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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

The Emerald Hotel is a location in Season 2 of AMC's Fear the Walking Dead.


Season 2[]

"Blood in the Streets"[]

In a flashback, Strand meets Thomas Abigail at a bar in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, soon after hurricane Katrina. Thomas tells Strand that he's in town to buy property. Strand explains that everything he owns is underwater. Strand assists Thomas to his hotel room, where Thomas passes out. Strand borrows Thomas' credit cards.

In another flashback, Thomas and a companion, Luis Flores, confront Strand about the theft of the credit cards. Instead of calling the cops, Thomas tells Strand to meet him at the bar to discuss how Strand can rectify the situation. Strand says he always intended to pay him back — with interest.




Fear the Walking Dead[]

Season 2[]
