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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Christa's Group is a survivor group led by Christa in The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series.


Season One[]

"Long Road Ahead"[]


"Around Every Corner"[]


"No Time Left"[]


Season Two[]

"All That Remains"[]

Eight months later, the trio find an abandoned gas station, Gil's Pitstop. They discuss what to name Christa's unborn baby before splitting up in the restrooms. While separated, Clementine is confronted by a scavenger, Michelle, who steals her gun. Omid walks in on the situation and trying to sneak up on Michelle, however the door closes loudly, causing Michelle to instinctively shoot and kill Omid. Christa runs in and kills Michelle without hearing her pleas.

Sixteen months later, Clementine and (a no longer pregnant) Christa sit at a campfire in North Carolina, attempting to cook a weasel. The two plan to head to Wellington, Ohio, however after Christa leaves to find more fire wood, she is held at gunpoint by a group of bandits. Clementine either sneaks away or throwing a rock at Winston (one of the bandits). Regardless, Clementine is chased by Winston and separated from Christa.



Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims this group has killed:


The Telltale Series[]

Season One[]

Season Two[]
