- 'Botman
- A.D.A.M.
- Aaron
- Abraham Acorn
- Abraham Tower
- Aerial
- Agunus Rhino
- Akhlut
- Alexander Acorn
- Alexis Acorn
- Alicia Acorn
- Amadeus Prower
- Amy Rose
- Angel-La
- Angela Hopkins
- Angelus
- Antoine D'Coolette
- Arachne Clan
- Arakkis
- Archimedes
- Arlo Armadillo
- Armand D'Coolette
- Arthur Mongoose
- Ash Mongoose
- Athair
- Athena
- Augustus the Polar Bear
- Aurora (formerly)
- Auto-Fiona
- Avery the Bear
- Bagbar Breeblebrox
- Barby Koala
- Bark the Polar Bear
- Barney
- Bean the Dynamite
- Beauregard Rabbot
- Benedict
- Benjy
- Bernadette Hedgehog
- Bertha Kintobor
- Betty Butterfly
- Big the Cat
- Bimmy
- Biolizard
- Birdy
- Bivalve Clam
- Black Death
- Black Doom
- Blackjack Bulldog
- Bodo
- Bomb
- Bottlenose Dolphin
- Bow Sparrow
- Brain Coral
- Bride of Constant Vigil
- Bride of Rich Nights
- Bride of the Conquering Storm
- Bride of the Endless Reach
- Brre-Die
- Brutus Kintobor
- Byron
- Bull Bones
- Bunnie D'Coolette
- Bunyip
- Bzzzz Queen
- Canus
- Captain Marbot
- Captain Oe
- Car-Heem
- Carl Condor
- Ceneca-10050
- Ceneca-9009
- Chails
- Chaos
- Charlemagne
- Charmy Bee
- Cheese the Chao
- Chief Magistrate
- Chocola
- Christopheles
- Chronic
- Chuckles
- Cluck
- Cocoa Cat
- Coconuts
- Cody
- Colin Kintobor
- Corbin
- Cream the Rabbit
- Crocbot
- Croctobot
- Crystal-La
- Cubot
- Cyclops
- Cynthia-Wa
- Cyril Eagle
- Damocles the Elder
- Daredingo
- Darwin
- Dave
- Deeble
- Deo Volente
- Desi-Ca
- Diablo
- Diesel
- Dimitri
- Doc Stork
- Dolph
- Downtown Ebony Hare
- Dr. Bin
- Dr. Eggman
- Dr. Finitevus
- Dr. Fukurokov
- Dr. Ivan Kintobor
- Dr. Ivo Robotnik
- Dr. Niven
- Dr. Pin
- Dr. Quack
- Donald Hopkins
- Drago Wolf
- Duane Quack
- Duck "Bill" Platypus
- Duke of Soleanna
- Dulcy the Dragon
- Dutch
- Dylan Porcupine
- E.V.E.
- E-101 Beta
- E-102 Gamma
- E-103 Delta
- E-104 Epsilon
- E-105 Zeta
- E-106 Eta
- E-107 Theta
- E-108 Iota
- E-109 Kappa
- E-110 Lambda
- E-111 Mu
- E-112 Nu
- E-113 Xi
- E-114 Omicron
- E-115 Pi
- E-116 Rho
- E-117 Sigma
- E-118 Tau
- E-119 Upsilon
- E-120 Phi
- E-121 Chi
- E-122 Psi
- E-123 Omega
- Eddy the Yeti
- Edmund
- Eel Capone
- Eli-Za
- Elias Acorn
- Elizabeth Quack
- Emerson Acorn
- Enchantress
- Enerjak
- Erik
- Eri-Ka
- Erma Ermine
- Espio the Chameleon
- Fanny Dupin
- Fiona Fox
- Fleming
- Flip Penguin
- Floren-Ca
- Fluke the Blue Whale
- Fly Fly Freddy
- Flying Frog
- Foxy Reynard
- Frederick Acorn
- Friar Buck
- G.U.N. Colonel
- Gae-Na
- Gala-Na
- General Hunn
- Genie
- Geoffrey St. John
- George Acorn
- George Sommersby
- Georgette Walrus
- Gerald Robotnik
- Geraldo Robotnik
- Gerbil
- Glint
- Grand Battle Kukku XV
- Greebo
- Griffin
- Guntiver the Arctic Wolf
- Guru Emu
- Hamlin Pig
- Harlan
- Harry
- Harvey Who
- Hawking
- Heavy
- Helmsman Lu
- Helmut Von Stryker
- Hershey St. John
- Himon
- Hip and Hop
- Holmes
- Honch
- Hope Kintobor
- Hubert Quack
- Hugo Brass
- Hunter
- Iago
- Ian St. John
- Iblis
- Iron Queen
- Irving Pavlov
- Isaac
- Isabella Mongoose
- Ivo Kintobor
- Ixis Naugus
- Ixis Vale
- J.J. Moto
- Jack Rabbit
- Jai-Na
- Janelle-Li
- Jean-Claude
- Jeepers
- Jeff
- Jenna-Lu
- Jennifer Vasquez
- Jeremiah
- Jet the Hawk
- Jolt the Roadrunner
- Jon O'Hedge
- Jordan
- Jordann
- Joss
- Julayla Chipmunk
- Jules Hedgehog
- Julie-Su
- Julius Acorn
- Jun Kun
- Kage Von Stryker
- Kali-Ca
- Kali-Ka
- Kamezon
- Kann-Di
