

This article is about the episode. You may be looking for the holiday of the same name.

"Visitor's Day" is the first part of the tenth episode of the animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. It was released on Disney+ on August 2, 2023.[1]

Official description[]

Jedi track down artifacts stolen from the town's fair.

Plot summary[]

Visitor's Day[]

The episode opens with Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs helping the Chadra-Fan junkyard owner Marlaa Jinara transport a large trailer carrying the Visitor's Day sculpture to the Kublop Springs town center. The three Jedi Initiates are riding speeder bikes. Solay explains that Jedi Master Zia Zaldor Zanna has been planning Visitor's Day for a long time. At the town centre, they find Zia and several beings from across the galaxy including Ansen Strung, Braygh, and Slaygh. Zanna enlists the younglings' help in welcoming the visitors.

The orange-skin Moldwarp merchant Draiven Bosh tells his droids K-2PL and R4-13 of his plans to steal the Visitor's Day sculpture. He sends K-2PL and R4-13 to steal the sculpture while he distracts Master Zanna, the Younglings and Jinara. Bosh introduces himself as a traveller, explorer, and collector. He flatters Jinara, believing her to be the artist. Jinara explains she is not the artist but the one who put it together. She says it is everyone's sculpture because the locals brought something from home to contribute. Bosh's droids approach the trailer carrying the sculpture.

Bosh offers to show Zanna his collection but she is busy. Nubs senses something is not right about Bosh while walking away. Later, Marlaa shows the Jedi younglings her sculpture only to discover that it has been stolen. Marlaa is determined to find it. Brightstar thinks they should inform Master Zia but Solay says that she has enough on her plate and that they can handle it. Marlaa stays here and looks around the square. The youngling realize that Bosh has left early and decide to investigate his hasty departure.

The art heist[]

At the spaceport, Bosh marvels over the stolen Visitor's Day sculpture, which he wants to add to his Outer Rim Collection. The younglings witness him and his droids sealing it inside a crate. Solay says he is stealing the sculpture. Bosh and his droids flee on speeders with the sculpture in tow. The Jedi younglings give chase in their speeders but Bosh and his droids speed up.

At Solay's suggestion, Nubs attempts to use the Force to unhook the chain connecting the stolen sculpture's trailer to K-2PL's speeder. However, K-2PL rams Nub's speeder, causing him to spin out of control for a while. Nubs regains control and rejoins the pursuit. The younglings narrowly avoid colliding with a loose fin from the trailer and crashing into a large tree. Bosh laughs he has gotten his prize and speeds away, leaving the younglings behind.

Solay proposes following the trail left by the trailer. The three Jedi younglings follow the trail, which leads to a large starship in a forest clearing. They find the stolen Visitor's Day sculpture in the crate but are unable to stop Bosh's ship from taking off. Solay proposes recovering the sculpture first and finding a way to get out. Brightstar proposes working together to use the Force to lift it. The three younglings managed to move it halfway across the storage bay but end up triggering Bosh's security system.

Bosh speaks to them via holoprojector. Solay says that they are not letting him get away with stealing the sculpture. Bosh says he is tired of the backwater planet of Tenoo and wants to dump them. After Bosh terminates the hologram, Solay confides that she regrets not asking for Master Zia's help. She believed that she could handle Bosh since they have defeated pirates and other villains in the past. Solay says she is embarrassed asking for help but Brightstar reassures her that she has done a lot for Visitor’s Day already. He says that everyone including Jedi needs help sometimes. Nubs agrees.

Fighting back[]

Solay contacts Zanna via holoprojector, telling her that Bosh stole the Visitor's Day sculpture and that they have stowed aboard his ship. Solay asks if she can help. Zanna says she has a log on their comm signal and is on her way. She instructs the younglings to distract Bosh. Later, Bosh lands the ship in a forest clearing and enters the storage bay. Brightstar and Nubs flatter Bosh by pretending to be interested in his stolen art collection. Solay pretends to disagree, prompting Bosh to defend himself. Bosh boasts of gathering masterpieces from all over the galaxy.

Solay accuses him if stealing everything including the Visitor’s Day sculpture. Bosh denies that he is a common thief and claims that the artifacts are safer with him than their previous owners. Brightstar and Nubs join in, pointing out that Bosh has gained his art collection through theft. Bosh loses his temper and orders K-2PL and R4-13 to get them off his ship. To distract Bosh, Solay grabs an Alderaanian royal silver vase and jumps on top of a crate. She tosses the vase towards Brightstar, who catches it. He then plays "cat and mouse" with the droids and lands on top of R4-13's dome. Brightstar tosses the vase to Nubs, who plays with it until he is captured by K-2PL.

Bosh thanks the droids but Master Zia uses her lightsaber to cut a hole through the ship hull. Zanna confronts Bosh, telling him that he has something that doesn't belong to him. K-2PL drops Nubs and the droids scatter. Zanna confronts Bosh about his stolen goods, which Solay adds includes his entire collection. Under Bosh's orders, R4-13 activates the ship's engines, causing it to tilt upwards in an attempt to throw the Jedi out. While the Jedi are thrown out, Bosh loses several crates of his stolen collection. Bosh is upset with his droids but K-2PL counters he told them to do something.

Recovering the stolen sculpture[]

The last crate to fall out is the stolen Visitor's Day statue. Master Zia and her younglings use their Force powers to cushion its fall and land it safely nearby. As he flies off, Bosh vows revenge and to complete his collection. Following the escape, Zanna asks if her younglings are fine. Solay says she feels bad for asking for help. Zanna puts her arms on Solay and reassures her that she did the right thing asking for help. She says that she will always be there to help them.

When Solay points out that Bosh has escaped, Zanna is relieved they got back the stolen sculpture and says that they will deal with the rest the next time he comes back. When Nubs picks up the Alderaanian vase, Solay asks if they can return the objects to their rightful owners. Zanna replies that will be a mission.

Later, Solay unveils the Visitor's Day sculpture with Zanna and Jinara's permission. Solay gives a brief speech telling the crowd that Bosh tried to steal the sculpture but that she got it back with help. She reminds the people of Kublop Springs that their town is one where everyone helps each other. The crowd cheers as a tree-like sculpture is unveiled.


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