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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone

This is a transcript for Sonic the Hedgehog 2.

Note: Lines edited out from Nickelodeon airings are in orange.

[The film opens up with the Paramount Pictures logo, with Rings being in the place of the stars flying across the ocean and forming the iconic arch over the mountain. The SEGA logo then appears, showing multiple games made by the company, and the Original Film logo is presented on a blue background in metallic red text before fading out to black and fading into a new scene]

[Scene: Mushroom Planet, dawn]

[The scene opens with a space view of the Mushroom Planet. A large title card is then shown, which says "THE MUSHROOM PLANET." The scene then shows a view of the mushroom planet, after which it shows a mushroom rising up to another mushroom, as a title reads "PARAMOUNT PICTURES presents", causing it to tip what appears to be a small rock over. The small rock then bumps into a small mushroom which rolls into another mushroom, which rolls into another mushroom, which bumps into a round rock when another titles reads, "in association with SEGA SAMMY GROUP". The rock then bumps into a line of four rocks which one by one fall into a gear made out of mushroom which after turning makes a round bucket tip releasing water from inside. The water then pours into the bottom of another mushroom tied to a rope making it lower and hit the ground as a third title reads "an ORIGINAL FILM production". The water picks up a tiny mushroom which floats downhill into a spoon like contraption made out of mushroom which turns and drops it into another as another title reads "a MARZA ANIMATION PLANET/ BLUR STUDIO production". The spoon like contraption drops with the other end rising and bumping into a line of mushrooms that grow in size until the largest lands on a blower like plant which blows at a large round rock. The rock then rolls and bumps into a cable car like contraption which reveals to be holding something inside. The rock rolls into the background as the cable car contraption is taken downward revealing a cart made out of mushroom. The cable car contraption bumps into a platform shaped rock and opens to allow the cart to roll out revealing a small Sonic-like figure in front of it as we see the rock roll in the background. The cart rolls forward as it runs into a column of sticks which fall down making mushroom cups to drop berry like fruit into the cart. The cart then bumps into a rock tossing the figure and fruit out and into a juicer like contraption with thorns in it as the rock drops on it crushing the content revealing a classic Eggman Empire logo painted on it. The content then is then turned into liquid and pours into a cup which is picked up by Dr. Robotnik]
Dr. Robotnik: Doctor's log. It's day 243 in this portabello purgatory.
[Dr. Robotnik is shown sitting on a chair in front of his Eggpod, looking at his environment. He then looks down as he holds up Sonic's quill and proceeds to stir his drink with it]
Dr. Robotnik: My only companion is a rock I named "Stone".
[Dr. Robotnik looks at the rock. He then looks away, tapping the quill to his cup to dry it off]
Dr. Robotnik: The question is, for whom am I narrating this?
[Dr. Robotnik sticks his tongue out and puts it to the quill, causing it to electrocute him, just like before when back on Earth. The scene changes to Dr. Robotnik pulling parts out of the engine of his Eggpod]
Dr. Robotnik: It seems I have become a feature player in the theater of the absurd. Marooned in deep space by that wretched blue rodent. But it is all good thanks to a breathable atmosphere and my supreme intellect, sharpened against the only competitor savvy enough to bring it.
[The scene changes to Dr. Robotnik playing chess with mushrooms as the pieces. He takes a mushroom and places it forward]
Dr. Robotnik: Chanterelle to D4.
[The screen changes to reveal a rock mirror, revealing that Dr. Robotnik is playing against himself]
Dr. Robotnik: Hmm?
[Dr. Robotnik lifts the cup in his hand]
Dr. Robotnik: I have been striving to make fungi into a functional drink of choice...
[Dr. Robotnik lifts the cup to his nose and he sniffs it]
Dr. Robotnik: Mushroom coffee.
[Dr. Robotnik sips the mushroom juices only to spit it out afterwards due to the bad taste. Dr. Robotnik tries another batch, only to spit it out as well]
Dr. Robotnik: WITH LIMITED.
[The scene then shifts to the round rock squeezing more mushrooms]
Dr. Robotnik: LIMITED.
[Dr. Robotnik tries out three more cups of mushroom juices, but spits each of them out in disgust. Dr. Robotnik picks up another cup of mushroom juices]
Dr. Robotnik: LIMITED.
[Dr. Robotnik tries out the latest cup of mushroom juices, but spits it out in disgust as well]
Dr. Robotnik: Success.
[Dr. Robotnik tries out another cup of mushroom juices, but slowly spits it out in disgust. The scene then changes to Dr. Robotnik picking rope-like wires out of the Eggpod and walks forward]
Dr. Robotnik: But today, day 243 has brought a new optimism to my most pressing endeavor!
[The scene switches to Dr. Robotnik looking at a large mushroom with rods and a pole, making it look like a radio tower or a satellite transceiver]
Dr. Robotnik: Planetus exodus to returnecus and KICK BLUE BUTTECUS!
[Dr. Robotnik climbs up the mushroom to a monitor screen placed on top of the mushroom tower and proceeds to press a few buttons on the instrument board]
Dr. Robotnik: If my calculations are correct, and there is no reason to say "if", because they always are.
[Dr. Robotnik lifts a jumper cable with Sonic's quill in its pincers]
Dr. Robotnik: This quill, is going to power my masterpiece.
[Dr. Robotnik lifts another jumper cable in his other hand]
Dr. Robotnik: Let's light this candle, and see who comes a-knocking.
[Dr. Robotnik clamps the jumper cable on the quill and energizes the power cable, which bolts with blue chaos energy. The tower subsequently creates a shockwave, sweeping a screaming Dr. Robotnik off his feet and onto the ground. The screen switches to a shot of outer space as a shockwave of chaos energy generate a stream of light stretching through space before dissipating]

[Scene change: Mushroom Planet, night]

[Dr. Robotnik lies where he fell, unsuspecting the Ring portal appearing in front of him. Soon after, a trio of humanoid alien scavengers wearing chicken skulls for helmets and holding spears walk out from the Ring portal and scout the area. The head of the trio looks to Dr. Robotnik, tilting its head in curiosity. It proceeds to bend down and move its spear towards the seemingly sleeping Dr. Robotnik. It then gently presses the side of his spear on his shirt, before looking to the quill in his hand. Before he can bend down and take it from his hand however, Dr. Robotnik's eyes bolt open]
Dr. Robotnik: Greetings!
[The scavenger backs away as Dr. Robotnik uses his other hand and pulls a tarp of grass, revealing his trap. Suddenly, a giant mushroom slams down, causing the mushrooms around it to spin rapidly, alarming the scavengers. Suddenly, the lead scavenger unexpectedly steps into a rope trap, catapulting him screaming into the distance]
Dr. Robotnik: Klatuu Barata Nikto!
[The other scavenger looks at Dr. Robotnik, who kicks a mushroom, resulting in a giant mushroom stem to slam into the second scavenger, sending him flying away, thus leaving the last scavenger to open its spear to reveal red blades. The scavenger proceeds to swing them around to intimidate Dr. Robotnik, only for Dr. Robotnik to use his Robotnik Control Glove to make a call]
Dr. Robotnik: Agent Stone? Now.
[The Eggpod engines burn a rope that is connected to a catapult that holds "Agent Stone", sending said rock flying and hit the scavenger in the face, making him fall on his back. Dr. Robotnik gets up while looking at the Ring portal]
Dr. Robotnik: Thank you, Stone. It's time to say goodbye to this... PIECE OF SHIITAKE PLANET!!!
[Dr. Robotnik licks the quill, electrocuting himself again before making a beeline for the Ring portal in slow motion. However, he stops at the sight of a silhouette. Dr. Robotnik gasps as he stops in his tracks, falling on his back as we see the creature's hand, encased in a massive white boxing glove like fist with twin spikes. In a close up of his face, the creature reveals himself to be Knuckles marching right up to him with his eyes glowing red. Knuckles walks up to Dr. Robotnik before noticing the quill in his hand]
Knuckles: Where did you get that?!
[Dr. Robotnik looks at the quill in his hand and swiftly lifts it in between their faces]
Dr. Robotnik: From a little blue menace on the planet called Earth.
[Knuckles looks at Dr. Robotnik sternly]
Dr. Robotnik: I'd be happy to show you the way.
[The camera swiftly zooms off the area and off planet as the view enters a large blue circular tube. The camera then zooms out to reveal the title card reading "SONIC THE HEDGEHOG". Suddenly an orange blur zooms passed and sits with the title revealing itself to be an orange "2" sprouting two fox tails. The screen then cuts to black]

[Scene change: Seattle, night]

[The screen opens to reveal a city while the caption reads "SEATTLE". The camera moves through the streets of the city. The scene then changes to an old woman pushing a shopping cart with her pet dog in it. She looks down for a second to her dog before noticing a high speed chase with a stolen truck being chased by the Seattle Police Department. The camera turns to the back of the stolen truck to reveal the bank robbers who have hijacked it]
Bank Robber: They're still on us!
[His fellow bank robber throws him a stick of dynamite which he taps the top of to ignite it]
Bank Robber: This'll slow them down!
[The bank robber throws the dynamite at one of the police cars who drive around the explosion that occurs when the dynamite stick touches the ground, causing the police car to hit a group of trash cans. The cars proceed to drive past one building of from where Sonic is watching the ordeal. Sonic proceeds to tighten his shoes, do some stretches, jump in place and readying his chaos energy, crack his knuckles, do some air punches, and eat a chili dog, before leaping off the building and swiftly following the chase, passing several other cars, all to the tune of Run DMC's "Tricky"]
Sonic: [Makes airplane noises] Watch out! Excuse me! Pardon me! Coming through!
[Sonic speeds up to the side window of the truck and kicks the drives while holding to the railing on the roof of the truck]
Sonic: Good evening, gentlemen. Mind if I drive?
[Sonic kick at the driver makes the door on his side open up with him clinging onto it. Sonic takes the wheel]
Sonic: Better buckle up!
[Sonic makes a right turn, causing the bank robbers in the back to collide into one another from the movement. The Seattle Police Department continue the chase as sticks of dynamite fall out of the truck and explode upon hitting the ground]
Sonic: How we doing back there?
[Sonic turns one way, causing the bank robbers to collide into one wall in the truck]
Sonic: And now this way!
[Sonic proceeds to make another turn, making the bank robbers hit the other wall while all the money they stole fly out of the truck. Sonic laughs as the chase continues]
Sonic: Woo-hoo!
[The Armored Truck Security Guard in the back of the truck looks and pleads to Sonic, mumbling due to his mouth being covered with duct tape]
Sonic: Oh, I'm sorry, I don't speak duct tape.
[Sonic peels off the duct tape, allowing the Armored Truck Security Guard to speak]
Armored Truck Security Guard: What the heck are you?!
Sonic: Fear not, citizen. I am the hero you need and the hero you deserve. The blue dawn that banishes the darkest--[Abruptly notices something ahead] HOLY CRAP!
[Sonic quickly spots a pedestrian on the road and proceeds to scream with the Armored Truck Security Guard as he takes the wheel and drives around her. The Armored Truck Security Guard continues to scream]
Sonic: Don't worry! Nobody's gonna get hurt!
[The chase continues as the bag of dynamite proceeds to slide right next to Sonic]
Sonic: Huh. What are those?
Armored Truck Security Guard: Bombs! Bombs! They're bombs! Those are bombs!
Sonic: Relax, they're not even lit! so I'll say again, nobody's gonna get--
[The dynamite sticks turn on as their fuses ignite]
Sonic: Ahh! I was wrong! We're all gonna die!
Armored Truck Security Guard: Why aren't you slowing down?!
Sonic: That would require brakes.
[Sonic presses on the brakes to no avail as they are blocked by the body of one of the unconscious bank robbers. Sonic takes the bag of dynamite with his foot and picks it up with his hand]
Sonic: Ahh, ohh. Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot!
Armored Truck Security Guard: Why don't you let the police handle this?!
Sonic: Because that's not what heroes do!
[Sonic throws all the dynamite sticks out the window. They all fall into a random garbage truck before they explode, scattering its trash everywhere]
Sonic: Thank you very much! Please hold your applause!
[Trash falls on the windshield of the truck. The chase continues. The Armored Truck Security Guard hears a sizzling sound]
Armored Truck Security Guard: Do you hear that? There's one bomb left!
Sonic: Uh... uh oh.
[Sonic zooms toward the truck's small cubby and proceeds to look under]
Armored Truck Security Guard: Did you check under the seat?
Sonic: Of course I checked under the seat!
[The car chase continues]
Armored Truck Security Guard: You are terrible at this!
[Sonic latches onto the wire on the door separating him and the Armored Truck Security Guard.]
Sonic: You know what? Your negative attitude is not helping anyone!
[The Armored Truck Security Guard sees a sizzling dynamite stick in Sonic's head quills]
Armored Truck Security Guard: It's in your spiky things!
[Sonic spins around rapidly before getting the dynamite stick out and holds it up.]
Sonic: Ha! I can never find anything in here!
[Sonic throws the dynamite stick out the window. The dynamite stick rolls away, before falling into a drainage pipe on the side of the sidewalk]
Sonic: Drained it from downtown!
[Sonic imitates triumphant trumpet music before retaking the wheel]
Sonic: See? I told you no one would get hurt!
[They look up to see that they are headed straight for an ice cream stand]
Sonic: Holy sherbet!
[Sonic looks around and looks to a bag of power tools]
Sonic: Oh, hello!
[Sonic zooms towards the power tools and appears then on the roof of the truck, holding a drill in his hand]
Sonic: Don't panic! This is only a drill!
[Sonic proceeds to use the drill to remove the screws on the roof before zooming all over the truck, removing all its screws and bolts. Everyone at the ice cream stand look to the incoming truck and scream before the truck starts falling apart as it heads right toward them, leaving only the undercarriage, the Armored Truck Security Guard and the unconscious bank robbers, to slide to a halt in front of the ice cream stand. The Armored Truck Security Guard looks to a boy behind him, shocked as a scoop on his ice cream falls off and plops to the ground. Meanwhile, the dynamite stick from earlier explodes, causing all the drainage caps on the street to explode and reveal geysers of water bursting out of them all to the 1812 Overture. The bank robbers regain consciousness, just as the Seattle Police Department arrives at the scene to arrest them. The Armored Truck Security Guard looks at Sonic on top of a building]
Sonic: No need to thank me, citizens. All in a night's work for... [Does a pose] Blue Justice!
Armored Truck Security Guard: You're a terrible hero!
[Sonic laughs as he runs down the building and through the ruined streets before running off to his house]

[Scene change: Green Hills, morning]

[The camera shows a sunrise over a mountain range with "Stars in the Sky" playing in the background. The scene then changes to Sonic racing across a large bridge. The camera then shows a large sign reading "Welcome to Green Hills. the little city with big heart. pop: 1981, elev. 3445 ft" as it then shows Wade in a police car holding a speed watch as Sonic zooms past]
Sonic: Morning, Wade!
Wade: Morning, Sonic!
[Sonic zooms past Wade and races up a mountain and stops at a small rocky ledge overlooking Green Hills]
Sonic: Good morning, Green Hills!
[Sonic races down the mountain and runs toward the Wachowski house and races up the roof and stops. He looks through the window before slowly entering his room, back-flipping in the process. The impact almost tips a bowling pin off a table, but Sonic grabs it before it hits the ground. Sonic then slowly puts it on the floor, not making any noise, and tip-toes to his bed. Each step he takes makes an inconvenient squeaky floor board sound, making him stop]
Sonic: [Groans] Come on!
[Sonic grabs something off the bottom of his shoe and sees that it is a few dirty banknotes. He realizes that if his new parents find out, he'd be busted]
Sonic: Uh oh. Uhh...
[Sonic frantically looks around, eyeing his cupboard with a "keep out" sticker on it. He opens it up and puts the banknotes in it. He then gets out his bag of Rings and closes it up. He gets out the world map and opens it up, only for a feather to slide out. Sonic gasps as the feather gently floats to the floor and picks it up, remembering the feather belonging to Longclaw. Sonic then has a flashback as he remembers when he was little and giving a flower to her.]
Longclaw: [Echoes] Oh... Sonic.
[The flashback ends]
Sonic: I miss you, Longclaw. I'm trying to make you proud.
[Sonic puts the feather back on the map and closes it up before putting it back in his pouch, zipping it up. He then puts the pouch on the desk top before getting in bed]
Sonic: And now for a little shut eye.
[Just as Sonic falls asleep, Ozzy comes up to him and licks his face, waking Sonic back up]
Sonic: Ugh! Bleahgh! Ozzy, morning breath!
[Sonic covers himself in his blankets, just as Maddie comes in with a hamper of laundry]
Maddie: Sonic. You're still in bed? You're supposed to meet Tom, remember?
[Ozzy yanks the blankets off an exhausted Sonic, as he flops face first to the floor]
Sonic: All right! All right, I'm up. I'm up.

