, Millenniummon
One of the Budmon was later seen as a customer in Burgermon's restaurant. Jagamon, Potato Trouble While the DigiDestined were reaching FAGA to prevent Millenniummon's resurrection, the Budmon were later revealed to have evacuated into ElDradimon's back. The Attack of Machinedramon

- Japanese: Daisuke Yokoyama
The Komondomon are old friends of the Army of Light since the ancient war. They save weak Digimon and dash across the lands.
Constantly chased by enemy Digimon, Lopmon leads the Woodmon, Budmon, Tai Kamiya, Sora Takenouchi, Agumon and Biyomon to a location where five Komondomon are buried, slumbering under the ground. Using his powers, Lopmon works to awaken the Komondomon as the DigiDestined and their partners battle multiple MetalPhantomon and a Reapermon who try to stop them. After Garudamon and WarGreymon destroy the enemy Digimon, the Komondomon finally awaken and rise from the ground. Lopmon introduces the Komondomon to Tai and Sora and explain their history. Tai and Sora continue their journey on the red-helmeted leader of the Komondomon, while Lopmon decides to stay with his Woodmon and Budmon friends and departs on another Komondomon, instructing the other three to find and rescue Digimon that desire peace like the Woodmon and for the leader to help Tai and Sora find their friends. A New Darkness, Millenniummon
As T.K. and Patamon are about to be eaten by a Fangmon, the leader Komondomon suddenly arrives to help with Tai, Sora, Greymon and Birdramon. Komondomon rams the Fangmon away before it can harm the two and Sora appears from amongst Komondomon's fur to pull T.K. and Patamon onboard. After a short battle, Greymon and Birdramon manage to destroy the Fangmon and the group continues on their way to meet up with the others. During their journey, Lopmon telepathically contacts Patamon from where he is traveling on another Komondomon with the Woodmon. However, Tai, Sora and T.K.'s journey on the leader Komondomon is interrupted by an attack from more Fangmon and their leader, Cerberumon. Komondomon quickly speeds up and dodges the attacks, following Tai's directions on which way to go, while Greymon and Birdramon engage the evil Digimon, eventually digivolving into MetalGreymon and Garudamon to protect the others. Komondomon takes several hits from the Fangmon, including ones that injure Sora and leaves Tai hanging off the front of Komondomon briefly. Finally, after two Fangmon board Komondomon, T.K. and Patamon's determination to protect their friends causes Patamon to digivolve into Pegasusmon who knocks off the attacking Fangmon and helps MetalGreymon and Garudamon destroy Cerberumon. With the battle won, Tai has Komondomon make a U-turn to pick up the others. Soaring Hope
While traveling, Komondomon draws his passengers' attention to a nearby location where the dark lightning is concentrated. Komondomon makes his way through a swarm of fleeing Kokuwamon to the edge of the crater where the energy is accumulating with Tai asking him to hurry after spotting DarkMaildramon carrying SkullKnightmon towards it. After the ground suddenly drops into a slope, Komomodomon comes to a stop and the DigiDestined jump out to stop the ritual and rescue Kari. The Kari of Dawn
At Izzy's request, Komondomon delivers Tai, Sora, T.K., Kari and their partners to him near the pillar of energy connecting the Digital World to the Network. The group then leaves Komondomon behind as they enter the Network to stop the ISS from crashing into Tokyo. Operation Satellite Sniper The group reunites with Komondomon after their successful mission and enjoy a break, only to have Tai, Agumon, Sora and Biyomon get swept down a nearby river. Mimi Wars Following the defeat of Mephistomon, Komondomon finally arrives with the group, now including Mimi and Palmon, to reunite with Matt, Joe, Gabumon and Gomamon. The Blazing Blue Friendship
When the DigiDestined make a pit stop at an oasis after being reunited, they give Komondomon a bath. In addition, there are multiple other Komondomon present who flee in terror when Jagamon attacks. After Matt Ishida and Garurumon rescue a Pusurimon, it jumps on the back of another Komondomon to escape to safety. When one of Jagamon's attacks nearly hits Komondomon, Togemon protects him only to have the explosion be neutralized by Lunamon's bubbles that get shaken off of Komondomon in the process. On Joe Kido's orders, Mimi Tachikawa and Togemon bring Komondomon in front of Jagamon where Zudomon uses a shockwave generated by his hammer to blow all of the bubbles off of him and onto Jagamon's potato ring, neutralizing it. After the battle, the DigiDestined set out again on Komondomon with buckets of more bubbles from Lunamon so that Komondomon can wash up again any time that he wants. Jagamon, Potato Trouble
During the Digital World Grand Prix Circuit race that the DigiDestined attend, Tai stands on Komondomon to act as the flagbearer. When Machmon, Matt and Gabumon return together, Komondomon joins the others in cheering for them. Activate, MetalGarurumon
The leader Komondomon carries the DigiDestined on their journey to FAGA to stop Millenniummon's resurrection. After Tai and Agumon are thought to have been killed, he shakes off some flowers in an attempt to comfort Kari. The God of Evil Descends, Millenniummon During the final battle with ZeedMillenniummon, the leader Komondomon also joins the DigiDestined's other Digimon friends that they have made along the way in sending his hope into WarGreymon's Terra Force so that he can destroy ZeedMillenniummon for good. Following the battle, Komondomon joins the DigiDestined in rushing to congratulate Tai and Agumon. The End, the Ultimate Celestial Battle
After ZeedMillenniummon is destroyed, the leader Komondomon carries the DigiDestined to the Great Tree of Information to meet Wisemon, Garbagemon and Searchmon. When the other DigiDestined start their journey, Komondomon agrees to take Joe, Gomamon, T.K. Takaishi, Patamon, Kari, and Gatomon to the hot springs to heal from the battle against ZeedMillenniummon. The Mystery Hidden Within the Crests The Geko Hot Springs' Revolt Komondomon then took T.K., Patamon, Kari and Gatomon back to the forest born from Petaldramon's remains, so Kari could search out the true power of the Crest of Light. Kari, New Life After Kari chooses to stay in the forest, Komondomon carries T.K as he searches out the true power of the Crest of Hope. Shortly after the arrival of Tai and Agumon, Komondomon returns with some rope to help move ElDradimon up the steep slope back to the Cloud Continent. A Place to Return To
After the DigiDestined complete their quest to reach the full power of the Crests, the leader Komondomon carries T.K., Kari, Patamon and Gatomon back to the Tree of Information. Upon hearing that the Tree is under attack by the Soundbirdmon, Patamon digivolves into Pegasusmon to get them there faster. The Angels' Determination
During the DigiDestined's quest, Lopmon leaves with Spadamon, Falcomon, two Peckmon, two Frimon, Xiaomon and Puroromon on one of the other Komondomon to search for a new home for every Digimon who lost their home to Millenniummon. A Place to Return To They later witness the Soundbirdmon sending shockwaves across the world. The Angels' Determination
As the Great Catastrophe begins, the DigiDestined's partner Digimon attempt to reach Negamon's white void, but they are repeatedly stopped by the Champion Argomon. As they are blasted from the sky again, the leader Komondomon suddenly flies up by using his tail as a propeller and catches the Digimon on his back. Komondomon manages to launch the Digimon past the Argomon into the void, calling out to them that everyone is counting on them. Komondomon then falls from the sky into the water below. The Great Catastrophe, Negamon
The leader Komondomon survives the fall and watches the final battle with Abbadomon alongside Wisemon, Garbagemon and Searchmon. Another Komondomon is with Lopmon, Leomon and his friends as they watch the battle in a different location. Later, the leader Komondomon is present when Lopmon tells an audience about the human world after the destruction of Abbadomon. However, the Komondomon leader sleeps through the story rather than paying any attention. Another Komondomon is also present, although this one is awake and listening to Lopmon. The End of the Adventure

