Finite methods
Repeatable methods
Held by wild Paras and wild ParasectC (2% chance each)
Pokémon Tower
Hidden recurring item (Mt. Moon) Held by wild Paras and wild Parasect (5% chance each)
Routes 212Pt, 214Pt, 221Pt, 222, 225Pt, 226, and 229DP, Hearthome CityPt, Mt. CoronetDP, Solaceon TownPt, Solaceon RuinsDP, Valor LakefrontPt, Great MarshPt, Fuego IronworksPt, Victory RoadDP
Held by wild Paras (5% chance)
Routes 4 and 27, Ruins of Alph, Ilex Forest, Bellchime Trail, Viridian Forest
Held by wild Paras and wild Parasect (5% chance each)
Noisy Forest, Big Forest, Yellow Forest
Routes 1, 6, and 12, Lostlorn Forest, Icirrus CityWinter, Moor of Icirrus, Abundant Shrine, Giant Chasm Passerby Analytics HQ (complete "Favorite kinds of people?" survey)
Marvelous Bridge (Patrat show) Black CityB/White ForestW (Gene) Held by wild Paras, wild Foongus, and wild Amoonguss (5% chance each)
Route 20 Passerby Analytics HQ (complete "Favorite kinds of people?" survey)
Hidden recurring item (Route 6, Abundant Shrine, Village Bridge, Moor of Icirrus, Hidden Grottoes) Striaton City (elemental monkey show) Join Avenue (Antique Shop) Held by wild Foongus and wild Amoonguss (5% chance each)
Pleasant Forest
Routes 14 and 16
Pokémon Village (shaking trash cans) Restaurant Le Yeah Held by wild Paras, wild Foongus, and wild Amoonguss (5% chance each)
Hidden recurring item (Mirage Forests) Battle Resort (Whismur show) Route 112 (15% chance after a rematch with Hiker Trent) Held by wild Paras and wild Shroomish (5% chance each)
Routes 4 and 11, Hau'oli Cemetery, Berry fields, Heahea City, Paniola Ranch, Akala Outskirts, Malie Garden
Battle Buffet (25-34 points) Held by wild Paras, wild ParasectUSUM, wild Morelull, and wild ShiinoticUSUM (5% chance each)
Route 8
Hidden recurring item (Mt. Moon) Found by walking Paras and Parasect (Mt. Moon) Found by Rock-type walking Pokémon (Rock Tunnel, Victory Road)
Route 3, Ballonlea
Hidden recurring item (Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, Watchtower Ruins, East Lake Axewell, West Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, Giant's Seat, North Lake Miloch, Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Mirror, Hammerlocke Hills, Lake of Outrage) Max Raid Battles (Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, Watchtower Ruins, East Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Mirror, Hammerlocke Hills, Giant's Cap) Possible gift after cooking curry Pickup (Lv. 1-30) Held by wild Morelull and wild Shiinotic (5% chance each)
Hidden recurring item (Fields of Honor, Soothing Wetlands, Courageous Cavern) Max Raid Battles (Fields of Honor, Soothing Wetlands, Forest of Focus, Challenge Beach, Challenge Road, Courageous Cavern, Loop Lagoon, Potbottom Desert, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea) Cram-o-matic (Flying, Ground, Dragon or Fairy: 32-40 points) Cram-o-matic (Tiny Mushroom in slots #1, #3 and #4)
Hidden recurring item (Giant's Bed, Old Cemetery, Giant's Foot, Roaring-Sea Caves, Ballimere Lake) Max Raid Battles (Slippery Slope, Frostpoint Field, Giant's Bed, Old Cemetery, Snowslide Slope, Path to the Peak, Crown Shrine, Giant's Foot, Frigid Sea, Ballimere Lake, Dyna Tree Hill)
Routes 222, 226, and 229, Mt. Coronet, Solaceon Ruins, Victory Road
Pickup (Lv. 1-30) Held by wild Paras and wild Shroomish (5% chance)
Tera Raid Battles (3★, 4★, 5★, 6★) Sparkling overworld item (Tagtree Thicket) Pickup (Lv. 1-30)
Tera Raid Battles (3★, 4★, 5★, 6★) Sparkling overworld item (Kitakami Wilds, Timeless Woods) Ogre Oustin' (Easy, Normal)
Tera Raid Battles (3★, 4★, 5★, 6★) Item Printer