Plasma Blast (TCG)

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TCG expansions
Legendary Treasures →
Plasma Blast
Cards in set English: 105
Japanese: 86
Set number English: 57
Japanese: 52
Release date English: August 14, 2013
Japanese: March 15, 2013
Theme Decks

Mind Wipe (PsychicGrass)
Solar Strike (WaterFire)

Spiral Force • Thunder Knuckle
Megalo Cannon
Collection X • Collection Y

Pokémon TCG: Black & White—Plasma Blast (Japanese: メガロキャノン Megalo Cannon) is the name given to the tenth main expansion of cards from the Black & White Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It is the ninth and final main expansion from the BW Era of the Pokémon Card Game in Japan. The set continues to feature Generation V Pokémon, Pokémon-EX, and ACE SPEC in the card game.


Unbroken, Unbowed, Undefeated—Unova Blasts Back!

Challenges ring out, Pokémon duel, and the battle for Unova enters the next chapter in the Pokémon TCG: Black & White—Plasma Blast expansion! With Virizion-EX by your side, you must lead the counterattack against the failing forces of Team Plasma as they mount their last stand behind the twinned might of Team Plasma Dialga-EX and Palkia-EX! Victory is within your grasp, when suddenly you face your greatest test...the mighty and mysterious Genesect-EX takes the battlefield, supported by devastating ACE SPEC cards that give it additional attacks! Trainers, it's time to break the ice!


Megalo Cannon logo

Plasma Blast is the name given to the tenth main expansion of the Black & White Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. In Japan, it was released as Megalo Cannon, the ninth and final expansion in the Pokémon Card Game BW Era. It is based on Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, featuring Generation V Pokémon, Team Plasma, and the Paleozoic Pokémon Genesect. The English expansion was released on August 14, 2013, while the Japanese expansion was released on March 15, 2013.

Additional cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
5/101 Tropius Grass Crosshatch Holo National Championships 2013-2014 promo
5/101 Tropius Grass Staff Crosshatch Holo National Championships 2013-2014 promo
10/101 Genesect Grass Cracked Ice Holo Mind Wipe Theme Deck exclusive
13/101 Volcarona Fire Cracked Ice Holo Solar Strike Theme Deck exclusive
14/101 Squirtle Water Build-A-Bear Workshop stamp promo
16/101 Blastoise Water Non Holo Solar Strike Theme Deck exclusive
16/101 Blastoise Water Error ©2012 Cosmos Holo XY Two Pack Blisters exclusive
16/101 Blastoise Water Corrected ©2013 Cosmos Holo XY Knock Out Collection and XY Kanto Two Pack Blisters exclusive
46/101 Golurk Psychic Non Holo Mind Wipe Theme Deck exclusive
49/101 Machamp Fighting Cosmos Holo Flashfire Three Pack Blisters exclusive
69/101 Haxorus Dragon Cosmos Holo Flashfire Three Pack Blisters exclusive