- Japanese: Volcano Ota
- English: Xander Mobus
Golemon lives with the Gotsumon in rocky mountains of the Eternal Continent filled with gem stones.
When the DigiDestined are separated from each other after Angemon's battle with AxeKnightmon, Mimi Tachikawa and Palmon end up in the mountains where Golemon lives, and think that Golemon is chasing them. The Children's Fight for Survival
When Tai and Sora reunite with T.K. and attempt to make contact with Mimi, Togemon is revealed to be fighting Golemon, with Mimi and the Gotsumon cheering on them respectively. Soaring Hope Golemon later celebrates Mimi's and Togemon's victory over him, when he throws gem stones in the air while the Gotsumon are throwing Mimi in the air. The Kari of Dawn
When Tai and Sora got rid of Izzy, Kari, and T.K., they encountered Mimi, Palmon, as well as Golemon and the Gotsumon when they were imprisoned in the net. But when they were set free, they joined forces with them and set about freeing the other Gotsumons who became slaves to Gogmamon. When Tai and Mimi encountered Gogmamon with Golemon, Mimi began to fight Gogmamon, and during the battle Mimi threw a diamond at Lillymon, which she used to destroy Gogmamon. And when Gogmamon was destroyed and all the captured Gotsumon were rescued, Mimi decided to treat Golemon and the Gotsumon as friends, and then Mimi and Palmon returned to their friends and continued their journey, leaving the others to Golemon, who stayed with the Gotsumon to wait for Mimi to come back. Mimi Wars
Golemon and the Gotsumon are later amongst the many Digimon watching as Ghoulmon darkens the skies of the Digital World and the Soundbirdmon send their soundwaves to prepare for Negamon's arrival. The Angels' Determination Following the destruction of Abbadomon by Omegamon Alter-S, Golemon and the Gotsumon, along with some of the Lalamon, were celebrating around a statue of Mimi, when Blimpmon was flying through the skies. The End of the Adventure

Several Gotsumon befriend Mimi and become her friends, explaining that the rest of them are being used as slave labor and energy for Gogmamon that lives in the castle to mine up gems for it. After Mimi helps to free the Gotsumon who are grateful to her and become like employees to Mimi, who treats them much better and kinder, just like her grandfather with his company workers. Mimi Wars
The Gotsumon and Golemon are later amongst the many Digimon watching as Ghoulmon darkens the skies of the Digital World and the Soundbirdmon send their soundwaves to prepare for Negamon's arrival. The Angels' Determination Following the destruction of Abbadomon by Omegamon Alter-S, the Gotsumon and Golemon along with some of the Lalamon, were celebrating around a statue of Mimi, when Blimpmon was flying through the skies. The End of the Adventure

- Japanese: Ayaka Saito
- Japanese: Motoko Kumai
- English: Kayli Mills

Blimpmon is present at a Digimon pit stop when Potamon digivolves into Jagamon and goes on a berserker rampage. While taking off, the Blimpmon is nearly hit by one of Jagamon's attacks, but it is saved by Garurumon. Birdramon lands on Blimpmon and helps to lift it into the air while Pegasusmon protects them both from more of Jagamon's Potato Ring. Jagamon, Potato Trouble
Blimpmon is later enlisted by Mimi to take Babamon's class on a field trip to see the world outside of the Cloud Continent. Blimpmon rescues Joe and his friends from the hot springs after Mimi spots them collapsed on one of the Digital World's frozen glaciers. After hearing their story, Mimi agrees to take Joe's group to the warm land that they are seeking on Blimpmon, but they come under attack by Olegmon and his pirate crew. As Olegmon's ship fires on Blimpmon who tries to take off further into the air, Palmon reveals to Gomamon that Blimpmon's weapons are out of ammo due to Babamon being stingy. Thanks to ShogunGekomon shielding Blimpmon, it is able to rise up to safety, but ShogunGekomon, Joe and Gomamon fall off. Olegmon then attempts to trade ShogunGekomon for their food supply, but Joe challenges Olegmon for leadership. After Vikemon defeats Olegmon, Joe has Blimpmon tow the crippled pirate ship to the warm land to the south, having learned that Olegmon and his crew were merely desperate due to losing their food supply. Vikemon Ventures the Glaciers
Following the destruction of Abbadomon by Omegamon Alter-S, Blimpmon is flying through the skies near the Lalamon, Golemon and the Gotsumon as they celebrate around a statue of Mimi. The End of the Adventure

