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This article is about the Comic Series character. You may be looking for his TV Series counterpart. For other pages with the same name, see: Terry

Give me the bat, Mike--I want to try!
―Terry to Mike.[src]

Terry is a survivor of the outbreak in Image Comics' The Walking Dead. He is also the tritagonist of the Michonne Special. He is the best friend of Michonne's boyfriend, Mike.


Although his personality is not well-known, Terry is described as an "idiot" by Michonne. He could be very foolish, such as when their house was being invaded by walkers, Terry was more worried about getting a turn using the bat rather than helping Mike or Michonne.



Not much is known about Terry's life prior to or as the outbreak began, except that he was the best friend of Michonne's boyfriend, Mike.


Free Comic Book Day Special[]

Terry and Mike were staying in a small house and later met up with Michonne. When Mike was bitten, Terry watched over him and when Mike eventually turned, he bit Terry and Terry became a zombie. Michonne found them, cut off their arms and jaws, chained them up, and used them as a camouflaging-deterrent form of protection from other zombies.

The Heart's Desire[]

After Michonne saved Otis' life, Rick granted her entry into the prison on the condition that she hand over her katana, but forbid her from bringing her pet zombies inside. In response, Michonne decapitated Mike and Terry. As Michonne only decapitated him and didn't destroy his brain, it can be assumed he's still zombified.


"Give No Shelter"[]

When Michonne, Alex, and Pete (Determinant) are pinned down behind a boat in the middle of a herd, Michonne briefly flashes back to when she sliced Terry and Mike's arms and jaws off.


Killed By
  • Mike (Infected, Alive)

As he is watching over him, Terry is bitten by a zombified Mike, succumbs to the infection and reanimates.

When Michonne comes to prison, Rick allows her to stay here, but he asks her to leave her walkers outside the prison. With that, Michonne immediately decapitates Terry and Mike, claiming she doesn't need them anymore. Their brains were not destroyed, but they were most likely destroyed and burned off-panel.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Terry has killed:




Comic Series[]

Free Comic Book Day Special[]

Volume 4: The Heart's Desire[]

Volume 12: Life Among Them[]

The Telltale Series[]



  • Terry is one of ten characters from the Comic Series who has made an appearance in the Telltale Series, the others being Shawn Greene, Hershel Greene, Glenn Rhee, Michonne Hawthorne, Elodie Hawthorne, Pete, Siddiq, Mike, and Paul Monroe.
    • Of them, Terry and Mike are the only ones who appear as zombies.
    • Terry's appearance in the Telltale Series does not resemble his appearance in the Comic Series. This likely due to Telltale not wanting to go through the time of creating a new model for a character whose appearance is very brief.
    • In Issue 19, both Mike and Terry appear bald, but in the Michonne special, they have hair. It is possible Michonne cut their hair off so she would not have to recognize them in their undead form.