“ | Right now, V-Pets and Digimon are causing chaos all over the world. Soon they'll destroy the entire planet, and there's not a thing you can do to stop them! | „ |
~ Mephistomon |
Mephistomon (also called Mephismon in Japanese), also known as Gulfmon, is the main antagonist in the Digimon Tamers movie Digimon Tamers: Battle of Adventurers, and minor antagonists in Digimon Adventure: and Digimon Ghost Game. He serves as Gabumon’s arch-nemesis in Adventure:.
He was voiced by Jyurohta Kosugi in the Japanese version of Digimon Tamers: Battle of Adventurers, Mitsuo Iwata in Digimon Adventure:, Jiro Saito in Digimon Ghost Game and Richard Epcar in the English dub of Digimon Tamers: Battle of Adventurers.
Mephistomon is an Ultimate Class Digimon. He looks like a winged man with a goat's head and hooves.
Gulfmon is much larger and more powerful but less intelligent form. Gulfmon is built like a giant beastial winged centaur. He has a second hidden mouth on his lower torso. He is as huge as a mountain. It's said to be connected with an abyss in the Dark Area, and if inhaled, an opponent's DigiCore is smashed to pieces.
He lurks within the deepest parts of the Dark Area but appears on the surface in order to destroy it.
Digimon Tamers: Battle of Adventurers[]
Reformatted from an Apocalymon, Mephistomon has a deep hatred for all life, and so plots to destroy the world and everything in it. In order to do so, he disguises himself as Ryuuji Tamashiro, the president of the Okinawan VP Laboratories. He soon becomes famous for his part in marketing the V-Pet, a digital pet that he modified to cause other Digimon to Bio-Emerge and become his servants.
As Ryuuji Tamashiro[]
Ryuuji Tamashiro, the president of an Okinawan company named "VP Laboratories". As the president, Ryuuji implanted a virus within the V-Pet which secretly allows other Digimon to Bio-Emerge in order to wreak destruction and act as his servants, and Ryuuji quickly gains fame for his part in marketing the toy. However, the original creator of the technology, Takahito Uehara, detects the virus and creates a vaccine for it which he implants in the original V-Pet program, which he had given to his daughter, Minami, as a replacement for her deceased pet dog Mei.
As Mephistomon[]
Once Uehara reveals that the vaccine is in Seasarmon, Mephistomon sheds his disguise and attacks the Tamers, and defeats Seasarmon, reverting him back to Labramon. As part of the battle, he drags the group into an apocalyptic dimension modeled after his intentions for the Real World. Even Mephistomon was stronger the Tamers' digimon (who fought in the their Champion forms), he was defeated by Growlmon by blasting a ship floating in the sky, causing it to fall on him. Labramon sacrifices himself to release the vaccine program to activate and purge the virus. It is revealed that Mephistomon is not actually dead and survived the falling ship, and that he digivolves into Gulfmon. He was ultimately defeated by WarGrowlmon, Taomon, and Rapidmon's Trinity Force attack, and the apocalyptic dimension collapsed upon Mephistomon’s demise.
As Gulfmon[]
Although Mephistomon was never destroyed, he survived the fall of the ship and digivolved into Gulfmon. He easily overpowered Growlmon, Gargomon, and Kyubimon. The thee heroic Digimon became their Ultimate forms and ultimately defeated Mephistmon/Gulfmon with their Trinity Force attack.
Digimon Adventure (2020)[]
A Mephistomon worked as a servant for Millenniummon to revive him by sacrificing weaker Digimon.
Mephistomon captures Gabumon for his sacrificial tribute to resurrect Millenniummon while his human partner Matt was attacked by several Troopmon. Mephistomon manages to kill a virus Elecmon by sacrificing its data to give to Millenniummon, much to Gabumon’s anger and disgust.
Joe and Gomamon suddenly arrive to Matt’s rescue and think of a plan to rescue Gabumon from being sacrificed by Mephistomon. Gabumon screams in agony as Mephistomon prepares to destroy him, but Matt refuses to give up on him and rethinks the first time he met Gabumon as Tsunomon. With the help of Joe and Gomamon (who digivolved to Ikkakumon) Matt manages to free his partner Gabumon. Gabumon digivolves to WereGarurumon Sagittarius Mode and defeats Mephistomon with his frozen Kaiser Nail attack.
Digimon Ghost Game[]
Mephistomon is one of the minions of Piedmon, who opened a circus in a real-world city. He confronted the main protagonists when the main protagonists found out Angoramon being kidnapped by Piedmon's crew. Mephistomon didn't witnessed the card match between Piedmon and Ruli and Ruli didn't cheat to become the winner, causing him to think that Ruli win the match by cheating. Angoramon, who turns to a Digimon again after the match, Digivolves to SymbareAngoramon then to Lamortmon to fight against Mephistomon. The battle was withdrawn by Piedmon, who explains that Mephistomon is incompetent and tells the truth. Then the entire crew apologizes to the main protagonists and leaves.
Powers and Abilities[]
As Mephistomon[]
- Black Sabbath: Recites a dark incantation in which it prays for a festival of death; those who hear the spell soon die.
- Dark Cloud (Death Cloud): Generates a cloud of darkness which causes everything to decay.
As Gulfmon[]
- Dead Scream: Unleashes a deafening shriek killing anyone who listens to it.
- Black Requiem: Using his second mouth he releases dark energy from the Dark Area.
Possible Minions of Mephistomon[]
- Baromon
- Ponchomon
- Pipismon
- Tylomon
- BlueMeramon
- Ebidramon
- MetalTyrannomon
- Mantaraymon
- Kokuwamon
- Divermon
- Depthmon
- Pteramon
- Scorpiomon
- Sepikmon
- Archelomon
- Mephistomon's name is derived from the fictional devil Mephistopheles.
- Mephistomon's appearance is derived from the mythological demon Baphomet.
- Mephistomon is the third Digimon Adventure villain who became archenemies with one of the Digidestined members, first Myotismon became Gatomon's enemy, then Puppetmon became T.K.'s enemy, now Mephistomon is Gabumon's enemy.
- Mephistomon is the villain that is very different from all the other villains in the Digimon franchise:
- Unlike all the other Digimon villains, Mephistomon main goal is to destroy all of life when all the other Digimon villains plan is to be world-rulers.
- Unlike all the other Digimon villains, Mephistomon shows that he is more vengefully-obsessed with his archenemy, Gabumon.
- Mephistomon shows jealousy of Gabumon, seeing how much stronger Gabumon is than him.
- Mephistomon even attempted to kill Matt in front of Gabumon.