Squad Bonus Consumables, also known as Team Bonus Consumables, are consumable Gear items that restore Energy, Health, Shield, or Ammo to nearby teammates in varying amounts. Market versions supply small amounts of each with a pulse of energy, over the course of a short period. Blueprints for the market versions cost 500, and the blueprints can be reused. Clan versions supply around twice as much of each bonus with each pulse, but also cost more resources to build and must be researched before replicating.
They replaced standard Ammo boxes, Team Heals, and personal health restoring items, giving them an overall lower bonus but also granting it to nearby teammates. Click on the name of the consumable to take you to its individual page for resource requirements and other notes.
Market-Purchase Bonuses[]
- Restores 1x Primary and Secondary Ammo Pick Up Amount every 15s for 60, for a total of 4x Ammo Pickup Amount.
- Blueprint can be sold for 200.
- Restores 35 shield every 7.5s for 30s, for a total of 140 shields. All excess shields generated become Overshields.
- Blueprint can be sold for 200.
Bulk Production Consumables[]
These are special high-cost blueprints that will make ten of each consumable instead of just one at a time. Based at a very steep 250,000 each, bulk production is more efficient, both in reducing the resource costs and in terms of interaction needed with the Foundry interface. This blueprint is reusable.
Users may choose these over regular consumables as they consume Nano Spores instead of Ferrite, which are more commonly obtained.
Mass production through bulk prints saves 10% of the three required resources; 10 individual Ammo Restore runs would cost 250 Polymer Bundles, whereas a single bulk Ammo Restore costs 225.
Though the bulk prints for Small Squad Bonus Consumables are more efficient than the single prints, it should also be noted that the Medium Squad Bonus Consumable bulk prints (available from Clan dojos, as seen in the section below) use the same amount of resources as the Small bulk prints. The Medium bulk prints make the same number of Squad Bonus Consumables, but bigger versions, for exactly the same cost. It may be advisable to not buy the Small Squad Bonus Consumable bulk prints from the Market if you intend to soon join a clan that already has the Medium bulk prints researched.
Medium Restores[]
These items are only available from Clan Dojos and must be Researched along with items before them before they are available for purchase.
Bulk production variants of each Medium Squad Restore blueprint are also available for research after the individual blueprints have been completed.
10 x Squad Energy Restore (Medium)
- Restores 50 energy every 5s for 20s, for a total of 200 energy.
- Available in the clan dojo Energy Lab.
- Blueprint can be sold for 250,000.
10 x Squad Ammo Restore (Medium)
- Restores 2x Primary and Secondary Ammo Pick Up Amount every 15s for 60, for a total of 8x Ammo Pickup Amount.
- Available in the clan dojo Chem Lab.
- Blueprint can be sold for 250,000.
10 x Squad Health Restore (Medium)
- Restores 100 health every 5s for 20s, for a total of 400 health.
- Available in the clan dojo Bio Lab.
- Blueprint can be sold for 250,000.
10 x Squad Shield Restore (Medium)
- Restores 100 shield every 5s for 20s, for a total of 400 shield. All excess shields generated becomes Overshield.
- Available in the clan dojo Energy Lab.
- Blueprint can be sold for 250,000.
Large Restores[]
These are only available through Syndicates or the Clan Dojo.
All Large Restore blueprints are for quantities of 10 or 100, and the blueprints are not tradeable with other players.
10x or 100x Squad Energy Restore (Large)
- Restores 100 energy every 7.5s for 30s, for a total of 400 energy.
- 10x blueprint available for purchase through the Arbiters of Hexis and The Perrin Sequence for 25,000 after reaching the title of 'Lawful' or 'Executive'.
- 100x blueprint available for purchase through Clan Dojo's Energy Lab
- Blueprints cannot be sold.
10x or 100x Squad Ammo Restore (Large)
- Restores 3x Primary and Secondary Ammo Pick Up Amount every 15s for 60, for a total of 12x Ammo Pickup Amount.
- Available for purchase through the Red Veil for 25,000 after reaching the title of 'Esteemed'.
- 100x blueprint available for purchase through Clan Dojo's Chem Lab
- Blueprints cannot be sold.
10x or 100x Squad Health Restore (Large)
- Restores 300 health every 7.5s for 30s, for a total of 1,200 health.
- Available for purchase through the Steel Meridian and New Loka. for 25,000 after reaching the title of 'Defender' or 'Benevolent' respectively.
- 100x blueprint available for purchase through Clan Dojo's Bio Lab
- Blueprints cannot be sold.
10x or 100x Squad Shield Restore (Large)
- Restores 300 shields every 7.5s for 30s, for a total of 1,200 shields. All excess shields generated becomes Overshield.
- Available for purchase only through Cephalon Suda for 25,000 after reaching the title of 'Intelligent'.
- 100x blueprint available for purchase through Clan Dojo's Energy Lab
- Blueprints cannot be sold.
- Host lag can affect the time between bonuses.
- The pods were previously physical and could be stood upon. Humorously, you could create a temporary path of pods midair, eventually hovering in the air by standing on a single pod.
- The Shield Restores grant Overshield, bypassing some of their weaknesses and making them more viable.
- Players can only carry up to 200 of each restore in a mission.
- Shields cannot be restored with consumables in Nightmare mode if the No Shield condition is active.
- The Energy Drain condition in Nightmare mode can be temporarily countered by using consumables.
- For some reason, the Small Bulk and Medium Bulk prints cost the same amount of resources, including the blueprint purchase/replication cost (not including the clan research costs for the latter).
Patch History[]
Update 30.9 (2021-11-11)
- Fixed Squad Restores appearing gigantic when placed on a specific spot on the tram in Pallas, Ceres.
Update 27.4 (2020-05-01)
- You can now sell Syndicate 10x Restores for 2500 Credits.
Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)
- 100x Restore Blueprints (Scaling Costs):
We are adding a new series of Restore Research and Blueprints that yield 100 of given Restore. Visit the Clan Dojo to research, and prepare your Railjack Resources accordingly!
Upon research, you will be able to build in batches of x100 with costs scaled from the x10 Blueprints!!
Why: The frequency at which players use these in missions vs. the 1 minute wait times for building 10x meant we could level up the batches here. Railjack Resources are being used for Research to give another use for what you are picking up!
Update 23.10 (2018-10-12)
- Energy, Health, Shield and Ammo restores have a new look! Their refreshed look helps them visually indicate what they restore, with an added range ring to indicate if you’re in close enough proximity to the Restore. Now you will no longer have to guess what flavor of pizza your fellow Tenno dropped!
Hotfix 16.5.2 (2015-05-13)
- Fixed Team Shield Restores not working on Sentinels.
Update 16.2 (2015-04-01)
- Updated the sound of Team Restore items.
Hotfix 15.11.1 (2015-01-22)
- Ember is now able to gain energy from Team Energy Restore items while her World on Fire Ability is toggled on.
- Mirage is now able to gain energy from Team Energy Restore items while her Prism Ability is toggled on.
Update 15.10 (2015-01-15)
- Overshields can be obtained when using Shield Restore items when you are at maximum shield capacity. Overshields cannot be regenerated, and this extra protective shield is noted by a color change (purple) in the UI.
Hotfix 15.6.1 (2014-12-11)
- Large Team Ammo Restore items now give 33% more ammo than Medium Restore items.
Update 15.5 (2014-11-27)
- Players can no longer use or benefit from energy restore items while using an Ability that drains energy.
Update 13.3 (2014-05-14)
- Fixed an issue with Team Restore items having in game collision.
Update 6.1 (2013-01-30)
- Corrected store descriptions for health and shield restore items.