Set lists

Plasma Blast
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
1/101 Surskit Grass Common Promotion
2/101 Masquerain Grass Rare Promotion
3/101 Lileep Grass Uncommon Promotion
4/101 Cradily Grass Rare Promotion
5/101 Tropius Grass Uncommon Promotion
6/101 Karrablast Grass Common Promotion
7/101 Shelmet Grass Common Promotion
8/101 Accelgor Grass Rare Promotion
9/101 VirizionEX Grass Rare Holo ex Promotion
10/101 Genesect Grass Rare Promotion
11/101 GenesectEX Grass Rare Holo ex Promotion
12/101 Larvesta Fire Common Promotion
13/101 Volcarona Fire Rare Promotion
14/101 Squirtle Water Common Promotion
15/101 Wartortle Water Uncommon Promotion
16/101 Blastoise Water Rare Holo Promotion
17/101 Lapras Water Common Promotion
18/101 Remoraid Water Common Promotion
19/101 Octillery Water Uncommon Promotion
20/101 Suicune Water Rare Promotion
21/101 Snorunt Water Common Promotion
22/101 Glalie Water Uncommon Promotion
23/101 Froslass Water Rare Promotion
24/101 Relicanth Water Uncommon Promotion
25/101 Snover Water Common Promotion
26/101 Abomasnow Water Uncommon Promotion
27/101 Tirtouga Water Uncommon Promotion
28/101 Carracosta Water Rare Promotion
29/101 Ducklett Water Common Promotion
30/101 KyuremEX Water Rare Holo ex Promotion
31/101 Tynamo Lightning Common Promotion
32/101 Eelektrik Lightning Uncommon Promotion
33/101 Eelektross Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
34/101 Drifloon Psychic Common Promotion
35/101 Drifblim Psychic Rare Promotion
36/101 Uxie Psychic Rare Promotion
37/101 Mesprit Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
38/101 Azelf Psychic Rare Promotion
39/101 Munna Psychic Common Promotion
40/101 Musharna Psychic Uncommon Promotion
41/101 Sigilyph Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
42/101 Solosis Psychic Common Promotion
43/101 Duosion Psychic Uncommon Promotion
44/101 Reuniclus Psychic Rare Promotion
45/101 Golett Psychic Common Promotion
46/101 Golurk Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
47/101 Machop Fighting Common Promotion
48/101 Machoke Fighting Uncommon Promotion
49/101 Machamp Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
50/101 Machamp Fighting Rare Promotion
51/101 Throh Fighting Common Promotion
52/101 Sawk Fighting Common Promotion
53/101 Archen Fighting Uncommon Promotion
54/101 Archeops Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
55/101 Houndour Darkness Common Promotion
56/101 Houndoom Darkness Rare Holo Promotion
57/101 Aron Metal Common Promotion
58/101 Lairon Metal Uncommon Promotion
59/101 Aggron Metal Rare Promotion
60/101 JirachiEX Metal Rare Holo ex Promotion
61/101 Escavalier Metal Rare Promotion
62/101 Bagon Dragon Common Promotion
63/101 Shelgon Dragon Uncommon Promotion
64/101 Salamence Dragon Rare Holo Promotion
65/101 DialgaEX Dragon Rare Holo ex Promotion
66/101 PalkiaEX Dragon Rare Holo ex Promotion
67/101 Axew Dragon Common Promotion
68/101 Fraxure Dragon Uncommon Promotion
69/101 Haxorus Dragon Rare Holo Promotion
70/101 Druddigon Dragon Common Promotion
71/101 Kangaskhan Colorless Common Promotion
72/101 Porygon Colorless Common Promotion
73/101 Porygon2 Colorless Uncommon Promotion
74/101 Porygon-Z Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
75/101 Teddiursa Colorless Common Promotion
76/101 Ursaring Colorless Uncommon Promotion
77/101 Chatot Colorless Uncommon Promotion
78/101 Caitlin Su Uncommon Promotion
79/101 Cover Fossil I Uncommon Promotion
80/101 Energy Retrieval I Uncommon Promotion
81/101 Iris Su Uncommon Promotion
82/101 Plume Fossil I Uncommon Promotion
83/101 Pokémon Catcher I Uncommon Promotion
84/101 Professor Juniper Su Uncommon Promotion
85/101 Rare Candy I Uncommon Promotion
86/101 Reversal Trigger I Uncommon Promotion
87/101 Root Fossil Lileep I Uncommon Promotion
88/101 Silver Bangle I Uncommon Promotion
89/101 Silver Mirror I Uncommon Promotion
90/101 Ultra Ball I Uncommon Promotion
91/101 Plasma Energy Colorless E Uncommon Promotion
92/101 G Booster I Rare Ace Promotion
93/101 G Scope I Rare Ace Promotion
94/101 Master Ball I Rare Ace Promotion
95/101 Scoop Up Cyclone I Rare Ace Promotion
96/101 VirizionEX Grass Rare Ultra Promotion
97/101 GenesectEX Grass Rare Ultra Promotion
98/101 JirachiEX Metal Rare Ultra Promotion
99/101 DialgaEX Dragon Rare Ultra Promotion
100/101 PalkiaEX Dragon Rare Ultra Promotion
101/101 Iris Su Rare Ultra Promotion
102/101 Exeggcute Grass Rare Secret Promotion
103/101 Virizion Grass Rare Secret Promotion
104/101 Dusknoir Psychic Rare Secret Promotion
105/101 Rare Candy I Rare Secret Promotion