[Scene change: Lake, Montana, day]

[Sonic and Tom are in a rowboat in the middle of a lake, fishing]
Tom: Ahh, what a day. Thanks for coming out, bud. You know, I feel like you and me, we haven't had much time together lately.
[Tom doesn't hear anything from Sonic]
Tom: How's it going over there? Did you get any bites?
[Sonic reveals to be asleep, snoring, a bit of drool coming out of his mouth for comedic effect. Tom bends over, rocking the boat and making Sonic fall into the water. Falling into the water and getting wet makes him wake up]
Sonic: Ahh! I can't swim! If I die, don't look in my closet!
[Tom bends over and fishes Sonic out]
Tom: Hey, hey. You're good! You're alright, come on!
Sonic: It's freezing.
[Tom then proceeds to get a blanket and wraps it around Sonic]
Tom: Alright, okay, take it easy. Alright, you good? Okay. But, now that you've had a nap and a bath-

[Scene change: Sonic's room, night]

[Tom coming up to Sonic's room]
Tom (off-screen): I went up to your room last night to bring you some new comics and um...
[Tom finds a statue of what looks to be Sonic reading a newspaper upside down. Tom comes closer, but his foot touches a rope in front of him, making the Sonic statue wave his hand up and down while a radio recording plays in the background in Sonic's voice]
Sonic (over radio): Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop right there. I wouldn't come any closer because this little hedgehog had way too many chili dogs. Oh no, oh no! [Sonic's recording imitates a fart sound] I'm so embarrassed! Get out of here! Quick!
[The newspaper drops to fully reveal the Sonic statue, which is poorly made and has a goofy cartoon face on it, akin to Sanic]
Sonic (over radio): Oh, no! Here comes another one! [Sonic's recording imitates a fart sound] Go! Now! Save yourself! (The recording loops to the start) Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop right there. I wouldn't come any closer because...
[Tom looks unimpressed as the Sonic statue falls apart with the radio repeating the recording, distorting it in the process]
Sonic (over radio): ...this little hedgehog had way too many chili dogs. Oh no, oh no! [Sonic's recording imitates a fart sound] I'm so embarrassed! Get out of here!

[Scene change: Lake, Montana, day]

Sonic: Ugh. I knew I should have used real farts.
[Tom slaps a newspaper in between them with the headline reading "The Daily Observer: Mayhem in Seattle"]
Tom: How many times are we gonna do this?
Sonic: What? Cast your line and not catch anything? Seems like a billion.
Tom: I think you know what I'm talking about. The lying, the sneaking out, the-the pretending to be Batman.
Sonic: Blue Justice, trademark pending.
Tom: Whatever, you're being reckless.
Sonic: [Annoyed sigh] Not this conversation again.
Tom: Hey, It's no fun for me either, but if you keep being irresponsible, we're gonna keep having this conversation.
Sonic: How is it irresponsible to use my powers?
Tom: Sonic, [Holds up the newspaper paper] you destroyed an entire city block!
Sonic: The block was already messed up! Who cares? Look, I stopped a robbery! I was a hero!
Tom: No, you put people in danger and that's not what a hero does.
[Sonic looks upset at that comment]
Sonic: [Sighs] You're supposed to be my friend. Stop trying to be my dad.
[Tom sighs and looks away for a second as Sonic sits down]
Sonic: I can take care of myself.
Tom: Sonic, taking care of yourself, is not what being a hero is all about. It's about taking responsibility for other people. And right now, whether you wanna hear this or not, you are still just a kid. You got some more growing up to do before you're ready to be a hero. Trust me, when I tell you, there will come a time when your powers will be needed. But you don't choose that moment. That moment chooses you.
Sonic: [Impressed] Whoa. Look at you. Look, I just got-- I just got goosebumps. Wait a second, did you steal that from Oprah?
Tom: No, sir, it's a Wachowski family special. Came from my dad, in this very boat, on this very lake. He would always try and steer me in the right direction. That's what Maddie and I always try to do with you. So, until your moment arrives, I want you to work on being a little more responsible. Comprende?
Sonic: Comprende. High 5 on it!
[Sonic and Tom proceed to high 5]
Sonic: Yeah! Donut Lord and the Blue Blur are back at it again!
[Sonic zooms to the back rear of the boat]
Sonic: Hang on!
[Sonic dunks his whole bottom half into the water]
Sonic: Speedboat!
[Sonic proceeds to run in the water, pushing the boat along. Sonic laughs]
Tom: SONIC!!!
Sonic: Woo-hoo!

[Scene change: Wachowski house, day]

[Tom and Maddie are packing to go to Hawaii]
Tom: How excited are you to go to Hawaii with me, ah yeah?
[The two enter the living room to see Sonic and Ozzy, with Sonic holding a clipboard and spatula with a tie, both of them wearing sunglasses and standing in front of a Ring portal with a view of Hawaii visible through it]
Sonic: Welcome to Sonic Air, the fastest way to travel. Now boarding groups one and two.
Maddie: [laughs] Aww, Sonic! This is so fun!
[Maddie walks forward, but Sonic blocks her]
Sonic: I'm sorry ma'am, you're group three. Please wait your turn. Anyone from groups one and two?
Tom: Just let him get it out of his system.
Sonic: Okay, and everybody else? Right this way.
Maddie: Thank you. Oh!
[Maddie walks forward, with Sonic pretending to scan her with the spatula. Sonic makes scanning noises with his mouth, making Maddie laugh]
Sonic: And you, sir?
[As she goes, Tom them walks up, with Sonic doing the same to him]
Sonic: Terrible shirt detected.
Tom: There we go.
Sonic: Okay, you're free to go. Enjoy your trip. Bye-bye now.
Tom: Okay.
[Tom bends down to Sonic's level and opens his arms]
Tom: Bring it in.
Sonic: Tom, I'm about to be hedgehog of the house for the first time. I think I'm a little mature to hug you goodbye.
[Maddie bends down and makes a fist]
Maddie: Okay, what about a power bump?
Tom: Power bump.
[Tom makes a fist as well]
Sonic: Yes! Power bump! That's more like it.
[Sonic, Tom, and Maddie all power bump as they all raise up and un-clench their fists]
Sonic, Tom, and Maddie: Wachowski!
[Tom and Maddie head their way through the Ring portal as Sonic holds a Ring in his hand]
Sonic: Okay, use this one to get back home.
[Sonic tosses the Ring to Tom, who catches it in his hand]
Tom: All right, we're off. Okay, be good!
[Tom and Maddie walk through to the other side of the Ring]
Maddie: Yes, you have our number.
Sonic: Sorry, I can't hear you, you're travelling through a cross dimensional portal!
[The Ring proceeds to close]
Tom: Miss you already!
Maddie: Okay?!
Sonic: Have fun at Rachel's wedding!
[Maddie does an air kiss, just as the Ring closes out of existence]
Sonic: Okay, it's 48 hours until they come back. We've got TV channels, streaming channels, a house full of food, and no supervision.
[Ozzy barks]
Sonic: (His shades drop to his eyes) Let's do this.
["Here Comes the Hotstepper" by Ini Kamoze plays in the background as Sonic proceeds to party in the house, doing the most outlandish things imaginable. He jumps on the couch with food everywhere, does a dance off with different hair styles, skateboards in the house and jumps over a pyramid of dishes, uses a Ring to buy a bag of Oreos right out of the store (leaving a dollar bill in the process), driving a riding lawn mower in the house, and brings inside an outdoor pool and has a pool party inside the house]

[Scene: Green Hills, Montana, day]

[The camera zooms out of the view of Green Hills before showing leaves rustling as a Ring portal opens. Tails pops out. He is reading the energy levels from Sonic on his Miles Electric]
Tails: If these readings are accurate, he's here. I found him! I just hope I'm not too late.
[Tails uses his twin-tails like a helicopter rotor to fly over the forests and into town]

[Scene change: Green Hills, Montana, night]

[Tails lands in nearby bushes outside the police station and looks to his Miles Electric again]
Tails: Hmm, he's close. I just need a way to reach him without being spotted.
[Tails looks to a police car outside the Mean Bean Coffee Shop]
Tails: Standard human transport. Perfect!

[Scene change: Wachowski house, night]

[Sonic is floating in the outdoor pool using a flamingo floatie before hearing a vibrating sound. He reaches down to reveal his phone showing Tom calling]
Sonic: Uh oh. Oh boy.
[Sonic turns the lights back on and proceeds to clean up everything in the house in quick fashion, before laying on the couch as Tom calls in]
Tom: Aloha! How's it going bud?
Sonic: Oh, ya know. Just a quiet night at home, settling in with a good book. And you? What's up with you?
Tom: Oh! just called to say we're here. But now, every word in your mouth is making me suspicious.
Sonic: What?! You gotta relax buddy! You're at the 4 Seasons Oahu. Have a Mai Tai! Enjoy some time with your wife! Get sunburned somewhere embarrassing! This weekend is about you.
Tom: You know what? You're right. We power bumped on it. So whatever it is you're doing, I'm sure you can undo it by the time we get home, yeah?
Sonic: Exactly! I mean, I am deeply offended by such accusations! So, how's Rachel's fiancé? Is he as good looking in person as he is in pictures?
[Tom looks to see Randall with Rachel as they both kiss]
Tom: [Sighs] Somehow, better looking.
Sonic: Wow! You're about to be the third best looking dude in the family. But hey, still on the podium.
Tom: [Laughs] All right, I better go introduce myself. [Points a finger] Stay out of trouble.
Sonic: Trouble? Don't worry. Everything here is completely normal.

[We see Ozzy walking across the room with his back covered in shaving cream]

Tom: Uh-huh. Goodnight, bud.
[Tom hangs up and walks up to Randall, who walks up to him]
Tom: Hey! I was just coming over to say hi.
Randall: [Annoyed] Yo, you got a lot of nerve coming up in here after what you did to my fiancé!
Tom: W-wait, what?
Randall: Totaling her car, leaving her tied to a chair, man? I should rip you limb from limb.
[Tom stands there speechless, but Randall then starts to laugh]
Randall: Oh, my God! Look at your face! Tommy, breathe, baby! Hey! I was kidding!
Tom: Okay! [Laughs] You were kidding?
Randall: Yeah! I'm sorry. Rachel put me up to it. It was totally her idea.
Tom: Yeah, rascal!
Randall: Listen, I don't know if you're aware... Rachel does not care for you at all.
Tom: Oh, I'm aware.
[Rachel and Maddie proceed to walk up to Tom and Randal]
Randall: Seriously bro, you got work to do.
[Rachel walks up to Tom]
Rachel: Hey!
Tom: Hey!
Rachel: Good to see you. Thanks for coming, Tom. Really glad you came!
Tom: Really? Well, great! Great to see you too. Congratulations. You guys seem, like, really happy together.
Rachel: You know, you're all right Thomas Wachowski. Can we bury the hatchet?
Tom: I'd love that.
Rachel: Yeah?
Tom: Yeah!
Rachel: All right, bring it in!
[Rachel proceeds to hug Tom tightly]
Rachel: [Whispers] And if you screw up my wedding, I will end you.
[Tom gives a face of worry and fear]

[scene change: Wachowski house, night]

