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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the state. You may be looking for the character or the actress.

Virginia, officially the Commonwealth of Virginia, is a state in the United States of America.


The state of Virginia was one of the Thirteen Colonies in North America. Its first settlement, Jamestown, was the first permanent settlement built by the English. Throughout American history, Virginia has been the home state of many famous historical figures including several presidents. With the exception of Richmond Metro and Northeastern Virginia, the state is mostly rural, ranging from beaches along the coast, to open fields across the heartland, to the mountains in the far western edge of the state. Its flat land and warm climate made it a hub for farming throughout most of American history. Parts of Northern Virginia, in particular, have built up the state's population significantly, as it contains many of the suburbs of Washington, D.C. The Alexandria Safe Zone is located there.


Not a lot is known about Virginia during the outbreak. It can be assumed that it followed the example of California, with state and local police being among the first responders, with these first responders being joined by military units if and when a state of emergency was declared. According to Deanna Monroe, northern Virginia was effectively evacuated, with millions of people disappearing from the area, leaving much of the region effectively abandoned.

Telltale Series[]

Sometime after the outbreak either the original residents or other survivors, perhaps a combination of the two, built a community in the city of Richmond. A couple of years later a large military style group known as the New Frontier took control of the city, they renamed the place "New Richmond". They set up a headquarters there and after suffering a bad first winter a high ranking member along with a small force of Richmond's soldiers began raiding surrounding communities such as the Kingdom and Prescott to keep Richmond afloat behind other citizen's backs.

Comic Series[]


TV Series[]



TV Universe[]

Comic Universe[]

Notable Locations[]

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