Saberdramon is a Bird Digimon that resembles Birdramon and minor villain alongside DarkLizardmon in Digimon Ghost Game. His and DarkLizardmon’s goal has been to return home.
He is voiced by Masaya Takatsuka in the Japanese version of anime.
Saberdramon is a Champion Level Digimon and he is shrouded in black flames. Due to the roughness of his temperament, for which he continues counterattacks against enemies to a ferocious degree, he's difficult to even approach it.
Digimon Ghost Game[]
When Saberdramon and DarkLizardmon were in the human world, they tried to get back home. One day while a house was on fire, he and DarkLizardmon used their powers to save a human in a fire, but the human didn't follow their instructions and ended up dying disintegrated by DarkLizardmon's technique by accident. After that, the humans started cursing him and DarkLizardmon. At first, they set off in search of Hiro Amanokawa, and trying to discover BlackGatomon Uver.'s whereabouts. When Gammamon fought him and DarkLizardmon, BlackGatomon appears and opens a portal to him and DarkLizardmon, and then they can go home. And during the return home, DarkLizardmon told Hiro that they were sorry.
Saberdramon reappeared later when the main protagonists arrives to the Digital World, they reunites with a not fully digested Saberdramon after Siriusmon (being possessed by GulusGammamon's forces) kills an infected Rafflesimon. Saberdramon then arrives to Quantumon's fortress with main protagonists, and says that DarkLizardmon is being taken down by the dark forces. When he and the main protagonists interfaces BloomLordmon, Saberdramon leaves the main protagonists alone to fight BloomLordmon.
- Black Saber
- Mach Shadow
- Nitro Arrow
- Meteor Wing
- Anti-Confusion
- Saberdramon can Digivolve to Karatenmon and Crowmon.