[Sonic and Ozzy are watching TV, as Sonic is eating a bowl of popcorn]
Sonic: All right, Ozzy, its movie night at Casa de Sonic, and it's your turn to pick.
[Outside, a Ring portal forms]
Sonic: But I am not watching Snow Dogs again. That movie is the [Singsong] worst!
[Suddenly, the lights shut off]
Sonic: [Laughs] Blackout!
[Sonic zooms away and returns, turning on a flashlight to reveal him in a blanket]
Sonic: [Spooky voice] Oooohhh... Oooozzzziiiee...
[Ozzy whimpers and runs off]
Sonic: Oh, sorry buddy. Everything's okay.
[Suddenly, the TV screen shows a static screen, startling Sonic and causing him to walk out of the room]
Sonic: Um, excuse me? We did not order a poltergeist.
[Sonic leaves, lightning flashes to reveal a shadow. Sonic makes it to the door]
Sonic: Um, if this is the pizza guy, this is really unprofessional.
[Sonic gently presses against the door and reaches for the nob, only for sparks to surround it, making Sonic back away. Soon after, the doorknob falls off, and the door slowly opens up to reveal Dr. Robotnik across from Sonic with his finger of his control glove glowing like a taser]
Sonic: Eggman?
[Dr. Robotnik blows out the taser like a candle and looks at Sonic]
Dr. Robotnik: Hello, Hedgehog. Did you miss me?
Sonic: I don't know how you got back, but you made a big mistake coming here.
Dr. Robotnik: Oh contraire mon frère! The mistake was thinking that you've won. But that was just a prelude, an hors d'oeuvre, an aperitif, an Amuse-bouche--
Sonic: [Tersely] I get it!
[Dr. Robotnik chuckles as he walks forward waving a finger]
Dr. Robotnik: I don't think you do. But you're about to. And so will that idiot sheriff and his wife.
[Sonic makes a fist with chaos energy building up]
Dr. Robotnik: And your little dog, too!
[Sonic rushes up and time slows as Sonic prepares to punch Dr. Robotnik in the face. Dr. Robotnik then backs away to reveal Knuckles leaping right at a surprised Sonic. Time goes back to normal as Knuckles punches Sonic right through a wall, destroying the TV. Sonic lays on the couch dazed, as he looks through the wall to see Knuckles looking right at him]
Knuckles: Pitiful.
[Knuckles walks through the hallways as Sonic gets up]
Sonic: Huh, what... Who are you?
[Dr. Robotnik sticks his head through the hole]
Dr. Robotnik: Where are my manners?
[Dr. Robotnik walks through the hallway and stands right behind Knuckles]
Dr. Robotnik: Sonic, meet Knuckles. My new BFFAE: Bestest friend forever and ever!
[Sonic gets on the floor and gets his bag of Rings as he wears it like a strapped backpack]
Sonic: Look, Robotnik, I don't care who you brought to help you. You're never going to get my power.
Knuckles: Do I look like I need your power?
[Knuckles raises his fist to reveal red chaos energy coursing through it. Sonic dashes at Knuckles, only for Knuckles to punch him straight through the wall, making him fall backwards. Sonic regains consciousness and looks to Knuckles, standing across from him, pounding his fists together. Dr. Robotnik appears at the scene, eating Sonic's popcorn]
Dr. Robotnik: So nice when diabolical evil lives up to the hype!
[Sonic gets up to face Knuckles, who stands his ground]
Knuckles: Where is it?
Sonic: Oh you want it? Here it comes!
[Sonic starts building up chaos energy]
Knuckles: I was expecting more of you. You're unskilled.
[Sonic looks at Knuckles sternly]
Knuckles: Untrained.
[Sonic gets on his hands and knees]
Knuckles: And unworthy!
[Dr. Robotnik gobbles Sonic's popcorn with his mouth open]
Sonic: You forgot one. Unstoppable!
[Sonic zooms right at Knuckles, resulting in an explosion of light. As it dims, it is revealed that Knuckles is holding Sonic in place in his spin attack form. Knuckles walks forward, raises a fist, and pummels Sonic into the ground, creating a massive explosion of chaos energy and a large crater. Dr. Robotnik drops his bowl in a comedic fashion in slow motion. Sonic is grabbed by the throat by Knuckles and is pinned against a tree]
Knuckles: It is my destiny to do what my ancestors could not. To restore the ultimate power to the home of my people.
[Dr. Robotnik overhears with interest]
Sonic: Ultimate power? I don't know what your talking about! You got the wrong guy!
Dr. Robotnik: Ultimate power? Now you're speaking my language.
Knuckles: Don't play dumb with me, apprentice of Longclaw!
Sonic: You knew Longclaw?
Knuckles: Longclaw and her people were the sworn enemy of my tribe, the echidna.
[Chaos energy builds up as Knuckles raises his fist]
Knuckles: We fought and died at their hands, and now you will die in mine.
[Suddenly, a police car crashes through the fence with its emergency lights blazing, heading right toward Knuckles, who lets go of Sonic, but gets hit and sent into the green house with Dr. Robotnik startled by the ordeal. Tails reveals himself from the drivers seat]
Tails: Come on! Get in! I'm on your side!
Sonic: I'm sorry, who are you?
[Sonic looks to a groaning Knuckles, who starts to regain consciousness]
Sonic: You know what? It doesn't matter.
[Sonic gets into the car, only for Dr. Robotnik to leap at the windshield, making Sonic and Tails scream]
Sonic: Get us outta here! Go, go, go, go, go!
[Tails presses a button on his Miles Electric and small magnetic gadgets on the pedals make the car go in circles. Dr. Robotnik barks like a dog as he claws at Sonic's side of the windshield]
Sonic: Aahhh! He's gone rabid!
[Dr. Robotnik snarls at Tails and proceeds to lick the windshield]
Tails: Gross! Is he licking it?!
[Tails turns the car left]
Tails: See ya!
[Turning right, Tails tosses Dr. Robotnik into the bushes as he and Sonic drive off]
Sonic: Make sure to get your shots, Eggman!
[Dr. Robotnik gets up and looks at the leaving vehicle. Knuckles gets up growling, his eyes glowing red as he proceeds to give chase to the car at high speed. Sonic shouts in fear as he looks to see Knuckles heading right toward them]
Tails: Wow. Okay, let me just say, it is an honor to finally meet you, Sonic. Is it okay if I call you Sonic? Everyone calls me Tails. You're probably wondering why.
Sonic: Let me guess. Because of the extra tail?
Tails: That's right! I should've known you'd get that.
Sonic: Cool. Also, what is going on?! Robotnik's back? And who is Clifford the Big Red Rage Monster?!
Tails: That's Knuckles. The last of the echidnas, and the most dangerous warrior in the galaxy. He's obsessed with finding the Master Emerald.
Sonic: Are you serious? The Master Emerald? That's just a bedtime story.
Tails: Well, he believes it's real, and he must think you're the key to finding it.
[Sonic looks and sees a red light on the road]
Sonic: Red light! Red light! Give me the wheel!
[Sonic pushes Tails away as he takes the wheel]
Tails: Hey! What are you--
Sonic: Move your foot!
[Sonic drives right pass a Splash Hills water gallon truck and looks to see that Knuckles is no longer on their trail]
Sonic: [Sighs] I think we lost him.
[Knuckles dashes right through the truck and leaps onto the roof of Sonic and Tails' car, ripping off the siren lights and punching right through the roof, making Sonic and Tails scream]
Sonic: We did not lose him! We definitely did not lose him!
[Knuckles rips the car door off, just as they head for a cliff road. Tails looks down to see the dropping ground as they head for a turn on the road]
Tails: I got an idea! Do you trust me?
Sonic: Of course not! I literally just met you!
Tails: Just let me--
Sonic: Whoa, what are you doing?!
[Tails takes the steering wheel and drives right towards the turn. Soon after, they drive right off the edge as Tails proceeds to grab Sonic's hands and use his twin-tails to fly them out of the car. Knuckles leaps out and slams the spikes on his gloves into the side of the cliff as the car explodes against the ground below. Back with Sonic, he has his eyes closed, screaming, until he realizes that he is in the air, flying]
Sonic: We're flying. Uh, did your butt just turn into a helicopter?
Tails: [Laughs] A butt-copter! [Sighs] Only Sonic the Hedgehog can come up with something like that.
[Sonic and Tails proceed to fly away as Dr. Robotnik arrives on a riding lawn mower that he gets off and kicks indignantly as he watches Sonic and Tails fly away]
Dr. Robotnik: [Chuckles] Foxy move...
[Dr. Robotnik raises his control glove and starts tapping on it]
Dr. Robotnik: Want something done right, you have to hire someone you can push around. All-caps.

[Scene change, Mean Bean Coffee Café, night]

[Cut to Agent Stone as he prepares a latte. He then takes out a pair of latte art "pencils" and sketches something. He looks down to see the face of Dr. Robotnik that he has drawn on it]
Agent Stone: Doctor, where are you?
[A customer in the café stirs the cup with the Dr. Robotnik image in it]
Customer: Freak.
[Agent Stone is revealed to be at work in the Mean Bean Coffee Café. Agent Stone then hears a ding. He looks at his watch to see a message reading, "PREPARE MY LATTE". Agent Stone is shocked by this]
Agent Stone: Oh! I... uh... I'm sorry folks, I-I have to close early. Everybody out! Everybody out! Thank you for visiting the Mean Bean! Alright, good night! Good night.
[The customers proceed to leave, afterwards Agent Stone flips the sign from open to closed, and removes the passing health inspector grade, revealing an F-. He runs up to one of the boilers, and the temperature gauge on it transforms into a retina scanner and scans Agent Stone's eye. Afterwards, a red button appears on the spill guard of a drink machine which Agent Stone presses]

[Scene change: Outer space, above Earth]

[A white satellite starts lighting up.]

[Scene change, Mean Bean Coffee Café, night]

[Agent Stone stands at the register, beaming]
Agent Stone: He's back. HE'S BAAAAAACK!!!

[Scene change: Outer space, above Earth]

[A large egg-shaped pod detaches from the satellite and heads for Earth. Soon after, it lands at the location of Dr. Robotnik, who puts his goggles on as a door on the pod opens up for him. The machine then opens panels on it to reveal a storage for his Badniks that include the standard egg-shaped drones and Buzz Bombers. Dr. Robotnik gets cleaned up inside the pod, which gives him new clothes while tiny Badniks clean out his nose hairs, fix his mustache, and squirt mouthwash into his mouth for him to rinse with. Dr. Robotnik emerges from the pod with his army of Badniks behind him]
Dr. Robotnik: That's more like it. I've been re hatched!
[The scene cuts to Knuckles, who is scaling the cliff, using his own fists to hoist himself upward before a laser blast stops him in his tracks. He turns to see a squad of Badniks surrounding him as Dr. Robotnik looks down to him.]
Dr. Robotnik: So, my massively metacarpaled friend. You mentioned-- [Howls] Uuuuuuuuuuuuuultimate power... back at the house?
Knuckles: The Master Emerald? It does not concern you! I got you off that planet and you brought me to the hedgehog. We have no more use for each other!
Dr. Robotnik: Well, I hate to be a contrarian, but, I think we might.
[After Dr. Robotnik makes a few button presses on his control glove, the Badniks close in on Knuckles]
Knuckles: You think these machines are a match for me? I will shatter them like the bones from a fallen--
[Knuckles looks down and sees they were making a staircase for him]
Knuckles: Oh. They are stairs.
[Knuckles steps down from the cliff and walks up the Badnik staircase to Dr. Robotnik]
Dr. Robotnik: You see... Earth, is my turf, G.
[Dr. Robotnik proceeds to do the floss]
Dr. Robotnik: If you don't know how to floss, you'll be lost without me.
Knuckles: I understand nothing of what you just said.
Dr. Robotnik: I help you retrieve the Emerald, and you use it to [Swipes his hands rapidly] DESTROY THE HEDGEHOOOOOOOOOOG!!!
Knuckles: You're suggesting an alliance?
Dr. Robotnik: Around here, we simply, grip each others hands tightly.
[Demonstrating, Dr. Robotnik lowers his hand for a handshake, making Knuckles grip his hand so tight that they hear bones cracking. Dr. Robotnik quickly gets his hand out and feels the pain]
Dr. Robotnik: Ow, ow, ow! You truculent space bumpkin! You crushed my favorite hand!
Knuckles: Really? My hand is uninjured. But I am now convinced of your commitment.
Dr. Robotnik: Oh, goodie. "He exclaimed", as he relocated two of his knuckles--
[Dr. Robotnik relocates his knuckles as he hears his bones popping back into place]
Dr. Robotnik: I'm delighted to be on the same team.
[With a few button presses on his control glove, Dr. Robotnik makes the Egg Mobile come out of the pod and lower itself down to the two of them]
Dr. Robotnik: Road trip! I'll let you stick your nose out the window.

[Scene change: Wade's House, night]

Tails: Uh, Sonic? Where are we?
Wade: Welcome to the Wade Cave. Which is something I hope to someday say to a woman. [Low voice] A woman who's not my mom.
Sonic: [Annoyed] Wade, focus. We need to figure out why Knuckles thinks I'm the key to finding the Master Emerald. And why did he mention Longclaw?
Tails: There must be a connection.
Sonic: Wait a minute, there is. Look!
[Sonic gets out the safe worlds map and points to the Emerald on it]
Sonic: There's an Emerald symbol on the map Longclaw gave me. I never knew what it meant before.
Tails: Something's happening.
[The map glows as the black outlines turn green and shut the lights off. Sonic lets go of the map and the map falls to the floor as green smoke surrounds the map. Then a hologram of Longclaw emerges from the map as she is spreading her wings]
Sonic: Longclaw?
Longclaw: Hello, Sonic. If you're watching this, then something has happened to me. And I pray that you've made it to Earth unharmed. This world has been chosen for a very important reason. It's the secret location of the Master Emerald.
[Longclaw spreads her wings out, revealing an image of the Master Emerald, amazing everyone]
Sonic: Whoa.
Longclaw: The emerald has the power to turn thoughts into reality.
Wade: Like the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters.
Tails: Shh!
Longclaw: In the wrong hands, it can threaten all life in the universe. Protecting the Emerald was my sacred duty, and now, I must pass that responsibility to you.
Sonic: This is my moment.
Longclaw: Follow the map, find the Emerald, and keep it safe. My dear Sonic, you have a heart like no creature I've ever known. I love you so much. Goodbye.
[The hologram ends as Longclaw sinks into the map, fading]
Sonic: No, no, no, wait. Oh...
[The hologram of Longclaw's feather floats into Sonic's hand, which fades as he closes his hands]
Sonic: I won't let you down, Longclaw.
[Tails looks concerned for Sonic]
Wade: So, is that... [Points at Tails] Your dad?
Tails: What?
Wade: No?
[Sonic walks over to the map and picks it up]
Sonic: According to the map, the first clue is in Siberia. It's a compass that'll lead to the Emerald.
Tails: And with Knuckles already here, it's a race.
Wade: Knuckles? You know, I knew a kid in middle school named Knuckles. Could fit his whole fist in his mouth. If this is the same Knuckles, we are screwed.
Sonic: This Knuckles, that Knuckles, doesn't matter. We're gonna get there first.
[Sonic throws a Ring and opens a portal that has Siberia on the other side]
Tails: [Chuckles nervously] Um, what do you mean "we"?
Sonic: You're coming with me.
Tails: Oh, no, no, no, no. I-I just came here to warn you. I'm not a field guy.
Sonic: Don't worry, I got your back. I won't let anything happen to you.
[Sonic makes a fist and lifts it to Tails, who walks over to him]
Sonic: It's a power bump. On Earth, it means an unbreakable promise.
Tails: Okay, I'm in!
[Sonic and Tails power bump]

[Scene change, Mean Bean Coffee Café, night]

[We see a picture of Dr. Robotnik and Agent Stone in a cup of latte. Agent Stone looks pleased as Dr. Robotnik steps in. Agent Stone smiles]
Agent Stone: Doctor. It's really you. You look different.
Dr. Robotnik: Papa's got a brand new ‘stache.
[Dr. Robotnik does a spin and poses scoffing in delight. Agent Stone gets up and gives Dr. Robotnik his latte]
Agent Stone: I knew it. I knew it! I knew you'd come back, sir. I never stopped steaming your Austrian goat's milk.
[Dr. Robotnik takes the cup and drinks it just as Knuckles enters]
Dr. Robotnik: Could use some mushroom.
[Agent Stone looks at Knuckles]
Agent Stone: You brought something. Some kind of space porcupine.
Knuckles: Porcupine? I am an echidna! Trained since birth in all forms of lethal combat, destined to restore honor to my tribe, and willing to destroy anything that gets in my way.
Agent Stone: Welcome to the team.
[Agent Stone bends down and lifts his hand which Knuckles grips immediately. Agent Stone screams in pain as he hears his bones dislocate. Dr. Robotnik chuckles as he bends to Agent Stone's level]
Dr. Robotnik: That means he trusts you, Stone. Now let's renovate this dump!
Agent Stone: Latte with steamed Austrian goat milk!
[The entire coffee shop transforms as the walls shift and flip revealing a massive computer with a Robotnik Empire logo with Badnik drones in the walls. The counter turns into a holographic table, all the while Dr. Robotnik looks on in delight]

[Scene change: Hawaii, day]

