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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the Novel Series character. For other pages with the same name, see: Alyssa

Take your fingers out of your mouth, Alyssa.
Barbara to Alyssa.[src]

Alyssa DeVries is a survivor of the outbreak in Thomas Dunne Books' The Walking Dead. She is the sister of Nathan DeVries and a resident of Woodbury.


Nothing is known about Alyssa's life prior to or as the outbreak began, except that she had a brother.



"Lake of Fire"[]

As the herd heads for Woodbury, Barbara Stern babysits all the children in one office. As they are walking towards the office, Barbara tells Alyssa to get her fingers out of her mouth.


Killed By

She was killed by the walkers that overran Woodbury when the Pentecostal People of God blew up the gate. It is confirmed that only seven children survives the herds attack, Tommy, Lucas, Bethany, Mercy, Tiffany, Tyler and Jenny.


Novel Series[]