- Japanese: Kanae Ito, Sakura Kawaguchi, Manatsu Hada
- English: Brittany Lauda
The Pomumon are residents of a jungle island floating above the Eternal Continent, but later join Neemon and his villagers.
When Tai Kamiya, Sora Takenouchi, Agumon and Birdramon fly to the floating jungle island to find more fruits that fell from it, flying over a jungle with Birdramon, they save one of the Pomumon who has been captured by the Flymon. Its captured friends had been delivered to Tropiamon who stores them inside the fruits of its home tree to be eaten later. Sora decides to help Pomumon to liberate the floating island. so she agrees to save them as well as Joe and Gomamon, who end up captured too. While Garudamon is fighting Tropiamon, Sora catches the attention of the Flymon, so Pomumon can free its friends from the fruits. After being released, all the Pomumon use Rapid Seed to destroy the Flymon. They also help Garudamon and MetalGreymon to destroy Tropiamon once and for all. Strike! The Killer Shot
After ZeedMillenniummon's destruction, the Pomumon join Neemon's group along with the the FanBeemon and start planting, growing and harvesting crops on fields of their new village under Junkmon's guidance. The Tears of Shakkoumon
After the destruction of Abbadomon by Omegamon Alter-S, the Pomumon resumed their work in the crop fields in the village. The End of the Adventure

Xiaomon is a young Digimon who lived in a group with other Xiaomon, and several Frimon and Puroromon.
Xiaomon and its friends were originally hiding in the forest from the black lightning. Once the lightnings had stopped, they had come out of hiding and were guided into the Mon-Mon Park by Opossumon. At first, they had fun in the theme park, but were betrayed by Opossumon and trapped inside WaruMonzaemon, masquerading as Monzaemon statue. Xiaomon was the only one who had managed to escape, and was found by T.K. Takaishi and Pegasusmon who had also been lured into the park, and separated from Matt Ishida and Garurumon. During the fight, Opossumon managed to kidnap Xiaomon and trap it inside WaruMonzaemon as well. T.K. and Pegasusmon resolve to go inside WaruMonzaemon. When T.K. and Patamon regain their hope after hearing Matt's voice, and powered by the light of hope from the other Digimon, Patamon regains its ability to digivolve into Angemon and frees all of WaruMonzaemon's prisoners. After WaruMonzaemon and Opossumon are destroyed, Xioamon and its friends resolve to build the Mon-Mon Park into a real fun place for everyone. Mon-Mon Park in the Fog
Xiaomon and its friends had later found its way to ElDradimon and witnessed the effects of the battle between DigiDestined and Millenniummon. After Millenniummon digivolved into ZeedMillenniummon who was destroying the Digital World, small lights started to come out of the ground. Xiaomon recognized them as the light of hope. At Lopmon's suggestion, Xiaomon joined many other Digimon to send their own lights of hope to the DigiDestined to destroy ZeedMillenniummon once and for all. The End, the Ultimate Celestial Battle
Later, Xiaomon and a couple of Frimon and Puroromon left with Lopmon, Spadamon and Falcomon on one of the Komondomon to search for a new home to the Digimon who had lost their homes because of Millenniummon's actions. A Place to Return To Xiaomon and the rest of Lopmon's group are later amongst the many Digimon watching as Ghoulmon darkens the skies of the Digital World and the Soundbirdmon send their soundwaves to prepare for Negamon's arrival. The Angels' Determination As the Great Catastrophe starts, Xiaomon joins Lopmon in contacting the DigiDestined through the holographic screens that their Digivices display informing them of the effects of the Catastrophe. The Great Catastrophe, Negamon
After the destruction of Abbadomon by Omegamon Alter-S, Xiaomon and its friends returned to the Mon-Mon Park, which was now taken care of by the real Monzaemon. The End of the Adventure

- Japanese: Naoki Tatsuta
- English: Landon McDonald
Chuumon is Garbagemon's assistant and the only Chuumon to survive the attack of a Raremon. During the battle with RareRaremon, Chuumon helps Izzy Izumi with his plan to harden RareRaremon's body, operating Garbagemon's equipment for him. After the defeat of RareRaremon, Chuumon digivolves into Searchmon before flying off with Garbagemon. King of Inventors, Garbagemon
At the Great Tree of Information, Searchmon continues to act as Garbagemon's assistant, helping Garbagemon and Wisemon in their research on the Tree's data and the Great Catastrophe. The Mystery Hidden Within the Crests The Angels' Determination
When the Soundbirdmon and their brainwashed Mekanorimon attack, Searchmon, Garbagemon and Wisemon are rescued by Pegasusmon who destroys several Soundbirdmon and takes down the Mekanorimon. When the Mekanorimon rise again, Searchmon is able to use radio waves to disrupt the Soundbirdmon's control over the Machine Digimon. However, Rockmon, who is made from the garbage data unified by the Soundbirdmon, attacks them, but they are saved by WereGarurumon and Kabuterimon. The Angels' Determination
Searchmon later joins the effort to launch the DigiDestined's partner Digimon into Negamon's white void past the blockade of the Champion Argomon. While the Digimon are fired from Garbagemon's garbage can, Searchmon lays on his back with the can held in his claws, keeping it aimed at the opening into the void. With the sudden intervention of Komondomon, the plan is ultimately successful. The Great Catastrophe, Negamon
Wisemon, Garbagemon, Searchmon and Komondomon subsequently watch the final battle between the DigiDestined and Abbadomon together. After Abbadomon's destruction, Searchmon is present when Wisemon tells a crowd of Digimon about the DigiDestined. The End of the Adventure

- Japanese: Ryo Hirohashi

- Japanese: Nobuyuki Hiyama
Machmon is the Digital World Grand Prix Circuit race's grand champion, winning the deadly race so many times that he finds it hard to find any more competitors.
After coming across the racetrack, Matt Ishida and Garurumon decide to race Machmon who eventually snaps and turns hostile, causing Gatomon to realize what the race is. Garurumon saves Machmon from crashing and is injured in the process and Machmon explains that the old race's habits are hard for him to forget despite being the reigning champion and alone on the track now. Gabumon nevertheless challenges Machmon to another race using just speed and no tricks like in the old days, but Machmon attacks again during the race, but begs them to avoid his attacks, revealing that Machmon had allowed a Parasimon to take him over in order to protect his title and attain his maximum speed. With Machmon intending to commit suicide in order to keep Parasimon from harming anyone else, Garurumon digivolves into WereGarurumon Sagittarius Mode who attempts to free Machmon from the evil Mega without success. Matt and WereGarurumon's determination to save their friend causes WereGarurumon to digivolve into MetalGarurumon. MetalGarurumon rips Parasimon out of Machmon and destroys it, but Machmon still nearly crashes to his death on a deadly curve. MetalGarurumon catches Machmon and Machmon, Matt and Gabumon finish the race together. Activate, MetalGarurumon
Machmon is later amongst the many Digimon watching as Ghoulmon darkens the skies of the Digital World and the Soundbirdmon send their soundwaves to prepare for Negamon's arrival. The Angels' Determination Following the destruction of Abbadomon by Omegamon Alter-S, Machmon races across the landscape with Rebellimon, passing Etemon, Volcamon and their Gazimon fans. The End of the Adventure