[A volleyball rises into the air in slow motion. Randall jumps into the air and hits it. The volleyball flies into Tom's chest and knocking him down. The last few seconds are repeated at normal speed, as the scene shifts to reveal a volleyball field with Tom's team playing against Randall's team. Randall high-5 one of his teammates]
Tom: [Gets back up] Good one. Solid.
[Randall is shown hitting the volleyball again. The volley ball is then shown hitting Tom, knocking him down again. The volleyball is shown hitting Tom on the head, knocking him down again. The volleyball is then shown hitting Tom again, knocking him down again. The volleyball is then shown bouncing off the ground, with Tom falling as he attempts to catch it. The volleyball is then shown hitting Tom in the face, knocking him down once more. Tom looks at his team]
Tom: Sorry, fellas.
Randall: That's game! Ha, that's how we do! That's how we do!
Tom: [lies on the ground] But are they good at math?
[Tom's teammates respond with awkward looks]
Randall: Teamwork makes the dream work!
[Randall walks over to Tom and helps him up]
Randall: Sorry about that, Big Tom. Are you good?
Tom: All good. Fine.
[Tom and Randall begin walking away from the volleyball field]
Tom: Hey. Thanks for inviting me out to hang with you and your groomsmen. Good quality bonding.
Randall: Yeah, you know, bro? Those guys right there, they're way more than my groomsmen.
[A shot of Randall's teammates doing exercises is shown.]
Randall: That's my squad.
[The camera returns to Tom and Randall]
Randall: Never would've made it through life without 'em.
[A shot of Randall's teammates is shown]
Drench: Get over here!
[The camera returns to Tom and Randall]
Randall: Yeah, I'm coming! I'm coming! [Raises a fist at Tom] I'll catch you later.
Tom: [Power-bumps with Randall] Oh, hey. Yeah!
Randall: Let me know if you're ready for some power yoga.
Tom: You bet.
Randall: [Poses] Come on, Tommy boy. Let's go. Let's go.
Tom: [Poses and laughs] Don't make me.
[Tom points at Randall and laughs as Randall turns around and walks away]
Tom: What am I doing?
Jojo: Hey, Uncle Tommy!
[The camera shifts to show Maddie and Jojo coming in from the left. Tom turns to them]
Tom: Oh. Hey, girls! How are you do-- Are those the wedding rings?
Maddie: Uh-huh.
Tom: May I?
[Jojo hands the wedding ring velvet pillow over to Tom. Tom takes a look at it]
Maddie: This little ring bearer has been taking her job very seriously. She's been practicing all morning.
Tom: Yeah, I can see that. How very responsible of you. [Hands the pillow back to Jojo] Except aren't there supposed to be two wedding rings?
Jojo: [Looks down on the pillow] Uh-oh.
Maddie: [Sends Tom a mischievous look] Uncle Tommy?
Tom: Hang on. What's going on here?
[Tom reaches out with his right hand and pulls out the wedding ring from behind Jojo's left ear. Jojo laughs and takes the ring]
Tom: You're gonna do great, kiddo.
Jojo: Bye.
[Jojo runs off]
Maddie: Hey, baby.
Tom: Hi.
[Tom and Maddie hug and kiss. A popping sound is heard. Tom and Maddie turns towards the sound. The scene shifts to Randall and his teammates celebrating by dozing Randall in a bottle of champagne]
Randall: That's right! Groom in the building!
[The scene shifts to Tom and Maddie]
Tom: Look at those guys.
[The scene shifts to Randall and his teammates hugging it out]
Tom: I wish Sonic had that.
[The scene shifts to Tom and Maddie]
Maddie: Muscles?
Tom: Control yourself.
Maddie: Mm-hm.
Tom: No. Buddies. Wingmen. A squad. Sonic doesn't have anything like that. He's flying solo.
Maddie: Baby, you got to relax. You're at the 4 Seasons. Have a Mai Tai. Spend some time with your wife.
Tom: That's what he said. Seriously, his exact words.
Maddie: See? He's a smart kid. He'll find his way.

[Scene change: Siberia, night]

[Sonic and Tails are walking slowly against the wind in a blizzard]
Sonic: I absolutely cannot find my way. We are completely, totally, unequivocally lost.
[Tails looks at his Miles Electric's screen, which flickers]
Tails: Sonic, in this weather, there's no way we're gonna get any readings on this thing! [Taps the Miles Electric's screen] Should we go back?
[The screen shifts to a view of an open bar ahead of Sonic]
Sonic: No, no, no. There's a light up ahead. Maybe we can take shelter in there.
[Sonic looks over a snowdrift and spots some snow gear and clothing hanging outside the bar]
Sonic: Ahhh. Perfect.
[Sonic ducks back down behind the snowdrift]
Tails: Are you sure about this? We don't know who's inside.
Sonic: Don't worry. On Earth, people are very welcoming, and love taking complete strangers into their homes.

[Scene change: Inside the bar, night]

[The bar is brightly lit up while bar patrons mingle, socialize, and party. The front door then slowly opens while the bar patrons' slowly become silent. The screen then switches to the door opening entirely, with Sonic and Tails standing in its opening, dressed from head to toe in snow gear. Sonic and Tails look into the bar. One patron slowly turns around and glares at Sonic and Tails, who gasp in surprise. Another bar patron slowly pulls out a knife and jams it into the table, making Sonic and Tails gasp again. Sonic and Tails then spot an old lady sitting in a rocking chair and knitting. The old lady looks towards Sonic and Tails, who breathe a sigh of relief. The old lady then reveals that she is knitting a cloth a skull and crossbones on it, causing Sonic and Tails to scream in fear. The chef in the par then uses a butchers knife to chop off a fish's head. The fish head lands in front of Sonic and Tails]
Fish: Run.
[Tails faints with a groan and falls to the ground]
Sonic: Table for two, please!

[Scene change: Inside the bar, night]

[Sonic and Tails are sitting at a table by themselves. Tatiana, a waitress, brings them a menu each]
Tatiana: [In Russian] What would you like to order?
Tails: Two beef stews, please.
[Tails holds up his Miles Electric, which translates his order into Russian. Tatiana, looking annoyed, takes the menus and walks away]
Sonic: Where'd you get all these cool gadgets?
Tails: I invented 'em. That's kinda my thing. In fact, my inventions are how I discovered you.
[A flashback is shown]

[Scene change: Green Hills, night]

[Sonic runs around the Green Hills baseball field at super speed. Eventually, Sonic releases a pulse of blue chaos energy that spreads across Green Hills and into Space]
Tails: Remember that night at the baseball field?

[Scene change: Tails' home planet, Tails' lab]

[Tails is sitting at his computers, watching schematics of Earth. Tails is shown watching his computers in amazement]
Tails: Your energy blast reached all the way to my home planet. I saw you save your whole village from that crazy mustache guy.
[The flashback ends]

[Scene change: Inside the bar, night]

Sonic: Wait, so you've been watching me this whole time? Even in the shower?
Tails: Ah, that's a trick question, Sonic the Hedgehog prefers bubble baths.
Sonic: Man, you're good!
Tails: When I learned Knuckles was on your trail, I knew I couldn't just sit back and watch anymore. I had to come warn you.
[A beeping sound is heard]
Sonic: Oh, what? Hang on one sec.
[Sonic pulls out his phone to see a text from Tom asking "How's it goin'?"]
Sonic: Donut Lord is checking in.

[Scene change: Mean Bean Café, night]

[Sonic and Tom's texts are being displayed on a screen. Dr. Robotnik, Agent Stone and Knuckles are shown watching said screen]
Knuckles: "Just chilling. Watching TV."
[Tom begins writing a reply, causing the typing bubble to appear]
Knuckles: Dot, dot, dot. Dot, dot, dot. Dot, dot, dot. Dot, dot, dot. Dot, dot, dot...
[Dr. Robotnik and Agent Stone glance back at Knuckles for a moment before looking back at the screen]
Agent Stone: Doctor, why are we working with this imbecile?
Dr. Robotnik: Because that simpleminded space trash is the key to something extraordinary.
Agent Stone: Something to help you get revenge on the hedgehog.
Dr. Robotnik: Think bigger, Stone. The Emerald he seeks could power my wildest designs. My genius wouldn't just be recognized on Earth. It would spread virally to every corner of the galaxy, allowing me to harness all the negative forces of the universe and commune with darkness itself.
Agent Stone: Wow. That sounds big.
Dr. Robotnik: It's been on my vision board for years. It's the law of attraction. Didn't you see The Secret? Poof. Kaplooey!
Agent Stone: Kaplooey.
[Tom's text comes in on the screen]
Knuckles: "Another boring night at home." The hedgehog has returned home!
Dr. Robotnik: Falsa. Which is Latin for "wrong-o".
[Dr. Robotnik hits a few keys on the counter, bringing up a hologram of Earth]
Dr. Robotnik: According to my worldwide network cell tower triangulation, he's lying... all the way... from the majestic hinterlands of eastern Siberia.
[A topographic hologram of the Siberian mountains appears, with a hologram of Sonic tapping his foot flying off of it and landing in front of Dr. Robotnik and Knuckles]
Dr. Robotnik: He's a long-distance liar!
[Dr. Robotnik hits the hologram over its head before poking and prodding at it several times]
Dr. Robotnik: Yeah, there's more where that came from.
[Knuckles slams his fist into the counter, damaging it and dispelling the hologram]
Knuckles: Tiny magic hedgehog destroyed. Now let's begin our quest.
[Knuckles and Dr. Robotnik leave, until Knuckles stops]
Knuckles: Wait, what about your minion? The goat milker.
[Agent Stone is shown sweeping up the broken fragment of the counter with a sweeping tray]
Dr. Robotnik: There's no room on the ship for Stone. I say we ditch him, ghost him, blow him off.
Knuckles: Dishonor!
Dr. Robotnik: "Dis" is how I roll.
[Dr. Robotnik leaves through the door as Knuckles scowls at what Dr. Robotnik said]

[Scene change: Inside the bar, night]

[Tatiana arrives, and places two bowls down at Sonic and Tails' table]
Tails: Ugh! Uh, I'm sorry, but I asked for the beef stew.
Miles Electric: [translating to Russian] Your breath smells like goat poop.
[Tatiana looks insulted]
Tatiana: [In Russian] What did you say?
[People at the bar begin to form a crowd around Sonic and Tails]
Sonic: Uh, what's going on?
Tails: Maybe they think it's my birthday?
Sonic: Don't worry, I'll take care of this. [Sonic stands up on the table] Okay, everybody, take it easy. I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation for whatever my friend said or did.
Miles Electric: [translating to Serbian] Stand back. I just farted.
[The crowd briefly looks disgusted, then removes Sonic and Tails' disguises. The crowd gasps at their true appearances]
Sonic: [Nervously] Uh... meow?
Russian Giant Bully: [In Russian] Throw these monsters in the fire! [The crowd cheers, and picks up Sonic and Tails, dragging them towards the roaring fire]
Sonic: Oh, no, no. Come on, guys. Take it easy. Let's talk this through. Let's talk this through!
[The crowd begins preparing to throw Sonic and Tails into the fire]
Tails: [Accessing data from his Miles Electric] Oh, come on, come on! Scanning Siberian customs. There's got to be something in here.
Sonic: Tails, whatever you're doing, do it fast.
Tails: Ooh! I think I got it! Pivonka! Pivonka! PIVONKA!!!
Bartender: Pivonka?
[The crowd parts, giving way to a burly man wearing an ornate red robe with the word "Champion" on its back in Russian]
Russian Dancer: Da. Pivonka! [The crowd roars]
Sonic: Tails, what's a "pivonka"?
Tails: [Reading off of his Miles Electric] It's a Siberian custom to resolve disputes. If we win, they let us go. If we lose… [The fire flares up]
[The crowd moves away furniture from the center of the bar to create an open area]
Sonic: Okay, we have to grab the map and get out of here. Where's the map?
Tails: Oh, no. I left it on the table! Look!
[The bartender grabs the map and puts it on a plate with other assorted objects. The champion takes off his robe, revealing a tattoo of what seems to be himself with arms spread out. Sonic looks confused]
Sonic: What?
[The champion calls in other people as the band starts playing, then starts dancing with the others to a Siberian tune. The crowd claps as they finish their first round of dancing with a flourish]
Sonic: Oh, my God, it's a dance fight.
Tails: Uhh... Sonic, what do we do?
Sonic: We dance... and get that map.
[The Siberians watch as Sonic and Tails try to dance, but do so very poorly]
Sonic: Here we go.
[Sonic tries to mimic the Siberian champion's moves, only to step on Tails' hand]
Tails: Ow!
[The Siberians do not look impressed, as they try to dance again]
Sonic: Okay, now let's do. No, we're gonna go…
[Sonic and Tails collide with each other and fall over. The Serbians once again begin dancing, as Sonic and Tails try to mimic the moves again]
Sonic: Ah! Ah, Okay!
Tails: OOF!
[Another bartender notices the map stuck to the bottom of a cup. He tosses it away without a second thought]
Sonic: Okay, this is not going well. Channing Tatum makes it look so easy.
Tails: Wait, Sonic. Look!
[The map is shown stuck to the bottom of the champion's boot]
Bar crowd: Pivonka! Pivonka! Pivonka! Pivonka!
Sonic: The map! Come on, let's grab it!
[Sonic reaches for the map, only for the champion to pick it up and hold it over his head]
Russian Dancer: You want? Come get.
[He places the map into his waistband, for security]
Russian Dancer: Freaks!
Bar crowd: Freaks! Freaks! Freaks! Freaks! Freaks! Freaks! Freaks! Freaks! Freaks! Freaks! Freaks! Freaks! Freaks! Freaks!
[Tails begins panicking seeing everyone mocking them, and even seeing the old woman laughing and holding up her skull crochet to her face. Sonic manages to snap him out of it with a shoulder touch]
Sonic: What's wrong, Tails? Come on. I need you!
Tails: I can't do this, Sonic. I'm not brave like you. My gadget got us in this mess, and I lost your map, and we're gonna get tossed into a fire!
[Sonic notices the device playing the music. He smiles. Sonic has an ingenious plan]
Sonic: Ah! New DJ coming in!
[He dashes up to it, and plugs in his phone, causing it to play "Uptown Funk". The Serbians look confused]
Sonic: Come on, pal. I got an idea. [Sonic starts dancing] They called us freaks, so let's get freaky. Just follow my moves. You'll be fine.
[Sonic extends his hand to Tails. He grabs it. Both of them begin dancing in synchronization. The crowd applauds at this display of breakdancing as well as funk dancing. Tails uses his Miles Electric to create several dancing holograms of himself]
Sonic: All right! Backup dancers!
[The champion looks nervous at seeing this, as the holograms all march towards him. Some of the holograms cover Sonic with their tails)
Sonic: Here we go!
[Sonic jumps up in the air and strikes a pose reminiscent of the cover art to Sonic Adventure. Tails takes flight and lifts Sonic. Holograms of Sonic are created, which are lifted by the hologram Tails in suit]
Sonic: There's a lot of me up here!
[The champion desperately tries to outdo Sonic by dancing. Tails tosses Sonic onto a chandelier, which he swings around on]
Sonic: I love pivonka!
[The Champion looks very tired out, unable to keep up with the two "freaks"]
Sonic: And big dismount!
[Sonic and Tails land. All the holograms disappear in glimmering "fireworks." And the champion finally falls over. The crowd cheers]
Sonic: Yeah! I'll take that.
[Sonic takes the map from the fallen champion. The crowd lifts Sonic and Tails up as the victors of the pivonka]
Tails: Woo-hoo! We did it!
Sonic: That was amazing! Way to go, Tails!
[Cuts to next scene. Sonic and Tails are lying on the bar table. Many of the remaining bar guests are asleep]
Tails: Ha! Wow. Only Sonic the Hedgehog could win a dance battle that epic.
Sonic: Well, stick with me, pal. Earth can be a scary place, but I know everything about this old pale blue dot.
Tails: Do you really mean that?
Sonic: I mean, not everything. But I watch a lot of Discovery Channel and…
Tails: I meant about me being your pal.
Sonic: Of course, buddy. [Tails hugs Sonic] Whoa-ho-ho! Coming in hot.
Tails: Growing up, I didn't have any friends. Everyone in my village thought my two tails were weird.
Sonic: Hey, I know that feeling.
Tails: But then I saw you, the fastest creature in the galaxy. You were weird too. But you were a legend. That made me think, maybe being weird isn't so bad. You inspired me to leave my village, to find you and help you in your mission.
Sonic: I'm really glad you're here, Tails.
Tails: I'm glad I'm here too, Sonic. [Both jump off the desk and head towards the fireplace]
Sonic: [yawns] Well, might as well get some sleep. This feels like a good place to spend the night. [Sonic grabs a blanket from a chair.] You'll be able to get clear readings on your gizmo thing once the storm is over, so I… [Sonic notices that Tails is already asleep on the rug. He gives him the blanket, before lying down beside him] Night, Tails. [Tails moves his tails to cover Sonic]

[Scene change: Bar, day]

[Sonic wakes up and yawns. He then notices a woman from the bar is sleeping directly besides him, and clinging onto him]
Sonic: (quietly) Tails. Tails. We have a situation.

