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This article is about the Comic Universe character. You may be looking for the Ones Who Live character.

Wasn't moving, dropped his gun, looked like he was surrendering.
―Red to the Governor, about Hershel Greene[src]

"Red" (real name unknown) is a survivor of the outbreak in Skybound Entertainment's Comic Universe. He is a minor character in Thomas Dunne Books' The Walking Dead and a minor antagonist in Image Comics' The Walking Dead. He is a resident of Woodbury and a member of the Woodbury Army. He is described as "a gangly former high school math teacher".


Location Unknown[]

Little is known about Red's life prior to or as the outbreak began, except that he was a high school math teacher. He may have lived in or near Woodbury before the outbreak.


Woodbury, Georgia[]

At some point after the outbreak began, Red started living in Woodbury.

The Fall of the Governor - Part Two/Made To Suffer[]

"Doomsday Clock"[]

Red takes part in the prison assault. He survives the first attack and retreats along with the rest of the militia. After the Governor orders the tank to drive over the fences, Lilly Caul turns around to see the remaining members of the militia coming out from behind the vehicles with their guns raised and ready. Red and six other surviving members of the Woodbury militia weave between the vehicles and make their way across the battlefield, over the mangled chain link fence, and into the prison.

When Hershel and Billy Greene start to make a run for the prison vehicles parked along the west side of the grounds, the Governor notices Red and two other soldiers milling around the base of the guard tower to his left so he orders them to open fire immediately.

After Billy is shot and killed, Red informs the Governor that Hershel, seems willing to surrender, as he cradles Billy's corpse, however the Governor shoots him in the head anyway.

"The Fall"[]

While Lilly holds the barrel of her rifle in the Governor's mouth, Red and the remaining soldiers momentarily become unaware of their surroundings as the first wave of walkers catches them off guard. The militiamen scatter and furiously open fire on the corpses. After Lilly kills the Governor, Some of the men make mad dashes for the closest prison entrance, while others continue to fire frantically into the herd. Due to the soldiers panicking and breaking off, Red and many others are devoured.


Killed By

Red is devoured by the herd while shooting at the approaching walkers or while making a mad dash to get inside the prison.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Red has killed:





Novel Series[]

The Fall of the Governor - Part Two[]

Comic Series[]

Volume 8: Made To Suffer[]


  • Red's nickname is mentioned in The Fall of the Governor.
  • When Volume 8 was originally released, Red was one of the eight Woodbury soldiers who survived the entire prison assault. It appears he was originally the same character as Hap Abernathy due to their similar appearance and the position they're standing at the end of Issue 48. The novel series retconned this and they are canonically separate characters, with Red being dead.