- Japanese: Show Hayami
Wisemon is the leader of the research team at the Giant Tree of Information. He has habit of seeing any kind of information, positive or negative, to "bring joy to his knowledge".
After ZeedMillenniummon's destruction, Garbagemon and Searchmon, who had recently joined Wisemon's research team, summons the DigiDestined to to the Tree. Wisemon introduces himself to them and reveals what he knows about the Crests and the coming Great Catastrophe. After Burpmon is destroyed, Wisemon helps the DigiDestined begin their quest to understand the mystery behind the Crests and remains to recollect the scattered data and continue his research. The Mystery Hidden Within the Crests
As the DigiDestined return to the Tree, Negamon sends a legion of Soundbirdmon to attack with them taking control of several Mekanorimon that threaten Wisemon, Garbagemon and Searchmon until Pegasusmon appears to rescue them. When the Soundbirdmon fuse into Black Ghoulmon, Wisemon recognizes him as the King of Darkness from the ancient war and finally understands that Ghoulmon's appearance was an omen of the Great Catastrophe as Ghoulmon's motives to destroy both the light and darkness had never been understood before. As the battle rages, Wisemon finally understands that the answer to the mystery of the Crests is the DigiDestined's entire adventure and expresses excitment when MagnaAngemon and Angewomon digivolve into Seraphimon and Ophanimon, the Celestial Digimon from the ancient war, in order to destroy Ghoulmon. The Angels' Determination
When the DigiDestined are sucked into Negamon's void, Wisemon aids Garbagemon and Searchmon in their attempts to launch the Digimon partners into the void as well. With the sudden intervention of Komondomon, they succeed. The Great Catastrophe, Negamon
After the destruction of Abbadomon by Omegamon Alter-S, Wisemon relates the story of the DigiDestined to a gathered crowd of Digimon. However, Wisemon admits that even he can't predict what kind of effects the merging of two worlds will have going forward. As Wisemon starts going on in excitement about how happy he is about the growing mystery, one of the Digimon cuts him off as he is getting too hard to understand. Wisemon apologizes and tells the crowd that one thing is for certain: a new life, a new Digimon is born that day and the Digital World continues to grow without end. The End of the Adventure

- Japanese: Kappei Yamaguchi

- Japanese: Kozo Shioya
- English: Xander Mobus

- Japanese: Kōichi Tōchika
- English: Kaiji Tang
Kabukimon is one of ShogunGekomon’s servants who, with Gekomon, had drained the hot spring waters and directed them to ShogunGekomon’s own source.
When Joe Kido, Kari Kamiya, T.K. Takaishi, Gomamon, Gatomon, and Patamon arrived at the hot springs after they had dried away, they met Kabukimon, and he took them to the ShogunGekomon’s castle. And when his master kidnapped Gomamon and Joe and the others were thrown out, Joe and the others met Blossomon and Nanimon and worked with them to save Gomamon. And when the trap was ready, they lured him, ShogunGekomon and the troops of Gekomon and Dondokomon, out of the castle to a hot spring that had been made bait. When they arrived, they began to fight Joe and his friends, and during the battle they rescued Gomamon, and he fought Greymon. As Greymon evolved into MetalGreymon, the Gekomon force tried to defend him, but they failed, and he flew into ice-cold water, after which Zudomon defeated him and ShogunGekomon. And when the battle ended and the hot springs were restored, he froze along with ShogunGekomon and Gekomon, but Joe let them come bathing in the hot springs too. The Geko Hot Springs' Revolt
Then, after the hot springs had dried up completely, Kabukimon left with Joe, Gomamon, ShogunGekomon, Blossomon, Nanimon, Gekomon, and Dondokomon in search of a new home. Joe led them by mistake to a snowy area from which Mimi Tachikawa and Blimpmon managed to save them. But soon Olegmon and his pirate crew attacked them, and Joe, Gomamon, and ShogunGekomon were captured by Olegmon. But Joe and Gomamon got out of the dungeon of Olegmon's ship and challenged Olegmon to battle. When Gomamon evolved into Vikemon, he defeated Olegmon, and that’s when Joe also decided to take the pirates to the same island where they were all on their way. And when they all got there, he settled on the island with his friends and Olegmon and his crew. Vikemon Ventures the Glaciers
Kabukimon and the other servants of ShogunGekomon are later amongst the many Digimon watching as Ghoulmon darkens the skies of the Digital World and the Soundbirdmon sending their soundwaves to prepare for Negamon's arrival. The Angels' Determination Following the destruction of Abbadomon by Omegamon Alter-S, Kabukimon, Dondokomon, Divermon and Gwappamon celebrate together with Gekomon, Blossomon and two Nanimon. The End of the Adventure

- Japanese: Hideo Ishikawa
BanchoMamemon used to one of Babamon's students in the Digimon School of Mimi's Kingdom who temporarily became a delinquent.
BanchoMamemon was unsatisfied by Babamon's training methods and left the Digimon School in order to find another way to become stronger than his teacher. Some time after Mimi Tachikawa and Palmon become students, BanchomMamemon and his Mamemon and BigMamemon minions attack the school. Mimi and Palmon challenge him, realizing how much BanchoMamemon's movements remind her of Babamon's obstacle courses. She and Lillymon are able to evade BanchoMamemon's moves and also taunt BanchoMamemon for lacking purity and beauty, which Babamon often expects from her students. And finally, Lillymon digivolves into Rosemon and manages to defeat BanchoMamemon. After his defeat, BanchoMamemon accepts Babamon's offer to rejoin the school as a student. The Digimon School Under Attack
BanchoMamemon accompanies his class on a field trip on Blimpmon. After they rescue Joe's group, BanchoMamemon almost gets into it with ShogunGekomon and Kabukimon, but the altercation is broken up by Mimi. BanchoMamemon later aids Mimi in dealing with Olegmon, having heard of him through his Mamemon network although he expresses confusion at Olegmon's behavior. Upon reaching a warm location, BanchoMamemon joins the others in joking around with Joe. Vikemon Ventures the Glaciers
Following the destruction of Abbadomon by Omegamon Alter-S, BanchoMamemon finally graduates and gets his diploma, causing him to cry with joy. The End of the Adventure