[Scene change: Mountains, day]

[Sonic is being carried by Tails as they fly across the sky over the Himalayas]
Sonic: Hoo-hoo! Today's forecast calls for clear, sunny skies and a one-hundred percent chance of adventure.
Tails: I pinpointed the coordinates. It's right up ahead.
[Sonic and Tails spot one particular mountain and they land at the entrance]
Sonic: Wow. Hey, Tails. Wait up.
[Sonic and Tails start to walk forward as they look up to an entrance in the shape of a giant owl warrior]
Sonic: Okay, we got a giant owl door. Seems encouraging.
[Sonic and Tails push the door open and walk in. Eventually, they see a wall of cave carvings]
Tails: Whoa. Ohh, check this out.
Sonic: Can you translate that?
Tails: Uh, yeah.
[A flashback occurs as it shows the cave paintings come alive with seven echidnas each holding one of the 7 Chaos Emeralds.]
Tails: Ages ago, a fearsome group of warriors, known as the Echidnas, forged the 7 Chaos Emeralds into the most unstoppable weapon ever created.
[The 7 Chaos Emeralds circle very swiftly before fusing into the Master Emerald]
Sonic: The Master Emerald.
[A single echidna is shown standing on top of a cliff facing off an entire army of monsters. Green energy forms on him as he holds the Master Emerald]
Tails: With it, a single warrior could defeat entire armies.
[The Echidnas roar as a green wave wipes out the entire army. The sky lights up as the owls swoop down from a hole in the clouds]
Tails: Believing no one should have such power, an order of heroes recovered the Emerald and swore to protect it from evil.
[The Echidnas and Owls fight one another until the Owls take the Master Emerald and fly away with the Echidnas watching them. The flashback ends]
Tails: Sounds like the Owls and the Echidnas have been fighting each other for centuries.
Sonic: Like Vin Diesel and The Rock. Whoa, wait for me!
[The two walk through the doorway to be met by an enormous owl statue]
Sonic: Okay, giant owl door, giant owl. Makes sense.
[Sonic looks to the plate the statue is on and sees three slots with three symbols on it]
Sonic: Wait a second. I've seen these symbols before.
[Sonic looks to the map to see four symbols on it and looks to the slots]
Sonic: Here we go.
[Sonic proceeds to walk forward and changes the slots to match those on the map. The statue starts to shake]
Sonic: Well, that did something.
[The statue spreads it's wings and its eyes glow green. A slot in front of the plate opens up to reveal an orb that opens to reveal the compass]
Sonic: Whoa. The compass!
Tails: This will lead us to the Emerald!
[Sonic notices a red dot right above Tails' forehead]
Sonic: Hey, you got a little something on your…
[The dots spread until they are covering Tails' whole body]
Sonic: Oh, no. Tails, get back.
[Reveal a group of Badniks surrounding the two and locking on their weapons at them]
Sonic: Run!
[An explosion erupts on one of the walls, revealing Dr. Robotnik and Knuckles hovering above them in the Egg Mobile with several Badniks flying around them.]
Dr. Robotnik: [Yodeling] Oh-de-lay-hee, Oh-de-lay-hee, Oh-de-lay-hee-hooo!
Tails: Oh, that guy again?
Dr. Robotnik: Heads up, my little stalagmites. Someone call an Uber? Hey, thanks for doing all the hard stuff.
[Knuckles leaps off of the Egg Mobile and lands right in front of Sonic and Tails]
Knuckles: But we'll take it from here.
Sonic: Okay, we really gotta talk about your new look. It's like Professor X meets the Monopoly Man. And what kind of genius shows up to Siberia in a convertible?
Dr. Robotnik: The kind of genius that can turn up the heat... with a flick of a switch.
[With the press of a few buttons Dr. Robotnik launches a rocket at Sonic who leaps up, grabs it, and throws it at Knuckles, only for him to dodge it and make it hit a wall. Rocks fall, shaking Dr. Robotnik and his Egg Mobile, and Knuckles holds up rocks that fall on him]
Dr. Robotnik: Good one! I'm sure that wasn't important.
[The owl statue proceeds to fall towards a wall, shattering it]
Sonic: Tails, that's our exit. Come on.
[Sonic and Tails head up the statue with the Badniks hot on their tails. Sonic slams into one of them, destroying it. They stop at the edge and sees the way down]
Sonic: Uh-huh. Let's split up. You go high, I go low.
Tails: Right.
Sonic: Quick little stretch and here we go.
[Sonic rides the remains of the Badnik as a snowboard and slides through the snow. A barrage of aerial Badniks and Buzz Bombers chase after him]
Sonic: Oh, so you want to play?
[Sonic continues to snowboard as the Buzz Bombers shoot lasers at him from their stingers]
Sonic: That's new.
[Sonic is tossed into the air and being chased by the Badniks, with Tails taking notice]
Tails: Sonic!
[Tails goes in to try and help but is kept away by the explosions and lasers, especially the ones being fired by Dr. Robotnik. With Knuckles, he scowls. He then punches a Badnik and uses its remains as a snowboard as well and follows Sonic. Speaking of which, Sonic is still being chased by Badniks shooting lasers at him until he gets a handful of snow]
Sonic: Snowball fight!
[Sonic throws dozens of snowballs at the Badniks, making them all crash]
Sonic: [Laughs] It's too easy. Come on, challenge me!
[As Sonic says that, he heads straight toward an enormous army of Badniks in front of him that shoot lasers at him. He then leaps off his snowboard with time slowing down as he leaps through the lasers while blowing Badniks up]
Sonic: We are talking style and pizzazz.
[Sonic lands on a Buzz Bomber and fires its artillery - making shooting noises - at several other Badniks until he eventually gets back onto his snowboard]
Sonic: Yeah! I make this look good!
[Through the debris, Knuckles reveals himself as he heads straight toward Sonic]
Sonic: [Annoyed] Oh, great. The Winter Soldier.
[Knuckles is right beside Sonic, trying to shove him off and makes him collide with a curved rock. Sonic looks around to see Knuckles bursts out of the forest on his right and dodges, making him hit the trees on the left]
Sonic: For a guy named Knuckles, you are really bad at punching.
Knuckles: Surrender the compass! You are no match for me. I've been training for this my entire life.
Sonic: And I had no training at all, yet here I am ahead of you. That's gotta be embarrassing.
[Sonic slides off a ledge, only for Knuckles to pound it to pieces and making Sonic lose his balance. Sonic then slips to the edge of a cliff, dropping his pouch and all his Rings]
Sonic: My Rings!
[Sonic climbs onto the top of the ledge, only to be met by Knuckles]
Sonic: Has anyone ever told you you've got serious anger issues?
Knuckles: You mock me with your weak jokes, but you know nothing about me, Hedgehog.
Sonic: Well, I know you Echidnas have a habit of showing up uninvited and ruining my life.
Knuckles: Ruining your life? Another bad joke. I lost everything because of you.
[A flashback begins]

[Scene change: Echidna village, day]

Knuckles: My tribe was on the verge of its greatest victory. The last of the Owl warriors had been located. Soon Longclaw's Emerald secrets would be ours.
[A young Knuckles is holding a spear, but is stopped by his father]
Knuckles: But my father stopped me from joining the fight. He said my moment to honor our tribe would come, but it was not this moment.
[Knuckles' father leave with young Knuckles watching sadly as the sky darkens]
Knuckles: Those were the last words he spoke to me.
[The flashback ends]

[Scene change: Siberia, day]

Knuckles: I never saw him again.
Sonic: We both lost everything that day.
[A flashback begins]

[Scene change: Sonic's Island, day]

[Sonic is forced leave as the Echidnas attack and sees Longclaw on the other side of a Ring portal as the Echidnas charge]
Longclaw: Goodbye, Sonic.
Young Sonic: No! Longclaw!
[The flashback ends]

[Scene change: Siberia, day]

[Young Sonic's cry echoes, revealing a sad Sonic. Knuckles softens before getting tied up by Tails with electric wire ropes]
Tails: Sonic! Are you okay?
Knuckles: DECEIVER! [Struggles to get out]
Sonic: No-no-no, it wasn't a trick! Tails, take the compass and get out of here!
[Sonic gets the compass out and tosses it to Tails, only for Dr. Robotnik to get in front of him and grab it before him]
Dr. Robotnik: [Slow-motion] Yeah! [Normally] Later, haters!
[Dr. Robotnik shoots a rocket from his Egg Mobile that is aimed right at Tails. The rocket blows up behind Tails. Tails is thrown off course and falls]
Sonic: Tails!
[Sonic zooms toward Tails and finds him in the snow, unconscious, while Knuckles launches himself back on the Egg Mobile]
Sonic: Tails, come on. Wake up.
Knuckles: He chose helping the fox over pursuing the compass.
Dr. Robotnik: Of course he did. New friend, same pathetic weakness.
[Knuckles looks at Dr. Robotnik sternly. Suddenly, the ground shakes as they look to see a massive avalanche head right toward them]
Sonic: [Despairing] Oh, no. No, no, no. Okay, we're in real trouble here. Come on, Tails. I need you to fly us out of here. Time to wake up.
[The avalanche starts to pick up speed]
Dr. Robotnik: See ya, kids. Enjoy the fresh powder!
[Knuckles and Dr. Robotnik fly off as Sonic mounts Tails over his shoulder and gets on his snowboard to try and outrun the avalanche]

[Scene change: Hawaii, day]

[Everyone sits down for the wedding. The ring barrer holds up the pillow with the rings and gives it to Rachel and Randal. The Tornado swoops along the sky with a banner reading "RACHEL & RANDALL 4EVA". The crowd applaud, with Rachel chuckling]
Rachel: Did you…
[Allows Randall to kiss her hand]

[Scene change: Siberia, day]

[Sonic gets out his phone and dials Tom's number]

[Scene change: Hawaii, day]

Priest: These rings... signify the…
[Suddenly, Tom's phone starts ringing, interrupting the ceremony. Tom picks it up and turns it off]
Tom: [Chuckles] Sorry. Thought it was on silent.
Priest: These rings…
[Tom's phone starts ringing again]
Woman in crowd: Oh, really?
Rachel: So help me, Thomas!
Tom: Uh, uh, uh, uh. It's just...
[Tom picks up his phone with message reading "EMERGENCY! CALL ME BACK NOW".]
Tom: Okay, sorry, sorry. Excuse me, this is an emergency. Sorry.
[Tom walks away from the wedding and picks up the phone]
Tom: WHAT?! This better be important. I just... Are you skiing?
Sonic: Snowboarding, actually. But I need your help now. Life or death situation this very second. I need you to use the Ring I gave you to save me. Like right now!
Tom: Okay, slow down, slow down. I don't even know where you are.
Sonic: You just gotta picture where you want the Ring to go. So picture this.
[Sonic shows the hillside he is snowboarding on to Tom through his phone]
Tom: Oh, my God. Okay, okay. Hang on.
[Tom gets out the Ring and throws it, only for the Ring to land to the ground and do nothing at all]
Tom: What?
Sonic: Did you throw it?
[Tom runs towards the Ring picks it up and reads it, discovering that it is Rachel’s wedding ring]
Tom: Oh, God.
Sonic: What? What? Tell me wh-what "Oh, God."
Tom: I think I mixed up the rings when I was teasing Jojo.
Sonic: [Panicking] What? Where is it then? Where is it?!
[Tom looks to see that Randall is about to put the Ring on Rachel’s finger]
Tom: [Dreading] You don't want to know.
Sonic: Oh, but I do, Tom. [Tom sighs in disgrace] I very much want to know, before I become a hedgehog-flavored snow cone.
Tom: Hang tight, buddy. I got this.
Priest: With this ring, Rachel…
[Tom walks up to Rachel and Randall]
Tom: Hey! Hi. Uh...
Randall: Everything okay, bud?
Tom: Not really.
Maddie: What are you doing?
Tom: This is gonna sound crazy, but I need to see that ring for just one second, one second.
Rachel: Have you lost your mind?
Tom: I'm gonna give it right back, I promise. Please, Randall, it's really important. Can I--
Randall: No, bro. Go sit down.
Tom: Randall, give me the ring, please?
Rachel: Randall, don't look at him, look at me.
Tom: Randall, Randall.
Rachel: One second. Put the ring on my finger.
Tom: No, Randall, listen to me.
Rachel: Randall! Look at me! Ring on my finger!
Tom: Give me the ring! Just one second!
Rachel: PUT A RING ON IT!! Please, love? Okay?
Priest: With this ring-
Rachel: Yes, baby.
Tom: I'm so sorry about this.
[Tom punches Randall in the face, much to the shock of the crowd. Tom grabs the Ring out of the air and throws is, generating a Ring portal to Siberia, Sonic, carrying Tails, can be seen heading for the portal, with a massive avalanche of snow following him]
Rachel: Snow my God.
Tom: Oh, boy.
Sonic: Incoming!
[Sonic, Tails, and a massive amount of snow crash through the portal, sending the wedding guests flying]
Tom: Anybody hurt? Sonic!
Sonic: [Straining] Ah... Hawaii...
Tom: Are you okay?
Maddie: What's happening? Are you hurt?
Sonic: No, no, no, I'm fine.
Maddie: Okay, [To Tom] you calm down! [To Sonic] You talk!
Sonic: Okay, quick version. Robotnik is back on Earth and he's after a magic Emerald.
Tom: What? [An annoyed Rachel slaps her hands to her legs]
Sonic: We need to get it back or the world is doomed. [Sees Tails still lying down and surrounded by snow] Tails! Oh, no, no, no.
Maddie: Wait! All this happened since yesterday?
Tom: Hey, Wait, wait. Who's Tails?
[Sonic digs up an unconscious Tails]
Sonic: Tails, can you hear me?
Rachel: Oh, Lord, there are two of them now.
Sonic: Okay, okay, let me think, let me think. Tails, come on, buddy.
[An electric net is fired at Sonic and knocks him out. Tom and Maddie gasp]
Tom: Whoa!
[Suddenly, everyone gets up and aims loaded taser pistols at the group]
Woman: Attention, forewarned.
Tom: Hey!
Rachel: Randall, why do all of your friends have weapons?
Commander Walters: You really should have taken me up on that brunch, Mr. and Mrs. Wachowski.
Tom: Olive Garden Guy?
Commander Walters: It's okay, everyone. We're federal agents. [Looks at Randall] You, too, agent. Go ahead.
[Randall sighs and reveals a pendant with his badge on it, which angers Rachel]
Rachel: You mean to tell me... that this entire wedding was a setup?!
Randall: Rachel, wait a minute.
Tom: What?
Commander Walters: That's correct, ma'am. Every single aspect of Operation: Catfish was a complete fabrication.
Rachel: [Angrily] Operation: Catfish? So is everyone here an agent?! [to the priest, still angry] Are you an agent?!
[The Priest reveals his taser inside his book]
Rachel: Son of a… Was the florist an agent?! How about the photographer?! The woman who waxed my… At the spa? [Slaps her arms again] Is Jojo an agent?!
Randall: Rachel.
Jojo: What?
Randall: Rachel, look, listen to me.
[The priest and another man hold Rachel back. She starts sobbing]
Randall: I am so sorry. I am so sorry. I really am. I am so sorry.
[The agents load Sonic and Tails into cages and take them away]
Tom: No. Hey, no! [Pushes a man out of the way and chases after the agents, punching them one by one] Let him go!
Randall: Hey!
Tom: Sonic, hang on.
[Randall handcuffs Tom]
Randall: Take it easy. It's not worth it.
Maddie: Tom!
Commander Walters: [Confronting Maddie] Ah, ah, ah.
Maddie: Sonic is not a threat. He's on our side.
Commander Walters: He's an uncontrolled extra-terrestrial. And your days of aiding and abetting him are over. Secure them in the hotel until the chopper arrives.
Tom: You're making a mistake.
Rachel: [Angrily] Hold on, Major a-hole! This is still my day, and someone is gonna explain to me WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!
Commander Walters: After the events in San Francisco, a global task force was created, devoted to protecting our planet from alien threats. That day, Guardian Units of Nations was born.
Rachel: G-U-N. [Hands on hips] Seriously?
Commander Walters: GUN, yeah.
Maddie: Look, what about protecting our planet from Dr. Robotnik?
Commander Walters: Robotnik is dead.
Maddie: You're wrong. He's back. And you just hauled away the only ones who could stop him.
[Commander Walters looks at them with disbelief before turning away and dialing on his walkie-talkie]
Commander Walters: Sounds like Robotnik might be back in play. If he is, I want him found immediately. [Hangs up, looks at Maddie for a moment before carrying on] And cancel my 5:00 at the Olive Garden.
[Commander Walters walks off while Jojo walks up to Maddie with Tails' backpack]
Jojo: Aunt Maddie?
Maddie: Yeah?
Jojo: Sonic and his friend dropped this.
[Maddie takes the backpack and opens it up to reveal all sorts of gadgets inside]
Maddie: I have an idea.
Rachel: And I want to have a word with my fiancé. And that word is "murder".