Megalo Cannon
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
001/076 Surskit Grass C Promotion
002/076 Masquerain Grass U Promotion
003/076 Lileep Grass C Promotion
004/076 Cradily Grass U Promotion
005/076 Tropius Grass C Promotion
006/076 Karrablast Grass C Promotion
007/076 Shelmet Grass C Promotion
008/076 Accelgor Grass U Promotion
009/076 VirizionEX Grass R Promotion
010/076 GenesectEX Grass R Promotion
011/076 Larvesta Fire C Promotion
012/076 Volcarona Fire R Promotion
013/076 Lapras Water C Promotion
014/076 Remoraid Water C Promotion
015/076 Octillery Water C Promotion
016/076 Snorunt Water C Promotion
017/076 Glalie Water U Promotion
018/076 Relicanth Water C Promotion
019/076 Snover Water C Promotion
020/076 Abomasnow Water C Promotion
021/076 Tirtouga Water C Promotion
022/076 Carracosta Water U Promotion
023/076 Tynamo Lightning C Promotion
024/076 Eelektrik Lightning C Promotion
025/076 Eelektross Lightning R Promotion
026/076 Drifloon Psychic C Promotion
027/076 Drifblim Psychic U Promotion
028/076 Uxie Psychic U Promotion
029/076 Mesprit Psychic R Promotion
030/076 Azelf Psychic U Promotion
031/076 Munna Psychic C Promotion
032/076 Musharna Psychic C Promotion
033/076 Sigilyph Psychic R Promotion
034/076 Solosis Psychic C Promotion
035/076 Duosion Psychic C Promotion
036/076 Reuniclus Psychic U Promotion
037/076 Golett Psychic C Promotion
038/076 Golurk Psychic R Promotion
039/076 Machop Fighting C Promotion
040/076 Machoke Fighting C Promotion
041/076 Machamp Fighting R Promotion
042/076 Throh Fighting C Promotion
043/076 Sawk Fighting C Promotion
044/076 Archen Fighting C Promotion
045/076 Archeops Fighting R Promotion
046/076 Houndour Darkness C Promotion
047/076 Houndoom Darkness R Promotion
048/076 Aron Metal C Promotion
049/076 Lairon Metal C Promotion
050/076 Aggron Metal U Promotion
051/076 JirachiEX Metal R Promotion
052/076 Escavalier Metal U Promotion
053/076 DialgaEX Dragon R Promotion
054/076 PalkiaEX Dragon R Promotion
055/076 Axew Dragon C Promotion
056/076 Fraxure Dragon C Promotion
057/076 Haxorus Dragon R Promotion
058/076 Druddigon Dragon C Promotion
059/076 Porygon Colorless C Promotion
060/076 Porygon2 Colorless C Promotion
061/076 Porygon-Z Colorless R Promotion
062/076 Teddiursa Colorless C Promotion
063/076 Ursaring Colorless C Promotion
064/076 Chatot Colorless C Promotion
065/076 Root Fossil Lileep I U Promotion
066/076 Plume Fossil I U Promotion
067/076 Cover Fossil I U Promotion
068/076 Silver Bangle I U Promotion
069/076 Silver Mirror I U Promotion
070/076 Reversal Trigger I U Promotion
071/076 Iris Su U Promotion
072/076 Caitlin Su U Promotion
073/076 Scoop Up Cyclone I R Promotion
074/076 G Scope I R Promotion
075/076 G Booster I R Promotion
076/076 Plasma Energy Colorless E U Promotion
077/076 VirizionEX Grass SR Promotion
078/076 GenesectEX Grass SR Promotion
079/076 JirachiEX Metal SR Promotion
080/076 DialgaEX Dragon SR Promotion
081/076 PalkiaEX Dragon SR Promotion
082/076 Iris Su SR Promotion
083/076 Exeggcute Grass UR Promotion
084/076 Virizion Grass UR Promotion
085/076 Dusknoir Psychic UR Promotion
086/076 Rare Candy I UR Promotion


English Porygon-Z pack
English Dialga pack
English Palkia pack
English Genesect pack
Japanese Megalo Cannon pack
Japanese Megalo Cannon
booster box
Genesect promotional image
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Languages this set is released in

The Megalo Cannon set is released in Japanese and Korean. The Japanese set is available in both 1st and unlimited edition, and the Korean set is only available in unlimited edition. The Plasma Blast set is released in English, German, French, Italian, and Portuguese. Cards in the English, German, French, and Italian sets were also available as Reverse Holos. The Portuguese version of this set lacked any Reverse Holos.

In other languages

Language Title
French Explosion Plasma
German Plasma-Blaster
Italian Esplosione Plasma
Korean 메갈로캐논 Megalo Cannon
Brazilian Portuguese Explosão de Plasma
Explosão Plasma *
Russian Взрыв Плазмы Vzryv Plazmy
Spanish Explosión Plasma *

External links

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Black & White Series
BW Black Star Promos
Black & White: Green TornadoRed FrenzyBlue Assault
McDonald's CollectionBlack & White Trainer Kit
Emerging Powers: Power PlayToxic Tricks
Noble Victories: Fast DazeFurious Knights
Next Destinies: Explosive EdgeVoltage Vortex
Dark Explorers: ShadowsRaiders
McDonald's Collection 2012
Dragons Exalted: DragonSpeedDragonSnarl
Dragon Vault
Boundaries Crossed: Ice ShockCold Fire
Plasma Storm: Plasma ClawPlasma Shadow
Plasma Freeze: Frost RayPsy Crusher
Plasma Blast: Mind WipeSolar Strike
Red Genesect CollectionMcDonald's Collection 2013
Legendary Treasures
BW Era
BW-P Promotional cards
Journey PartnersBeginning Set
Black CollectionWhite Collection
Battle Strength DecksBattle Theme Deck: Victini
Red Collection
Psycho DriveHail Blizzard
Reshiram-EX Battle Strength DeckZekrom-EX Battle Strength DeckBattle Gift Set: Thundurus vs Tornadus
Dark Rush
Dragon Selection
Dragon BlastDragon Blade: Hydreigon Half DeckGarchomp Half Deck
Keldeo Battle Strength DeckNational Beginning Set
Freeze BoltCold Flare
Plasma Gale: Team Plasma's Powered Half Deck
Master Deck Build Box EXBlack Kyurem-EX Battle Strength DeckWhite Kyurem-EX Battle Strength DeckTeam Plasma Battle Gift SetEveryone's Exciting Battle
Spiral ForceThunder Knuckle
Shiny Collection
Megalo Cannon: Blastoise + Kyurem-EX Combo Deck
EX Battle BoostMewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit