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An Avatar is a customizable avatar and character created by Rare Ltd that can represent a user or another character in the Xbox Live service on the Xbox 360, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S video game consoles, as well as Windows 10 and Windows Phone.

Some Sonic the Hedgehog series games feature Avatars as playable characters.

Playable appearances[]

Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing with Banjo-Kazooie[]

Avatars can race in Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing with Banjo-Kazooie. Tour avatar drives the Ava-car 720 and its All-Star Move is Party Power, where four Avatar friends pick up the player's car and start running while knocking out anything in their path. For the Wii, Avatars are replaced with Miis.

Sonic Free Riders[]

Avatars are playable and can ride their own exclusive Extreme Gear: Avatar-M for males and Avatar-F for females.

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed[]

Avatars are playable again in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. Like last time, they drive the Ava-car 720, which now sports a black and green paint-job to resemble the Xbox 360 S console, and looks more like an actual car. Avatars can be unlocked by beating all of the Normal Grand Prix races on any difficulty, which also unlocks the Mirror Cups. Their All-Star attack is shooting Xbox balls at opponents. A remix of the Avatar Editor/store music plays during their All-Star.

Clothes, accessories and props[]

Avatars can purchase or unlock certain items that relate to games. Some of these items can only be purchased in shops while some unique items can be unlocked once certain achievements are met in certain games.

Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing with Banjo-Kazooie[]

Image Item Price (USD) Gender
AiAiMonkeyPropXBLA AiAi Monkey Ball Prop $2.99 Both
BeatGlassesXBLA Beat Glasses $1
BillyHatcherHelmetXBLA Billy Hatcher Helmet
CrabmeatPropXBLA Crabmeat prop $2.99
Dr.EggmanGlasses Dr. Eggman Glasses $1
RacingBeanieXBLA Official Racing Beanie
SegaHatXBLA Racing Cap
RacingHelmet(Black)XBLA Racing Helmet (Black) $1.99
RacingHelmet(White) Racing Helmet (White)
RacingSuit(Female)XBLA Racing Suit Female
RacingSuit(Male Male
RacingTShirt(Female)XBLA Racing T-Shirt $1 Female
RacingTShirt(Male)XBLA Male
RyoHazoukiJacketXBLA Ryo Hazuki Jacket $1.99
RyoHazoukiJacket(Female)XBLA Female
SambaDeAmigoSumbrero Samba De Amigo Sombrero $1 Both
SegaHelmet(Blue)XBLA SEGA Helmet (Blue) $1.99
SegaHelmet(Pink)XBLA SEGA Helmet (Pink)
SegaShirt(Female)XBLA SEGA T-Shirt $1 Female
SegaShirt(Male) Male
SonicCarProp Sonic Car prop $2.99 Both
TailsTornadoXBLA Tails Tornado prop

Sonic Adventure (2010) awards[]

Image Item Achievement Gender
Vintage Sonic T-Shirt M Vintage Sonic T-Shirt Play the game for 5 hours. Male
Vintage Sonic T-Shirt F Female
Sonic's Hi-Speed Shoes M Sonic's Hi-Speed Shoes Play the game for 10 hours. Male
Sonic's Hi-Speed Shoes F Female

Sonic the Hedgehog 4 awards[]

Image Item Achievement Gender
Sonic Costume (Head) M Sonic Costume (Head) Collect all Rings during the ending after the final stage. Male
Sonic Costume (Head) F Female
Sonic Costume (Body) M Sonic Costume (Body) After collecting the seven Chaos Emeralds, defeat the final boss one more time. Male
Sonic Costume (Body) F Female
Dr. Eggman Modern Costume (Body) M Dr. Eggman Modern Costume (Body) Defeat the Last Boss without taking damage. Male
Dr. Eggman Modern Costume (Body) F Female
Dr. Eggman Modern Costume (Legs) M Dr. Eggman Modern Costume (Legs) Defeat the Sylvania Castle Zone boss without taking damage. Male
Dr. Eggman Modern Costume (Legs) F Female