[Scene change: Inside Hawaiian hotel, day]

[G.U.N agents are hauling Sonic, Tails, and Tom into the basement]
Sonic: Hey, come on. You can't just leave us in here. My friend is hurt! He needs a doctor, a vet, anyone! [A agent opens the door] Tails, you got to wake up, buddy. Please. Please wake up.

[Scene change: Outside Hawaiian hotel, day]

[Rachel and Maddie are in the bushes and see that the hotel has several G.U.N agents guarding all the entrances]
Maddie: All right. Game plan. I get inside the hotel and find where they're hiding Tom and Sonic.
Rachel: Okay. Then I find Randall, right? And then I squeeze the breath from his lying, deceitful, PERFECTLY MANSCAPED BODY! [Laughs giddily] I'm going through a lot right now. So let me process this my own way, okay?
Maddie: Sure.
Rachel: Okay.
Maddie: Sure. No judgment.
Rachel: Should've brought a journal. [Brings out a lemon wedge from her backpack] Okay. Is this meant to be a weapon? This is adorable. [Makes shooting recoil noises] Take that, Randall! [Makes more shooting noises] Run, Randall!
Maddie: All right. [They laugh] I guess we're about to find out. All right!
Rachel: Let's go kick some booty!
[Rachel and Maddie walk around the pool, but Rachel stops to have a drink]
Maddie: Rachel! Rachel!
Rachel: In a minute.
[Rachel holds a lemon wedge in her mouth and tosses the rest of her drink away. As they make it around the corner, they are met by Grommet]
Grommet: Stop right there!
Rachel: Get the bag.
[Maddie tosses a mechanical disk under Grommet, which makes a beeping sound. Once it stops, it emits ripples into the air that send the agent flying into the air]
Maddie: He's gonna come back down, right?
Rachel: Huh? I don't know. Good luck!
[Rachel and Maddie look to see the doorway into the hotel that leads to the basement]
Maddie: Look. Tom and Sonic have to be inside.
Rachel: I got a fiancé to vaporize. Watch your back, sis.
Maddie: Okay.
[Maddie and Rachel do a sister hand shake as they split up]
Rachel: Randall!
[Maddie makes it to the entrance of the hotel, only to be met by several G.U.N agents holding loaded guns aimed at her]
G.U.N. Agent: We got her. Move in.
Maddie: Okay.
[Before anyone can shoot Maddie, a fast yellow object zooms past Maddie and hits all of the agents in a split second, knocking them out. Maddie looks to see it that it is a yellow boomerang, which is now being held by Rachel]
Rachel: I did not mean to do that!
[Maddie smiles and Rachel whoops as they both split up]

[Scene change: Hawaii, day]

[Commander Walters and Randall sit together, with Randall looking at Rachel’s wedding ring and their ice sculpture]
Commander Walters: Something bothering you, agent?
Randall: I just feel a little guilty about what I did to Rachel, sir.
Commander Walters: Ah, don't worry about it. We'll send her a gift card. Now, I propose a toast. To a perfectly executed operation.
[Suddenly, the G.U.N agent sent into the air earlier falls down right onto the table where the ice sculpture is sitting and causes it to shatter into pieces, leaving him badly bruised from the impact]
Grommet: Sir, we're under attack.
[Commander Walters and Randall hear shattering in the distance and look to see Rachel riding a golf cart at top speed, hitting everything in sight, with Heart's "Barracuda" playing in the background]
Rachel: Randall, wifey's home! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! [Charges into a table]
Randall: Oh, my God. Rachel.
[Rachel charges right at Randall who leaps out of the way. Rachel gets out of the golf cart which keeps on going and destroys a spotlight stand, grabs a bottle of champagne and drinks out of it and proceeds to toss it away, slowly moving her finger across her throat to show she's out for blood, Randall's blood]
Randall: [Slow-motion] What a woman.
Rachel: [Angrily in ascending tone] You no-good, lowdown, DIRTY, LYING…
Randall: Rachel, just listen to me.
Rachel: What kind of twisted sicko tricks someone into a fake wedding?!
[Rachel and Randall hear a wiring sound and turn to see Commander Walters holding a taser gun]
Commander Walters: Party's over, Bridezilla. Stop right there.
Rachel: You [Sighs] son of a...
Commander Walters: Have it your way.
Randall: No! Nooo!
[Randall leaps in front of Rachel and takes the tasers for her. He falls to the ground on the remains of their ice sculpture]
Commander Walters: Very disappointing, Agent Handel.
[Rachel pulls out Tails' blaster]
Commander Walters: Ha! Is that supposed to be a weapon?
Rachel: I don't know, but we gonna find out!
Commander Walters: Haven't you caused enough trouble for one day?
Rachel: Oh, I haven't even begun causing trouble. HELL HATH NO FURY LIKE A BRIDE SCORNED!
[Rachel fires at the wedding cake and blows it into pieces, making Commander Walters drop the taser and putting his hands up]
Rachel: LOOKS LIKE IT'S REAL, HUH? "Whoa, ah, huh", no. Right.
[Rachel proceeds to walk up to Randall]
Randall: Be honest. How bad is it?
Rachel: Not bad at all. You got tased. You'll be fine.
Randall: I'm so cold.
Rachel: You landed on our ice sculpture. Get up. [Randall gets up. Rachel tries to hold back her tears] Just… Just tell me the truth, for once. Is there anything about you or about us that was... real?
Randall: Rachel, look at me. Before I met you, I didn't think that I was even capable of real happiness. But that all changed when you walked into my life. And I ended up breaking the first rule of undercover work.
Rachel: Which is?
Randall: Never fall in love.
[The two embrace and kiss. The Tornado with the "Rachel & Randall 4-Eva" banner flies past again]

[Scene change: Hotel, day]

[Sonic and Tom hear the door opening, and look to see Maddie]
Tom: Maddie!
Maddie: Come on. We're busting out of here.
Sonic: Maddie.
Tom: How'd you get past the guards?
[Maddie unties Tom]
Maddie: Because that little fox is into some crazy stuff. Come on. Let's go.
Tom: You're amazing.
[Tom and Maddie head over to Sonic and Tails to free them]

[Scene change: Pacific Ocean, day]

[Knuckles and Dr. Robotnik walk through a ring portal and end up in a small island in the center of the ocean]
Knuckles: The Owls were fools to think they could hide this.
[Knuckles places the compass into a slot on the ground. The area suddenly shakes violently]
Knuckles: What's happening?
Dr. Robotnik: Wait for it.
[The Labyrinth erupts from the sea]
Dr. Robotnik: [Elated] Oh, ho, ho ho! Yes. Eureka! I've found it!

[Scene change: Hawaii, day]

[A large pillar of green light becomes visible in the horizon from Hawaii]
Tom: Sonic, what is that?
Sonic: A big problem. The compass led Robotnik to the Emerald.
Maddie: That's got to be hundreds of miles away.
Tom: All right. Huddle up. Let's figure out a plan. Together.
Sonic: [Begins to walk off] There's no time for that. I'm the only one that can get there fast enough.
Maddie: Sonic, this is way too big for you to do by yourself.
Sonic: [Stops and moves his hand to the unconscious Tails] You see that little fox over there? He came all the way across the universe to meet his hero. And what did his hero do? I practically got him killed. You know what? You were right. My moment came and I blew it. I'm no hero.
Tom: Wait...
Sonic: No. I'm not letting anyone else get hurt because of me. I'm gonna fix this while I still can.
[Sonic dashes off to the beachside]
Tom: Sonic!
[As Tom says this, Tails awakens]
Tails: Sonic, wait!
[Tails tries to fly to catch up with Sonic, but due to being in in no shape to fly, falls to the ground, with Tom and Maddie coming to him]
Maddie: Hold on. Hold on. Wait, wait, wait. Don't move. Don't move.
Tom: Take it easy, little guy. You're hurt.
Tails: But we have to help him. You don't know what he's up against.
[They turn to Commander Walters who is still tied up]
Tom: You believe us now?
[Commander Walters nods and lowers his head]

[Scene change: Green Hills, day]

[Wade is riding down the road on a Segway, wearing a helmet with a police light on it]
Wade: Hey, Bob! Hey, Maria, how you doing? Working on my moves. Just keeping it green. No need to burn the fuel. [Stops at the Mean Bean] Speaking of fuel… [Tries to walk in, but slams into the locked door] Closed? Doesn't seem right.
[Wade peeks in through the window and sees Agent Stone working at the computer. His eyes go wide and he leaves the window. Inside, Agent Stone is flipping through new outfit concepts for Dr. Robotnik]
Agent Stone: Close. Yes. Makeover, makeover. Look at you.
[Wade suddenly bursts in through the back door with his gun drawn]
Wade: Freeze! Police!
[Agent Stone raises his hands over his head]
Wade: Oh, my God, you got robot hands. You got robot hands.
Agent Stone: No, they're gloves.
Wade: Get 'em up. [Shouts] Now spread your fingers! Now wiggle 'em! Wiggle your digits! [Stone does so] Yes, like you just finished a big musical number! [Stone does jazz hands] Good!
Stone: Why is there a light on your head?
Wade: 'Cause I'm the sheriff for the weekend, pal.

[Scene change: Hawaii, day]

Sonic: [Losing confidence] Water. Why did it have to be water? [Takes a deep breath] Okay, you can do this. [Gets into a track start position] Gotta go fast.
[Sonic takes a deep breath and speeds though the water. Soon the waves start to pick up. Sonic struggles to keep his balance and himself above water, and eventually is washed into the ocean. He regains consciousness and finds himself at the island, witnessing the path to the Labyrinth]

[Scene change: Labyrinth, day]

[Knuckles and Dr. Robotnik, led and trailed by several of Dr. Robotnik's drones, are running through the Labyrinth. Arrows fly out of the wall, but miss them. A wall of spears blocks the path ahead, causing the leading drones to crash. Knuckles and Dr. Robotnik turn down a side path, then jump down, but are forced to split apart as a large spiked ball swings between them, crushing the trailing drones. The spiked ball then rolls after them, forcing them to run]
Dr. Robotnik: I don't want to die like this! It's derivative!
[Up ahead, a heavy stone door is sliding shut]
Dr. Robotnik: Make room for Daddy!
[Knuckles catches the door and holds it in place long enough for Dr. Robotnik to slide under it. Knuckles dives from under the door just as the ball smashes into it. Dr. Robotnik counts their legs]
Dr. Robotnik: Two and two. Great! We're still bipedals, more or less.
[Knuckles and Dr. Robotnik stand up, looking around for a moment]
Dr. Robotnik: Fire in the hole!
[Knuckles and Dr. Robotnik duck in time to avoid a flame throwing trap]
Dr. Robotnik: I've solved it. There is a booby trap every 7 seconds…
[A swinging blade trap just barely misses Dr. Robotnik's mustache, slamming into the wall]
Dr. Robotnik: That was a little early. So glad it didn't cut off my mustache. Hey, Little Red Wrecking Ball. I know you're dying to get your Emerald on, but can we be a little bit more mindful of our surroundings? May I?
Dr. Robotnik's control glove: In 30 feet, turn left.
Dr. Robotnik: Work smarter, not harder.
[The camera moves to the beginning of the Labyrinth, which Sonic is entering]
Sonic: [Groans] My pelvis. Okay, secret temple, let's see what you've got.
[Sonic starts running through the Labyrinth, barely avoiding traps along the way]
Sonic: No, no, no! No! No. Yes!

[Scene change: Labyrinth, day]

[Knuckles punches through a stone doorway, allowing him and Dr. Robotnik to enter]
Dr. Robotnik's control glove: You have arrived at your destination.
Dr. Robotnik: Wow. That really opened up the space. I can't even picture it with an impenetrable wall now. And the rubble is always a nice touch.
[Knuckles and Dr. Robotnik look to see a stairway leading up to the Master Emerald, which is being held up by a stream of green light stretching into the sky]
Knuckles: At last. The Master Emerald.
Dr. Robotnik: Ultimate power.
Knuckles: Soon, order will be restored. All because of what we have done together.
Dr. Robotnik: Such a lovely sentiment, Knuckles. I think I feel a single tear forming. Sadly, you're as useful to me now as a backstage pass to Limp Bizkit!
[Before Dr. Robotnik can taser Knuckles with his glove, they both hear Sonic screaming and crashes from above them. Suddenly, Sonic crashes through the ceiling with a spiked wrecking ball behind him]
Sonic: Nailed it.
Dr. Robotnik: This guy is always trying to spoil a bad thing!
Sonic: Ah, you guys are here, too? Took the long way, huh?
Knuckles: Is everything a joke to you? Why must you constantly interfere with my destiny?
Sonic: Because my destiny is to protect my friends and family.
Dr. Robotnik: I think I just threw up in my mouth.
Sonic: And if you want that Emerald, you're gonna have to go... through... me.
[As Sonic says this, his eyes glow blue, indicating that he is charging chaos energy. Dr. Robotnik gulps. Sonic then dashes up the stairway. Knuckles builds up his chaos energy and dashes up to a wall across from Sonic. Sonic takes notice of this and leaps to the wall across from Knuckles. The two of them then leap toward each other and collide in midair, exchanging kicks and punches]
Dr. Robotnik: The Echidna's taking no prisoners today! Sonic has heart, but will he lose the quill to live?
[Eventually, Sonic and Knuckles land on the ground, sliding across from one another]
Sonic: I don't want to fight you, but you're not giving me much choice!
[Sonic leaps toward Knuckles, but Knuckles punches him into a waterfall draining from an owl carving]
Knuckles: Too easy. Let's do this.
[Knuckles walks up the stairway, toward the Master Emerald, only to be cut off by Sonic, who slices through the stairway and makes Knuckles fall backwards. Time slows down as Sonic proceeds to run up the temple to right and above Knuckles. He proceeds to pound Knuckles further into the ground. Sonic eventually gets out, only for Knuckles to leap out and rapidly punch at Sonic, only for Sonic to dodge every hit]
Knuckles: Why don't you stand still and die with honor?!
Sonic: Let me think about it. Okay, I thought about it and I pass.
[Eventually, Knuckles hits Sonic so hard that he is sent hurdling right outside the entrance to the room. Meanwhile, Dr. Robotnik makes it to the Master Emerald]
Dr. Robotnik: Hi there, beautiful. You're the real deal, aren't you? (in Italian) "Where have you been all my life?"
[Sonic regains consciousness and looks to see Knuckles holding a boulder in his hands]
Knuckles: Say goodbye, Hedgehog.
[Sonic looks down and sees that Dr. Robotnik is about to get the Master Emerald]
Sonic: Knuckles, stop! Robotnik's stealing the Emerald!
Knuckles: What kind of fool do you take me for?
Sonic: Just look!
[Knuckles turns around]
Dr. Robotnik: Mine.
Knuckles: [To Dr. Robotnik, alerting him] WAIT! That wasn't the deal!
[Knuckles puts down the boulder he is holding and Sonic gets up, albeit worn out and holding his right arm]
Dr. Robotnik: Oh, you poor, naïve creature. It's not your fault. A more advanced intellect would have seen this move coming a mile away. Or 1.6 kilometers.
Knuckles: [Angrily] But I trusted you! You were my friend!
Dr. Robotnik: [Laughs maniacally] I'm sorry. That just hit me funny. Let this be my final lesson to you, you dim-witted celestial skin tag! Friends are open, honest and vulnerable with each other. Which means X squared times the hypotenuse of Y squared, divided by the absolute value of friendship, equals... DOOKIE!
Sonic: [Dreading] Oh, no.
[The moment Robotnik touches the Master Emerald, it glows an extremely bright green and sends a shockwave out at Sonic and Knuckles, sending them backwards. The light dims down and reveals Robotnik holding the Master Emerald above his head, his red suit now black with green outlines]
[his voice becomes distorted as he teleports out of sight. The entire labyrinth then starts to collapse and flood with water]
Sonic: Let's get out of here!
[Sonic makes a run for it. However, Knuckles gets stuck under a column. The water completely covers him up as Knuckles loses consciousness]
Sonic: Knuckles!
[There is no response]
Sonic: Water again? Come on!
[Sonic jumps into the water. He tried to move the column, but it's too heavy. He breathes in a huge bubble to restrain from breathing the water. Knuckles begins to regain consciousness and sees Sonic trying to pull the column up. Holding his breath, Sonic motions him that they need to push this column off together. Sonic counts down from three with his fingers, and together they move the column. With Knuckles free, he swims up to the surface. Sonic tries to speak with his breath held in, but his air bubbles start to exhale out of his mouth, which he covers. Sonic tries to swim, but he only sinks. Sonic struggles to hold his breath and makes a muffled cry for help]
Sonic: [Muffled] I can't swim! Help!
[Sonic begins to slowly lose consciousness. As Sonic is at the verge of drowning, Knuckles' hand grabs Sonic's]

