

For other uses, see Bliss.

"It is the blade that wins the war, my dear. And I always carry a spare."
―Zeva Bliss[2]

Zeva Bliss was a human female criminal who led the gang known as the Spice Runners of Kijimi[2] after taking control of the group from Zarah Bliss. Unlike Zarah, Zeva was able to unite the Spice Runners into a truly united force.[4] Zeva was also the mother of Zorii Bliss. Zorii joined the gang at a young age, but refused to have special treatment as the daughter of the gang's leader.[2]

In her youth, Zeva was a member of a small gang that eventually grew into the full-fledged Kijimi Spice Runner organization. Bliss gathered a number of criminal allies and enemies on Kijimi for a summit under the guise of partnership, intending to instead execute them and raise the Spice Runners in the galactic underworld. Her plans were foiled by Poe Dameron, a recent member of the Spice Runners and an associate of Zorii, who refused to allow the executions to occur. Bliss overpowered Dameron, but before she could kill him, she was stopped by Zorii. However, Dameron refused Zorii's offer to defeat her mother and take control of the Spice Runners.[2] Zeva eventually died,[5] leading Zorii to become the leader of the Spice Runners by the time of the war between the First Order and the Resistance.[6]

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