Its appearance is similar to the .52 Gal. However, it has pink and white rhinestones covering the recoil plate, the barrel, and the Ink tank. The color of the tank has changed as well.
Weapon Quotes[]
The .52 Gal Deco is a standard .52 Gal with a little extra flair added by pro designers! Its stats aren't any different, but it does come with Seekers to open up new battle tactics. And with the Inkstrike as its special, this set allows you to really dominate the battlefield!
— Sheldon
A bedazzled .52 Gal shooter. Your opponents may laugh at you...until you run them down with Seekers and the almighty Inkstrike.
— In-Game Description
Splatoon 2[]
The .52 Gal Deco is a standard .52 Gal with a little extra flair added by pro designers! This set comes with Curling Bombs to quickly close in on opponents or smoke them out with a well-placed wall bounce! And for those opponents that try to keep their distance, make 'em pay with the Sting Ray! I'd recommend this for savage players born without a self-preservation instinct!
— Sheldon
The .52 Gal Deco is a bedazzled custom variant of the .52 Gal.
This weapon has the exact same stats as the .52 Gal, but with a different skin and kit.
Shooters are the backbone of (almost) any good team. They're versatile and varied with each weapon, and cover plenty of ground, as well as apply more pressure to the enemy team than either charger or roller weapons.
The .52 Gal Deco has a very good damage per second, making it very good for Ranked Battle. It has the same range as the Tentatek Splattershot, so it is a mid-range weapon. It deals 52 damage, so it's a two-shot-splat. This can be countered by one Defense Up, making it a three-shot-splat. The .52 Gal Deco comes with the versatile Seeker, which can be used for mobility, or an offensive weapon. The Inkstrike can be used to scatter opponents, so you and your teammates can move in to strike.
Tips for facing each weapon type[]
Shooter-type weapons are at a disadvantage when facing you, because of your high damage and respectable range. Try to get the drop, or surprise your foes by sneaking up on them with seekers. Just watch for squelchers or other shooters that outrange you.
Same thing for Splatoon 2 as the .52 Gal Deco didn't change much
Rollers suffer the same weaknesses as shooters, but don't sneak up and surprise them point-blank. Watch out for Dynamo Rollers and you should be good to go!
Chargers should prove a nuisance because of your mediocre range. Just try to use a Seeker to swim into point-blank range, or use an Inkstrike to force the charger of his/her perch.
You should be better equipped to deal with chargers in Splatoon 2 as its Special can go through walls and damage the opponent.