[Scene change: Pacific Ocean, day]

[Knuckles pulls Sonic up on the beach. Sonic coughs for air, trying to suck in the air for his starved lungs]
Sonic: You saved me.
Knuckles: Don't talk to me. I'm not in the mood.
[Sonic throws a ball of sand at him, making Knuckles get on his feet]
Knuckles: How dare you attack me in my hour of sorrow!
[Sonic throws another sand ball, hitting Knuckles square in the face]
Sonic: Why did you save me?
[Sonic prepares another sand ball, but Knuckles throws one large sand ball at him, burying him in sand]
Knuckles: Because you saved me first, which clearly gave you a tactical advantage I do not understand.
[Sonic emerges out of the sand pile]
Sonic: It wasn't a tactic. I couldn't just let you die.
Knuckles: Why? I've been trying to destroy you since the moment we met.
Sonic: Because being a hero isn't about taking care of yourself. It's about taking responsibility for other people.
[Knuckles sits down with Sonic]
Knuckles: Hmm... wise words. An ancient earth proverb?
Sonic: No, sir, that's a Wachowski family special. I got it from a guy in a rowboat. Someone who means a lot to me.
[Sonic looks up and hears something]
Sonic: Wait a second. What's that sound?
[Sonic looks up to see Tails piloting the Tornado heading for them]
Tails: Only Sonic the Hedgehog needs rescuing this much.
Sonic: [Laughs] That sly little fox!
[Sonic looks to Knuckles, who sits looking depressed]
Sonic: Come on, Knucklehead. We're not beat yet.
Knuckles: On the mountain, you told me you'd lost everything. The way I did. But you seem so hopeful and free. How did you move forward despite failing again? And again. And again. And again. And again--
[Sonic gets a little annoyed]
Sonic: Okay, I didn't fail that much. But I didn't do this all alone. I found a new family. New friends. And you can too.
[Sonic lowers his hand to Knuckles]
Sonic: You don't have to be alone anymore.
[Knuckles looks at Sonic and eventually grips his hand, dislocating his knuckles]
Sonic: Ow, ow, ow, ow! Are you kidding me with that handshake?!

[Scene change: Mean Bean Coffee Café, day]

[Agent Stone is handcuffed to a chair and is being interrogated by Wade, who is holding a butter knife]
Wade: I'm done playing games, pal. You're gonna tell me what I want to know. And I am asking you for the last time.
[Wade holds up a plate with a display bagel on it]
Wade: What would you like on your bagel?
Agent Stone: I'm not telling you anything. And that is a display bagel.
Wade: I don't get it with you! I mean, I've tried everything. I was good cop. I was bad cop. I was cop who offers you a bagel. And nothing. It's like…
[Wade tries to bite down on the fake bagel]
Wade: That is a display bagel. Wow.
[Suddenly, all the lights in the café glow green as Emerald Eggman appears, levitating next to them with green electricity coming out of him]
Agent Stone: Doctor, you're here.
Emerald Eggman: Yes, I'm here, and yet I'm not all there.
Stone: Sir, are you feeling okay?
Emerald Eggman: I'm more than okay. I'm upgraded. [Creates music buttons in midair] Sinister 3.0. My game is next level.
[Emerald Eggman teleports behind Agent Stone, startling him]
Emerald Eggman: Hi. I can smell the electricity in your brain. [To Wade] You smell like a snack plate.
Wade: [Nods] Yeah, no, that's fair. I had a couple today.
[Emerald Eggman teleports behind him and takes the display bagel]
Emerald Eggman: Sit down. [Wade lowers a little] In the chair.
[The handcuffs telekinetically unlock, allowing Agent Stone to stand up. Wade takes his place and sits on the chair]
Wade: I didn't know. 'Cause he, 'cause he was in the chair, so I didn't. Okay.
[Emerald Eggman eats the display bagel]
Agent Stone: Sir, we have a problem.
[Agent Stone presses a button to fold the blinds back to reveal that the Mean Bean Coffee Café has been surrounded by tanks and G.U.N agents with loaded weapons]
G.U.N agent: All teams in position!
G.U.N agent: Set up a perimeter! Move! Move! Move!
Emerald Eggman: Incorrectus, my trusty barnacle. After all these years, what I finally got… Is a solution.
[A helicopter lands a few yards away. Walters, Maddie, and Tom come out of the helicopter, with one of the agents escorting them to the Mean Bean Coffee Café]
G.U.N. Mean Bean Agent: Commander.
Commander Walters: Status report.
G.U.N. Mean Bean Agent: Robotnik is in there with Stone and a hostage. Possibly local PD. And I'm not saying he's dumb, but if he is local PD, this town's in a lot of trouble.
Tom and Maddie: Wade.
[The doors of the Mean Bean Coffee Café open with steam coming out. Emerald Eggman comes out, levitating up to everyone with green electricity emerging from him]
Maddie: Umm... Okay.
Tom: Rocking that new spring collection, I see.
Emerald Eggman: Well, if it isn't the Pastry King.
Tom: The Donut Lord. A real genius would remember the name of the guy who helped kick your butt off this planet. And I'll do it again if you mess with Green Hills.
Emerald Eggman: Congratulations on your oh-so-temporary sense of superiority.
Commander Walters: You're finished, Robotnik! We've taken everything. Your lab, your drones, your funding! Let's see how big of a man you are without your silly little robots.
Emerald Eggman: Would you like to see how... big a man I can be?
[With the point of Emerald Eggman's finger, screws and bolts start unplugging from the tanks and vehicles as they start deconstructing themselves]
Emerald Eggman: Welcome... to the new norm.
[Emerald Eggman starts floating up in the air as black clouds start circling around him. More G.U.N vehicles start deconstructing as they are levitated into the cloud, making it grow and swirl]
Commander Walters: My God!
[Agent Stone rushes out of the Mean Bean Coffee Café and faces Emerald Eggman]
Agent Stone: [Yelling] Doctor, take me with you!
[Agent Stone nods as green lightning carries him by the leg into the cloud as it continues to grow and swirl until it becomes a black tornado that consumes more deconstructed vehicles]
Tom: He's taking everything apart.
Maddie: He's building something.

[Scene change: Outside Green Hills, day]

[Through a Ring, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles on the Tornado arrive to see the tornado Emerald Eggman has made]
Tails: That can only be one thing.
Knuckles: The fearsome power of the Emerald.
Sonic: If that thing really turns thoughts into power, we are in big trouble. Robotnik has a lot of bad thoughts.
Tails: Hey, Sonic, are you sure it was a good idea bringing you-know-who aboard?
Sonic: Knuckles isn't really a bad guy. He's just a little mixed up.
Knuckles: I am not mixed up! I have steely focus. And I'm complex. And that's a lot for some people.
Tails: [Chuckles nervously] Hope you're not still mad I hit you with that car.
Knuckles: [Scoffs] I was completely uninjured, and my revenge will come when you least expect it, fox.

[Scene change: Downtown Green Hills, Day]

[A glimpse inside Emerald Eggman's tornado is shown, revealing a mechanical face. Emerald Eggman is then shown floating above a platform with Agent Stone at the control panel]
Agent Stone: Sir, you're magnificent!
Emerald Eggman: Thank you, sycophant. Your admiration is inevitable.

[Scene change: Outside the Mean Bean Coffee Café, day]

[Everyone watches as the black tornado dies down to reveal the Giant Eggman Robot]
Wade: I knew it! Just like the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man.
Emerald Eggman: World domination playlist.
[Emerald Eggman proceeds to play Walk with his leg like a electric guitar and proceeds to dance stomp through town with the Giant Eggman Robot]
Commander Walters: Fall back. Fall back! Quick! Retreat!

[Scene change: Outside Green Hills, day]

[The Tornado heads toward Green Hills as Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles see the Giant Eggman Robot]
Tails: How are we supposed to beat this thing?
Sonic: We need a plan. Knuckles, use your strength to...
[Knuckles folds his arms across his chest and willingly falls off the wing of the Tornado and plummets down to the ground below]
Sonic: ...Jump off the plane. Wow. Okay, this is what we're gonna do.
[Sonic gets on top of the top wing of the Tornado, facing the Giant Eggman Robot]
Sonic: Step 1: Light taunting. Step 2: I have no idea.

[Scene change: Mean Bean Coffee Café, day]

[Tom and Maddie look up to see the Tornado heading straight for the Giant Eggman Robot]
Maddie: Sonic!
[The Tornado proceeds to circle the Giant Eggman Robot]
Sonic: Nice action figure, Eggman. Does it do anything or just stand there looking ugly?

[Scene change: Inside the Giant Eggman Robot, day]

Emerald Eggman: Like a blister, he keeps coming back! He's on the okay-to-kill list. Shoot the missiles. Make a decision.
Agent Stone: Uh, I need a moment, sir. I'm trying to figure out how to do this.
Emerald Eggman: Did you even glance at a manual?
Agent Stone: No!
[Emerald Eggman teleports right next to Agent Stone and proceeds to press buttons on the control pad]
Emerald Eggman: I'll do it. Pardon my lightning. You might want to ground yourself.

[Scene change: Outside the Giant Eggman Robot, day]

[The Giant Eggman Robot proceeds to shoot a barrage of missiles from its chest towards the Tornado]
Tails: Uh, oh.
Sonic: I'm gonna pop that thing open like a can of chili…
[Missiles fly right toward the Tornado at top speed]
Tails: Hang on! Yeah!
[Tails does a barrel roll with the Tornado, dodging all the missiles and relieving Sonic]
Sonic: Close one.
[One of the missiles hits Sonic, making him fly away with it]
Tails: Sonic!

[Scene change: Green Hills, day]

[Knuckles enters the scene, running towards the Giant Eggman Robot on the ground, getting its attention]
Knuckles: Robotnik, DECEIVER!

[Scene change: Inside the Giant Eggman Robot, day]

Emerald Eggman: Die, mosquito.

[Scene change: Green Hills, day]

[Emerald Eggman puts his Giant Eggman Robot's hand on the ground and makes it run right towards Knuckles. Knuckles generates chaos energy in his fist and punches the robot hand very hard, making it flinch]

[Scene change: Inside the Giant Eggman Robot, day]

[Emerald Eggman pulls his hand backward]
Emerald Eggman: Oooh. I felt that.

[Scene change: Green Hills, day]

[Tails flies the Tornado at the Giant Eggman Robot. Emerald Eggman thrusts the Great Eggman Robot's hands around in an attempt to catch Tails]

[Scene change: Inside the Giant Eggman Robot, day]

[Emerald Eggman moves around like a monster]

[Scene change: Green the Hills, day]

[While the Tornado flies around the Great Eggman Robot, Tails deploys a pair of machineguns from the cowling behind the propeller, but the small caliber rounds have no effect on the Great Eggman Robot's heavy armor. The robot's mustache clams together, crushing one of the Tornado's wings and making it crash to the streets in a ball of fire. Tails uses his twin-tails to fly out of the Tornado before it crashes and lands safely to the ground]

[Scene change: Inside Giant Eggman Robot, day.]

[Emerald Eggman is shocked by what had just occurred]
Emerald Eggman: What just happened?
Agent Stone: It's the Stache Smasher.
[Agent Stone holds up a Sega console-style manual]
Agent Stone: Right here in the manual.

[Scene change: Outside Giant Eggman Robot, day]

[Sonic is shown riding on top of the missile that hit him earlier]
Sonic: Return to sender!
[Sonic leaps off as the missile strikes the Giant Eggman Robot on its kneecap. In the head, Agent Stone is rattled about in his seat and knocked unconscious]
Emerald Eggman: Stone? [looks at Agent Stone on the floor] Oh, great. Next thing you know, there'll be a report about a hostile work environment.

[Scene change: Green Hills, day]

[Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles regroup behind a peeled piece of street]
Knuckles: Those were our best attacks and they did nothing!
Tails: We can't beat Robotnik as long as he's got that Emerald. He's too powerful.
Sonic: Look. We aren't strong enough to beat Robotnik on our own, but there's three of us. [To Knuckles] Your strength... [To Tails] ...your smarts, and my speed, together. That's how we win.
Knuckles: So we make our stand here on the field of battle.
Tails: As a team!
[Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles stand across from the Giant Eggman Robot]
Sonic: This is it. This is our moment!

[Scene change: Inside Giant Eggman Robot, day]

Emerald Eggman: Time to fight.