- Japanese: Kozo Shioya
- English: Xander Mobus
Army of Darkness[]
The Army of Darkness are evil Digimon forces that oppose the Army of Light.
In the past, they were led by Ghoulmon, with Millenniummon as their secret weapon. The soldiers included Digimon such as Vilemon, Boogiemon, and Devidramon. They staged a war against the Army of Light in the past, with the only survivors of the war being six Digi-Eggs belonging to Phoenixmon, MetalGarurumon, HerculesKabuterimon, WarGreymon, Rosemon, and Vikemon from the Army of Light. The Celestial Digimon According to historical records, Ghoulmon tried to use the war to destroy both light and darkness. The Angels' Determination It was only revealed several years later that the war was actually a disaster planned by Negamon to help the Digital World evolve through accumulation and learning. The Great Catastrophe, Negamon
Many years later, the army resurfaces and fights the Army of Light again — this time with Negamon in charge. Under Negamon, the army has more subordinates than it did in the past.

- Japanese: Takashi Matsuyama
- English: Xander Mobus
The Argomon are Negamon's minions and were created with the purpose of executing its mission. They appear to run on a hive mind, with all of them able to remember the defeats of fellow slain Argomon. Contact from the Catastrophe
In August 2020, Negamon drops a clutch of Digi-Eggs into the Network, where they hatch into a swarm of Fresh-level Argomon which immediately digivolve into In-Training. They spread through the Network, causing machines in Tokyo to malfunction, and attack nearby Digimon like Koromon.
The Argomon are brought to the DigiDestined's attention when they cause malfunctions in the Tokyo Loop Line, putting Tai Kamiya's mother and sister at risk. He manages to enter the Network and, alongside Agumon, destroys all but one of the Argomon, which warp digivolves into its Champion form, causing one of the trains to speed up and enter collision course with the next train. This Argomon is destroyed by Greymon, causing the Loop Line's controls to return to normal and the emergency stop to be activated, but before the DigiDestined can celebrate, they learn that another swarm of Argomon has hacked the American military network. Tokyo Digital Crisis
Tai, Greymon, Matt Ishida, and Garurumon track down the second swarm, which is being lead by a Rookie. They clear out the In-Training Argomon, but the Rookie quickly digivolves into its Ultimate form and entrenches itself using its "Worm Phase" technique.
Greymon and Garurumon use teamwork and seemingly defeat the Argomon, but when the smoke clears, they find it has digivolved once again into its Mega form. Argomon easily defeats the duo while completing its hack, causing a missile to launch at Tokyo. As all hope seems lost, two feathers of the Celestial Digimon fall into the hands of T.K. Takaishi and Kari Kamiya, Tai's and Matt's younger siblings. Then, in the Network, Greymon and Garurumon suddenly warp DNA digivolve together to form Omnimon, strike the final Argomon down, and redirect the missile into space. War Game And to the Digital World
The Argomon later reappeared to the Network to help Calmaramon to take over several tanker ships near Malacca, The Tide-Turning Update and to fight against Birdramon, Kabuterimon, Togemon, and Ikkakumon. The Unbeatable Blue Sagittarius The Argomon still kept fighting and eating data even after Calmaramon's death, expanding the attacks on tanker ships to the rest of the real world, and forcing the Partner Digimon to retreat. The Final Stage, Dandevimon Later, they disappeared and their work was taken over by the Zurumon. Dive to the Next Ocean
A few days after ZeedMillenniummon's death, several In-Training Argomon appeared in the Digital World and captured Tai and Agumon. They then digivolved to their Champion forms, with their leader digivolving further into its Ultimate form. They reveal their ability to speak human languages, and under the orders of Negamon, they attempt to experiment on the bond between a DigiDestined and a Partner Digimon. They create several fake copies of Tai and threaten to suffocate them if Agumon can not recognize the real Tai. After several failed attempts, Agumon recognizes the real Tai and destroys the fake ones. Agumon then digivolves all the way into WarGreymon to destroy every Argomon, except the Ultimate one with a single Terra Force. The Ultimate Argomon retreats, but not before telling Tai and Agumon that its creator will soon make its move. Contact from the Catastrophe While explaining to Tai the power that could stop the Great Catastrophe, Valkyrimon shows him a vision of the battle between Omnimon and the Mega Argomon. The Crest of Courage
The Ultimate Argomon remained in the Network when the Soundbirdmon fused into Ghoulmon to attack the Great Tree of Information and prepare the Digital World for Negamon's arrival. After Ghoulmon was destroyed, the black orb shattered and the Ultimate Argomon called Negamon by its name when declaring that the Great Catastrophe will now begin. The Angels' Determination
When the DigiDestined enter the void to stop Negamon, the Ultimate Argomon intercepts them, transitioning into its Worm Phase before eventually digivolving into Mega. Argomon explains the story of Negamon and his purpose and bars their way to trying to stop Negamon. Meanwhile, four Champion Argomon attack the Great Tree of Information, but Wisemon, Garbagemon, Searchmon, and Komondomon help the partner Digimon get past the attack into the void. Once there, Agumon digivolves into Greymon and easily overpowers and destroys the Champion Argomon. However, more Champion Argomon attack as Garurumon frees the DigiDestined and everyone digivolves to Champion and quickly destroys them before digivolving to Ultimate to fight the Mega Argomon. With the Mega Argomon attacking them, the Digimon digivolve into their Mega forms, blasting through Argomon's body in streaks of light mid-digivolution. As the Mega Argomon dies, he warns that the time has come for Negamon to consume everything, including the real world. The Great Catastrophe, Negamon
In the Digivice: virtual pet, Argomon is defeated in its Fresh, In-Training, Rookie, Champion, Ultimate, and Mega forms by the DigiDestined's Partner Digimon.
- In-Training
- San no Awa (酸のアワ? lit. "Acid Bubbles") When an enemy draws near, it spits out its "San no Awa" from its giant eye-like pattern.
- Japanese: Volcano Ota (as Nidhoggmon)
After the Argomon's first defeat, Negamon drops another Digi-Egg into the Network, with this one hatching as Eyesmon Scatter Mode shortly after Tai Kamiya and Matt Ishida first return to the real world. It quickly begins consuming data, causing immense blackouts in Tokyo that the DigiDestined are desperate to solve. And to the Digital World
Later, Tai, Agumon, Izzy Izumi, Tentomon, Mimi Tachikawa and Palmon made their way to city resembling Tokyo and are somehow able to exit the subway tunnels. It turns out to be a fake Tokyo created by several Eyesmon Scatter Mode. After Greymon helps them make their escape, all the Eyesmon Scatter Mode fuse into one big Eyesmon. Eyesmon manipulates the data of the city to block the attacks of MetalGreymon, MegaKabuterimon and Lillymon until Matt, Sora Takenouchi and Joe Kido arrive with WereGarurumon, Garudamon, and Zudomon, and join the fight. Together they defeat Eyesmon. Eyesmon, however, survives and digivolves into its Ultimate form Orochimon. The Jet-Black Shadow Invades Tokyo
Orochimon's roars create strong electromagnetic pulses that affect the real world as well, causing failures on evacuating people's cars. Orochimon overpowers the DigiDestined, who are forced to retreat and go into hiding. The DigiDestined, however, find their resolution to fight Orochimon again. Visions of Orochimon and the DigiDestined fighting against it appears in the real world as well, but only T.K. Takaishi and Kari Kamiya are able to see them. Orochimon is destroyed when MetalGreymon destroys Orochimon's real head, while the other Partner Digimon kept the seven decoy heads busy. But then, a countdown of 10 minutes appears on several computers, televisions and smartphones in both fake and real Tokyo. The Battle in Tokyo Against Orochimon
But then sparkling phenomenon stars occuring in both Tokyos. The phenomenon resurrects Orochimon's real head and draws massive amount of data from the real world, digivolving Orochimon into its Mega form Nidhoggmon. Izzy in unable to read Nidhoggmon's data through the Digimon Analyzer, but Nidhoggmon then speaks through Izzy's computer and tells its name. As Nidhoggmon draws even more energy from the real world, causing smartphones to overheat and windows of the skyscrapers to explode in the real Tokyo in the process, it is planning to use the release the energy stored within its body to annihilate the real Tokyo once the countdown would reach zero. Tai, Greymon, Matt and Garurumon still continue to fight against Nidhoggmon. In the real world, T.K. and Kari receive new feathers of the Celestial Digimon, causing Greymon and Garurumon to warp DNA digivolve together to form Omnimon once again. Omnimon blocks all of Nidhoggmon's attacks, forcing Nidhoggmon to release the stored energy to use it against Omnimon instead. Omnimon, however, blocks the energy and cuts Nidhoggmon's body in half. Nidhoggmon is destroyed, the countdown stops at 6 seconds, and the power returns back into the real Tokyo, after which Omnimon destroys the fake Tokyo. Countdown to Tokyo's Annihilation
