Raremon is a minor villain in the Digimon Adventure 01, Digimon Frontier, Digimon Fusion and the 2020 reboot of Digimon Adventure, as well as an enemy in Digimon World 2.
In Japanese, Raremon is voiced by Hiroyuki Kawamoto in Frontier, and Yasunori Masutani (who also voiced Etemon, Mercurymon and Crowmon) in Ghost Game as RareRaremon. In English, Raremon is voiced by Dave Wittenberg (who also voiced Kouki Tsubasa) in Frontier and Neil Kaplan (who also voiced Indramon, Bagramon and NeoMyotismon) in Fusion.
Raremon is a Champion Level Digimon that resembles a sludge-like undead monster with metal and wires on his body. It has two sets of claws attached to its arms and two red eyes. It is also known to give off bad breath and a horrible stench.
In it’s Ultimate form, RareRaremon, it is a larger heap of rotting flesh with an armored face. On its face are multiple red eyes and its mouth is on top of its head resembling like a Venus flytrap. It has multiple mouths with rotten teeth. It has the ability to digest anything that goes in its body.
Raremon can dwell in the water and spew toxic sludge. In Digimon Adventure:, it has the ability to digest anything it eats, and can also absorb attacks from other Digimon such as Greymon and Kabuterimon. As RareRaremon,
Digimon Adventure[]
Raremon first appeared as a minion of Myotismon. He went to find the 8th Digidestined and the tag and crest. He attacked Izzy, but Kabuterimon saves him. Kabuterimon processed to fight off Raremon, but Raremon retreated in the water. Searching for Raremon, Kabuterimon was grabbed by Raremon. Raremon attempted to drown Kabuterimon, but Kabuterimon managed to free himself of Raremon's grip and processed with an Electro Shocker, destroying Raremon.
Digimon Frontier[]
After Koji fought some Pagumon who were torturing J.P. and Tommy, a Pagumon Digivolved to Raremon and fought Koji. Raremon managed to push Koji into a pit, believing that he defeated him. However, Koji mannaged to acquire his new Spirit Of Light, he Hybrid Digivolved to Lobomon. Lobomon managed to defeat Raremon and absorbed Raremon's Fractal Code.
Digimon Fusion[]
A group of Raremon work for Matadormon. They were originally Matadormon's prisoners but were mutated into mindless monsters that attacked anyone who entered the underground complex.
Digimon Adventure (2020)[]
While Izzy and Tai visit a junkyard, they meet Garbagemon and Chuumon, who told them that Raremon attacked the junkyard and devoured several Chuumon. Greymon and Kabuterimon try to stop Raremon, but it was immune to their attacks.
While confronting Raremon again, Garbagemon fires an ice bullet in an attempt to defeat Raremon and avenge the other Chuumon, but Millenniummon’s dark power digivolves Raremon to RareRaremon. It attempts to kill MegaKabuterimon by digesting him, but thanks to Izzy’s knowledge and intelligence, MegaKabuterimon and MetalGreymon finally defeat it by freezing it, becoming a lifeless statue, putting an end to its reign of terror.
Digimon Ghost Game[]
A RareRaremon hides in an illegal dumping site, waiting for zombified humans and animals bitten by skull zombies to come to the illegal dumping site to be eaten. The zombified humans and animals being eaten will generate into new body parts of RareRaremon, as RareRaremon lost parts of its body due to the trash being dumped crushed those body parts. The main protagonists found RareRaremon when they were finding the origin of zombified people attacking them, their partners Digivolved to their Ultimate forms and battled RareRaremon. RareRaremon was killed by Canoweissmon by using Meteor Lux to ignite the fuels inside RareRaremon's mouth.
- Breath of Decay/Acid Sludge
- Stinking Gas
- Metal Gas
- Raremon's In-Trainer form is Pagumon.
- Although Raremon itself doesn't appear in Digimon Ghost Game, its ultimate form, RareRaremon, does appear in said show.
- RareRaremon bears a resemblance to the fictional sludge monster, Hedorah.