Episode I marketplace (Game Styles)[]

Image Item Price (USD) Gender
AvatarEmeralds Chaos Emeralds $2.99 Both
ChomperFish Chopper Toy
MotoBugToy Moto Bug Toy
AvatarT2 Sonic 4 Ep. I Tee $1 Female
AvatarT1 Male
FakeS4Cart Sonic 4 Cartridge $1.99 Both
AvatarDoll Sonic Plushie

Episode II purchasable[]

Image Item Price (USD) Gender
Sonic-4-e-2-avatar8 Bandik Duo Toy $2.99 Both
Wq Capsule Toy
Drawstring-tails-plushie Drawstring Tails Plushie
Sonic-4-e-2-avatar Sonic 4 Episode II Game Cartridge
Sonic4Episode2Tee(Female)XBLA Sonic 4 Episode II T-Shirt $1 Female
Sonic-4-e-2-avatar2 Male
Sonic-4-e-2-avatar4 Half-pipe Special Stage $2.99 Both
Sonic-4-e-2-avatar9 Metal Sonic Helmet Both
Sonic-4-e-2-avatar6 Metal Sonic toy
Sonic-4-e-2-avatar7 Sonic Hoodie Female
Sonic-4-e-2-avatar12 Male
Sonic-4-e-2-avatar11 Tails Costume $3.99
Sonic-4-e-2-avatar11 Female
Sonic-4-e-2-avatar3 Tails Hoodie $2.99
Sonic-4-e-2-avatar13 Male

Sonic Free Riders awards[]

Image Shirt item Achievement
SFR Avatar SonicShirt Sonic Place 1st on every course with Sonic.
SFR Avatar JetShirt Jet Place 1st on every course with Jet.
SFR Avatar E10000GShirt E-10000G Place 1st on every course with E-10000G.
SFR Avatar Shirt Sonic Free Riders Watch the credits in their entirety.

Sonic Generations[]


Image Item: Classic Eggman Suit Achievement (on Hard mode)
Classic Eggman Suit (Head) Head Defeat Final Boss.
Classic Eggman Suit (Tops) Tops Defeat all Bosses.
Classic Eggman Suit (Bottoms) Bottoms Defeat all Rivals.


Image Item Price (USD) Gender
ClassicAmyRoseXBLA Classic Amy-Rose Avatar Costume $2.99 Both
ClassicSonicCostumeXBLA Classic Sonic Avatar Costume
SonicGenerationsCapXBLA Sonic Generations Cap $1.99
SonicGenerationsTShirt(Female)XBLA Sonic Generations T-Shirt $1 Female
SonicGenerationsTShirt(Male) Male
SuperSonicXBLA Super Sonic Avatar Costume $2.99 Both

Sonic Adventure 2 (2012) awards[]

Image Item Achievement Gender
Sonic-Adventure-2-Avatar-Awards-1 2G Vintage Sonic Tee Play the game for 5 hours Male
Sonic-Adventure-2-Avatar-Awards-2 Female
Sonic-Adventure-2-Avatar-Awards-3 Sonic's 2G Hi-Speed Shoes Play the game for 10 Hours Both


  • By beating the story of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I, the player can earn a Sonic bodysuit. To get the hat for the avatar, the player must beat the E.G.G Station Zone and, during the last cutscene in Splash Hill Zone, the player must move Sonic around to collect all the rings.
  • In Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing, "Avatar" species is classified as Human.
  • Like the Miis the player is able to bring avatar awards their avatar has on into some games, as long as he/she equips the item. This can offer chances to "play as" some out-of-game-characters (like Halo's Master Chief), often resulting in comedic results.
  • There is small cosmetic glitch when the player's avatar is a wearing certain avatar costumes from the Halo series (primarily Spartan armor costumes) in which the visor piece appears as complete black. 

See also[]

Non-Sonic characters

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