When Valkyrimon tells Tai that Omnimon is the power that could stop the Great Catastrophe, it mentions how Omnimon was previously summoned to stop Nidhoggmon. The Crest of Courage
In the Digivice: virtual pet, Eyesmon Scatter Mode, Eyesmon, and Nidhoggmon are defeated by the DigiDestined's Partner Digimon.
- Scatter Mode
- Janengan (邪念眼? lit. "Wicked Thought Eye"): A cursed beam fired from all of its eyes.
- Kageshibari (影縛り? lit. "Shadow Bind"): Enters the enemy's shadow and controls its movements.
- Eyesmon
- Janengan (邪念眼? lit. "Wicked Thought Eye"): A cursed beam fired from all of its eyes.
- Gugen (愚幻? lit. "Deceptive Illusion"): Transforms the data it has accumulated into objects and uses them for offense and defense.
- Orochimon
- Ame no Murakumo: Turns the tip of its tail into a sharp blade, then cuts the opponent to pieces.
- Sake Breath (酒ブレス?): Gets the opponent completely drunk by intoxicating them with its alcohol-laden breath.
- Nidhoggmon
- Annihilention: Red-hot beams fired from its eyes.
- Rudiment: Condenses the energy within its body, and breathes it out of its mouth as a wave.
- Japanese: Volcano Ota (as Ghoulmon (Black))
Soundbirdmon originally acted as Devimon's servants on the Cloud Continent, but they were actually fragments of Ghoulmon, the King of Darkness and the servant of Negamon.
In the past, Ghoulmon was the leader of the Army of Darkness and started the war against the Army of Light by commanding several Devidramon, Boogiemon, and Vilemon to attack. The Angels' Determination The only survivors of the war were six Digi-Eggs belonging to Phoenixmon, MetalGarurumon, HerculesKabuterimon, WarGreymon, Rosemon, and Vikemon. The Celestial Digimon According to historical records, Ghoulmon tried to use the war to destroy both light and darkness. The Angels' Determination It was only several years later revealed that the war was actually a disaster planned by Negamon to help the Digital World evolve through accumulation and learning. The Great Catastrophe, Negamon
Ghoulmon, however, had not been completely destroyed. It had taken the form of a number of Soundbirdmon and continued to serve under Negamon who sent them to serve Devimon, a Dark Digimon who had split from Angemon. Bolt, HerculesKabuterimon The Angels' Determination Under Devimon's service, the Soundbirdmon brainwashed several Digimon to cause havoc in the Cloud Continent. Soundbirdmon faced the DigiDestined for the first time when they brainwashed a group of Dokugumon to attack Tai Kamiya, Agumon, Sora Takenouchi and Biyomon in the Rainbow Mountain, and when they brainwashed a group of Tylomon to attack Izzy Izumi, Tentomon and Whamon in the Network. After Greymon destroys the Dokugumon, he, Tai, Sora and Biyomon are able to escape the Coredramon. In the Network, Tentomon digivolves into Kabuterimon and destroys the Soundbirdmon that is controlling the Tylomon, causing them to break off their attack. The remaining Soundbirdmon then flee without a further fight. The Celestial Digimon
The Soundbirdmon also helped Ogremon, a blue Coredramon and several green Coredramon to brainwash a group of Tuskmon and Drimogemon to attack Mimi's Kingdom. The Targeted Kingdom After that, the Soundbirdmon often kept scanning the Cloud Continent for the DigiDestined's location and instructing several Digimon infested by the dark miasma to attack them, The Steel-Solid Super Digivolution The Wolf Standing Atop the Desert Garudamon of the Crimson Wings and once brainwashed an Andromon and a group of Hagurumon to attack as well. The Kings of the Insects Clash Lillymon Blooms
After Nidhoggmon's and Dandevimon's destructions, the Soundbirdmon remained inactive for a long time. They became active again after ZeedMillenniummon's destruction when Negamon personally ordered to launch an attack on the Giant Tree of Information. The Soundbirdmon themselves send a Burpmon to attack the tree and devour the data regarding the Great Catastrophe and the large monoliths decorated with Crest symbols to prevent the DigiDestined from learning about the true power of the Crests. The plan failed when the DigiDestined made Burpmon to eat the garbage data so much that Burpmon exploded. The Mystery Hidden Within the Crests The Soundbirdmon later brainwashed Datamon and sent a GranKuwagamon to assist him to set up a trap for Izzy who was looking for the true power of the Crest of Knowledge. After Izzy's defeat of Datamon and GranKuwagamon, the Soundbirdmon fly away, noticed by Tai who realizes that they were responsible for Datamon's strange behavior. Bolt, HerculesKabuterimon
The Soundbirdmon later attack the Tree of Knowledge once again in order to destroy both the Tree and the Crest monoliths inside, brainwashing several Mekanorimon and forming several Rockmon to assist them. After all eight DigiDestined and their partners had returned to the Tree, the majority of the Soundbirdmon fused into Ghoulmon who immediately transformed into its black form. Ghoulmon creates a large hole in the Tree and covers the skies of the Digital World with dark clouds. The remaining Soundbirdmon scatter across the Digital World, sending soundwaves as prophesied earlier by Devimon's warning as "the sound that once drove the world mad". The DigiDestined still keep defending the Tree without giving up. Finally, MagnaAngemon and Angewomon digivolve into Seraphimon and Ophanimon and destroy Ghoulmon. Ghoulmon's destruction also causes the destruction of all of the Soundbirdmon. But before its destruction, Ghoulmon reveals itself to be merely "the first cry by the catastrophe" and warns the DigiDestined how the finishing of its cry would finally begin the Great Catastrophe. This turns out to be true, as Negamon finally emerges from its orb to start sucking everything into a white void. The Angels' Determination
- Ghoulmon (Black)
- Death Arrow: Fires arrows of death from the evil eyes on its hands.
- Explosion Eye: Fires a laser beam from its central eye when it shines deep crimson.
- Japanese: Hisao Egawa
- English: Bill Butts
Ogremon serves under Devimon. It worked with several Coredramon to find and destroy the DigiDestined.
Ogremon was first seen when it watched the DigiDestined fight against the Dokugumon at the temple of the Rainbow Mountain. The Celestial Digimon Later, Ogremon and the Coredramon used Soundbirdmon to brainwash several Tuskmon and one Drimogemon to attack the village of Tanemon. The DigiDestined themselves met Ogremon for the first time during the attack. During the fight, Greymon broke one of Ogremon's horns. The Targeted Kingdom
After Ogremon's failure, Devimon promised to give him one more chance. By that time, Ogremon was so determined to regain his pride and defeat Greymon alone, that it even drove the Coredramon away for interrupting. This, as well as Ogremon's second loss, caused Devimon to abandon Ogremon and send MetalTyrannomon to deal with the DigiDestined instead. Furious that Devimon had replaced him with MetalTyrannomon, Ogremon fought against MetalTyrannomon and was thought to be destroyed, but not before telling the DigiDestined to "go straight ahead" in order to find the Celestial Digimon. The Ultimate Digimon Attacks
However, Ogremon was still alive and had survived the blast, revealing to have digivolved into his Ultimate level, Rebellimon, and lost his memories. Rebellimon had come to live in desert village full of outlaws, searching for opponents to fight against. Cutemon, who had been constant victim of the out laws before Rebellimon's arrival, was worried about Rebellimon who was constantly wounded by every battle, especially after losing against Boltmon, the most powerful of the outlaws. Rebellimon himself considered Cutemon a nuisance and also thought Cutemon was more safe by staying away from him. Rebellimon had a flash of memory of fighting Greymon, when it met fought against Tai and MetalGreymon, even though neither recognized him. Rebellimon and Greymon later teamed up together against Giromon and his Boarmon. Tai eventually convinced Rebellimon to find a reason to fight, like protecting something important. During a rematch against Boltmon, Cutemon used its healing powers to help Rebellimon destroy Boltmon. After that, the two set up on a journey to "straight ahead". After hearing those words, Tai and Agumon almost started to think if Rebellimon was actually Ogremon, but dismissed Rebellimon's words as a mere coincidence. The Vagrant War Demon, Rebellimon
Rebellimon and Cutemon are later amongst the many Digimon watching as Ghoulmon darkens the skies of the Digital World and the Soundbirdmon send their soundwaves to prepare for Negamon's arrival. The Angels' Determination Following the destruction of Abbadomon by Omegamon Alter-S, Rebellimon races across the landscape with Cutemon followed closely by Machmon. During the race, they also come across Etemon, Volcamon and their Gazimon fans who rode on the backs of Kiwimon. The End of the Adventure

