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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Bridgers Terminal, also known as Bridgers Shipyard, is a location in AMC's The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live. It is a shipyard located in New Jersey.


Nothing is known about this location's history before the outbreak.


At some point, the shipyard was transformed into a safe zone with a sign being posted on a beached cruise ship reading "SAFE HARBOR." It was also the last location in Boat 672's log book. However, the shipyard suffered an attack from an unknown hostile group that led to everyone living there being killed and their bodies being burned, leaving the shipyard abandoned and destroyed.

Season 10[]

"What We Become"[]

While going through Boat 672's log book, Michonne sees that Bridgers Terminal was the last place that it had been. Michonne later tells Judith that she has a lead on a place that Rick might've been recently.

The Ones Who Live: Season 1[]


Bridgers Terminal will appear in this episode.


  • Dozens of unnamed people



  • At least 120 people


The Ones Who Live[]

Season 1[]