- Kanewisher
- Karl
- Kayla-La
- King Bee
- King Gong
- King Leonus
- King O'Hedge
- Kir-Ta
- Kirby
- Knecapeon "Kneecaps" Mace
- Knuckles the Echidna
- Kodos Lion
- Komi-Ko
- Konor
- Kragok
- Krudzu Hybrid Hydra
- Lady Agnes Hopkins
- Lara-Le
- Larry Lynx
- Lau Khan
- Layken
- Leeta Wolf
- Li Moon
- Li Yuen
- Lien-Da
- Lightning Lynx
- Liu Chi Mei
- Liu Fang
- Liza the Chameleon
- Lobo
- Lord Mordred Hood
- Louise Quack
- Luger
- Lulumae
- Lunama-Re
- Lupe Wolf
- Lyco Wolf
- Mach the Rabbit
- Madam Councilor
- Magbot
- Mammoth Mogul
- Marcos
- Marcus the Owl
- Mari-An
- Mari-Su
- Maria
- Maria Robotnik
- Marie D'Coolette
- Martha Sommersby
- Mathias
- Mathias Poe
- Matilda the Armadillo
- Maurice
- Max the Monkey
- Maximillian Acorn
- Mayor Bullyani
- Mecha Robotnik
- Megan Acorn
- Mello
- Menniker
- Menthor
- Mephiles
- Meredith Sanders
- Meri-Ca
- Merin-Da
- Merlin Prower
- Metal Amy
- Metal Knuckles
- Metal Scourge
- Metal Sonic v3.0
- Metal Tails
- Mighty 'Bot
- Mighty the Armadillo
- Mighty's parents
- Miles "Tails" Prower
- Mina Mongoose
- Miriam Kintobor
- Mobie
- Monk
- Monkey Khan
- Moonwatcher
- Moritori Rex
- Munch Rat
- Murphy
- Mykol
- Nack the Weasel
- Nate Morgan
- Nemo
- Nerb King
- Nicole
- Nicolette the Weasel
- Nordon
- Nusgau Bat
- Octo-Pod
- Octobot
- Omochao
- Orb-Bot
- Orbot
- P. B. Jellyfish
- Pachacamac
- Paladin
- Penelope Platypus
- Pollu
- Posey
- Pravda
- Predator Hawk
- President
- Princess Bee
- Princess Elise
- Professor Cheddermund
- Professor Clarke
- Professor Parg
- Pseudo-Sonic
- Queen Bee
- Queen Hathor
- Ram Merino
- Raphael Acorn
- Ray the Flying Squirrel
- Ray the Manta
- Raynor
- Razorklaw
- Reginald Acorn
- Rembrandt
- Remington
- Renfield the Rodent
- Reynard
- Rico
- Ripper the Rodent
- Rita-Le
- Rob o' the Hedge
- Romulus Acorn
- Rory Bear
- Rosa-Lyn
- Rosemary Prower
- Rosie Woodchuck
- Rotor Walrus
- Rouge the Bat
- Rudyard
- Rykor
- Sabina
- Sabre
- Saffron Bee
- Sally Acorn
- Sasha Cat
- Sasi-Ka
- Scarabb
- Scratch
- Sealia Seal
- Sebastian Acorn
- Secretary
- Semper Fidelis
- Sergeant Simian
- Shadow the Hedgehog
- Shard the Metal Sonic
- Sharps the Chicken
- Sheldon
- Sherman Walrus
- Shift E. Wolf
- Shazi-Ah
- Silvanus Acorn
- Silver Sonic v1.0
- Silver Sonic v2.0
- Silver Sonic v3.0
- Simon
- Sir Charles Hedgehog
- Sir Connery
- Sir Kicks-a-Lot
- Sir Peckers
- Siwa-Ra
- Skeeter Walrus
- Sleuth "Doggy" Dawg
- Smiley
- Snaggle Tiger
- Snively Robotnik
- Snow Pigeon
- Sojourner
- Solaris
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Sonja-Ra
- Spectre
- Spawnmower
- Speedy
- Spike
- Spot Long
- Steppenwolf
- Storm the Albatross
- Suguna Lobster
- Super Sonic (separate being)
- Syntar
- T-Pup
- Tails Doll
- Tatiana the Tiger
- Tekno
- Teri-Lu
- Termite-Nator
- Tess
- Tex the Lizard
- The Foreman
- Theodore Acorn
- Thorn the Lop
- Thrash the Tasmanian Devil
- Thunderhawk
- Tig Stripe
- Tikal
- Time Eater
- Titan Metal Sonic
- Tobor
- Tommy Turtle
- Trey Scales
- Tusk Luza
- Uma Arachnis
- Vacubot
- Valdez the Chameleon
- Vanilla the Rabbit
- Vector the Crocodile
- Vera-Lo
- Vincent
- Voni-Ca
- Walt Wallaby
- Wanda-Ra
- Wave the Swallow
- Webster Dickens
- Willis
- Wolvurkel
- Wombat Stu
- Wynmacher
- Xenin
- Xorda ambassador
- Yanar
- Zan
- Zax
Prime Zone (Pre-Super Genesis Wave) inhabitants
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