Zurumon had appeared into the Network after Calmaramon was destroyed and after the Argomon had retreated. They took over Calmaramon's and the Argomon's mission to take over tanker ships around the world and make them collide, so they could be provided with data to eat. Dive to the Next Ocean Break Through the Sea Monster Barricade Izzy Izumi figures out a way to fix the uncontrollable ships by sending the correct positional data of the ships through a distress signal through GMDSS instead of GPS. Without any new data to be eaten, the Zurumon retreat. Break Through the Sea Monster Barricade
The Zurumon later appear to cause a system error and an explosion at NASA rocket launch. The DigiDestined also realize that the Zurumon's activity is in sync with the black lightnings appearing above the Eternal Continent. To the New Continent After the accident, the Network had become filled with several conspiracy theories and research data, providing the Zurumon with new data to eat. The Children's Fight for Survival The Zurumon also take control of several artificial satellites through control system errors, Escape the Burning Jungle shifting their orbits towards the International Space Station. The Mega Digimon, WarGreymon The Zurumon also take control of the space debris and shift orbits towards the ISS as well, planning to form them into a large mass which would fall from the sky and cause massive destruction, like a meteor. Izzy finds out that the estimated crash point is going to be Tokyo. A New Darkness, Millenniummon
Since the collision of ISS, the satellites, and the space debris was deemed unavoidable, so the crew of the ISS escaped the space station through a Soyuz spacecraft. Kari and Gatomon Some time after the ISS starts to fall from the sky, Izzy figures out a way to save Tokyo. The Glowing Angewomon He and Tentomon meet Tai Kamiya, Agumon, Sora Takenouchi, Biyomon, T.K. Takaishi, Patamon, Kari Kamiya and Gatomon at the large pillar of light which leads to the Network. There the DigiDestined plan to go to the Network and snipe the control point taken over by the Zurumon and change ISS's trajectory. When the other DigiDestined are forced to fight MetallifeKuwagamon and its BladeKuwagamon minions, Izzy and MegaKabuterimon, empowered by the Crest of Knowledge and the brief manifestation of HerculesKabuterimon, manage to snipe the control point, destroying it and scattering the Zurumon, and making the ISS fall into Tokyo Bay without any casualties. Operation Satellite Sniper

