

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

"Nothing wrong with varactyls. Majestic creatures."
Jango Fett[7]

Varactyls were a species of majestic, giant reptavian[2] herbivores[5] native to the world of Utapau.[4] They typically had blue and green crests and feather ridges along their backs, and were incredibly loyal and obedient mounts; varactyl were fearless steeds and were willing to jump down perilous slopes if asked to by their rider.[8] With their strong, long strides and bounds, varactyls navigated even the uneven and vertical surfaces of their homeworld. The creature's soul was simpler and purer than that of a sentient. Despite this, the reptavian was still intelligent in its own way.[3]

Varactyls in the galaxy[]

Originating from Utapau,[4] this species of reptavians was also imported by the Iltan clan to have an edge in the Grand Hunt. They were bred into the unique streamlined, swift, crimson-feathered Pijal varactyl.[3]

During a mission on Utapau, Jedi Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, while they were chasing Separatist general Grievous, had a brief encounter with a herd of varactyls.[9] Obi-Wan Kenobi had a mount of this species in the last days of the Clone Wars named Boga, pursuing General Grievous in Pau City. When the 212th Attack Battalion attempted to execute Order 66 on Master Kenobi, a round from an All Terrain Tactical Enforcer struck the ground beneath Boga, sending both her and Kenobi plummeting into the waters at the depths of the Pau City sinkhole.[6]


Non-canon appearances[]


Non-canon sources[]

Notes and references[]

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