A Tranq Rifle is a Gear item that fires darts that tranquilize and incapacitate wildlife on the Orb Vallis, Plains of Eidolon, and Cambion Drift.
- Holds 3 rounds in its magazine with 800 reserve ammo, has a reload time of 2 seconds, and is silent.
- Projectiles have travel time and players will need to compensate for it when tranquilizing animals at longer distances.
- Has a scope (default RMB )
- When wildlife are within 180m, every two seconds the scope will make an audible ping sound and creatures within sight are highlighted yellow through terrain.
- Creatures out of sight are identified with a paw icon and a direction marker. Audio and visual cues are more frequent when closer to the animal.
It can be bought from The Business or Son for 500 Solaris United or Entrati standing respectively.
- Most creatures typically require one shot to subdue, though some larger or sturdier creatures may require multiple hits (such as a Kubrodon) or struck at a specific weakspot (such as a Bolarola) to fully sedate. When captured without being alerted, the resulting hunt is going to be considered a Perfect Capture and will yield more tags of that captured wildlife than either Good Capture (when caught alerted but not fleeing) or Bad Capture (when caught while actively fleeing or under attack by enemy patrols).
- Wildlife that travel as a group (such as Kuakas, Pobbers and Vulpaphylae, and normally in threes) will not flee when a member is tranquilized as long as they do not spot their downed comrades, making it possible to subdue the entire group before reloading. It is therefore recommended to tranquilize the one that is lagging behind the group so as not to alert the leading ones and therefore result in three Perfect Captures.
- The Tranq Rifle can be shot on enemies, but will not put them to sleep, deal no damage, and will only alert them of hostile Tenno presence.
- The Tranq Rifle does not technically deal 0 damage; it deals an amount of damage which rounds down to 0. As a result, the Primary Electricity Damage from Violet Archon Shards can lead to the Tranq Rifle dealing enough damage to harm animals enough to lead to a Good capture as opposed to a Perfect capture; as well as dealing minor damage to enemies. A single Tauforged Violet Archon Shard with 5 other Red/Blue/Violet shards is enough to raise the damage of the Tranq Rifle to 1, with Viral stacks allowing it to deal between 3 and 11 total damage.
Patch History[]
Update 34.0 (2023-10-18)
- Added a flashing paw icon that points you in the direction of the animal when looking down the Tranquilizer scope.