- Japanese: Yasuhiro Takato
- English: Brittany Lauda
The Vademon are worshippers of Moon=Millenniummon. They reside in the Sealed Grounds, guarding FAGA and hoping to restore Millenniummon's body.
The Vademon became active after Devimon's destruction when they repurposed his research to use the black lightnings to resurrect Millenniummon. The Angels' Determination After SkullKnightmon brought Kari Kamiya and Moon=Millenniummon's crystal to a ritual altar located in the Eternal Continent, SkullKnightmon digivolved to AxeKnightmon again and was ordered by the Vademon to sacrifice itself and Kari to restore Millenniummon. The plan failed, when Kari managed to save Gatomon's spirit inside AxeKnightmon's armor and WarGreymon destroyed AxeKnightmon. The Kari of Dawn
They later sent one of Sakkakumon's spheres to attack the DigiDestined. The Sword of Hope Even though the initial plan failed because of MagnaAngemon freeing the DigiDestined, the Vademon managed to use the data collected by Sakkakumon to build Machinedramon. The Sword of Hope The Attack of Machinedramon Despite Machinedramon's defeat, the Vademon activated its remains in overload mode and launched it towards the Cloud Continent. The Attack of Machinedramon Machinedramon's destruction and the dark miasma in the Cloud Continent created a powerful black lightning which digivolved Sakkakumon into Kimeramon. While Kimeramon who was being absorbed inside FAGA and being fused with Moon=Millenniummon to become Millenniummon, the Vademon fought Garudamon and MegaKabuterimon to defend FAGA from their attacks. Once the fusion process of Kimeramon and Moon=Millenniummon was complete, the Vademon willingly allowed themselves to be destroyed by the resulting explosion. The God of Evil Descends, Millenniummon
Sakkakumon serves under Moon=Millenniummon, capturing other Digimon and copying their data for Millenniummon's rebirth. Its ten spheres can move independently from each other and scout around the Eternal Continent. Sakkakumon can also digivolve to Kimeramon.
When the DigiDestined were on a journey towards the Sealed Grounds, Sakkakumon's sphere No. 6 noticed them and captured Tai Kamiya, Matt Ishida, Izzy Izumi, T.K. Takaishi, Agumon, Gabumon, Tentomon and Patamon. Sakkakumon scans Agumon, Gabumon, Tentomon and Patamon and sends virtual copies of their past opponents to wear them out. But Devimon's spirit still existed, Sakkakumon instead provided Devimon with a new body to fight and attempt to corrupt Angemon. Sakkakumon itself fights Garudamon, Lillymon, Zudomon and Angewomon by using MetalGreymon's and WereGarurumon's attacks. T.K.'s feelings of hope, however, saved Angemon who then re-absorbed Devimon and digivolved to MagnaAngemon. MagneAngemon destroyed Sakkakumon No. 6 and freed its prisoners. But Sakkakumon recreated the sphere No. 6 and retreated. The Sword of Hope
Despite Sakkakumon's earlier defeat, it had provided the Vademon with data of Andromon, MetalTyrannomon, MetalGreymon, Megadramon and MetalMamemon to build Machinedramon. Machinedramon was defeated but its remains launched and collided into the Cloud Continent. The Attack of Machinedramon Machinedramon's remaining data became one with the dark miasma of the Cloud Continent and transformed it into dark clouds with black lightnings, which digivolved Sakkakumon into a white and slightly deformed version of Kimeramon. Kimeramon then attempted to fuse with FAGA and Moon=Millenniummon's spirit and created a living copy of Gryphonmon to help the Vademon to fight MetalGarurumon, Garudamon and MegaKabuterimon who attempted to stop the fusion. Gryphonmon was destroyed, but the DigiDestined were unable to destroy FAGA, which absorbed Kimeramon inside and completed the fusion process. Then, FAGA shattered and exploded, releasing a fully reborn Millenniummon into the Digital World. The God of Evil Descends, Millenniummon
Notes and references[]
- ↑ This is not to be confused with the Celestial Digimon of other media, which refers to Ophanimon, Seraphimon, and Cherubimon. Digimon Adventure: exclusively refers to only Ophanimon and Seraphimon as Celestial Digimon.
Digimon Adventure: | |
Main characters: | Taichi "Tai" Kamiya | Matt Ishida | Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi | Sora Takenouchi | Joe Kido | Mimi Tachikawa | T.K. Takaishi | Hikari "Kari" Kamiya |
Digimon: | Agumon | Gabumon | Tentomon | Biyomon | Gomamon | Palmon | Patamon | Gatomon |
Allies: | Leomon, Falcomon and Spadamon | ElDradimon | Lopmon | Komondomon | Garbagemon and Searchmon | Wisemon |
Antagonists: | Negamon | Argomon | Eyesmon | Soundbirdmon | Ogremon | Devimon | SkullKnightmon | Moon=Millenniummon, Vademon and Sakkakumon |
Other characters: | Yuuko Kamiya | Other characters |
See also: | Digimon | Network | Real World | Digital World | Digivice: | List of episodes |