[Scene change: Green Hills, day]

[A swarm of aerial Badniks charge at Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. The trio starts destroying them as they surround them]
Sonic: Bad time to say this, but I don't actually have a plan. Tails, any ideas?
Tails: We have to find his weak spot.
Knuckles: I suggest the groin.
Sonic: What? No, no!
Knuckles: Traditionally, yes. The groin is the weakest spot.
Sonic: Stop saying "groin"!
Emerald Eggman: Hedgehog!
[The Giant Eggman Robot shoots laser blasts from its wrists]
Sonic: Look out!
[Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles dodge the missiles and charge toward the Giant Eggman Robot]
Sonic: I know what his weak spot is. It's me! I'm the groin! Think about it! I live rent-free in this dude's head, so if I go out there and rile him up…
Knuckles: He'll focus on only you, leaving himself open to a flanking maneuver from me and the Fox! Hedgehog, you are a brave and noble warrior! Go to your certain death with honor!
Sonic: We're gonna have to work on your pep talks, pal.
Tails: [Chuckles] Yeah.
Sonic: Let's go!
[Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles proceed to split up. Sonic stops right in front of the Giant Eggman Robot]
Sonic: All right, mustache! You want me? Come and get me!
Emerald Eggman: You don't tell me about coming and getting. I am on the cutting edge of coming and getting! Coming, getting! Coming, getting! Coming, getting! Coming, getting!
[The Giant Eggman robot proceeds to chase after Sonic, very slowly, as Tails holds Knuckles by the arm and flies them toward the back of the Giant Eggman Robot]
Tails: [Struggles] You're really heavy.
Knuckles: That's because I am 1,000,000% muscle! Faster, fox!
[Tom and Maddie are evacuating civilians]
Maddie: Go! Move, guys! Move back!
Tom: Let's go, that's it! Go, go, go, go, go! Keep going! No-no-no-no whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
[Suddenly, they see a pick up truck pull up as the driver pokes his head out the window]
Green Hills citizen: Tom, what the heck happened here?
Tom: [To Maddie] You thinking what I'm thinking?
Maddie: Let's go get our kid.
Tom and Maddie: [To the driver] We need your truck!
[A moment later, they're in the truck and drive off]

[Scene change: Outside Green Hills, day]

[Emerald Eggman continues to chase Sonic in the Giant Eggman Robot, but runs out of breath]
Emerald Eggman: Coming, getting.
[As Emerald Eggman stops to catch his breath, he looks up to see Sonic leaning on a branch on a very tall tree]
Sonic: [Encouraging] Yoo-hoo! So what's the plan here? You gonna build a big robot house? Get yourself a big robot wife?
Emerald Eggman: I'm going to enslave humanity and force them to service my machines. First, Green Hills, then the universe, then the multiverse, then who knows?! Maybe that'll be enough. Full disclosure? You won't be there.
[Emerald Eggman's eyes glow green as lasers blast out of the Giant Eggman Robot's eyes, destroying the tree and making Sonic leap off of it]
Sonic: [Taunting] Eye lasers?! Really?!
[Sonic zooms toward a bridge, but starts to run out of breath. Suddenly, the Giant Eggman Robot rises up next to him]
Emerald Eggman: Snot rocket!
[Emerald Eggman places his finger on his right nostril and aims his left one at Sonic. A laser then comes out of the Giant Eggman Robot's nose and destroys the bridge behind Sonic]
Sonic: No, no, no! No, no, no!
[The blast wave eventually catches up to Sonic. Sonic falls to the ground below and now is unconscious]
Emerald Eggman: [Laughs maniacally] Giving up already? Not so tough when you're fighting someone 700 times your size, are ya? You can't beat me! I'm all-powerful! All-knowing! All-seeing.
[Emerald Eggman turns around as he hears a firing sound and looks to see Tails coming into the cockpit after cutting a hole in the Giant Eggman Robot. He also summon several holograms as they emerge into the Giant Eggman Robot via the freshly made hole.]
Tails and his holograms: Looks like your fancy robot has a glitch!
[The holograms surround Emerald Eggman as he tries to find the real Tails]
Tails Holograms: Is it me? What about me? I'm over here! Up top! Down below! Behind you! I'm over here! Sorry! Over here! Too slow!
Emerald Eggman: You can't outsmart me.
Tails Holograms: Missed me again!
Emerald Eggman: I'm the outsmarter-er!
[Emerald Eggman releases a green shockwave, obliterating the holograms and making the real Tails hit a wall and land on one of the pipes]
Tails: I didn't outsmart you, I'm just the distraction.
Knuckles: Robotnik!
[Emerald Eggman looks up to see Knuckles standing across from him]
Knuckles: I am also a hologram.
Emerald Eggman: Disloyal.
Knuckles: "Dis" is how I roll.
[With one powerful punch to Eggman's chest, Knuckles manages to separate the Master Emerald from Eggman. Without the Master Emerald, the Giant Eggman Robot powers down, unable to function without it. Tails and Knuckles are thrown out of the robot as it falls, both screaming in the process, and they hit the ground below.]
Robotnik: Where's my Emerald? No, no, no, no! No, no, no! Computer, auxiliary power.
[The auxiliary power goes online. Meanwhile, Sonic regains consciousness and looks to see the Master Emerald lying right across from him]
Sonic: [Weakly] The Emerald. It's right there.
Robotnik: Move, you hunk of junk!
[A control computer rises up from the platform and Robotnik gets the Giant Eggman Robot back online. The parts of it that glowed green with the Master Emerald's power now glow a sinister red under the auxiliary power]
Sonic: [Struggling] I have to... [Falls over] Reach it. Come on, come on, come on.
[Sonic limps toward the Master Emerald while the Giant Eggman Robot walks right toward him. Tom and Maddie then appear, riding the pick up truck and heading right toward the Giant Eggman Robot. Maddie sees Sonic]
Maddie: There he is! Go! Go, go, go!
[Sonic makes it to the Master Emerald, but the Giant Eggman Robot lifts its foot and prepares to stomp on him. However, Maddie scoops Sonic up at the last second from the truck, which gets them out of the Giant Eggman Robot's foot range]
Robotnik: NO!
Maddie: We got you, Sonic.
Tom: Hold on!
[The Giant Eggman Robot punches the ground, sending the truck flying until it is on its back. Sonic, Tom and Maddie proceeds to exit the truck]
Maddie: You guys okay?
Tom: Yeah.
Maddie: Okay.
Sonic: I got the Emerald. We can still defeat him. Come on, come on. How does this thing work? What do I do?
[The Master Emerald starts to fade in color and proceeds to break and fall into pieces, with the smaller Chaos Emeralds falling out of the remains]
Sonic: What? No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
[The Giant Eggman Robot looms right over Sonic, Tom and Maddie]
Robotnik: Look at the happy little family.
[The Giant Eggman Robot unleashes a flamethrower, surrounding Sonic, Tom and Maddie with a circle of fire, trapping them]
Sonic: You have to get away from me. I'm the one he wants.
Maddie: Hey. We're not going anywhere. We're family.
Tom: And families stick together. No matter what.
Sonic: I love you guys.
Tom: We love you too, Sonic.
[Suddenly, the Chaos Emeralds levitate, and merge with Sonic, right before the Giant Eggman Robot stomps on Sonic, Maddie and Tom. It looks as though Robotnik finally killed them, as Tails and Knuckles witness in disbelief and horror]
Tails: No!
Robotnik: [Elated] I GOT HIM! I FINALLY GOT HIM!
[Suddenly, the Giant Eggman Robot begins to shake, causing Robotnik to go from ecstatic with victory to uneasy with dread]
Robotnik: What was that?
[The Giant Eggman Robot's foot starts to lift up, revealing that Sonic has transformed into Super Sonic, as he blasts through the foot to save Tom and Maddie. He then flies towards the Giant Eggman Robot's head, and decapitates it, exposing Robotnik, who gasps in disbelieving shock at what he is seeing as Super Sonic approaches him and hovers just in front of the edge of the Giant Eggman Robot's neck, his face locked in a look of righteous anger]
Super Sonic: It's over, Eggman.
Robotnik: [Nervous smile] I like the new look. It works for you. What do you say we just let bygones be bygones? I did some things, you did some things. There are good people on both sides.
[Super Sonic glares furiously at him. Dr. Robotnik discreetly presses buttons on his Control Glove to control the Giant Robot's right arm and fist]
Robotnik: Surely two intelligent beings... can work these things out!
[Robotnik tries to punch Super Sonic with the Giant Eggman Robot's fist. Super Sonic blocks the fist with one hand, without even turning his attention to it, and blows it up. Robotnik is terrified upon seeing Super Sonic easily taking out his robot's fist and arm single-handedly. On the ground, Tom and Maddie get to a safe distance and watch the fight]
Tom: Come on, buddy. Come on.
Maddie: Get him, Sonic!
Tom: Yeah. Come on.
[Robotnik tries to punch Super Sonic with the Giant Eggman Robot's second fist, but Super Sonic blows it up as well, and proceeds to zip straight through the Giant Eggman Robot multiple times, delivering heavy damage to it. As a final move, Super Sonic tips the Giant Eggman Robot over with a tap of his foot]
Robotnik: Oh, it's like that? [Super Sonic glares] Okay, we're not friends.
[The Giant Eggman Robot falls over. Robotnik falls off its platform]
Robotnik: Later, hater!
[The Giant Eggman Robot collapses, defeated, as Super Sonic lands on the ground]
Maddie: Sonic!
Tom: Buddy!
[Tom and Maddie rush toward Super Sonic, only for Knuckles to block them]
Knuckles: Wait! You cannot touch him! The hedgehog holds the power of the Emerald. I am sorry. He is no longer the Sonic you once knew.
Tom: What?
[In a suspenseful moment, Super Sonic creates a cluster of lightning and storm clouds in the skies that he channels into his open palm, but only to summon a chili dog, which he enjoys after taking a good whiff and bite out of it, as if he'd been longing for one for a while]
Super Sonic: Oh, you got to try this.
[Super Sonic snaps his fingers to summon another chili dog, which falls on Knuckles' face, much to Tom's and Maddie's amusement]
Knuckles: [Slightly annoyed] Okay. He is exactly the Sonic you once knew.
[Super Sonic relinquishes the Chaos Emeralds, returning to his original form]
Maddie: Sonic!
Tom: Bring it in, bud.
Sonic: It's good to be back in blue. The golden god thing was fun, but blue has always been more my color.
Tom: Looks good on you.
Tails: Sonic, you were the most powerful hero in the universe, and you let it go. Why?
Sonic: Because I still have some growing up to do. And I kind of like being a kid.
Tom: And you're not just any kid. You're our kid.
Maddie: That's right. Bring it in!
Tails: Yay! Hugs!
Sonic: It's a good thing we didn't do this before. You would've blown up.
[Knuckles pours the Master Emerald shards into his hands and presses them together, causing them to glow. As Knuckles pulls his hands back, the Master Emerald is revealed to have been fixed]
Sonic: You fixed it.
Knuckles: I've spent my whole life questing for this. Now I have it. Now we have it. What do we do with it? What next?
Tails: There were once two orders of heroes who protected the galaxy from those who would use the Emerald for evil.
Knuckles: But they have all passed on to the Great Battleground in the Sky.
Sonic: So we start a new order. The three of us.
Knuckles: This is no light task. We must make a vow; to use our powers to keep the universe safe; to watch out for each other. Our new tribe.
Tails: I know! A power bump!
Sonic: Good idea.
Tails: It's an Earth custom. An unbreakable promise.
Knuckles: Very well. A power bump it is.
Sonic: Power bump!
[Sonic, Tails and Knuckles perform a three-way power bump]

[Scene change: Green Hills baseball field, day]

[We see everyone playing baseball. Sonic is seen as the announcer, Tails is the pitcher, Knuckles is the batter and Tom and Maddie are the field catchers]
Sonic: It's truly a beautiful day for baseball here in Green Hills. An exciting lineup today with the debut appearance of two new players! On the mound, rookie sensation from across the galaxy: Miles "Tails" Prower! Facing off against the powerhouse: Knuckles the Echidna.
Knuckles: Um, I don't understand. Why am I angry at the enemy ball?
Sonic: You're not angry. You just want to hit it as hard as you can and then run around the bases.
Knuckles: But if my quest ends where I am standing, why run at all?
Sonic: I can't with this guy. Why do I even try?
Maddie: This is just a game. We're out here having fun.
Tom: Just having some fun.
Knuckles: Fun. Huh.
[Sonic zooms behind Knuckles, now acting as the plate catcher]
Sonic: All right! Give him the heat, Tails!
Tails: Hope you're ready for my fastball.
Knuckles: Your fastball will be dishonored, and so will you, fox. [Growls playfully]
Maddie: Easy, guys!
Tom: Hey, don't think about it too much. Just keep your elbow up, eye on the ball and give it a ride.
Knuckles: A ride, to where?
[Tails proceeds to wind up his arm, toss the ball into the air and grab it with his twin-tails. He then proceeds to use his twin-tails to toss the ball right at Knuckles]
Knuckles: Power bump!
[Knuckles uses his fist and punches the ball straight over Tails' head and through the score board]
Knuckles: Ha! Victory is mine!
Tails: Hey, no fair! That shouldn't count.
Knuckles: First base is also mine!
Tom: I think that was our only ball.
Knuckles: I have conquered the second of the bases!
Maddie: [Calls] Who wants ice cream?
Tom: Knocked the cover off that.
Sonic: Ice cream!
Tails: Ice cream? Yeah!
Knuckles: I am having the fun! What is ice cream?
Sonic: It's a dessert. If you like fun, you're gonna love it.
Knuckles: Oh, yum. Dessert. Does it have grapes in it?
Sonic: No, not usually.
Tom: I'm proud of our little guy.
Maddie: I really like his new friends, especially the red one. He cracks me up.
Tom: Heck of a swing too.
[Knuckles scoops Tails up and places him on his shoulder]
Knuckles: Come on, fox. Our dessert adventure awaits.
Maddie: Good job, guys. [Ozzy walks up to her] You too, baby. Let's go get some ice cream. Come on, come on.
Tom: I'm happy for you, pal. Got your wingmen. Perfect friends to grow up with.
[Sonic and Tom watch the others get into the truck]
Tails: Come on, Knuckles.
Knuckles: Ah. My victory chariot!
[Knuckles leaps up into the back of the truck, making the entire vehicle shake]
Sonic: I've got a lot more than that... Dad.
Tom: Race you to the truck. 1, 2, 3, go! No, don't go easy on me! I want your best!
[Sonic zooms past Tom as he makes a cool pose on the truck before sliding in with Tails and Knuckles. Tom and Maddie enter the driver seat]
Knuckles: Sonic, I have just been told they have sprinkles.
Sonic: Ice cream and sprinkles? This is your new destiny.
[Tom starts the engine as they proceed to drive off]
Knuckles: What a perfect meal to celebrate my victory over you in base of ball.
Tails: What?
Sonic: I mean, you barely beat me.
Knuckles: Ha! You've never been beaten so hard.
[The camera pans over to a blue ice chest cooler with the Master Emerald lying within. Sonic speeds back over to the cooler]
Sonic: Can't forget this.
[Sonic grabs the cooler and runs off. Credits play featuring pixel animations from Crappy Blue]

[Scene change: Giant Eggman Robot wreckage, day.]

Commander Walters: Agent, I want an update.
G.U.N. Mean Bean Agent: Still searching, sir. We haven't found any sign of Robotnik.
Commander Walters: No one could've survived that crash. He's toast. Good riddance.
[A masked GUN soldier walks behind the pair, pulling his mask down to reveal himself to be Agent Stone who is overhearing their convestion]
Commander Walters: What a mess that lunatic made.
G.U.N. Mean Bean Agent: Sir, there's something else. When we were wiping Robotnik off our database, we found something: A file buried deep in our system and dating back over 50 years.
Commander Walters: What was it?
G.U.N. Mean Bean Agent: Coordinates, sir.
Commander Walters: Coordinates? To what?

[Scene change: Black site]

[The conversation continues in voice over as a pod rises up revealing a black and red hedgehog inside]
G.U.N. Mean Bean Agent: A secret research facility. It was a black site, sir. Someone worked very hard to keep this hidden.
Commander Walters: My God... Project Shadow.
[Shadow awakens, with his eyes flaring up bright vermilion chaos energy. Cut to black and the rest of the credits roll]
